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  • Interests
    Video games, anything medi'evil or fantasy. Sports. Cars. The usual.
  • Occupation
    Exercise Phys/Personal Trainer.
  1. Why do you say sheltered? Doesn't the expression "sheltered" usually mean you've been kept from bad or ugly things? I'd prefer the word clean. I AM picky about my associations if that's what you meant. Thank you, I've never played any other video games or read any books in my life. What would I do without you? I'd say leave that up to the RP'ers. Who said anything about "bothered". This is why you people can't have a conversation because you can't stop arguing with the voices in your head or something. I said they didn't really contribute to the story. And they don't. It's not like the romance portion of the companion relationships is really fleshed out or all that deep. All the romance options of this game has REALLY done has given people a channel to cry discrimination. Everybody but straight males has a whiner movement to complain they didn't get their fair share. Yes I played out a couple of romances. BIG DEAL. Basically I hit the flirt option until I either got a black screen or a "lets getting wedding papers". That was it. The responses from the character I married are no different now, they don't get peeved off when I bump uglies with a twileck chick right in front of them, etc. There really is no point to the romances. And THAT'S MY POINT. The romances are so insignificant, such a NOT major factor in the game play then why bother? Don't know how many people use it.
  2. And not a rip was given. Some of the players in this game have just made the "romance" aspect of this game creepy.
  3. Story? There's no romance story in this game lol, not hetero or ****. It's like MAYBE 4 lines of unique dialogue and a black screen before a kiss. The romance stories in this game stunk slightly worse than they did in the Mass Effect series lol. Besides that in both games all the options felt forced. They're just there to say it was there. Hardly worth the effort and the controversy.
  4. Why would they? Excluding the 40 year old virgin neck beard types that can't wait to girl on girl anything and everything they can, why would anyone RP (let's face it, that's what these romance options are) that?
  5. I haven't seen a single valid reason why extra content or options should be added for like 5% of the population. If 5% of the population was demanding housing, or a different mount system, whatever, everyone would be riding their butt about how unimportant 5% of the population is to the grand scheme of the game and thus no money or development time should be wasted on what they want. Let it be a political movement and ohhh lordy yes!!!
  6. I was just about to waste a whole lot of comms until I read this lol. Awesome info man! Thanks!
  7. Well what I'm trying to do is at least get my Cybertech guy to the point where I don't have to farm comms on Yavin 4 over and over to upgrade gear on all my toons and companions. I'd like to be able to just stick some of those items into some gear and not repeat dailies over and over.
  8. It's a political statement. There was some new MMO coming out on the market (can't remember the name, a friend posted about it in another forum) that didn't even have romance options in it and someone had already started a complaint about the lack of SGR in the game. Obviously they were quickly made a fool out of but it's pretty obvious it's more about politics than immersion. Personally I think "romances" in a game are ridiculous anyway but it's the politics of it all that annoys me. Does anyone here really think that if 5% of the population got mad about anything other than some political hot topic like SGR that they would get anything changed? Do you think that 5% of the population would even get noticed? Yeah right, the stronghold slot machine issue was only 4.5% unhappy customers. That's why they left it uber nerfed lol.
  9. Yeaaaahhh...the point completely flew over your head. The point is the jerk involved in an altercation doesn't mind the altercation. Decent people with some manners and etiquette do mind having to put up with people that don't know how manners and good behavior work. Try to justify it all you want, snatching a loot crate or anything else right out from under someone is rude, YES EVEN IN A VIDEO GAME. Anyone who says otherwise is either suffering from a serious social disorder that prevents them from "getting it", you know, understanding how normal people function in society, OR, they know they're jerks for doing it but of course feel the need to try and validate it because that's how people like that are. No amount of bad excuses is going to make it any less rude and the only reason it's seen so often in MMOs is because people won't get slobber knocked for it in a video game like they do in real life. 100% incorrect. Circumstances where there is no negative consequences for negative action is EXACTLY a perfect portrait of a persons actual personality and tendencies. If a person acts rudely in a video game and doesn't act the same way in real life it's because they're a sniveling little coward that doesn't want to get punched in the face. If the person they are being rude to in a video game could pull them through the monitor and confront them face to face they wouldn't be doing this garbage in a video game either.
  10. Yeah that's usually the case when you're the one with no etiquette. Bullies aren't bothered by people getting punched in the stomach because they're the ones doing the punching. Doesn't make them any less of a jerk for doing it. There's always an excuse to act like a jerk. Everything from local school kids to world leaders who have committed atrocious crimes against humanity have had some lame excuse for why it was ok.
  11. So can I buy the purple gear on Yavin 4 with basic comms and reverse engineer that stuff for schematics? When I pull the armorings and mods from the gear it says "no research available". Does that mean it can't be reverse engineered?
  12. Staying on Ebonhawk and hopefully nobody from the other servers with names like Bananasprinkles will be joining us, otherwise I may just jump ship to another game like I've done in the past when all this server merger, character transfer crap starts.
  13. They only don't have "claim" over it because you lack the social skills, consideration, and overall general sense of etiquette to see that they DO have claim over it to sensible, socialized people.
  14. You know society is probably doomed when the "equality" of gender specific bisexual opportunities in a video game is actually a "thing" worth discussing in a forum. You know society IS WITHOUT A DOUBT doomed when a developer says "there is no place for it" in a game and then adds it later because A WHOPPING 5% of the US population might find it's absence offensive. OMG SUBSCRIPTION APOCALYPSE.
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