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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level synch = death of SWTOR


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At first, when I heard about this, I was against it. But now that I'm reading more about it, it's actually fine. Note that Heroics will now give rewards relevant to your level (isn't it?). It would be unwise if bioware let people farm low level planets to get rewards relevant to their level.


After I found out that it scales you to the highest possible level you can do the quest (the quests turns gray if you're 7 levels above it), I'm actually happy about it. Having leveled a character to max just now, I can confidently say that if you're 5-6 levels above the quests especially heroic 4s and you got the best mods possible at your level, you'll have no problem finishing it considering you got a tank/healer companion. I had no problem doing Heroics this way. Someone correct me if I'm wrong please.


I thought at first that they were going to level sync you to the level of the quest itself, thus, making it harder to solo.


Also, I had no problems running away from mobs 5-6 levels below me. I don't get unmount whenever they attack me as long as I'm farther away from them.


I wonder, are the heroics going to be once a day thing still?

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Why would I be against it being optional?


I think this is a good idea to allow people to help other players that are lower level and guild members.


Why should it be optional when people have requested an option to group up with friends/boy/girlfirends/spouses/guild mates and told to deal with it. People tell these people that it is resources and BW can't do it well if some of you can tell us that then why would I ever support them making an option for this.


Maybe it seems a bit strange to you but I will not support this when all we get from people when we ask for an option is "deal with it."


Of course some of you are going to say the majority wants this because of your circle of friend but when I check the forums it is the same ones arguing about an option, that does not make a majority and other sites outside this forum I rarely trust.


On the game that would also depend on your server and when I was playing last night there was not a majority not liking it.


So since they couldnt' make an option for something that people have asked for since we learned of the expansion I don't think they should make an option for this.

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Well OP, you're right and wrong.


There are some that are probably being overly pessimistic about the change. Announcing that you're going to unsub is seemingly more for self-satisfaction than to be a constructive criticism. There are however legitimate concerns on how this will affect gameplay. It just isn't so black and white on this; but it remains to be seen exactly what impact it will have...


If the impact is minor, but with the benefits of the level sync: Then this change is good.

If the impact is major, worse so than any benefits provided: Then this change is bad.


Time will tell.

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"Just let everyone play exactly how they want to play!"


What a terrible argument. Oh, I don't want to grind for gear. Please give me the option to obtain all of the best gear for free. If you don't like that, you don't have to use it!


SWTOR is a game. Games need to have rules in order to maintain their status as games. If you turn everything into a toggle, the game's integrity would be destroyed. The new level sync system is absolutely for the best and I hope BW doesn't back down from it.

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Both sides make great points.


keeping high levels from harassing the low level players (which on my server is an issue, and it is a PvE server, but the harassment ensues in the form of high levels keeping entire areas cleared while they farm leaving nothing for low levels to kill and no crafting nodes to level gathering on) is going to be something I enjoy. Yet at the same time I can definitely feel empathy for those who want it to be optional. For the people who just want to be able to go to an old area without being harassed by mobs, I definitely feel for you. I truly do.


I think the bright sides at least are:


  1. When you are sync'd, you are sync'd at the highest possible level of that planet's level range.
  2. if you are a high level, regardless of gear, You will be so OP that you will completely walk all over even Heroics. Eric demonstrated this on the live stream. He was in average level 60 gear (he showed us the tool-tips) and he went to Dromund Kaas and was practically one-shotting silvers and golds in a heroic area.
  3. For the RP crowd - I still think there should be plenty of open areas with no aggro for role-play purposes without being disturbed by mobs. It's not what you were hoping, but it's still possible.
  4. You have ALL of your skills, even your high level ones. Only your stats are adjusted. So swatting stuff that does bother you will be so easy even a human could do it. It could be worse. FFXIV does this type of sync and when you sync down, you lose access to higher level skills. THAT totally sucks sometimes.
  5. A midget running across the street naked does not necessarily have to know that he just traumatized a bunch of poor chaps on a school bus whilst doing so.


It's a glass half full for some, I think. Others see it as a glass half empty.


Unless you are a systems engineer and see the glass as simple at 50% capacity and holding.


One thing IS for sure, though. I am now VERY happy my main classes are stealth classes XD

Edited by Faelandaea
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Just like the 12xXP threads, there is a group of people that want to play the game their way and so everyone should play their way. Many of us want this new level syncing to be optional just like 12xXP is because WE want to play the style WE want to. But the Pro side doesn't want to hear it


"I want to help level up guildies." Good for you and if I want to do the same I'll choose the level-sync.

"You get XP and great door prizes." If that is important to me then I'll choose the level-sync.

"Why bother going to a low level planet just to one-shot grays?" I have my reasons and if those don't satisfy me, I'll choose the level-sync.


So you ProLSers out there, why are you so anti-optional? Why can't we play the way we want to and instead need to do it your way?


And PvPers, I understand your concerns completely but you have a different issue with ganking that us PvEers don't have. On PvP servers having it optional defeats the purpose.


They don't have any actual reasons apart from that they're very fixated on controlling his everyone else gets to play.


They'll say that's not it at all and try to frame up 'think of the children' style deflective distractions from the simple fact of the matter, but the fact remains that there are some people that are very sphincter- wounded over most things that allow others to play the game in ways that don't personally support and approve of.


They're very angry that anyone should get to play it is they're not going to 'play right' and they obviously know better than the scrubs and fools that just don't understand what 'MMOs are intended to be'.


So, they're not content with doing their own thing. They'll never be happy until you have to do it just like they do, because in their minds, only they are having fun the right way.


So, there is no actual argument of reasoned basis there. Just asinine control freaks with meglomania.

Edited by Uruare
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We really need no reason. If Bioware felt they could do it optional I am sure they would have. They did not, and I am sure they have good reason. It is not like Bioware is making choices to upset people. They make changes that is a good idea, and work with the limits of the engine itself.



So it is not a matter of we are against it. We are saying that it is not that way for a reason only Bioware knows. And that is good enough for many of us.




I would like to add that if downscaling was optional, you would have to get old rewards. Now the question is: is it possible to make the same quest give scaled rewards and old rewards pre 4.0 depending on your choice? Would the engine handle that? Would that cause a lot of bugs and potential exploits? Let's say you choose not to be downscaled, yet you get scaled rewards. That's unfair to everyone else who decided to take a bit higher difficulty than the god mode. I think it's highly possible that it would cause the mess. That's one of the reasons Bioware didn't decide to make it optional.


Now, is Bioware stupid to implement such a feature? No. It's like saying Bioware is stupid because they don't make regular PVP and Raid content. They use their database to decide in what direction they should go with the game. Clearly the data said only a bunch of 60s were returning to the planets to do stuff, so they decided that downscaling will cause more good than harm.


They also thought about players that liked to do stuff in the god mode. You are not nerfed to the ground. You are still superior to mobs on the older planets with your every unlocked skill and the highest level available for that particular planet. The only change is that instead of one-shooting everything, you will 4-shoot everything but in exchange get relevant rewards and credits for your true level.

Edited by PavSalco
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I never said I was against it being optional. That fact that it can change between now and launch is exactly why I find it retarded for people to be overreacting and making a mountain out of a mole hill because that's all this is.


People see a change they don't like so they come here and whine and make threats like little children instead of acting like adults and putting their thoughts and reasons as to why they don't like it into a constructive post free of said whining and threats. If people had done it that way there is a good chance they would have persuaded Me to support them but as it is no one has yet to do that.

Edited by Anaesha
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OP isn't paying attention to the forums I take it.


Multiple threads with people unsubbing, makes your post false.. :rolleyes:


Lies, if they are unsubbing for a feature that gives them more credits, xp in exchange from instead of one shotting mobs now two shotting them. I think they are lying, or just using this as a excuse to break the cuffs.

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Ok, so how would "optional" work exactly?


I decide to do the heroic quest in DK as shown in the stream... I port in and am scaled from level 65 to 18. So I start the mission and then some level 35 arrives, this guy is opting to not scale and is one-shotting everything... what now? Do you really even consider this?


Of course they do, and they want to be that 30 one shotting everything. That you are trying to do the quest doesn't matter, it's all about what they want to do.


Of course, on the flip side, and I didn't see the list, and it's not on the Dev Tracker as of yet, there are some heroics that you have to run through in order to do class missions, are they planning to provide taxis to these quest entrances? Chapter 2 for BH and SI both have you running through Heroic areas to get to phase entrances for your class mission, the SI has to do it multiple times. So I'd like to see how they plan to address this issue too.

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Lies, if they are unsubbing for a feature that gives them more credits, xp in exchange from instead of one shotting mobs now two shotting them. I think they are lying, or just using this as a excuse to break the cuffs.


That is the most convenient stance to take in order to dismiss the concerns of others, isn't it?

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Lies, if they are unsubbing for a feature that gives them more credits, xp in exchange from instead of one shotting mobs now two shotting them. I think they are lying, or just using this as a excuse to break the cuffs.


I actually never went to old planets and i never will went to old planets with or without sync. Still i am in opposition to this. The reason is simple: Rather than creating new content (that is what i want) BW is more and more recycling old content and trying to force this upon us. If one is not happy with the way BW is going, you have to raise concern.


BW is, sad to say, one of the masters of recycling in the gaming industrie. Ofc this comes from the presure from EA.

Edited by Neglience
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I admit, I don't see the benefit of it. It adds nothing really. The argument that old content is relevant again is laughable. So you're going to do the old heroics again, that you've done how often before? 50 times? Really? I saw Musco play Friends of Old and my only thought was "Yeah, I'm so going to do that for the literally 100th time. Not."


But I also don't see the doom and gloom of it.


My only question for is "why?" I mean, what is the point? Yes, it somewhat changes dynamics, but for what reason? It adds nothing. The 60 gear? What is it? 188? 190? Ziost takes you to 190 as it is.


Is it all just a huge troll by Bioware?

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Lies, if they are unsubbing for a feature that gives them more credits, xp in exchange from instead of one shotting mobs now two shotting them. I think they are lying, or just using this as a excuse to break the cuffs.


That's some dynamite dismissal, there.

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Not meaning to sound weird but how is this change warranted? Why was it needed?


Not a weird question at all.


The change was warranted because many high-level toons were farming WBs and not allowing lowbies to gather and take down the bosses at level. WBs are a primer for group and end game Ops, not to mention a lot of fun at level.


Second, the changes and levely sync will re-invigorate old content at least for many will return to old planets to try things out and given that xp will once again be important, many will grind the old Heroics for rewards and xp. This is also warranted as another method of gaining xp. Dailies are a grind, adding planetary heroics to the mix will give players options on how to grind out xp.


Third, this was a necessary change because old planets and gameplay is stale. There is no reason to go back to planets once you level through. And so, when players get to endgame they simply run out of things to do. Re-invigorating these areas for players is necessary to keep the game fresh. It will go stale again as it were, but these are the type of things needed to keep players interested for a little while at least.


Net, net,


Old content will be relevant again even if it is just for a little while.

Vets can do content with lowbies at level. Great for grouping, guilds, and replay-ability.

Openworld will have a sense of danger as it should.

Certain achievements will require thought and skill.

WB mechanics and takedowns will mean something.

Openworld PvP will be less of a gank fest.

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I'm already bored to death again with the game having just been back 2 months. I made it about the same time I made it at launch, and like launch I'm ready to leave again because the game is bad.


Only thing keeping me around right now is promise of story, if that ends up sucking I'll be gone again.

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Well my opinion on this is that while it isn't necessarily a bad idea, they need to make it optional.


For the first one it's that while I'm leveling crew skills, which is already a credit drain, I don't want to spend loads of creds on the GTN or running the missions so I go to old planets and get mats.


Did you see the part in the stream about gathering changes. If you have 500 skill, go to a low level node and you will gather MANY more mats from the nod. Bottom line, Gathering will be shortened in time (or you will get a lot more)


For the second, level scaling would destroy my immersion in the game, for example my level 60 Sith Jugg, the

Empire's Wrath

goes to DK to get mats and gets attacked by some rebel slaves, my Jugg should annihilate them but nope, with level scaling my level 60 Darth could actually get beaten by three slaves. And like Rhyltran said, I'm not saying immersion takes priority over game mechanics I'm just saying that it would break immersion and it actually wouldn't make sense considering they already have the mechanic where mobs that are ten levels below you can't damage you so for people saying that Bioware didn't intend for us to faceroll those lower mobs, explain that :p.


Again watch the stream. Musco was in a new 60 with starter gear and a companion with no influence. He took basically no damage. The greenies will fall like dominoes to (your spoiler)


For the third, while some people may come on for the challenge (and I occasionally do) that's what OPS and FP's are for, I come on for the story, crafting and chatting to my guildies, so I don't like the idea of having to deal with mobs I've killed hundreds of already just because I wanted to go exploring and relax.


So yeah while I get why some people want it, there are other people who play the game for different reasons, hence why I think it should be optional like, as another person said, the 12x xp, which when people who didn't want it raged, Bioware gave them a choice so why not do the same for this?


Another consideration is new folks to the game that start at lvl 60. They can come back and do some planetside heroics or exploration quests and still get comms and drops. A person running through one-shot'ing the mobs is a hindrance to that. Not trying to talk you down. Just adding somethings to consider.

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OP isn't paying attention to the forums I take it.


Multiple threads with people unsubbing, makes your post false.. :rolleyes:


The problem is some of these individuals have stated before, when something was done they didn't like, that they were unsubbing then as well. It is hard to believe them when they have done that numerous times is the past and yet they were still here.

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