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  1. Never? Darth Maul ring a bell? (You know the Zabrak in the Phantom Menace that was a sith Lord)
  2. Not actually true for all casuals. The guild I am in is casual and they been here since launch and "shock" they still play. I was lucky enough to find a guild like this when I came here.
  3. Not a big deal to me. I don't get bothered by romances to a NPC.
  4. There are reasons people refuse to group up in heroics (1) They want to do it themselves. (2) They don't know you (3) They don't like blind invites. DO NOT give me the excuse well you are in an open area so it is not the same. If you are waiting for something to respawn YOU CAN ask them first. The excuse it is an open area is wearing thin on these types of post. You are waiting for something to respawn and you can't ask someone to group up and then you want to know why they don't group. Sorry, asking first is polite. (4) They are waiting for someone to log on and if they are in the middle of something they are going to log and go join their friends, boyfriend, girfriend, spouse and leave the area. Some people are playing with people and they do not want to get in a group if they are waiting for someone to log on. (5) They don't like to group with people that tend to want to continue in the group even after you disband from the group. They recieve messages like (a) Why did you disband (b) You should have stayed in the group © Can I put you on my friend's list. and then when you log on hey can you come help me do this........ Yes those things have happened. Some of us have been through that too many times and yes on heroics. I will group: (1) If someone has enough courtesy to ask me first (Reread #3 before you say I don't have time) Have a good day.
  5. Of all the stupid idiot things to do. You put a mission for a companion for pvp and don't give a person a way to reject it. Do you have any brains? Do you dont' realize there are people that hate to pvp? Stupid, stupid, stupid. If you going to do something that essentially forces a person that hates to do pvp then this is not about our choices. I know people who essentially will freeze up when they enter a warzone. Did you even consider this? Hell no you don't use the brains you have to consider that. You just hear all the complaints on the pvp side wanting more people so you stupid people think it would be fun to push people into pvp just for a stupid damn companion and then you decide to lock the others behind this so you can't get anymore. Do me a favor and remember not everyone likes to pvp. I can get someone to take me so not a damn problem for me but it is for people I know and for those that freeze up doing pvp it is a major problem. Stupid idea that you can' t reject one!
  6. I like the story but what disappointed me was The fact that my boyfriend and I were forced, yes forced, to do the first three chapters solo, which was contrary to what they said. They said it could be done in groups, though you would have to do it twice. Not so true, they failed to mention the first 3 chapters you have no choice but to solo them. My boyfriend and I went to my ship, like we have done on Ziost and I clicked to start and imagine my surprise he couldn't join me for the first 3 chapters. I don't care if you all think this is not a problem but to those of us that have grouped with people from launch this was a major disappointment. Even in my class story he was able to travel with me to Point Nowhere, etc as long as he was on my ship. This was not the case here and this is not something they should force you to do. Yes forced it you want to do the story you have to do the first 3 chapters solo, you are not given a choice. Bad move bioware!
  7. I was unable to sub for part of one month and will not get the reward nor the early access but it was my fault, not BW. I am taking fully responsibilty for my actions. I don't expect them to turn around and then let us buy the items. It would be a slap in the face for those that stayed sub for all t hose months and very unfair to them. The information has been here when they first announced the expansion. This is given to sub and it should be. Subs that have stayed and supported the game, even though all the problems, should have something special. I know subs that have been here since prior to launch and no matter how upset they get over some things, they have stuck with the game and supported them.
  8. Well I thought of something when I was looking at this outfit on my boyfriend and he laughed, which I imagine some of you will as well. The top of this armor can actually be used as a dress for a lady. It is long enough and design in the right way and when dyed pink it makes a nice dress.
  9. What about the ones that have been requesting an option to level together in the new expansion without having to do it twice, where is our option ? What is fair for one group should be fair to the others.
  10. Why would I be against it being optional? I think this is a good idea to allow people to help other players that are lower level and guild members. Why should it be optional when people have requested an option to group up with friends/boy/girlfirends/spouses/guild mates and told to deal with it. People tell these people that it is resources and BW can't do it well if some of you can tell us that then why would I ever support them making an option for this. Maybe it seems a bit strange to you but I will not support this when all we get from people when we ask for an option is "deal with it." Of course some of you are going to say the majority wants this because of your circle of friend but when I check the forums it is the same ones arguing about an option, that does not make a majority and other sites outside this forum I rarely trust. On the game that would also depend on your server and when I was playing last night there was not a majority not liking it. So since they couldnt' make an option for something that people have asked for since we learned of the expansion I don't think they should make an option for this.
  11. And people in this forums are acting mature? I don't think so. And on that note have a good week.
  12. I think it is a good idea to be able to help your friends or guild members without hurting their level. It is good that there is a challenge now on these other planets. Oh yes I know some of you want an option. But funny thing is when some of us ask for an option on the mission on the new expansion as we like to group with our friends/boy/girlfriends/spouses we were told you not going to have an option so you have to deal with it and do it solo or do it twice. We were always told by a lot of you that we needed to deal with it well now: You are going to have to deal with this.
  13. I know it is a strange concept to some of you that people actually like to play the game with their friends, boyfriends, spouses but people have came to the game just to do that. We enjoy playing with them, a total shocking experience, I know, but not any less important than some of you wanting to play the game solo,except most of the times we are ridiculed or worse from people because they don't understand how people like playing together. Have you ever taken the time to consider some of these individuals play together because they are separated right now due to one of them being in the service and this is something they can do together. No, of course not, you don't care about those people. All some of you want to do is worry about some stupid NPC romance, which is the same for everyone. That is the only thing that is important to you and who cares about how someone else plays. You don't give a damn about anything but your damn self. Maybe if you would take the time to see that there could be others that enjoy playing like that you might have a little compassion instead of not understanding. My best friend plays with her boyfriend and they have always played together and with him being in the service this game is a way they can do something together. But does anyone care? Hell no, not even BW. They could have put in an option but no that was too difficult for them and who the hell cares!
  14. Why is it silly? I am going to miss out as well but I am not asking for him to be put on the cartel shop for something I did. It was very clear on the page you had to be subbed for one of two days and if not then it is our fault not BW and no they should not give in to those complaining it should be given to us. I accepted responsibility for my actions , something that everyone should do and not expect BW to not hold to what they said as it is a sub only by a set date and on this one they gave you two dates to get it.
  15. Actually not everyone. I am unsure whether I will get him due I had to cancel my sub for a bit but that was something I did. They have a rewards system and it officially states how you would get the reward. If you don't sub by the date then it is your fault. I am not going to whine or blame BW for something that was in my control. It was stated for a while how to obtain the rewards.
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