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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

All About the Yavin 4 Stronghold!! Facts n Screenshots - Are you gunna get it?


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  • View all the screenshots here
  • It will cost “similar to Tatooine and Nar Shaddaa”. For comparison, view this chart
  • Confirmed for 3.3, which is coming out July 21st
  • “There might be stuff for you to interact with out there. Who knows.”
  • “Two more temples you can unlock” (seperate doors, past the big bridge)
  • “There’s definitely more to this stronghold than there is in any existing stronghold”
  • There might be ‘secrets’ in this stronghold. Look forward to exploring!
  • “A whole lot” of hooks
  • Multiple starship hooks
  • 16+ Centerpiece hooks
  • You can still only have four strongholds active at once (if you currently have four, you will need to temporarily deactivate one to buy and activate Yavin 4)
  • Item limit will be “about the same as other strongholds.” There “might be more hooks than you could possibly use.”
  • View all the Yavin 4 Decorations


Totally getting it, especially after the livestream!! Though I hope they up the amount of decorations you are allowed to place in it.

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I use my stronghold quite a bit. It has everything I need, storage, gtn, mod station etc. and is a quick travel point and rest area. So I won't be getting a Yavin 4 stronghold for myself.


However, Yavin 4 will be a guild stronghold for my guild. Even though it is more expensive that way, there are many guildies who will contribute and will love unlocking and finding all the little secrets. In addition, it is one hell of a meeting area. I think it will surpass our flagship as a meeting place for guildies.


Plus, decorating will be a lot easier and much more intricate as a guild. Looking forward to a Yavin 4 guild stronghold!


PvP on that bridge or on one of those hard to reach areas with a huge drop off is going to be great btw.

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Maybe. It is gorgeous, but it looks better for a guild than as a home base. The outdoor/balcony/roof areas look amazing, but the interiors just doesn't look very "livable". Sure, alters of bones and creepy statues and hanging cages look great in it, but what about beds, tables, and chairs? And my character wasn't born in a barn -- where are the doors? xD


I get that it is an abandoned temple, but I'd like to think if my character could afford the tons of decos needed to fill it, they could also afford to fix the place up a little on the inside to make it more habitable. I am hesitant to get it because think it would be hard for me to decorate, and not only because of the huge size.

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No. I am not purchasing it.




1. The SH location makes no sense. Amityville Horror Logic. If the planet is haunted, don't move in.

2. I barely use the SH I have. I've tossed a few items in one, by the elevator for utility. I only ever enter that room.

3. I'd like them to focus on other content...a purchase would send the wrong signal.


Hope those that are looking forward to it get some fun out of it.

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No. The prices outside of the starter strongholds are ridiculous, not to mention unlocking rooms. I can find better things to waste credits on.


Yeah, that's how I'm feeling. I mean, I probably could afford to buy it, unlock the whole thing, and decorate it, but then I'd be poor, and for what? I have a feeling I'll be able to explore it on day one without having to spend the money.

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I absolutely love the Yavin stronghold, so I am going to get it. However, I think it is beyond stupid that they are keeping the four stronghold limit. I can't imagine why they won't let us spend cartel coins, even a large amount of cartel coins, to "unlock" the ability to maintain a 5th stronghold. They could simply have us choose which 4 strongholds apply for conquest. I LIKE playing simSWTOR. I have all 4 currently available strongholds unlocked and basically fully decorated. I've spent a lot of cartel coins and time to earn and buy decorations. I've spent ridiculous amounts of time placing each decoration to go with my theme for each stronghold. Each stronghold has a real flavor to it. My smuggler's stronghold is eclectic and has that "I've been everywhere" feel to it. My bounty hunter's has trophies on display from around the world, a med center, extensive weapons storage, a zoo, and multiple relaxation areas for entertaining potential clients. My consular has extensive gardens and meeting areas, a library, and a jedi temple. My juggernaut has a fantastic love nest with Quinn. I put a lot of thought and time into each of them.


If I have to deactivate my stronghold, and all the decorations are effectively pulled up, they are all back to available for me to use. Which means that not only am I really irritated that I no longer have my stronghold, I have no motivation to go spend more time and money to buy all new decorations.


My real excitement over the Yavin Stronghold is considerably tempered by the fact that I have to decide whose home to demolish to make way for it. I'd pay a lot of cartel coins (yes, I'd willingly spend real world money) to be allowed to maintain 5 strongholds. I know I'm not alone in this.

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Am I going to get it?


Not very likely.


I'm done with conquest for now. I don't need the bonus.

I don't need a port to Yavin as there is a shuttle there already.

I don't need the convenience of another SH because my others do just fine.


If Yavin is like they say it is and it similar to tatooine. It will cost around 9 million credits to fully open and thats not including any extra cost for additional decorations you might want and not have at the time. Spending that on just another holding pen seems kinda silly even for a game.


then you have the story aspect to it and why the hell would anyone want to stay there during this time period.


The benefits just don't outweigh the overall mediocrity of this stronghold in it's location, timing and use and apparent cost. (but really - shouldn't you get this SH for damn near nothing? It's on a haunted planet)

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I only ever got the Dromund Kaas and Nar Shadaa (which I got for free) Strongholds, so I likely will go for Yavin, just because I like to decorate and I have a bunch of décor items that really don't fit, theme-wise, anywhere else.


But I likely will not get a 4th - that spot, I hold out hope for a Manaan Stronghold.

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I can see the potential for it being a place to conduct sith rituals and alchemy for role play purposes but as a place for my toons to actually dwell and live in? Not so much at this point. Prefer my Kaas City penthouse for that. Edited by StrangeDais
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I was so looking forward to it and already started collecting decor to place there, but the 4-max limit might be a killer for me. I have 4 fully decorated with ton of time and money spent on obtaining and then placing the pieces in order to make each place unique. I don't think I have the heart to dismantle any of them.


Was really hoping the limit will be lifted before the release, but, after the stream, I realize it's just a wishful thinking.



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I only own the Nar Shadaa stronghold and have it setup perfectly with all the stuff I need; GTN, Cargo Bay, Modification Table, Legacy Cargo, etc. I'm perfectly happy with that.


Never bought the Tatooine stronghold, (absolutely hate that planet), and probably won't score the Yavin stronghold either.

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Has the reactivation cost been specified anywhere? I have been looking and cannot find the details. Does deactivating a stronghold clear the decorations placed in it? Another detail I have not found discussed in an official release.
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I am not complaining that we're getting Yavin. That would actually be very interesting. What I am complaining about is the time/money I spent on my 4 strongholds already. I might have to get rid of one if I REALLY want a Yavin 4 SH, but I'd prefer NOT to remove anything from the game. I have things/costumes/etc for a REASON. Don't want to get rid of my 4 houses when I can't get a 5th.
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Oh no... I couldn't afford it and I'm sure there's no way I could decorate the whole thing ^^ I'm struggling to even decorate the capital city flats! So far I'm satisfied with just 1 floor of the DK SH, 1 floor of the Nar Shaddaa one and 1 room of Coruscant because I don't have any RPy purpose for it yet.


I don't really have a reason to get the Yavin 4 SH, it doesn't fit as a home for any of my characters or a public venue I could run.


But I'm still super excited for it because my guild is already planning to make it our new GSH! I think that's actually the way to go. It's too big, too weird and too expensive to be of use for a single player so treating it the same way as a guild Flagship makes way more sense.

Edited by imissleeches
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Has the reactivation cost been specified anywhere? I have been looking and cannot find the details. Does deactivating a stronghold clear the decorations placed in it? Another detail I have not found discussed in an official release.


Reactivation Costs:


Brought or Unlocked with Cartel Coins: No Charge for Reactivation


Brought or Unlocked with In Game Credits: Recharged and I think it will be the same amount you first paid for it.



Decorations: They are packed up and put back in your decorations list.

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I would love to, but....


I have 4 strongholds that I spent a lot of time and effort decorating and unlocking. In order to get Yavin 4, I have to destroy one. I don't know if I want to do that. I don't know if I want to give up the convenience of stepping outside to pick up my PVP dailies while avoiding the fleet.


I don't really want to feel like I wasted all that money collecting and setting up my perfect Ambassador's house on Coruscant, or the wealthy Sith Lord's family home on Dromund Kaas. I'm positive I don't want to give up my house on Tatooine, because that is my favorite setting and my little desert homestead makes me really happy. And my casino/safehouse on Nar Shadaa is also really cool and I put a lot into getting it just right.


I was really looking forward to doing the same with a fabulous house on Yavin 4 and making something really awesome for my archaeologists. But if I can only do it at the expense of every other house I have worked on, that's just too disheartening. And what happens when the next stronghold comes out? I will have to ditch yet another house if I want that one. I think I will have to stay with the ones I already put time and money into. It is a horrible decision to keep the limit at 4.

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No. The prices outside of the starter strongholds are ridiculous, not to mention unlocking rooms. I can find better things to waste credits on.


This. I'm not spending upwards of 60 real world dollars or 10 million credits just to unlock a few rooms in a stronghold. I got the free Nar Shadda stronghold with the 2 rooms unlocked. I love my Stronghold and decorating it but I have not paid the other 5 million or so to finish unlocking rooms.


For starters the extra rooms are practically useless. They're just balconies or something along that line. Maybe if they were cheaper and were actual rooms that could be made into a med center, storage room, living quarters, etc then yeah.


I have no idea why instance housing can be so restrictive. It has never made sense to me. It's INSTANCED, you are not going to run out of room. Buy some more harddrive space lol!

Edited by Criosdh
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