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2 year + Fanboy of Swtor sadly cancels his account.


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First I was a very big supporter of this game since 2009. I was active on these forums up to launch daily. I really wanted this game to be amazing. I pre-ordered CE and DE's on day 1 of pre orders in july. So while you may not agree with my opinion it should concern you that a hard core fanboy has this opinion of the game. Here we go.


Since Launch I have already canceled my account. I played to 25, tried all the pve quests up to that level and took my time listening to all the story. I tired space combat and pvp. Again, I really wanted to love this game. I am a huge star wars fan and was a BIG fanboy of the game to be good. I did not expect amazing, I just wanted a pretty decent mmo with fun combat mechanics and action.


My biggest issues were the world is very static and dead. I feel like I am walking, and walking, and walking and walking and walking through a cut and paste game where nothing lives, paths, moves or changes. Its all just stuck in place. You move from area to area of this cut and paste environment with fairly boring combat mechanics that get old fast. You run into some good story but then way to many cut and long cut scenes for minor quests. I love this aspect for the main story parts but to do it for everything was massive overkill.


The pvp is honestly some of the most bland and boring pvp I have ever played. From all accounts you put bad combat mechanics into a massive open area and it will be just as bland as the limited 5 objective areas illum will have.


For me the game just wasn't worth putting the effort into as it wasn't that fun. it was decent but the average fan rating of 6.1/10 you are seeing on some metric sites is accurate for me. Its just a slightly above bad game which people who love single player story will play through then quit. Most mmo players like myself who played EQ and WoW and other games for years probably wont make this home for long.


While you may disagree with what I have to stay, Please understand I was a big fan and supporter for years of this game. I took 2 weeks off work just for its launch.


Now I have canceled my account. Ill be reading good books on my time of, playing skyirm, and hope gw2 is much better. It breaks my heart to not love or even like this game. I wish those of you who do the best. I post not to hate, I just wanted this game to be good enough to play from month to month for a limited amount of hours a week, I never expected much more then a wow clone but when swtor delivered so much less it was a large disappointment. The pure power of bioware and the star wars universe will have this game around for years to come, I am glad for that for those who love it. I just felt after 2 years of forum dedication aynd such a desire to just like the game I should post.

I am having a ton fun in game. But sadly it will zero longevityonce the story is done.everything feared in 2008came true.they made a single player game with online features.it was designed around story.its extremely linear and heavily instanced.its overly theme park and lacks any feeling of exploration.its pretty static and disjointed all long term killers
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First I was a very big supporter of this game since 2009. I was active on these forums up to launch daily. I really wanted this game to be amazing. I pre-ordered CE and DE's on day 1 of pre orders in july. So while you may not agree with my opinion it should concern you that a hard core fanboy has this opinion of the game. Here we go.


Since Launch I have already canceled my account. I played to 25, tried all the pve quests up to that level and took my time listening to all the story. I tired space combat and pvp. Again, I really wanted to love this game. I am a huge star wars fan and was a BIG fanboy of the game to be good. I did not expect amazing, I just wanted a pretty decent mmo with fun combat mechanics and action.


My biggest issues were the world is very static and dead. I feel like I am walking, and walking, and walking and walking and walking through a cut and paste game where nothing lives, paths, moves or changes. Its all just stuck in place. You move from area to area of this cut and paste environment with fairly boring combat mechanics that get old fast. You run into some good story but then way to many cut and long cut scenes for minor quests. I love this aspect for the main story parts but to do it for everything was massive overkill.


The pvp is honestly some of the most bland and boring pvp I have ever played. From all accounts you put bad combat mechanics into a massive open area and it will be just as bland as the limited 5 objective areas illum will have.


For me the game just wasn't worth putting the effort into as it wasn't that fun. it was decent but the average fan rating of 6.1/10 you are seeing on some metric sites is accurate for me. Its just a slightly above bad game which people who love single player story will play through then quit. Most mmo players like myself who played EQ and WoW and other games for years probably wont make this home for long.


While you may disagree with what I have to stay, Please understand I was a big fan and supporter for years of this game. I took 2 weeks off work just for its launch.


Now I have canceled my account. Ill be reading good books on my time of, playing skyirm, and hope gw2 is much better. It breaks my heart to not love or even like this game. I wish those of you who do the best. I post not to hate, I just wanted this game to be good enough to play from month to month for a limited amount of hours a week, I never expected much more then a wow clone but when swtor delivered so much less it was a large disappointment. The pure power of bioware and the star wars universe will have this game around for years to come, I am glad for that for those who love it. I just felt after 2 years of forum dedication and such a desire to just like the game I should post.


Yep, the highlighted area is what did it for me too - will not play after my 30 days.

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I really think that they are going to end up with a co-op game that people resubscribe to when their class quest gets updated. Not unlike buying downloadable content for their other games. There isn't a lot to keep people playing after they have reached the end of their story.
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True, I mean whoever heard of an MMO that has macros, great UI and non-clunky mechanics un launch ?!?


Oh wait, I guess pretty much everyone who played Rift on launch, did.


A *********** small time game company called Trion Worlds achieved with a portion of the budget what the EA-BW abomination could not.


Rift also launched with only a fraction of the content available in TOR... Rift was also extremely buggy (and still is), especially in their end game. They were far from perfect (and still aren't).

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I really think that they are going to end up with a co-op game that people resubscribe to when their class quest gets updated. Not unlike buying downloadable content for their other games. There isn't a lot to keep people playing after they have reached the end of their story.


Such is the case for every MMO and RPG.

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Rift also launched with only a fraction of the content available in TOR... Rift was also extremely buggy (and still is), especially in their end game. They were far from perfect (and still aren't).


Even amongst people who hated the game its still touted as the most polished and complete game at launch your friggin high dude and have not played many MMO's from launch. Still to daye the smoothest MMO out of the box. The end game is fine its the new raid zone thats buggy, and for the record people are ******* the game was fun prior to 1.3 to many cry babies how couldnt get through tier 2 in one shot ruined the game.

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All of that you would have figured out in the beta. Why bother continuing?


Because a lot of "bad" fanboys keept saying there would come a big patch at launch day to remove a lot of the buggs and needs that we have posted about during the beta.

No patch came and the game is as it was in Beta and early access.


I just going to 50 to check out how that gameplay is. If it as "bad" as it is on low/mid end, I will also end my sub and probably find something ells. Never WoW, ever again. That horse is hot.

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This was probably a bigger letdown than final fantasy 14. I'd honestly rather play that game daily than sub another month into swtor.


The biggest point I agree 200% with is how they OVERKILLED with the voice acting. Sure, it's an excellent idea for the main story, but I don't need to have a 5 minute conversation just to be told to go kill 5 guys for a side quest.


Oh and not the mention the INCREADIBLY lazy way they just attached staged/bonus objectives to seemingly almost every quest. I don't even want to play anymore because what should be a simple task has now turned into "wait around in this area farming what we ask of you". I dread picking up new quests because I know that 1 little item I need to go pick up is gonna turn into a 3-4 stage bonus where I end up grinding 60 mobs.


I can't believe this entire community just paid for the check that bioware cashed to overpaid actors/celebrities.

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And that's where your credibility goes out the window.


Not at all. Japanese developers have proven themselves time and time again. Western developers like here in america have gotten lazy and try to oversell the littlest things just so they can take a shortcut to the bank.


Oh "4th pillar to the mmo industry" this and that by including people reading off a script. Pssh please, if I wanted to see this I could watch a cartoon or tv show. Don't believe me? Just play the game....EVERY LITTLE THING YOU DO needs to be a cutscene or voice acted nonsense. So much so, that the rest of the game suffers. PVP? a joke...Game world? linear and could be done in an offline single player rpg...Community? Non existent unless you have a 2+ heroic or flashpoint quest that needs to be done.

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Not at all. Japanese developers have proven themselves time and time again. Western developers like here in america have gotten lazy and try to oversell the littlest things just so they can take a shortcut to the bank.


Oh "4th pillar to the mmo industry" this and that by including people reading off a script. Pssh please, if I wanted to see this I could watch a cartoon or tv show. Don't believe me? Just play the game....EVERY LITTLE THING YOU DO needs to be a cutscene or voice acted nonsense. So much so, that the rest of the game suffers. PVP? a joke...Game world? linear and could be done in an offline single player rpg...Community? Non existent unless you have a 2+ heroic or flashpoint quest that needs to be done.


No, your credibility did go out the window, i just saw it fly by...


Ok, thats a little mean, sorry


None the less i dont think you have a valid point, from they one they pushed the game as a step up in narrative for mmos

Edited by Ludoscape
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Because a lot of "bad" fanboys keept saying there would come a big patch at launch day to remove a lot of the buggs and needs that we have posted about during the beta.

No patch came and the game is as it was in Beta and early access.


I just going to 50 to check out how that gameplay is. If it as "bad" as it is on low/mid end, I will also end my sub and probably find something ells. Never WoW, ever again. That horse is hot.


You take WoW out of the equation and your choices are pretty bleak.


Lord of the Rings Online? Dugneons and Dragons Online? Lot of the same problems you have with WoW and this game are found there. Though they're free to play.


Rift? A fun game but it really hits its stride when you can group. And that's tough to do these days.


Aion? Kind of far-eastern in its grindiness. Same with that Finaly Fantasy one.


Not feeling the fantasy genre anymore? Sci-Fi genre is exceptionally weak right now. There's Galaxies? No not anymore. There's Tabula Rasa? Ouch.


So you've got Star Trek Online, which was terrible and is being made worse by being transformed into a far eastern grind game linked to a cash shop. The space combat is nice, but everything else is bleak and they stopped making new content for the game in 2010.


There's this game. The one you want to leave.


And there's Eve.


There's also the super hero genre. Champions Online and City of Whatever-They-Call-It-Now. Both free to play so you can find out what's wrong with them firsthand without paying a dime.


You've got choices. But I'm not seeing any good ones right now.


Guildwars 2?



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Not at all. Japanese developers have proven themselves time and time again. Western developers like here in america have gotten lazy and try to oversell the littlest things just so they can take a shortcut to the bank.


Oh "4th pillar to the mmo industry" this and that by including people reading off a script. Pssh please, if I wanted to see this I could watch a cartoon or tv show. Don't believe me? Just play the game....EVERY LITTLE THING YOU DO needs to be a cutscene or voice acted nonsense. So much so, that the rest of the game suffers. PVP? a joke...Game world? linear and could be done in an offline single player rpg...Community? Non existent unless you have a 2+ heroic or flashpoint quest that needs to be done.


And I completely disagree with you. All of the cutscenes and voice overs hold my interest, for once in an MMO I actually know 'why' I am killing these things and doing this and that. I actually interact with the NPC, converse with it. I go about my business bringing death to the enemies of the Empire or solving problems for the Republic.


Community? I spent alot of time talking to people in general chat, I see people almost everywhere I go. I have gotten parties together for heroics and flashpoints and kept with them for random questing. I have played from Level 1 with my girlfriend as our Sith. I have done a heroic on Taris as my Jedi Sage with a group of people only to end up friendlisting most of them and talking to one even after the heroic had ended and we went our separate ways. I have been invited to guilds, and approached when I was bored and standing around the Cantina as my Smuggler.


I have dueled random people, dueled friends, played with guilds, been invited to guilds, made friends and I have had a blast doing so. I do not terribly mind the 'linear' methods of the game world, though I frequently travel off the beaten path by avoiding using speeders and finding interesting areas in the game world.


I cannot honestly see how I have such an utterly different experience than you. Oh well, different strokes for different folks.

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Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion but...I just can't understand these comments about the world being dead.


To me this MMO has the most alive environment of any MMO I've played, and I've played quite a few. Everywhere you go there are small but interesting details...people repairing droids, carrying out business, having varying conversations, etc. etc. The NPCs are also a lot more dynamic than in other games...they move realistically and seem to display attitude unlike most other games where at most they walk some predetermined path with a lifeless look on their faces.


The only real complaint I have is that there definitely aren't enough players on some planets...but that is due to having multiple instances of each planet, which Bioware has stated is something they intend to vastly reduce a few weeks after launch.


We will have to wait and see how much they reduce the zoning, I for one hope they strike a good balance between making the worlds feel correctly populated in a way representative of what we have seen in the films, but not unrealistically overpopulated.

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Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion but...I just can't understand these comments about the world being dead.


To me this MMO has the most alive environment of any MMO I've played, and I've played quite a few. Everywhere you go there are small but interesting details...people repairing droids, carrying out business, having varying conversations, etc. etc. The NPCs are also a lot more dynamic than in other games...they move realistically and seem to display attitude unlike most other games where at most they walk some predetermined path with a lifeless look on their faces.


The only real complaint I have is that there definitely aren't enough players on some planets...but that is due to having multiple instances of each planet, which Bioware has stated is something they intend to vastly reduce a few weeks after launch.


We will have to wait and see how much they reduce the zoning, I for one hope they strike a good balance between making the worlds feel correctly populated in a way representative of what we have seen in the films, but not unrealistically overpopulated.




I could not agree more. Did I miss the other MMO that had NPC's doing more than just standing around or walking? I can tell you right now EQ, EQ2, WoW, DAoC, GW, CoH, and CoV didn't have any of this. CoH/CoV had very minute NPC action but nothing compared to this game. I've remember laugh the first time I went into Nal'Hutta and saw the cantena table where the wookie had ripped off the droids arms. Educate me on which MMO has NPC's moving about

I remember several times where I heard NPC's having conversations as I walked by. Perhaps this game is being compared to non-mmo games such as Skyrim or Asssassin's creed. Even if this is the case I would still prefer SWToR. Personally I found Skyrim's world to be aesthetically pleasing but the NPC's personalities were two dimensional and dull.

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First I was a very big supporter of this game since 2009. I was active on these forums up to launch daily. I really wanted this game to be amazing. I pre-ordered CE and DE's on day 1 of pre orders in july. So while you may not agree with my opinion it should concern you that a hard core fanboy has this opinion of the game. Here we go.


Since Launch I have already canceled my account. I played to 25, tried all the pve quests up to that level and took my time listening to all the story. I tired space combat and pvp. Again, I really wanted to love this game. I am a huge star wars fan and was a BIG fanboy of the game to be good. I did not expect amazing, I just wanted a pretty decent mmo with fun combat mechanics and action.


My biggest issues were the world is very static and dead. I feel like I am walking, and walking, and walking and walking and walking through a cut and paste game where nothing lives, paths, moves or changes. Its all just stuck in place. You move from area to area of this cut and paste environment with fairly boring combat mechanics that get old fast. You run into some good story but then way to many cut and long cut scenes for minor quests. I love this aspect for the main story parts but to do it for everything was massive overkill.


The pvp is honestly some of the most bland and boring pvp I have ever played. From all accounts you put bad combat mechanics into a massive open area and it will be just as bland as the limited 5 objective areas illum will have.


For me the game just wasn't worth putting the effort into as it wasn't that fun. it was decent but the average fan rating of 6.1/10 you are seeing on some metric sites is accurate for me. Its just a slightly above bad game which people who love single player story will play through then quit. Most mmo players like myself who played EQ and WoW and other games for years probably wont make this home for long.


While you may disagree with what I have to stay, Please understand I was a big fan and supporter for years of this game. I took 2 weeks off work just for its launch.


Now I have canceled my account. Ill be reading good books on my time of, playing skyirm, and hope gw2 is much better. It breaks my heart to not love or even like this game. I wish those of you who do the best. I post not to hate, I just wanted this game to be good enough to play from month to month for a limited amount of hours a week, I never expected much more then a wow clone but when swtor delivered so much less it was a large disappointment. The pure power of bioware and the star wars universe will have this game around for years to come, I am glad for that for those who love it. I just felt after 2 years of forum dedication and such a desire to just like the game I should post.



So can you tell me which MMO you think is better than SWTOR and why? I would really love to hear what you have to say.

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