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Conquest Reward Issues and Fallen Empire


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Can't tell if sarcasm.


Part of.


Did those guys seriously prove able to write something stable ? It's been 4 years now and I feel like playing WoW Vanilla sometimes ...


BW is learning to make online games and makes us pay a lot for that ... maybe, if they hired real server programmers instead of switching their staff to the ugly Hero Engine ...

Edited by Sylariss
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I mean, the story looks great guys, but did you forget how to do everything else?


All said. SW:TOR isn't a MMO, from what it seems, but KOTOR3 with online features ...


Now, whether it's wanted or a fail at Austin ... no clue.

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All said. SW:TOR isn't a MMO, from what it seems, but KOTOR3 with online features ...


Now, whether it's wanted or a fail at Austin ... no clue.


It's probably what they want which the player base considers a failure... And it really is a failure.

Edited by LegionAlpha
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Hey folks,


...we will turn off Conquest events for at least the following month.




At least?! Will this be anything like the minor delay to releasing GSF ships or anything like the removal of the Ilum PvP zone until you guys got that figured out?


Eric...Bioware's track record on removing things is not a good one. While this is down indefinitely, please read some of the threads on Conquests...this community has given you guys amazing suggestions on making it meaningful.

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beginning on October 20th when we launch Early Access to Knights of the Fallen Empire, we will turn off Conquest events for at least the following month. Once we resolve the issue, we will let you know when to expect Conquest events to return.

Elder Game Crafting:


  • This new gear requires a new Crafting material that can only be acquired by completing your personal Conquest goals.

Yeah, that's not a great combination.


Look, if as a design decision, BW wanted to have end-game gear only available via drops for the first few weeks, and only then open it up to crafters as well, then that would be one thing. But having a system that's just not working and completely locking crafters out of their top tier schematics as a result? That's just an ugly situation and looks bad for the game.


I hope that the reason this isn't being resolved ahead of launch via an 'all hands on deck' situation (for whatever specific teams work it) is that everyone was already pulling all the overtime they reasonably can in the home stretch of KotFE's release.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Yeah, that's not a great combination.


Look, if as a design decision, BW wanted to have end-game gear only available via drops for the first few weeks, and only then open it up to crafters as well, then that would be one thing. But having a system that's just not working and completely locking crafters out of their top tier schematics as a result? That's just an ugly situation and looks bad for the game.


I hope that the reason this isn't being resolved ahead of launch via an 'all hands on deck' situation (for whatever specific team work it) is that everyone was already pulling all the overtime they reasonably can in the home stretch of KotFE's release.

As it seems I regularly do, I agree with the sentiments in this post.


Really hope you guys can provide a resolution to the Conquest issue, or a workable solution in the interim. Because yeah, having the mats rewarded by conquest but not being able to do conquest is a problem. Sadly this goes outside my "wait and see" philosophy and is objectively in the negative column for the launch of KotFE.

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If it wasn't bad enough conquest is croken and it wont get fixed for some time and with crafting changes as bad as they are. It's one way for BW to make sure people don't get the crafting mat for SM/HM gear.


There will be groups that tear though such a short story in no time. Leaving running all those 1 to 4 year old OPS. AGAIN. Getting schematics they can't make because of where the mat is held.


Might as well limit their ability to craft as well beyond what the crafting is already taking away.

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So let's make it simple... :

- 16 servers

- 5 planets to conquer

- 10 top rankers per planet

So Bioware is just telling 800 guilds they can't fix it? How many subscribers would it impact?:confused:


Assuming 500 players per guild, anything up to 400k players... that doesn't equate to subscribers though, and the number is probably significantly lower than that when you factor in players in the same guild with alts etc.


Still. :rolleyes:

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At least?! Will this be anything like the minor delay to releasing GSF ships or anything like the removal of the Ilum PvP zone until you guys got that figured out?


Eric...Bioware's track record on removing things is not a good one. While this is down indefinitely, please read some of the threads on Conquests...this community has given you guys amazing suggestions on making it meaningful.



My problem is with the nuke from orbit they are dropping on conquest crafting, the only viable way to get conquest points will to be to pvp/gsf.


Giant FU to anyone who doesnt like to do either...


"Yo dawg, i heard you like to craft, so ima make you pvp to craft!"


(Still dont see why they couldnt just cap you from gaining conquest points from crafting once you hit your personal goal, given that the mats you need to craft with are only given as conquest rewards...)

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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How do we get the new "Personal Conquest" material for CRAFTING then if Conquest system is offline?


Sort of defeats the purpose of crafting if you have to wait a month (Besides go grind something else... dragging out the content a month for a bug.

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First off I'd like to start out by saying: HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHHAHAHAA!!!!!!


Second: Just leave conquest off forever it adds nothing to the game and apparently is just going to reward people who didn't put in the time, effort or have the skill to do endgame content with some of the highest tier gear and don't deserve it now

always some smarky person who thinks they're leet and cant miss an opportunity to show it. Your fav aspect of the game is not necessarliy someone elses. And many (but not all) of the people really into HM raiding are just like this, never missing an opportunity to scrape the bottom and show everyone else how much they lack in social skills by belittling everyone for not being as special as they are in the sliver of life/game that they are good at, or like.


Before you wag your finger at me, I do raid and I do HM raiding. But finding *nice) people who do it that don't like acting like playground bullies when they don't get their way (or just are feelign inadequate) is harder than finding a good group to gsf with.


I get you. Now get off my lawn!

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How do we get the new "Personal Conquest" material for CRAFTING then if Conquest system is offline?


Sort of defeats the purpose of crafting if you have to wait a month (Besides go grind something else... dragging out the content a month for a bug.


Something tells me it's going to be more than a month, or should I say, it could be a "month," then breaks again the following week.

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Wonder if the launch date is gonna be pushed back, or at least doubtful the game won't be available till late on the 20th due to patching problems if they try to rush fix this. It's gonna be just one amazing show watching the scramble of this the day of. Get your popcorn ready.
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At least?! Will this be anything like the minor delay to releasing GSF ships or anything like the removal of the Ilum PvP zone until you guys got that figured out?


Eric...Bioware's track record on removing things is not a good one. While this is down indefinitely, please read some of the threads on Conquests...this community has given you guys amazing suggestions on making it meaningful.


You know, I didn't think about that... it is quite possible it will never come back up and they'll just move on and pretend it never existed...


That is a shame...

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Assuming 500 players per guild, anything up to 400k players... that doesn't equate to subscribers though, and the number is probably significantly lower than that when you factor in players in the same guild with alts etc.


Still. :rolleyes:


That is all true... it may be 100k players... but it also may be the 100k most active, most dedicated players...


Not the group you want to piss off...


If it is broken, then it is broken, fair enough... but lord it is a black eye...

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If you choose to participate in Conquests between now and 4.0, please be aware you will not receive your Conquest rewards when the Conquest ends...We will attempt to grant them to those that have earned them in the coming weeks.

It mostly sounds like they do intend to give the encryptions you earn at a later date and just because the CQ is not directly rewarding them right now they could always make them available at 4.0 launch time via other means like from a special vendor or as rewards for operation/flashpoint weekly missions.


I do find myself wishing he said "We will grant them" instead of "We will attempt to grant them" but I suppose it's safer to word it that way and cover their bases since they have already acknowledged that the CQ system is broken.


You can always farm the battlemasters and commanders to get encryptions although obviously if your server is busy you may have a hard time finding them alive plus I imagine smaller guilds would have trouble competing against a larger guild going for the same objective.


If they were planning on giving us access to encryptions in new/different ways then maybe now is the time to say since the crafting conflict seems to be a big part of what is antagonising a lot of people.


Obviously the CQ being broke sucks and is really irritating but it's been broken and neglected for a very long time. At least now they have fully acknowledged there are problems and are going to work on it. I still don't get why they have to take it offline though, just be more careful with their patch deployment schedule until they are ready to launch Conquest 2.0 :)

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While your at it, how about re-vamping conquest completely! like adding true conquest per planet like fighting waves of npc's for points, taking over key points on a planet for points, gsf map to fight other guilds for points etc etc etc... also the rewards can be if your guild places top 10 your guild gets a 10% boost to credits when looting or something in those regards... come on bioware make conquest great! and bring back the idea of driving at-at's! Conquest is just making us run old content and gets boring really really fast as it stands now... just saying...


That would take too much effort. Conquest has so much potential and I was looking forward to it.....Leave it to me to expect anything out of BW. Cool ideas, less than 25% of the effort to implement it.

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My problem is with the nuke from orbit they are dropping on conquest crafting, the only viable way to get conquest points will to be to pvp/gsf.


Giant FU to anyone who doesnt like to do either...


"Yo dawg, i heard you like to craft, so ima make you pvp to craft!"


(Still dont see why they couldnt just cap you from gaining conquest points from crafting once you hit your personal goal, given that the mats you need to craft with are only given as conquest rewards...)

Well...on the bright side, even PvPers won't hit their Conquest goals for AT LEAST a month ;)

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Well...on the bright side, even PvPers won't hit their Conquest goals for AT LEAST a month ;)


At this point ive just run out of words... And we though 3.0 lauch/ravagergate/et cetera was a clusterF... this is shaping up to be one of even more epic proportions....


Had a friend ask today if he and his wife should come back, they had taken a break to play Warlords of Draenor, i linked them the combat, crafting, and conquest blogs, and they decided not to return. (I decided to just let them read and decide without my input, hence the linked blogs)

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Something tells me it's going to be more than a month, or should I say, it could be a "month," then breaks again the following week.


And the it will continue to break every couple of weeks or so for all of 2016.

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At this point ive just run out of words... And we though 3.0 lauch/ravagergate/et cetera was a clusterF... this is shaping up to be one of even more epic proportions....


Except that the majority will be just playing the story...so...


Conquest is more a side project with people, a month off won't kill the game. You're just mad that you can't craft to win in conquests anymore lol

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At this point ive just run out of words... And we though 3.0 lauch/ravagergate/et cetera was a clusterF... this is shaping up to be one of even more epic proportions....

Well the big issue I see is that November is the month of Thanksgiving, which they typically take off (for the month) to spend quality time with their families...then December is the month of Christmas, and everyone knows that the Devs take the entire month off to spend time with their families...followed by the Month of New Years, which is again taken off to spend time with their attention deprived families.


Except that the majority will be just playing the story...so...


Conquest is more a side project with people, a month off won't kill the game. You're just mad that you can't craft to win in conquests anymore lol


I got news for ya buddy...it'll be more than a month.

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