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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Hahaha, now you've really lost it. Levels make zero sense in a true scenario. In a true scenario you can be a black belt martial artists and some dumb *** with a gun can still kill you. That's a true scenario.


And anyone with a light saber should be able to basically kill almost anything with one hit.

Edited by Uruare
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That's all assuming that that's the issue. They might simply not want it to be optional. Maybe it's a new way of doing things that makes it easier for them to add new content in. Fewer resources needed for new content means more content is possible in the future.


Not saying this is what it is, but it could be something like that.


ASIDE from quests for Alliance companions, there really shouldn't be any higher level items on the lower planets. They want new quests/etc just make another planet. Or even a phased are in the older planets, that would work. But putting a new quest on an old planet that you have to be downsized to do? Sense, it makes none.

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And anyone with a light saber should be able to basically kill almost anything with one hit.


That is debatable, but then again a ranged gunman should be able to shoot you with one hit as well and that doesn't happen either.


Best thing you don't start talking about "true scenarios". That's where you lost it. EDIT: I guess that wasn't you, so this goes back to the other person.

Edited by Tsillah
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ASIDE from quests for Alliance companions, there really shouldn't be any higher level items on the lower planets. They want new quests/etc just make another planet. Or even a phased are in the older planets, that would work. But putting a new quest on an old planet that you have to be downsized to do? Sense, it makes none.


Do you really think that if you lived on a planet and left and went back to the first planet that time just stood still while you were gone and nobody learned anything since then while you did?


haha, funny.

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The devs want level sync in order to slow down player progress through content, and increase times to farm loot. Because the longer it takes players to do activity X, the longer they will tend to stay subbed, and also more likely to spend money on QoL convenience items once they are introduced.


This slowed progression time combats customer churn and buys the devs more time to content create. Do I like a non-optional level sync? Hell no! I worked hard to get where I am and I want to do things that, while they may be easy, are still enjoyable to me. My time is precious and I hate the fact that they have essentially made everything I do now a lot more time consuming.

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I don't necessarily agree that anything is obvious on a gaming forum aside from players who are passionate about the game in question.


However, there is no doubt that a fundamental change like this is one of those passionate things that will get people riled up. Right now we only know the basics, and hopefully those promised blogs will be coming sooner rather than later since we are now less than three weeks away from the woefully inadequate Open Bet.... excuse me ... "Early Access." I would hope that the streamlined leveling blog will answer all the good question thus far put forward, but I won't hold my breath until I actually see it.

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That is debatable, but then again a ranged gunman should be able to shoot you with one hit as well and that doesn't happen either.


Best thing you don't start talking about "true scenarios". That's where you lost it.


I'm not the one looking to do that. I think it's silly in the context of the game as a whole.

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Hahaha, now you've really lost it. Levels make zero sense in a true scenario. In a true scenario you can be a black belt martial artists and some dumb *** with a gun can still kill you. That's a true scenario.


REally, and if that dummy with a gun get shot by an sniper he never saw coming what then. Story telling means nothing we we can both make crap up.


What I do know it Anakin didn't go back to tatooine and have a problem with sand people. He pretty much one shot their a.s.s.


The experienced and skilled in a SW universe shouldn't as high level toons ever really have a problem with low level scrubs. Not they are now even with this down leveling system but lets not pretend people get weaker because of where they visit or people somehow have a real chance when all things else are even.

Edited by Quraswren
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REally, and if that ******** witha gun get shot by an elite sniper he never saw coming what then. Storry telling means nothing we we can both make **** up.



Which is exactly why it's preposterous to start talking about true scenarios.

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Hahaha, now you've really lost it. Levels make zero sense in a true scenario. In a true scenario you can be a black belt martial artists and some dumb *** with a gun can still kill you. That's a true scenario.

Yavin Soldier 1: Wait a d**m minute, somethings wrong here.

Yavin Soldier 2: Huh?

Yavin Soldier 1: Back at Ord Mantell the Trooper couldn't stand up to Tavus. Yet here he is now taking on Revan IN HIS ABOMINATION FORM!

Yavin Solder 2: What do you think happened?

Yavin Soldier 1: Well, either Revan hit me so hard I'm in a delusional coma, or...

Yavin Solder 2: Or?

Yavin Soldier 1: OR LEVELS ARE B******T!

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I'm vaguely against level sync, but will wait and see. Not everyone is against it, not necessarily even a majority.


Anyway, they merged all the level-sync spam into one mega-thread, and this belongs there.


You keep telling yourself that it's not a majority, but facts are facts. Just cuz you have your head in the sand doesn't mean the sky isn't blue or that there isn't existence outside of the sand hole.

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I'm not the one looking to do that. I think it's silly in the context of the game as a whole.


yeh I saw it was someone else, but that's the point I was making...it's silly to talk about true scenarios in a fantasy game, which is what that other person said.

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I'm not the one looking to do that. I think it's silly in the context of the game as a whole.


Why? It's not silly in the context of the SW universe. There is lightsaber/blaster resistant armor.

Edited by RaiderMid
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It makes no sense for them to let the community implode on the issue further, when they could simply clarify when they intend to provide further information.


Wouldn't be the first time, they've done this and won't be the last.


That's the point. If it's not easy to change it up, why the HELL even put it in in the first place? What, did they think everyone would welcome this with open arms no issues whatsoever?


Why? Because it's their game and that's what they wanted to do. That's the only guess I can give you.

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You keep telling yourself that it's not a majority, but facts are facts. Just cuz you have your head in the sand doesn't mean the sky isn't blue or that there isn't existence outside of the sand hole.

It's not really facts... there is a lot of discussion on the topic on the forums, of that there is no doubt. But notice it is really a couple dozen or so different voices making the majority of posts.


A couple dozen accounts does not a majority make...

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Yavin Soldier 1: Wait a d**m minute, somethings wrong here.

Yavin Soldier 2: Huh?

Yavin Soldier 1: Back at Ord Mantell the Trooper couldn't stand up to Tavus. Yet here he is now taking on Revan IN HIS ABOMINATION FORM!

Yavin Solder 2: What do you think happened?

Yavin Soldier 1: Well, either Revan hit me so hard I'm in a delusional coma, or...

Yavin Solder 2: Or?

Yavin Soldier 1: OR LEVELS ARE B******T!


Funny story but it doesn't actually fit. Good for a laugh though.

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From a roleplayer's perspective the level synch is an absolute nuisance.


I often host RP events with my guild on low level planets where we use the landscape to help built up the specific scenario or setting. This could for instance be the rakghoul tunnels on Taris. Here the Storyteller or Dungeon Master will be typing out the overall situation, whereas the players emote and describe the actions of their character. The actual in game npcs are not invovled in these scenarios and often just a source of annoyance when they aggro us and get in the way. Thankfuly, our high level players has just been able to one-shot them when they attack and refocus on our actual roleplay... Until now.


This forced level sync will make it far harder for us roleplayers to set up RP events in the open world and thus it is not something we appreciate. The worst part is that this could be done in a much better way. Many games has a mentor system where a player can scale to the level of a specific plays or to the level of the player they are in a party with. However the key is that this feature is optional and toggle able.


In conclusion I don't consider this to be just a bad decision, but the worst decision you've made since launch when it comes to annoying the RP community. Also seeming how many other people are concerned and displeased with this forced feature, please listen to your player base and prevent yourselves from committing this error.

Edited by Inzuher
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It's the majority


Thank you for your well thought out post.


Considering that the most heated discussions feature at most dozens of people, both sides included - and there are hundreds of thousands of players, it's a safe bet that it's not a majority of players that are posting here.


Therefore we have **** all idea what the majority of players think. BW will have a better idea when it goes live I'm sure.

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Which is exactly why it's preposterous to start talking about true scenarios.


Agreed so when you said this and got rather specific I was shocked you brought it up:


"Hahaha, now you've really lost it. Levels make zero sense in a true scenario. In a true scenario you can be a black belt martial artists and some dumb *** with a gun can still kill you. That's a true scenario."


This is not a real scenario so things somehow needing to stay equal is a joke. Down leveling just doesn't need to happen to try for some semblance of equality across the universe.


My comment of "The enemies should never remain a threat all teh time because thats not in any way close to a true scenario." playing into that because there is just to much fantasy here in SW.

Edited by Quraswren
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