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Cartel Market Changes Coming in Fallen Empire!


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I understand that keeping reputation items bound to a player is warranted, but I think that by simply adding a conversion vendor for reputation (e.g. purple/purple token swap or even a slight loss of value as in swapping a purple for two blues of another reputation) and increasing its vendored value, these two things alone would fix the eventual worthlessness of it from packs.


"Okay, my reputation is maxxed with Shipment 3. Now I can swap the remaining rep tokens for Shipment 6,"


"I really need the cash to get A off the GTN, so I will sell my valuable tokens to a vendor for X credits."


They were on a good track with adding interesting things for those of us that have spent enough to get our reputation to a level where we could purchase the items, but, I felt, did not make it enticing enough. Why not make the rep items you purchase with certificates Bind-to-Legacy? That alone would have spurred me to pick up nearly all of the armor sets and weapons off the vendors.


I do agree that the XP drops were very annoying and should have been limited much more or separated completely, so seeing one less thing from packs if that was it would have been fine with me. But to drop the amount in a pack to 2 and add a larger pool of stuff I potentially don't care about to that very small number of chances for what I want... The only thing the word "excited" will be linked to is my wallet thanking me for spending so much less.

Edited by Rundin
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Just make the cartel market an actual 'store' where you go in and you buy the exact stuff you want. Throw stuff not moving on the clearance rack at a significant discount. Pull stuff now and again and return it as part of a special/seasonal sale to manage your activie inventory and keep its size managable. Whatever.


But let players buy what they want, and make the prices actually more in line with 'micro transactions'.


I can virtually guaranty you will recognize more revenue for that simple change. As it is you eliminate a very large segment of your playerbase because the coin cost for everything is too high. Thus, your subscribers are the largest purchasers from the cartel market and of them, its only a smaller subset that spends any appreciable cash.


Bringing prices down to @ a dollar and you'll have loads of people happily shelling out the several hundred dollars it takes to buy one of everything.


You'll also get more people 'impulse purchasing'.


Or this. I'd be happy with either.


I could actually decorate my strongholds the exact way I wanted with what was available and without gambling like a junkie or farming for days to get the creds to purchase off the GTN.


But, from a business standpoint, this would be a bad move due to a loss in large/mass sales.

Edited by Rundin
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Most of the cartel changes seem OK, time will tell, its just the changes made to the actual game means at least for me the cartel changes have come to late as I am ending my sub soon. Once I drop to preferred I wont be buying stuff from cartel. If I was staying though the changes look good for cartel market. Edited by SavantDreadtech
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  • Dev Post

Hey folks,


Thank you for all your feedback today. Based off of that feedback we will be reverting the change to the reputation vendors. We are still condensing down to a single vendor per reputation, but it will contain all items that are currently available on Live.


Please keep the feedback coming.


Dan Bunten

Cartel Market Producer

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Hey folks,


Thank you for all your feedback today. Based off of that feedback we will be reverting the change to the reputation vendors. We are still condensing down to a single vendor per reputation, but it will contain all items that are currently available on Live.


Please keep the feedback coming.


Dan Bunten

Cartel Market Producer



Awesome, thanks for listening!

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Hey folks,


Thank you for all your feedback today. Based off of that feedback we will be reverting the change to the reputation vendors. We are still condensing down to a single vendor per reputation, but it will contain all items that are currently available on Live.


Please keep the feedback coming.


Dan Bunten

Cartel Market Producer


There goes my biggest concern. But now I'm curious how the CM certificate issue will be handled. Will they still be in packs? Will those of us who have a bunch stockpiled have anything new to spend them on?


Also, the pricing. Since packs will now contain less, will prices drop?

Edited by Millardkillmoore
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Hey folks,


Thank you for all your feedback today. Based off of that feedback we will be reverting the change to the reputation vendors. We are still condensing down to a single vendor per reputation, but it will contain all items that are currently available on Live.


Please keep the feedback coming.


Dan Bunten

Cartel Market Producer


I could kiss you, Dan. But I agree that there are still a lot of unanswered questions.


With a few minor and aforementioned reputation changes, you could always add additional packs to a series. This would give incentive to those who do not have maxxed reputation with a certain series to do so and would reward those who have already done so later on down the line by giving them access to new and interesting rep rewards to purchase with certificates.


Really want to entice people to max Cartel reputations? Unbind the certificates, but keep the reputation tokens bound. The certificates could be sold/bought between reputation holders (a bonus for those that have the rep) or those wanting the simple stronghold deco items such as dancers, waitresses, bartenders and droids.

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Hey folks,


Thank you for all your feedback today. Based off of that feedback we will be reverting the change to the reputation vendors. We are still condensing down to a single vendor per reputation, but it will contain all items that are currently available on Live.


Please keep the feedback coming.


Dan Bunten

Cartel Market Producer

Thank you so much Dan, I appreciate you listening to player feedback!

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Hey folks,


Thank you for all your feedback today. Based off of that feedback we will be reverting the change to the reputation vendors. We are still condensing down to a single vendor per reputation, but it will contain all items that are currently available on Live.


Please keep the feedback coming.


Dan Bunten

Cartel Market Producer


Now just revert mandatory level sync(keep it optional if you want to have it so much), and it all be great))

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Now just revert mandatory level sync(keep it optional if you want to have it so much), and it all be great))


If he could affect this aspect of the game, I am sure he would acknowledge the statement. I personally like the change to older planets, making them worthy of spending my time on. But alas, this is for another thread.

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Just get rid of gambling packs altogether. Its a 'jerk move' anyway and it is a dissatisfier for even your most prolific Cartel market Purchasers.

Why is this so difficult for some people to comprehend? I mean just look at these three sentences:

We are touching almost every item in the Cartel Market to make sure their rarity actually matches the player popularity. This means that it is not a simple Rare = Bronze. Rare might be Silver if it was more popular than we originally anticipated.

They just outright told you that if something was more popular than they expected, they will up it's rarity and by thus make it harder/more pricey to obtain in the future. Exactly what words do they have to use for all people to realize that the sole purpose of these changes is to make more money? As I said before, the ftp-model is simply to get the people who are willing to pay money pay even more of it, and they succeeded marvelously at that!


In my time I purchased about 10 packs total and never got anything I wanted, so instead I switched to buying pieces from the GTN and using my cartel coins from monthly subscription to unlock the sets in the collections and make direct purchases like Satele's lightsabers. I just took a look at the collections, if you look at the armor tab, all armors that are from packs are either titled "RARE" or "SUPER RARE", with the exception of the Revanite Champion's Armor Set which is titled "ULTRA RARE".


To this day I have unlocked 9 "RARE" and 14 "SUPER RARE" complete armor sets (not inlcuding indivitual pieces like efficiency scanners), and no, I don't have any huttball, cybernetic or alderaan nobility sets among them, just sets I actually wanted, and that's just armor sets, not even talking about weapons, colour crystals and whatnot. So while I myself haven't paid real money for those, someone must have paid an absurd amout of money just to make my collection possible, not to mention the collections of everyone else! So yes, they do make alot of money this way and they will continue to do so as long as people are willing to spend it!

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Hey folks,


Thank you for all your feedback today. Based off of that feedback we will be reverting the change to the reputation vendors. We are still condensing down to a single vendor per reputation, but it will contain all items that are currently available on Live.


Please keep the feedback coming.


Dan Bunten

Cartel Market Producer


Thank you.


About the cartel certificates, can you please remove them as a cost since they will become much harder to get in the future. (Influx from the sale will be temporary) Maybe add the ability to trade a cartel cert for a related purple rep token on each vendor for those who have a stockpile. I don't care if you raise the credit charge a bit, but I don't want to be in a spot where I make a new character and can't get the item from the vendor I want to go with it.


Also for clarification, are the 1 credits items still being removed? This is not a huge issue to me, because I'm going to simply buy those decos up to 50 before it hits, but it would be good to know in case this information ever becomes relevant.

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While I am quite sure this has been stated, asked and questioned by many much more eloquently than I, I simply wish to voice my opinion.


My husband and I enjoy cartel packs, we eagerly wait for our monthly installment in order to purchase one or two, and yes, we occasionally purchase them on the auction house as well. They're fun, they offer some great rewards, and the new ones I quite enjoy the 'lesser' items, such as Jawa Scrap and the experience or social boosts.


Right - so at this point, as everyone knows: For 300 cartel coins (250 if they're on sale), you get 6 items, 1 boost, 1 gift of varying types, 1 scrap material, 2 rare items or stronghold decorations and 1 reputation item.

The 'rare' can be a single piece of armor, or something like a box of upper armor and so on.


In the -new- packs, for how much cartel coins - you only get 2 items. Two. That's it. No more. Not even a boost!? No more scrap material!? Are they so game breaking?


I dearly love this game, and I am eagerly anticipating the expansion, but I greatly feel this is a huge injustice to players that don't mind spending a little cash for some fun items.


I would really love to know the reason behind removing those simple, hardly worth anything boosts and scrap material from the packs. I can understand the removal of reputation items, no more reputation vendors because (I can only assume) you're wanting people to buy the 'gold', 'silver', and 'bronze' packs instead of getting some of the nicer items from the vendors for cartel market certificates and credits. Hey, it's your game, if you really feel the reputation vendors where that costly to your profits, so be it.


I simply can not understand the removal of everything else! And the price tag for these 'new' cartel packs will most likely be exactly the same too, wont they? 300 for normal pricing, 250 when on 'sale'. Really. C'mon gals and guys, really. Throw us a bone here and give an explanation on why.


Thank you for reading this.

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Hey folks,


Thank you for all your feedback today. Based off of that feedback we will be reverting the change to the reputation vendors. We are still condensing down to a single vendor per reputation, but it will contain all items that are currently available on Live.


Please keep the feedback coming.


Dan Bunten

Cartel Market Producer




I said earlier I rarely comment here, but it's only right that I match my earlier anger with the relief I feel now. I -truly- appreciate this change, and I can't convey just how genuinely grateful I am that this has been turned around. So again, THANK YOU! Sincerely!

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In the -new- packs, for how much cartel coins - you only get 2 items. Two. That's it. No more. Not even a boost!? No more scrap material!? Are they so game breaking?

Two items -- one of which will always be a companion gift.


Still waiting to see how this affects future pack pricing.

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Great job listening to us, Bioware! Thank you!


Except maaaaybe you want to take a look at that OTHER post with over two thousand posts of angry people arguing over level sync... You know, just a thought.


They didn't look at any of the other 200+ page posts arguing over their silly ideas so why start now? (See Slot Machines for instance)


Besides the scaling now is the whole 'mechanism' behind the KotFE endgame as far as I am able to divine. The way they 'create' content for you while you are waiting for each new chapter is by creating the 'Alliance' system and the way to improve your 'Alliance' is by travelling back in time evidently and redoing quests you did on the old planets repeatedly.

Edited by EnkiduNineEight
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Great job listening to us, Bioware! Thank you!


Except maaaaybe you want to take a look at that OTHER post with over two thousand posts of angry people arguing over level sync... You know, just a thought.


Obviously, this is not the thread for that, as the person in charge here only deals with the Cartel Market.

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Hey folks,


Thank you for all your feedback today. Based off of that feedback we will be reverting the change to the reputation vendors. We are still condensing down to a single vendor per reputation, but it will contain all items that are currently available on Live.


Please keep the feedback coming.


Dan Bunten

Cartel Market Producer


Thank you for listening.

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Besides the scaling now is the whole 'mechanism' behind the KotFE endgame as far as I am able to divine. The way they 'create' content for you while you are waiting for each new chapter is by creating the 'Alliance' system and the way to improve your 'Alliance' is by travelling back in time evidently and redoing quests you did on the old planets repeatedly.


People don't want the sync removed completely, they're asking questions such as: what about GSI areas on lower level planets? Those are 55. And class quests (Like the trooper's and the warrior's) that send you back to old planets to fight high level mobs inside instances? And daily areas? The vast majority of people don't want level sync in daily areas. Other than that, I think pretty much everyone is happy with it... We would just like to have some answers. =/


On a side note, this isn't the thread for it, go over there and read some of it.

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Now that the reputation vendors are not being unduly altered, though still condensed, what will happen with the complete overhaul to the packs and series themselves? I suppose only Dan can answer this, but I am curious. Edited by Rundin
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Thanks Dan!


Would like to know about these items please:

  • REP will be universal now? Meaning all them combined and we max out no matter what REP we get?
  • Will Cartel Certificates continue to Drop?
  • Will Jawa Scraps continue to Drop?
  • Can we get a LIST or published list of items included in say a GOLD box?
  • Prices? Any idea what a box of 2 items is going to cost? I mean it's like 20% of what it used to be so price should be discounted 80% then.


I'm still confused on getting REP from Previous Tiers... we getting any more of those crappy slot machines? Only purpose now is REP for those anyways.

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