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Everything posted by Torvai

  1. Seems to work just fine. And if it's only the animation: calm your ****. There's far more serious, even gamebreaking bugs that are around far longer. So you really think that the Devs will divert resources to fix something that doesn't have an impact on anything? Think again. Also, if your biggest problem with the game and especially in PvP is a bugged animation, count yourself lucky.
  2. Tank stats DO work in PvP, just as they should. The problem lies in how the combat system uses the stats and and their values to calculate if the mitigation actually kicks in. To make it short: Most serious damage in PvP is yellow damage defense (from gear) doesn't work against, as it should be. And crit is rolled against shield to determine if a hit crits or not. And with the abundance of crit rating and autocrits it's practically useless in PvP. There isn't some bug or anything in PvP. It works as intended. The system needs a rework if this problem is to be adressed. Which simply isn't something you do within in a patch cycle but with a full blown expansion.
  3. Wenn es dir nur ums leveln geht geh nach korriban und kill n paar level 1 K'lor schnecken Wenn du die Story, aus welchem unnachvollziebahren Grund auch immer, so toll ist sie nicht, machen willst, wirst du vermutlich auf nen Patch warten müssen.
  4. A trait many people don't seem to have, sadly. And about being called names, it happens. I have been called an arrogant pr*ck more than I can count, since I have a rather sarcastic side (maybe not as much here on the forums, because I don't want to get banned and english isn't my first language) but ingame... And it's just natural sometimes. You know stuff and get irritated that other people don't. And then you start getting mad when they don't believe you or excuse themselves with bs like "I play how I want", it's just human. But then I try to remember that I started out as a total noob myself.
  5. No idea about the respawn timer, but try switching instances. PvP instance is always there and if enough people get to the planet additional PvE instances(since that's where everyone is anyway) will be opened with a fresh spawned Walker.
  6. My post was illustrating two points you obviously completely missed. 1) Basically this whole thread is a discussion about how these changes won't impact skanking(and if it's right to do it or not) at all and that only occured because Musco mentioned skanking in his post at all. 2) The damage nerf isn't that much. It looks like it, but it'll be a couple hundred dps per tank. So It will barely make any difference in PvE nor PvP. Not even in the tightest dps checks. And if it does for any given raid group, their dps are slacking, simple as that. Which brings me to this: Of course they don't. However I firmly believe that BW has a rough idea about what spec should do how much damage. But I think that their methods of figuring out who does how much dps and why that is is screwed as can be. That's simply not true. A tanks role is the same in every aspect of group play, be it PvE or PvP. And that role is protecting your team from damage. However the methods how they achieve that are vastly different. In PvE it is achieved via threat, ie making sure you are they one that gets hit, not your team, and making sure, through positioning and stuff, that your team doesn't eat avoidable damage, like cleaves. In PvP, since you can't force a player to target you, it is achieved via peeling, stunning, taunting(reducing the damage instead of forcing to attack the tank) and guarding. And, and this may be news for quite a lot of people, but damage is a way of mitigation in PvP as well. Because the faster an enemy dies, the less damage he can do to your team. Hence even by dps'ing a tank is fulfilling his role. Funnily enough though, doing damage isn't a tanks purpose. And pretty much the only reason tank specs, in any mmo, are doing any amount of damage is simply because they couldn't do solo stuff or even level otherwise. Now of course, because tanks do damage, it is counted on in PvE and PvP. But here's the thing(reffering to point 1 above): In PvE, tanks already wear tank gear, so doing much less damage than in PvP. And this nerfs will amount to a few hundred dps at most per tank because of that. Now even at a high estimate of 500 dps a tank looses, that's 1k dps your damage dealers have to make up for, which amounts to 250 dps per player in 8man and only 100 in 16man. As said above, if dps players can't make up for that, they s*ck and have been carried by the tanks in their own role of dealing damage. Apart from that, no dps check in the game is tight enough that 1k dps will make or break it. And before anyone jumps to comclusions: yes, I'm a tank main and yes, I have killed every fight in this game at level, only missing deposer of the dread masters and Izax. The latter mainly because I took a break and got replaced and because I simply couldn't find any f*cks to give if I get that kill or not after a supposedly "feeling like NiM" fight got killed 1 day after release by people who haven't had access to PTS and didn't spoil themselves with any information whatsoever. Not even mentioning the fact that you dithed NiM two times already after prominsing it will come:rolleyes: Way to go BioWare. Seriously, at this point I don't even know why I still have a running sub:o And @Kendra: I seem to remember that it was once I, among others, who told you how mitigation and stuff works, nice to see it stuck and you're teaching others as well. If I remember correctly, that is.
  7. You know what's funny? If they simply said "Tanks are doing more damage than we intended" and didn't mention skanks at all, this thread would have like 3 pages of bads complaining that they can't do solo content on their tanks anymore until someone explained that it's really not that bad and then the thread would be done with:D
  8. Wenn ich nicht irre in den Einstellungen im Reiter Interface. Ist irgendwo ein Punkt "Deckungsleiste aktivieren" oder so ähnlich. Da einfach den Haken entfernen.
  9. Roadmap ist in arbeit, dauert aber noch n paar Wochen. Ab und an n Blick in den Dev Tracker klärt solche fragen.
  10. Schmeiß den Bitraider halt raus, das Ding ist eh nutzlos und macht nur Probleme. Anleitungen dazu findest du zu hauf per Google. Sei allerdings gewarnt, das die Entfernung einen nochmaligen komplett Downloads des Spiels mit sich bringt.
  11. Any specific reason that you made them as items in the inventory and not like command token, that are in currencies AND legacy wide?
  12. Was er damit sagen wollte ist: Um auf solche ehps Werte zu kommen, muss auch entsprechend viel Schaden rein kommen. Der vermeidbar wäre. Ist ja im BG nicht anders. Wenn du nur Bobs im gegnerteam hast, gewinnst du zwar easy, aber als Heiler kommst du nicht auf deine Zahlen. Logisch muss man n guter Heiler sein um, wenn es drauf an kommt, so viel heilen zu können. Die Frage ist halt immer, woran lag es, das man überhaupt so viel heilen muss. Im BG liegt es daran, das die Gegner ordentlich Schaden machen. Im Raid daran, das die Leute zu blöd sind, aus nem Cleave raus zu gehen. Und außerdem: Sich drüber beschweren, das Leute im BG keine dcd's nutzen, aber gleichzeitig sagen im PvE sollen sie es lassen?
  13. Notfalls gibt's das mittlerweile auch für Smartphones und Tablets
  14. Foren sind noch da, die werden nur nicht angezeigt. T3 VC JKS
  15. Klingt doof, aber die meisten regelmäßigen Poster hier haben auf VC gespielt, wo in der letzten Zeit halt eh nichts mehr ging. Zumindest nicht random, was generell die runs sind, in denen solche Stories entstehen. Jetzt nach dem Merge Mal abwarten.
  16. Wirst du schlechte Karten haben. Änderungen des Nutzernamen sind nur erlaubt, wenn der Name private Informationen, wie deinen tatsächlichen Namen, enthält oder gegen die ToS verstößt.
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