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. . . How will the release of KoTFE break GSF in new and interesting ways?


They've done a lot with breaking abilities in the past, and now we have randomized missing components, so I'm thinking maybe they'll branch out into basic movement issues.


So my predictions are:


Boosting now accelerates the ship in reverse. (side effect of giving all strikes retro thrusters)




The game now interprets all turn inputs as commands to strafe. (not quite sure what will cause this)



So what are you expecting to see for surprise GSF features come October. :D



I tried calculating the odds of Perfectly dialed in balance pass on strikes causes entire pool of current GSF players to die of shock, but my computer and calculator both refused to output anything other than error messages about invalid inputs when I tried that.

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Oh. Oh. Uh. Let's see here... changing how gear in the ground game works will somehow screw with the way the armor component works in GSF. None of them will work anymore. It'll take two weeks for us to get any acknowledgement, and another month or two before there's a patch. If we're lucky. Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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Shooting lasers with feedback shields up causes you to explode


Missile lock on now works in reverse, causing any missile fired by you to hit you


Using Purple/Black lasers cause you to auto kill your target


Using any thrust skill automatically warps you into the nearest asteroid or collide-able object


That's all I can think of for now.

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. . . How will the release of KoTFE break GSF in new and interesting ways?


They've done a lot with breaking abilities in the past, and now we have randomized missing components...


I think you missed the patch note that explained this so-called 'bug'. Here it is if you're curious:

Patch Notes 3.3.1


Galactic Starfighter


-Added new game mode to all playable maps: Rishi Roulette


We heard the players that wanted new exciting game modes for GSF; We heard the players complaining of losing interest in a stagnant meta. So today we are proud to announce a brand new feature for GSF: From August 18th on enjoy the new Rishi Roulette game mode and all the chaos that is sure to ensue!

Do you have weapons today? Does your target have shields? NO ONE KNOWS!!!! So get out there and enjoy the carnage (or lack thereof) as anarchy rules the skies of the old republic in update 3.3.1 "Rishi Roulettte"!


-Sneak peak at features to look for in upcoming patches: Railguns restore Targets' shields to full and repair probes now destroy all allied ships in a 4k radius.

I hope this helps clear up any confusion over this new "feature". :rolleyes:

Edited by jmonka
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Ok, so I think...


1- A break of several of the talent tree pieces we have seen before. To remind everyone, that will likely include disto field missile break, all ammo replenish, and maybe just some random junk. This one is actually a legit worry, because the patches often undo previous bug fixes.

2- Since it's impossible to test the combat die roll, and that will likely be upgraded / modified / mangled in the ground game, we'll likely start getting different results from blasters. Since we can't do focused testing, we won't see any results that we can figure out right away, and we'll be six months into patch before we realize that battle scouts can parry yellow and orange lasers, and bombers are silently taking any light laser cannons and taking 15% more damage from them when below 40% hull and 65% shields.

3- A return of the " Satan's An** " bug, where you spawn directly into a giant hole and the camera spins around like hell. This was a popular thing to happen near GSF launch, and a bugged zone would frequently have people zone in and get stuck in the middle. Everyone was in the middle, constantly dying, and the game could only be exited through the menu. The timer was, of course, disabled, because hell is eternal. The bugged instance would stick around until everyone had zoned out and stayed that way for thirty seconds, which almost never occurred, so you'd pretty much have to wait for server reset.

4- Upside down Kuat Mesas

5- At least one crew passive or ship secondary will begin doing NOTHING at all. It will take a VERY long time to notice this, because it'll be something like shield regen or whatever.

6- In the same way that changes to the talent system absolutely destroyed GSF in 3.0 and it took them nearly a month to repair, changes to the crewmember system will render many crewmembers totally broken, possibly in a way that we recognize, possibly not.

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  • Components no longer de-equip upon logging into a character; they now de-equip immediately after queuing
  • Ship stats are bolstered by character level
  • Hotbar key bindings for ground game apply to GSF
  • Satellite capture radius is now an exhaustion zone
  • BLC accuracy doesn't drop off with range
  • Slug Railgun crit rate increased
  • Rapid Fire Lasers now always hit and have armor ignore and shield piercing; nobody notices

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I hope Zuckerkorn is wrong about upside down Kuat Mesas. I could do that one by turning my screen upside down and remapping forward/reverse.


My accidental new map wish list:

1. upside down Kuat Mesas TDM/domination

2. sideways Kuat Mesas TDM/domination

3. Kuat Mesas satellite B in the middle of the Denon Map

4. Kuat Mesas TDM central crater in middle of Shipyards TDM (on top of that destroyer with the two asteroids hanging in the middle).

5. diagonal Kuat Mesas


I think a whole month of random Kuat Mesas maps could really bring back some of the veterans. ;)

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Here's one that would shake things up a bit....


Evasion stat no longer functions... at all.


or possibly...


All missile breaks (DF or engine ability) no longer function.


hmm... toss in an "Ion Railgun T5 upgrades non-functional" as well & we can have a "welcome to the meta" party for strikes. :D

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One that I am legit concerned about is companions.


I highly suspect Crew companions are coded just like ship components, and that they unlock in exactly the same way--with the exception that there's an additional means of unlocking through class quest progression. I mean, that would be the sensible way.


But there's still a chance that the Great KotFE Companioclasm will affect GSF somehow.


On the other hand, maybe new KotFE companions will be usable as crew in GSF! What if they had exciting new meta-fixing abilities?!

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My bet is that they will add the long awaited and oft-asked-for Solo Mode! I even played an unintentional preview of this exciting mode the other day. Here are a couple of screenshots.


Honestly, after playing Solo Mode, I'm not sure why people wanted it in the first place.




It's because they recoded their game end code using a brilliant new innovation in logic. Games can now be ongoing, over and file_not_found.


Similar ternary logic will be applied to many other aspects of GSF, resulting in a new enhanced unpredictable experience!


Edit: I predict that in KotFE, they will give in and finally take Directional Shields off the GCD. As a side effect, all other abilities and weapons will now respect the GCD.

Edited by MiaowZedong
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I think that if we use our main toons to quest through the story content we will not be able to use them to fly with at all. From what i have read so far you don't loose your companions if you stay out of KotFE stuff but what happens when ya do and your companions change up? Ala going from skill trees to the new leveling stuff. We all still remember 3.0 Gate right? lol
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