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Everything posted by Danalon

  1. There is two ways to look at it. Either complain about someone chasing you, which is relatable, since that kind of behavior is not only dumb but also hurting the game - or enjoy the fact that you triggered someone into that behavior. Here's where teamplay comes in handy. If that person is tunneling in just on you, get a friend to kill them, and vice versa. If someone is triggered into that behavior, chances are, he'll be triggered enough to stop queueing for the day after getting killed a few times more.
  2. I think you're severely overestimating the importance of GSF if you think being good at it equals winning the Tour de France or being Alexander the Great. However, I've seen you stating multiple times, going back over a year, that you're not good at GSF and/or aren't playing it anymore. If you're not good at it, but want to be, then play more, practice, improve. Meaningfully investing time into something almost always leads to improvement - in games and also IRL. If you stopped playing, why are you trying to guilt trip people on this forum for being good over and over? If you were giving constructive feedback, I would be okay with it, but a lot of your posts are just trying to find obscure reasons why good players aren't good people or similar things.
  3. Does anyone know if that 50th kill bug also affects the asisst(s) for that kill/death.
  4. At first I wanted to say "but there is sound" but it turns out, after some thousand games: I honestly have no idea. That has two reasons. First, I listen to shots being fired instead of them hitting me and I try to keep track of how many enemies are near me, or roughly where their gunships are - also this probably means getting hit isn't as loud as getting shot at or locked on. The second reason, which is probably affecting my gameplay more: I always have some dubstep blaring out of my headphones. I'm not sure where exactly the problem is here, so I give more than one answer: 1. Your shots don't go to the center of your screen, but to where your mouse cursor is. 2. To hit an enemy you don't have to aim at them but instead at the lead indicator (that circle at the end of the line). If you move your cursor over it, it turns red, which means "shoot now". 3. There are things like the base hit chance of your weapon (self explanatory and also affected by distance to target), tracking penalty (the further away from the center your cursor is, the less shots you hit) and the enemy's passive evasion (chance blasters miss him, even if aimed perfectly). 4. In some cases, shooting at somone close to the maximum range, or close to the edge of your firing arc doesn't get hit, because of lag. 5. Almost forgot: your target has to be in range.
  5. In the few games I payed lately, there were people like this in almost every TDM. I try to go for those whenever possible because I think it's a toxic playstyle and hope they change or leave if they just get killed enough.
  6. Oh ja, hab ich vergessen. Die kaufbaren Lootboxen wurden ja temporär entfernt, weil Disney EA zwingen musste, damit Star Wars zum Filmstart keine schlechte PR bekommt. Wenn se die nicht wieder rein tun (was sie aber werden, es is EA) muss man ja nur etwa 4600 Stunden Spielzeit investieren. Mal sehen. 4600 Stunden auf 2 Jahre, bis das nächste Battlefront kommt. Etwas über 6 Stunden täglich, easy machbar. Aber is ja hier kein BF Forum, also wieder zurück zum Thema. Mir is durchaus bewusst, wie schwer es sein kann, n Satelliten einzunehmen, wenn Bomber erst mal dort sind. Im Alleingang ist das teilweise auch nicht machbar. Das is der Punkt, wo Teamplay ins Spiel kommt. Es wird nämlich wesentlich einfacher sich auf nen Bomber zu konzentrieren, wenn jemand anderes hilft, die Minen zu killen. Alles in allem ist es sehr oft so, dass das Team, welches mehr schlechte Spieler hat, verliert. Persönlich kann ich nur empfehlen, immer mindestens zu zweit anzumelden. Abgesehn von schnelleren Invites (die Queue bevorzugt Gruppen), wird das Spiel in vielen Fällen dadurch auch einfacher. Trefferquote bei nem Bomber is nicht wirklich aussagekräftig, da man z.B. einen Treffer angerechnet bekommt, wenn eine Mine explodiert - selbst dann, wenn sie nur deswegen explodiert, weil man eine neue legt (Beispiel). Drohnen zählen meines Wissens aber nicht in die Trefferqueote mit rein. Wenn du allerdings ne gute Trefferquote auf deinem Scout hast, und auch viel Schaden machst, kann ich empfehlen mal zu versuchen die Bomber abzufangen, bevor sie überhaupt am Satelliten ankommen. Ich weiß nicht, ob das seit dem Patch noch funktioniert (komme nich wirklich zum spielen), früher hat es das sehr gut.
  7. Nur 4mal in nem Spiel zu sterben is eh schon recht gut, die Tode durch Minen lassen sich allerdings größtenteils vermeiden. Ich emfpehle bei Spielen mit vielen gegnerischen Bombern auf n Schiff zu wechseln, dass a) größere Reichweite als deren Minen hat (Kampfschiff, Jagdbomber). b) dem Minenschaden standhält (Jagdbomber, Bomber). c) die Bomber abfangen kann, bevor sie sich irgendwo einnisten (Scout, jagdbomber, Kampfschiff). Alles natürlich Situationsabhängig. Wenn sich die Bomber schon eingenistet haben, tut man sich als Scout recht schwer, da braucht man dann n EMP oder ne Ionenrailgun. Das hängt alles natürlich auch davon ab, wieviel Unterstützung die gegernischen Bomber bekommen. Ohne Teamplay tut man sich in manchen Situationen recht schwer. Zum Thema Battlefront: Ich würds mir echt gern kaufen, sieht gut aus undso. Probelm is nur, es is erstens Pay2Win und zweitens kommt alle 2 Jahre ne neue Version raus. Ich sehs nicht ein jedes 2te Jahr hunderte oder tausende Euro auszugeben um das Spiel halbwegs spielen zu können und dann nach 2 Jahren gezwungen zu werden alles in den Müll zu werfen um auf die nächste Version zu wechseln.
  8. Added CC ships for completion: T1F - starguard/rycer & enforcer/gladiator T2F - pike/quell T3F - clarion/imperium T1S - novadive/blackbolt T2S - flashfire/sting & skybolt/ocula T3S - spearpoint/bloodmark T1G - quarrel/mangler & redeemer/mailoc T2G - comet breaker/dustmaker & strongarm/demolisher T3G - condor/jurgoran T1B - rampart/razorwire T2B - warcarrier/legion & firehauler/onslaught T3B - sledgehammer/decimus
  9. Hyperspace Beacon = Hyperraumboje (German) Boje = buoy Should call it buoy bomber.
  10. Some bugs, although appearing minor, can be really difficult to fix. Besides that, every bugfix has a chance on an unforeseen effect, causing another, maybe much bigger bug. That's why Bioware decides to not fix some minor bugs for a long time or at all. Best example: Equipping the astromech companion with a gun let's the gun stick out of the bottom.
  11. You can also zoom with your mouse wheel for increased field of view and easier targeting.
  12. From my point of view: A lot of people fly Strikes for different reasons. Some just want to see if they're viable, some because they always wanted to. However the meta has shifted a little. With more lockons around Bombers are played less because they're vulnerable to torpedos (also RFL/EMP). Bombers are still useful but they need a lot more protection from others now. With more Strikes around, in most games there aren't enough Gunships to make a ball. Which was the only problem with that class, Gunships become stronger the more you have because (against an average group) Gunships can easily protect each other from any threat with little to no coordination. With more lockons being used and DF becoming a "soft break" Scouts have to hide more and get better use out of their cooldowns. Also evasion doesn't help against missiles and with less railguns around the stat becomes less powerful. Are Strikes THE NEW META? Maybe. Did they change the meta? Definitely.
  13. My only problem on Iokath is I find myself disoriented a lot. Although I assume the reason for that is not having played thousands of matches there, as well as just having started playing GSF again around a week ago.
  14. It's the same unbalanced-ness as in ground PvP. I don't expect anything to happen. Especially not for GSF with only 1-2 simulataneous matches on most servers.
  15. There is a system which places players of roughly the same gear in the same matches. However, the system is extremely flawed. Here's a rough description of how it works. 1. It is per character, not account. 2. It considers the one ship with the highest "combined level of components" (for a lack of a better term). 3. It also considers the number of matches played total (or number of victories total, not sure). 4. It always puts groups in front of the queue - disregarding everything of the above. This means that some players who played/won a lot more matches than everyone else will usually have a longer queue time because the system can't find a match. These people get skipped and then group up to actually get an invite. Usually likeminded players group up moreoften, and if theres 2+ people who really like GSF, there's a good chance they will almost always fly together. This directly ties into the next problem. These very active players who also need to group up to get invites usually have a lot more experience than the average player. They usually play on "a whole nother level" and while it seems like they're winning because of voice chat, they usually are just better. Obviously this doesn't cover every situation, but during the time I was most active in GSF, I always grouped up with others, we met in voice chat, but only used it for entertainment and nothing game related.
  16. I never tried it but in case it actually should work: Do not keybind anything on scroll if you want to play gunship. Gunship zoom is bound to scroll and as far as I know you can't rebind that.
  17. Talk abouth math. After 100 games you can have over 135K worth of ship requisition in tokens. Adding the requisition you gain by playing, that's enough to master all the ships in your hangar, which can include all 3 top-meta ships. And that's assuming you literally lose every game. But why even try? After 100 games you still won't have the experience some veterans have and they'd still beat you. The only difference would be that you can't blame your ships anymore.
  18. Just in case anyone wonders: The PvP terminal becomes accesible at level 10.
  19. General forums link is broken. Here's the correct one: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=888356
  20. As far as I know, as soon as you're "visually spotted" you appear on the minimap of the player who sees you and all other players that are connected to him via comm sensors. So I'd say dampening helps against both.
  21. Just want to point out: Stock ships compared to fully upgraded ships is roughly the same relation as a fresh maxlevel player with bolster compoared to a PvP character with fully optimzied gear. From my personal experience, doing ground PvP on a new character feels worse than starting a new GSF toon. In GSF I can have some influence on the outcome of a match with a low-upgrade ship.
  22. I always assumed MVPs in GSF are a replacement for the voting system of ground PvP and are per team.
  23. That was my best performance on a stock ship. We also had a thread about that topic some time ago. Maybe by now more people have some screenshots of battles in new ships to post. By the way, not every good group is a premade and vice versa. Also, whenever I group with someone, tactics are rarely discussed in VoIP.
  24. There's an option for that somewhere in the UI editor. Don't ask me where exactly. The last time I changed my GSF UI was years ago.
  25. We've had literally dozens of threads like this, and the only thing we can tell you is, that the new player experience indeed is bad. At this point, if you want to do GSF seriously, you probably need do invest at least 1-2 months of 2-3 matches per day to get to a level where it starts being fun. Also you'll need someone to guide you through basics, because learning by doing is nearly impossible. However, GSF is not a p2w game. All things you can buy are either purely cosmetic, or just speed up the gearing process slightly. Only that gearing up isn't the main problem for new players, a pilot has to know what to do, when and how to do it - a new player doesn't have the experience for that. Even between pilots with fully geared ships there is a vast difference in skill. I've seen a lot of games where ace-quality pilots easily mopped the floor with their equally geared opponents. Considering 1-2 games per day a veteran pilot will have 3 good ships at 70-80% of their power after only 2-3 weeks.
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