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Game Update 4.0 Class Changes: Jedi Consular + Sith Inquisitor


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Pretty meh.... I knew we were getting Phase Walk, but it would have been nice for Sorcerer/Sages to get something new. Ah well. There are a lot of uses for it so I guess it will be fine, but all this teleporting seems a bit silly to me. Edited by Master-Nala
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As a sin the prospect of a teleport to target is the one thing we really needed as a gap closer. The fact that it gives us 3 stacks for breach/discharge is just gravy on top. What comes to mind immediately is phase 1 revan HM, when forced to run around the pillar, so much downtime, now we can just teleport back in and immediately discharge to help play catch up.
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Sin Changes: New ability for staying on target as pointed out during mechanics that force you away from boss (Walkers, Titan 6, Revan, MB, etc..)


Sins (Besides Deception a Spec with lots of positioning set up) and Sorcs would benefit a lot from having some AOE damage reduction passive really *** or make the freaken DoTs on Cora DoT damage instead of AOE :rolleyes:


The Barrier on the move is awesome for PvE now I don't have to die from Damage underneath me after it breaks making it useful for emergencies (although inb4 PvP QQ)


But seriously give us AOE damage reduction like the rest of the classes please. Or give us medium armor k thanx :p

Edited by FerkWork
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Can someone from the combat team please explain the rational behind these changes mad dash a 20 meter uncontrolled run versus a teleport or jet packing back 20 meters.


Does no one in the development team play the game or read the forums. This is so clearly unbalance playing half the classes is going to be trolling as you will just be rubbish no matter what you do

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we wanted to give Assassins and Shadows a better way to stealthily approach or return to their enemy target


we wanted to reinforce the slipperiness of Operatives and Scoundrels, so we gave them a new ability that allows them to more easily chase down or flee from their enemies


You see comments like this, see what these classes get compared to some others (Mad Dash) and you have to wonder if they're playing favorites or just don't have a clue. Their obsession with teleporting is baffling. Wish this combat team would just stay away from the game.

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Can someone from the combat team please explain the rational behind these changes mad dash a 20 meter uncontrolled run versus a teleport or jet packing back 20 meters.


Does no one in the development team play the game or read the forums. This is so clearly unbalance playing half the classes is going to be trolling as you will just be rubbish no matter what you do


This is just a mobility arm race, instead of keeping the number of free variables in your system constrained for easy(-er) balance they are just adding more and more into it. This is liking throwing all of your gas over a fire hoping it gets extinguished by lack of oxygen.

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My thoughts on the changes the Devs are proposing below, under the yellow text from the linked page. :cool:

Of course, long post below. :p


Phase Walk has moved into the Inquisitor/Consular base class, granting its use to Sorcerers/Sages as well. It can be trained/granted at level 61.


Well, one more escape doesn't hurt. Godbubble is good if the team is supporting you, otherwise it's just delaying the inevitable, unless you pick the Heal-Bubble utilty. Which I don't, feels too Op for my taste. ;)


On to Assassin/Shadow, but I won't enter Disciplines details as I lack the proper knowledge and I would rather not say anything stupid. :rolleyes:


New Ability: Phantom Stride/Shadow Stride! 30 meter range, no GCD. 30 second cooldown. Use the Force to move through time and space, appearing at your enemy target and increasing your movement speed by 75% for 3 seconds. Does not break Stealth. Cannot be used against targets in cover. Requires a Double-Bladed Lightsaber or Electrostaff.


Very interesting the fact it doesn't affect Snipers/GSers in cover, but having to target an enemy while allowing to remain stealthed... I don't know, I don't really see the point. Unless it's just for positioning and doesn't force an attack? Am I misunderstanding this skill? :confused:


New Utility: Snaring Slashes/Strikes! Thrash/Double Strike, Voltaic Slash/Clairvoyant Strike, and Lacerate/Whirling Blow reduce the movement speed of the targets they damage by 30% for 6 seconds.


New Utility: Speed Surge/Kinetic Acceleration! Shock/Project, Ball Lightning/Psychokinetic Blast, and Creeping Terror/Sever Force increase your movement speed by 50% for 6 seconds. This cannot occur more than once every 12 seconds.


New Utility: Phasing Phantasm/One with the Shadows! You can use Phantom/Shadow Stride while immobilized, and it purges immobilizing and slowing effects when used.


Hmmm... Stalk Wars much? With Force Speed, the Phase Walk, these the three Utilities and the new teleport, I feel the mix may be a bit OP, especially in PvP, but Shadow/Assassin is just a secondary class to me. Still, a good idea to have the new teleport be usable while stunlocked. That much I agree on, nothing worse than dying because of stunlock and lack of support, rather than proper focus. ;)


On to Sorc/Sage now.

I won't enter all Disciplines details as I don't have enough knowledge of all three to make comparisons, but since I main a Lightning Sorc... :D




New Passive Skill: Fulgurous Fortification/Telekinetic Refuge! Lightning Bolt/Telekinetic Burst stacks damage reduction on the Sorcerer, stacks up to 3 times lasting 10 seconds. Each stack provides 3% damage reduction.

Lightning Flash/Telekinetic Gust is now trained at level 42 (up from 41).

Lightning Bolt/Telekinetic Burst is now trained at level 58 (up from 57).

Charged Reaction/Mental Continuum is now trained at level 60 (up from 59).


Damage Reduction on Lightning Bolt/TK Burst? Nice, considering how often we use it, and how much focus we have to face in PvP. In PvE, I guess this may allow us to resist enemies longer if the Tank is distracted? :p


New Utility: Dark Speed/Benevolent Haste! A completed Dark Heal activation increases your target’s movement speed by 50% for 6 seconds. This cannot occur more than once every 12 seconds.


Speed Increase out off offhealing, and on the target you offheal, huh? Interesting way to save a Healer, for sure. :D

Well, for first tier that's a lot nicer than a few other things we have already. Guess I'll give it a try. :)


New Utility: Shifting Silhouette/Ethereal Entity! Using Phase Walk to return to its marked location grants Shifting Silhouette/Ethereal Entity, keeping you from being leapt to or pulled and making you immune to interrupts and ability activation pushback for the next 6 seconds.

Conspiring Force/Confound has been moved from Tier 3 down to Tier 2.

Force Mobility has been updated: In addition to the other abilities it already allows you to use while moving, it now also allows you to use Force Barrier while moving.


The new utility looks very interesting, as the main problem with a ranged class is being leapt at by enemies. I do recognize a pattern with Mercs though, with the difference of range (Sorcs/Sages have more) and LoS (Mercs are susceptible to it, Sorc/Sages aren't). :confused:

Conspiring Force I've never used, so I can't speak about it. :o

The Force Mobility Update, however, looks juicy... My main concern was having to root myself to use it, but if I can keep it up while positioning properly to be of use, even with a single knockback... All the best. :D


All in all, not finding much to disagree on, although admittedly some of these abilities are quite a bit overtuned (Phase Walk in particular is too much better than the Merc/Commando escape, same with the mobile Godbubble and the fact Mercs/Commandos don't have anything like it). Or rather, the other classes' abilities modelled like these are undertuned. Tbh, I'd level the field a bit more. :p

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Phase Walk has moved into the Inquisitor/Consular base class, granting its use to Sorcerers/Sages as well. It can be trained/granted at level 61.


Force Mobility has been updated: In addition to the other abilities it already allows you to use while moving, it now also allows you to use Force Barrier while moving.


And mercs gets a 20m backward leap... which cannot be used while rooted.

From PvP PoV... Bioware are you mad? :rak_04:

Edited by Glower
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Sin Changes: New ability for staying on target as pointed out during mechanics that force you away from boss (Walkers, Titan 6, Revan, MB, etc..)


Sins and Sorcs would benefit a lot from having some AOE damage reduction passive really *** or make the freaken DoTs on Cora DoT damage instead of AOE :rolleyes:


The Barrier on the move is awesome for PvE now I don't have to die from Damage underneath me after it breaks making it useful for emergencies (although inb4 PvP QQ)


But seriously give us AOE damage reduction like the rest of the classes please. Or give us medium armor k thanx :p


Deception already has 30% AoE DR

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30 second cooldown

30 meter range


bonus: 3 second speed boost



45 second cooldown

20 meter range

no control

bonus: hits targets on the way (we'll see, but you can bet the damage is weak)

bonus: increase defence chance by 100% (notice it's "by", not "to", so for a second or two, my Sent defence will go from 5% to 10%)


It's obvious which is better, and seriously, who needed it more?

Edited by RAVM
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30 second cooldown

30 meter range


bonus: 3 second speed boost



45 second cooldown

20 meter range

no control

bonus: hits targets on the way (we'll see, but you can bet the damage is weak)

bonus: increase defence chance by 100% (notice it's "by", not "to", so for a second or two, my Sent defence will go from 5% to 10%)


It's obvious which is better, and seriously, who needed it more?

Operative roll uses the term "by" as well, so it's safe to assume it functions the same way.

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Well this just proves the combat team is so far detached from reality for PvP. From a PvE perspective some of these are useful to help the class, but in PvP?


Also, 30m range on the new movement abilities and with speed buffs attached? Yet Knight / Warrior and Merc / Mandos get the shaft with a paltry 20m (and also get bloody movement nerfed in the process).

Edited by Transcendent
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Well this just proves the combat team is so far detached from reality for PvP. From a PvE perspective some of these are useful to help the class, but in PvP?


Also, 30m range? Yet Knight / Warrior and Merc / Mandos get the shaft with a paltry 20m (and also get bloody nerfed in the process). I hate to see people lose their jobs, but sack the combat team, they're not very good at it.


But Sorcs have always wanted Phase Walk for PvE!!!! Oh wait...they have basically no use for it there...:rolleyes:


Light Armor so weak, its too bad they don't have any big heals to spam on themselves or an immunity barrier they can hit which additionally gives them a giant bubble that absorbs a ton of damage after the fact, and while that bubble is up they can static barrier themselves and are immune to interrupts on healing abilities. That would be way too OP in combination with a free 60m teleport with a 45s cooldown and force speed with a rootbreak and slow break. :rolleyes:


I also love that sorcs get this at a 45s cooldown, but apparently Imperial Preperation will be so much better that it needs a 3 minute long cooldown for some reason. Oh well, totally no imbalance here...

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30 second cooldown

30 meter range


bonus: 3 second speed boost



45 second cooldown

20 meter range

no control

bonus: hits targets on the way (we'll see, but you can bet the damage is weak)

bonus: increase defence chance by 100% (notice it's "by", not "to", so for a second or two, my Sent defence will go from 5% to 10%)


It's obvious which is better, and seriously, who needed it more?


Sorry but warriors and knights already had leap which is already a great gap closer.


Dash = force speed

new tp ability = leap

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