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Interview with Alex Modny and Eric Musco on Bad Feeling Podcast


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And halving the timer would also be a bad thing. We need to think of something better, but quite honestly I never considered this an issue and I never even thought of something else -- it works fine for me as it is, whether I'm stealing a node or defending it, feels just right.

yeah. stealth need another advantage in the node capture game. heh. please no more node channels that are shorter than stealth mezzes.

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I think PvP content is being compressed even more.


People will get now Reaver set, the last one, with no sweat. And no sweat, means less pride and more of an empty feeling. And this one does not help the actual situation. PvErs have lots of options, and their ultimate set will be still hard to complete, requiring months to get 1-2 pieces if youre not a fan of Operations. So i see that this facility to get full Reaver as a demerit. A proof of no equality betwen the 2 communities (PvErs and PvPers).


Is it true that it will be a call for PvP? So it will be worth? Probably, it will cause moderate impact on premades VS solos queuing in Regs, but i doubt it will make something more than that, like reviving Open PvP, which is dead, for example. And nothing of this "compression" was necesary to make it shine, in the old days.


Anyways, if they wish to make Regs more reasonable for Solos, and stimulate PvP in general, they could bring back BALANCE. Now they are just making a curves, in consecutive patches that are still leaving Overpowered multipliers because of a totally PvE oriented thinking.


They must understand that if they want to please PvPers, the only way is to pay attention to them. Real attention, with real content and exploration.


The difference between PvP and PvE is that PvEers aren't fighting against mobs who have various levels of the same gear PvEers can have. PvP is simply a different beast, and thus it needs to be handled differently than PvE.


I approve of BW's choice to speed up the gearing process. By allowing players to quickly get competitive-level gear, the focus of PvP will be shifted from gear to skill, where it should be. A person shouldn't have to lose or back out of a duel because the challenger banged his/her head against the PvP wall for 50+ hours. The better player should win.



These changes (excluding that interrupt change) will make PvP a much more fun and populated place. I wouldn't consider myself a hardcore PvPer. Granted, I did have full Best in Slot Brutalizer gear the day it came out, but since 3.0 I haven't taken the time to build a set of Dark Reaver, or even Exhumed gear. I am a relatively solid PvPer. However, I'm just not willing to take the time to earn tens of thousands of Ranked Comms every few Game Updates for each character I want to competitively play.


These changes (again, excluding the interrupt change) will motivate me, and many others like me, to re-enter the PvP scene.

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The difference between PvP and PvE is that PvEers aren't fighting against mobs who have various levels of the same gear PvEers can have. PvP is simply a different beast, and thus it needs to be handled differently than PvE.


I approve of BW's choice to speed up the gearing process. By allowing players to quickly get competitive-level gear, the focus of PvP will be shifted from gear to skill, where it should be. A person shouldn't have to lose or back out of a duel because the challenger banged his/her head against the PvP wall for 50+ hours. The better player should win.



These changes (excluding that interrupt change) will make PvP a much more fun and populated place. I wouldn't consider myself a hardcore PvPer. Granted, I did have full Best in Slot Brutalizer gear the day it came out, but since 3.0 I haven't taken the time to build a set of Dark Reaver, or even Exhumed gear. I am a relatively solid PvPer. However, I'm just not willing to take the time to earn tens of thousands of Ranked Comms every few Game Updates for each character I want to competitively play.


These changes (again, excluding the interrupt change) will motivate me, and many others like me, to re-enter the PvP scene.


Finally someone talking some sense we need more of this :D

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Hey everyone, I hope y'all enjoy the podcast. Chuck and Brian are awesome and I hope you enjoy their show (and don't find my ummmming too obnoxious :sul_embarrassed:). Despite Chuck's protest it really was an honor to be on their show and it was very special for me personally.


There is a lot of information on the changes that we covered and we are going to make an official post about all the changes next week but until then please ask away if you have questions about the podcast that I can answer.


Ummmmmm, cheers!


Hi Alex,


Excellent interview... It's great to see all the effort you guys will be/are putting in to revamping PvP and ranked PVP participation...

Some people have already asked, but I didn't see a response to their question... Many of us would like an Yolo 8 man ranked queue... can this be implemented for us??... Not all of us like death matching and prefer objective ranked PVP as our end game pvp content

Edit : "It would also make other non arena viable classes playable in a ranked environment"

Another thing that has been mentioned in the past and something your team thought was a good idea is a Hutt Ball league... Is this still something that could be on the radar?


Once again, thanks Alex and Eric


<And thanks for setting up the interview Chuck and Brian>

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Maybe the AOE interrupt can be limited to splash damage and melee aoe. So the massive channels with no cooldown, like force storm, suppression fire, sweeping blasters don't interrupt; but missile blast, frag grenade, sticky grenade, etc can.


All the other changes sound great and should get more legit players into ranked and make warzones more competitive.

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Hi Alex,


Excellent interview... It's great to see all the effort you guys will be/are putting in to revamping PvP and ranked PVP participation...

Some people have already asked, but I didn't see a response to their question... Many of us would like an Yolo 8 man ranked queue... can this be implemented for us??... Not all of us like death matching and prefer objective ranked PVP as our end game pvp content

Another thing that has been mentioned in the past and something your team thought was a good idea is a Hutt Ball league... Is this still something that could be on the radar?


Once again, thanks Alex and Eric


<And thanks for setting up the interview Chuck and Brian>


Thats partly why it won't boost ranked at all those that used to do ranked liked the 8 v 8 warzones not what we have now. Big mistake getting rid they could of had it all and let the community arranged ranked nights like they do on some servers.

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Upcoming PvP Changes:

Goals are to increase pvp population, increase competitiveness, and speed up pvp progression

This is exactly what these changes do (except, once again, for the stupid interrupt change).


In the interview, it's explained (starting at around 25:29) how a class's place representation on the leaderboard isn't an accurate gauge of its effectiveness.. This is EXACTLY what I said on the "3.2.1 PTS Marauder/Sentinel Feedback Thread":


Place on the leaderboard does not determine how effective a class is. This has been explained multiple times in the past. It sounds blatantly wrong, but it's not, you just have to stop and think about it. As an example, before the discovery of Dotsmash, no Marauder was using it. The spec was there, and it was better than any other Mara spec, but no one used it so no one knew. If there were statistics for the best parses of every spec possible at the time, Dotsmash would've been ranked horribly, because no one used it, because no one realized it was good. However, when it was discovered, the vast majority of Marauders (PvE at least) switched over to it, and it suddenly became the best spec... or did it? No, of course not. It was as good a spec an hour before it was discovered as it was an hour after. The difference is that people started to use it, and thus the results implied that it 'became' the best, rather than being realized as the best.


My point is, you can't use a class's place on the leaderboard to determine how effective that class is. To use an exaggerated example, let's say there were three Powertech players in the entire SWTOR community, and everyone else mained a Marauder. The Powertech players would have significantly less guides, theorycrafting, strategies, etc. to use against the gigantic Marauder playerbase. Those Powertechs wouldn't have a chance of making it into the top 100.


In fact, even if the classes were perfectly balanced, the numbers still favor the bigger population. If you had a thousand Marauders all of the same skill level, which included 800 "red" Marauders and 200 "green" Marauders, what are the chances a "green" Marauder is 1st place? Exactly. Much lower than the chance for a "red" Marauder to be first. Even if the classes and skills were balanced, the larger number of players has the better chance of a higher rank.



So how is this relevant to anything? It's relevant because Bioware has made changes over time. You don't think those changes are significant, and indeed maybe they are not. But the fact of the matter is that because you don't think those changes are sufficient, you won't play a Marauder in Ranked PvP, even if the changes actually are sufficient. And the less Marauders there are in Ranked compared to the rest of the Ranked population, the less chance they have of being in the top, as explained.

So why am I bringing this up? Why does it matter? Because the VAST majority of players aren't going to gear a toon to BiS just to prove a class's effectiveness. Gearing takes way too long, and there's no reason to waste that much time on a less-than-OP class, simply to prove that it 'can be effective'.


Well, with these changes, gearing will be much faster, and therefore many more players will be able to play BiS Marauders, Snipers, and the like. This will do more than just show players that the Devs were right and their data was reliable. By increasing the PvP population and speeding up the gearing process, the classes on the leaderboard will resemble each class's general win/loss ratio much more closely, meaning that the players can make better suggestions, and the Devs can make better changes.


increasing PvP population, increasing competitiveness, and speeding up PvP progression will make PvP a better experience for everyone who takes part in it.

Edited by idnewton
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I don't like it.

Stupid changes.

They increase population by adding more and more bad players to pvp, but pvp already have too much of them.

You will lucky if wz will start without pve heroes


The pvp population has been diminishing... The more people who try pvp the better... Until anyone has pvp'd for the first time, we are all PVE heroes... I lvl'd my first toon to 50 after launch before I even tried pvp... After that I was hooked... I know I wasn't a great player when I first started... But I only pvp now because I love it....

I like their ideas of getting more people into pvp and participating in ranked.... I'm hoping they add 8 man yolo ranked for people who are looking for something more than reg 8 man, but dislike ranked death match arena... It would also make other non arena viable classes playable in a ranked environment

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I know I wasn't a great player when I first started...

Hahahahaha... If you used tab-target, you were better than me when I started PvP! By the time I'd click an enemy, it would already be dead. We all start somewhere, but we all learn. It's just a question of time. These changes will make the PvP scene much more fun, which will keep players coming back for more. This means more players will spend more time learning, which will create a more competitive environment in the future. These changes* have great long-term benefits as well as short-term ones.


*Once again, excluding the interrupt change (which at this point I can't imagine will go through, since I haven't seen a single person supporting it).

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This is exactly what these changes do (except, once again, for the stupid interrupt change).


In the interview, it's explained (starting at around 25:29) how a class's place representation on the leaderboard isn't an accurate gauge of its effectiveness.. This is EXACTLY what I said on the "3.2.1 PTS Marauder/Sentinel Feedback Thread":



So why am I bringing this up? Why does it matter? Because the VAST majority of players aren't going to gear a toon to BiS just to prove a class's effectiveness. Gearing takes way too long, and there's no reason to waste that much time on a less-than-OP class, simply to prove that it 'can be effective'.


Well, with these changes, gearing will be much faster, and therefore many more players will be able to play BiS Marauders, Snipers, and the like. This will do more than just show players that the Devs were right and their data was reliable. By increasing the PvP population and speeding up the gearing process, the classes on the leaderboard will resemble each class's general win/loss ratio much more closely, meaning that the players can make better suggestions, and the Devs can make better changes.


increasing PvP population, increasing competitiveness, and speeding up PvP progression will make PvP a better experience for everyone who takes part in it.


Lots of people are playing (and gearing) juggs and maras. The average rating of juggs is the worst in the game and maras is just above it. And the longer people play them, the worse they do compared to other ACs (in terms of average rating vs number of games won).

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but I also think it could speed up gameplay a bit.


Actually as I stated earlier in the thread, I think this is going to slow down WZ, and I think it was intended to do so. VS disarm will be impossible to stop, all you need are numbers. The channel is just too fast. That means the majority of matches are going to stall at the doors. This is going to make VS a much LONGER WZ.


With Denova, ACW, and AH... This is going to lead to a lot of cap switching. In the case of AH, it will probably keep the same time length. However ACW and Denova will see so many switches, that the match will drag. Now all you need to do for say Denova is get 6 people to just GET the channel to start a couple times and you have the node. For ACW, switch/switch will not damage the ship as you have to have 1 "fire cycle" to damage. Which probably means each side will have 1-0-1 and just keep switching grass and snow with the same lame stalemate at the middle.


Given the fact that they DOUBLED XP and Coin, along with dramatically lowering the cost of gear, it almost seems that is the plan and that is what they think will happen.


Now is this what is gonna happen, don't know, but reasonably speaking, it figures to logically work that way.

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One clarification that I'd like to make is that AoE DAMAGE abilities will no longer interrupt a capture, AoE CC will still interrupt however. Your points are still valid but we encourage everyone who is suspect of this change to play in on PTS when it comes up with 3.3. Like we said in the podcast, if this is change has a negative impact on gameplay we will make adjustments but from our internal playtests this has been a positive change. We are looking forward to your feedback and sharing of experiences with this and all the other changes coming!


Imo it's a bad idea to change this. Like ForceWelder said, it will make it near impossible to stop caps as a lone node guarding player if there are more than one players attacking the node. A fix could be that the node's don't hinder line of sight anymore, dunno.

And imagine a Voidstar: Just have all 8 players stand on top of each other and start placing or defusing the bomb. You won't have enough time to tab target through all of them and interrupt everyone, not even with all 8. The ammount of coordination needed for this exceeds everything you can acomplish in a randomly matched reg warzone. Especially on defusing, since it's only a 3 sec channel.

Edit: Maybe disable multicapping could work, if this change is to be implemented. So just one player can cap a node.

Edited by Torvai
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I think the idea of being able to buy previous season rewards would be a great idea. It's another incentive to actually play ranked pvp beond just trying to obtain tier one.There are some really cool items that I would love to be able to get from previous seasons. Totally agree you should still have an item that is exclusive to the tier you get like a title but it seems bit of a waste for you developers to go to all the effort of making these cool items and then only 2% of the player base gets them. The overall idea is to get more people playing ranked so I believe this benefit far outways the exclusiveness of a few items or mounts. Again make it very hard to obtain these items with ALOT of tokens to make the grind worth while though
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I think the idea of being able to buy previous season rewards would be a great idea. It's another incentive to actually play ranked pvp beond just trying to obtain tier one.There are some really cool items that I would love to be able to get from previous seasons. Totally agree you should still have an item that is exclusive to the tier you get like a title but it seems bit of a waste for you developers to go to all the effort of making these cool items and then only 2% of the player base gets them. The overall idea is to get more people playing ranked so I believe this benefit far outways the exclusiveness of a few items or mounts. Again make it very hard to obtain these items with ALOT of tokens to make the grind worth while though


I don't think it would be previous seasons and it shouldn't be. Not to sound "I'm a special snowflake" but it is appropriate to have access to current season's rewards. Previous tiered rewards should not. My opinion.

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I think AOE damage no longer interrupting captures is a bad idea but I like all of the other proposed changes. I took the time to read through every comment on every page before posting in case the issue had already been satisfactorily addressed. For the benefit of anyone for whom this thread has already become TLDR, I include the following quotes I felt to be relevant.


Floplag in post #31

99% of this is great news, little worried about the AoE on caps though as others have said youll just have teams running in voidstar saying all left and just cap... ill give them credit for hopefully considering this.


HaoZhao in post #47

This is going to be really disruptive in Voidstar. Once the bomb is put onto the door, it can be pulled off really, really fast. When there are multiple smart alecs trying to pull it off at once, AOE damage is usually the only thing that's able to manage them. If the development team is going forward with this change, it definitely needs to also consider doubling the time it takes to remove a placed bomb. If anything, this change might result in MORE Voidstar stalemates because of increased cases where planted bombs are removed before they detonate.


Jadescythe in post #90

How do you feel this affects ranged more than melee? All melee classes have AOE abilities as well that will no longer work. I actually like the idea that more people capping will be harder to stop by a single individual. I am slightly worried that the game will be more about standing on top of each other to try and prevent someone from being targeted and spam capping, however.


SenaZane in post #109

That is an idea, or maybe have only the first tick of a channeled AOE interrupt. That would actually make it closer to what the Melee can do. Then all you need to do is CC so it doesn't happen again. I don't like the change mostly because if people stand on top of each other it is gonna be a pain to target, especially when you have no idea if your team is targeting other folks or the same person as you.


Brunner_Venda in post #122

If you think six guys spam Zerg capping every door is 'fun' then I have to disagree. Oops, you didn't target spam cap guy seven fast enough. He took it.


AOE's make a team actually turn around and earn what they're trying to take.


What next, are we going to let people cap from stealth or CC?


Psychopyro in post #177

Well I assume that the timer disparity in VS still exists. 6 or 8 to arm (been awhile since I bothered to PvP) and 3 to remove. I'd think this would make VS more easily defend-able assuming teams being fairly equal. Which may stop the crazy fast runs...


My biggest concern is that this is an attempt to lengthen the amount of time spent in a WZ. The more time people spend in a match, the less time they are spending waiting in queue, hence the perception of better WZ time spent. The doubling of XP and Coin only adds to my thinking on this. It allows better defense of VS, but makes Denova, AH, and ACW have more switching and contested nodes. This would make all 4 of these WZ average a longer uptime. In all of this I am surprised t hey did not add a cooldown timer to HB after you score that you cannot get the ball for like 30 or 60 sec...


Draqsko in post #194

Good players have a way to stop people from AOEing the node while someone caps, it's called CCing the person(s) doing the AOEs. If 8 people are being stopped by 1 person AOEing a node, the problem exists between the chair and keyboard OF THOSE 8 PEOPLE.


This will only make pvp worse, because now you can stack 4 or 6 people together and GUARANTEE a cap before the other team can stop you (number depends on the cap activation, 6 seconds for AHG means you only need 4 people, 8 seconds for ACW means 6 guarantees a cap. The other side cannot cycle targets fast enough to prevent it, regardless of how many are there.


Trust me, it's a dumb idea because this is EXACTLY what players will do, zerg cap a node. Prepare for Cap Wars, where pvp has devolved into two sides spam capping nodes stacked on top of each other.


Draqsko in post #209

I'll answer you both right now, and I have a bit of the qualifications to do it. I was basically the strategist of my PvP guild on Ven Zallow at launch, the one that dominated the server.


Here is what you do, especially in VS but it'll work anywhere but NC. 1 guardian with Daunting Presence, 3-5 others stacked on top of him, everyone spam caps. You will not stop that cap in time even with 8 people there. Guardian AOE mezzes any standing near the node, entire group starts capping, guardian pops Saber Reflect and caps as well. Good luck cycling through tabs to stop everyone, even with a coordinated team.


Also Guardians with Daunting Presence will now be virtually GUARANTEED to remove the bomb from the door in VS, 5 seconds of reflecting SINGLE TARGET DAMAGE, which is the only thing that can interrupt it now.


Glower in post #256

Male 4 + Male1/Femle1 body-type FTW


Draqsko in post #259

I used to play a veno in PWI, I know all about trolling with extremely large pets and blocking your bank safe from being clicked on. Same principle applies here, tab targeting is crappy in this game, and with people stacked up you can't reliably click on someone capping.

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Imo it's a bad idea to change this. Like ForceWelder said, it will make it near impossible to stop caps as a lone node guarding player if there are more than one players attacking the node. A fix could be that the node's don't hinder line of sight anymore, dunno.

And imagine a Voidstar: Just have all 8 players stand on top of each other and start placing or defusing the bomb. You won't have enough time to tab target through all of them and interrupt everyone, not even with all 8. The ammount of coordination needed for this exceeds everything you can acomplish in a randomly matched reg warzone. Especially on defusing, since it's only a 3 sec channel.

Edit: Maybe disable multicapping could work, if this change is to be implemented. So just one player can cap a node.


The devs and designers are as stubborn as they are stupid. They're going to do this. Screw logic and obvious gameplay problems. It will probably go live.


Lucky for us the PVP suits cost less, but you won't be able to stomach enough crappy spam cap matches to get a full set.


Look if you want to stop the stale mates, do something about the broken tank healer meta. Or increase the spawn door timers by a few seconds. Don't change this. It's not well thought out, like most of what you do. Reflect lasts longer or as long as some cap timers (disarm bomb, hypergate is 6 seconds to cap). We know you all play nothing but sins, but the rest of us don't have any damn AOE knock back or CC.


Ugh. Whatever. They just don't care.

Edited by Brunner_Venda
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The idea of AoE no longer interrupting capture is so very bad, it is absolutely disastrous. How do you counter mass cap? Not every class has AoE control. When 4 guys will stand in each other's model and cap, how do I interrupt? Tab through them? Defusing at voidstar is going to be pretty easy. What about Novare? Even now with PUG not paying attention it is hard sometimes to prevent mass cap. And so on, and so forth.


The guy who proposed that change clearly does not play/test 8x8 much. "Let's do something about PvP, them players keep complaining. Balance? Nah, it's impossible. New map? Jeez, too hard. How about AoE not interrupting capture? Genius! Now they can't say that we don't care!"

Edited by moqe
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I personally think the podcast title is pretty good... because I have a BAD FEELING about what's to come.


:)What I (personally) like:


- 2018 expertise requirement to join solo queue is going to be the best change. Finally! I love it :)

- Adding an official way to transfer comms between characters. It's a nice change after the PvP decorations were not tradeable via legacy storage to transfer Warzone Commendations.

- reduced prices for Mods is nice because right now it was cheaper to buy a Dark Reaver Setitem (1000 Warzone Commendation + 2500 Ranked Commendation) of whatever spec of your class to get the Mod + Enhancement you need (compared to 2800 Ranked Commendation + 1200 Warzone Commendation to buy Mod & Enhancement).


:mad:What I don't like:


- AE won't interrupt tapping... to be honest I know a lot of people are crying about it... mimimi I can't tap because of the sorcs spamming their AE... but guess what? Every other class has a cooldown on their AE ... why not giving the Sorc/Sage a cooldown on their AE and you are done? Death From Above, Death Field, Smash, Overload, etc .... everything has a cooldown except Force Storm (and the equal on repubic side) - yeah I know Sweeping Slash and Lacerate also doesn't have a cooldown but sorcs/sages are most annoying :p. Give every AE a cooldown and it would help a lot. A complete removal of the interrupt effect is a step too much from my point of view.


- Removal of Ranked Commendation. What's the point in this decision? I just don't get it. It basically smashes all the motivation from SWToR players that are really interested in PvP. True PvP players and PvE players aren't that different. They invest a lot of time and effort to achieve high ratings (PvP) / firstkills (PvE) and to get the best gear for their class. With the removal of Ranked Commendation everybody will get the best PvP gear. Casuals probably don't alter their mods/enhancement to achieve the best for spec but besides this everybody who plays PvP will run around with BIS gear. How to avoid that? Well either the BIS gear items become very expensive [like 7500 Warzone Commendation for 1 Setitem + the previous item to upgrade (which would be the same price right now 3 Warzone = 1 Ranked)] OR you just stick to the Ranked Commendation.

What I want to say is ..... Players that are not interested in PvP won't get motivated by this move to play PvP and get BIS gear for something they don't like and true PvP players lose their motivation because it doesn't matter if they play Ranked (Champions League of SWToR PvP) or normal BGs (street football/soccer [whatever spelling you prefer ;) ] to reach their goal.


- Season tokens instead of Tier specific rewards. Ok .. so I can fool around all season long, don't have to try my best every round throughout 3 months and still get all the rewards just by playing a lot? What I really liked about PvP (which is why I'm a PvP player for quite some time now) is that you don't have to invest so much time compared to raiding. If you've got one hour a day to play and use it well you can still achieve a good rating and get the rewards. Which is nice to know, because you don't have the pressure to play X hours a week as in PvE Progress to be at the top. With the change from specific rewards to Tokens I will still get Tier 1 rewards as a good player with a high rating... I know that BUT what's the point in it? Every fool who has 2018 expertise and lists nonstop soloqueue will have the same rewards at the end of the season like I do. Noone can see that player A is a good player and player B is a noob that just plays nonstop. Why come up with that change? It's like making Nightmare Boss rewards (Mounts, kill specific titles etc.) purchasable via Basic Commendation IF YOU JUST PLAY ENOUGH.





Sorry for the long post, but this really bothers me and if these changes (especially the Ranked changes) come like that I'm out. And I guess most Ranked Players that have their motivation in getting RARE RANKED PVP ONLY REWARDS will see it the same way and quit or won't put as much effort in solo queue / team ranked fights as they used to.

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I genuinely can't see why people are so happy with these 'changes'


There is nothing listed that that addresses class imbalance and the falling pvp population as a result.

So what that gear is cheaper or that there is an expertise cap now, classes that weren't viable before will still be not viable. The few ranked players/teams that there are who play the derp/form classes will stay the same.


Those changes are the absolute bare minimum that they could do. Comms transfer? Please. That was already in the game and they removed it so that one alone is simply a reversal and is nothing new. Making gear cheaper? Not difficult.

There is not a single original or innovative idea in those 'changes' or anything to show people that they are aware that people are sick of pvp imbalance and/or low population.


Yes this merc on my team has 2018 expertise! Oh no wait it seems to have made no difference those shadows are violating him! The horror!

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I'm sorry, but I only hear whining, - again!! Christ people, stop and think a moment, I see a lot of therapeutic angst venting concerning the announced AOE changes; And just to be clear on my standpoint - AOE is one of the most lazy interrupts there is and have you been doing wz less than a year, well, then I might get the concern as you probably just learnt the move, but tbh, have you been doing wz for more than a year, let alone for the past 3 years then the changes shouldn't post any mystery at all!!!


It's a bold, game changing, move by the devs, Why? It challenge our game play, I would even prompt that it evolves the gameplay. We have to rethink tactics, both regarding defense as well as offense, we have to recheck our skills, even recheck the classes, the most obvious choice for node guarding is a new area to explore. Node guarding will from now on not only require the simple skill of popping an AOE, it will require true skill, it will require and demand a tactical awareness on a higher level than before, not only for the single player but for the team as a whole.


I can understand if some of you think it's hard with the changes, but most of us must recognize the challenge and evolvement of gameplay that comes with this . . . and for the love of all that's fun, stop these random perceptive whines about imbalance, unless you present the actual metric, numbers and turnouts you can't, CAN NOT be taken serious, you will just present a notion rather than a fact.


We've been beating the dead horse for quite awhile now, and then suddenly it kicks back, tough luck, who steps up to the challenge and who goes hiding and whine him/herself silly on the forums!!!?

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