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Everything posted by Najentus

  1. I personally think the podcast title is pretty good... because I have a BAD FEELING about what's to come. What I (personally) like: - 2018 expertise requirement to join solo queue is going to be the best change. Finally! I love it - Adding an official way to transfer comms between characters. It's a nice change after the PvP decorations were not tradeable via legacy storage to transfer Warzone Commendations. - reduced prices for Mods is nice because right now it was cheaper to buy a Dark Reaver Setitem (1000 Warzone Commendation + 2500 Ranked Commendation) of whatever spec of your class to get the Mod + Enhancement you need (compared to 2800 Ranked Commendation + 1200 Warzone Commendation to buy Mod & Enhancement). What I don't like: - AE won't interrupt tapping... to be honest I know a lot of people are crying about it... mimimi I can't tap because of the sorcs spamming their AE... but guess what? Every other class has a cooldown on their AE ... why not giving the Sorc/Sage a cooldown on their AE and you are done? Death From Above, Death Field, Smash, Overload, etc .... everything has a cooldown except Force Storm (and the equal on repubic side) - yeah I know Sweeping Slash and Lacerate also doesn't have a cooldown but sorcs/sages are most annoying . Give every AE a cooldown and it would help a lot. A complete removal of the interrupt effect is a step too much from my point of view. - Removal of Ranked Commendation. What's the point in this decision? I just don't get it. It basically smashes all the motivation from SWToR players that are really interested in PvP. True PvP players and PvE players aren't that different. They invest a lot of time and effort to achieve high ratings (PvP) / firstkills (PvE) and to get the best gear for their class. With the removal of Ranked Commendation everybody will get the best PvP gear. Casuals probably don't alter their mods/enhancement to achieve the best for spec but besides this everybody who plays PvP will run around with BIS gear. How to avoid that? Well either the BIS gear items become very expensive [like 7500 Warzone Commendation for 1 Setitem + the previous item to upgrade (which would be the same price right now 3 Warzone = 1 Ranked)] OR you just stick to the Ranked Commendation. What I want to say is ..... Players that are not interested in PvP won't get motivated by this move to play PvP and get BIS gear for something they don't like and true PvP players lose their motivation because it doesn't matter if they play Ranked (Champions League of SWToR PvP) or normal BGs (street football/soccer [whatever spelling you prefer ] to reach their goal. - Season tokens instead of Tier specific rewards. Ok .. so I can fool around all season long, don't have to try my best every round throughout 3 months and still get all the rewards just by playing a lot? What I really liked about PvP (which is why I'm a PvP player for quite some time now) is that you don't have to invest so much time compared to raiding. If you've got one hour a day to play and use it well you can still achieve a good rating and get the rewards. Which is nice to know, because you don't have the pressure to play X hours a week as in PvE Progress to be at the top. With the change from specific rewards to Tokens I will still get Tier 1 rewards as a good player with a high rating... I know that BUT what's the point in it? Every fool who has 2018 expertise and lists nonstop soloqueue will have the same rewards at the end of the season like I do. Noone can see that player A is a good player and player B is a noob that just plays nonstop. Why come up with that change? It's like making Nightmare Boss rewards (Mounts, kill specific titles etc.) purchasable via Basic Commendation IF YOU JUST PLAY ENOUGH. __________________________________________________________________________ Sorry for the long post, but this really bothers me and if these changes (especially the Ranked changes) come like that I'm out. And I guess most Ranked Players that have their motivation in getting RARE RANKED PVP ONLY REWARDS will see it the same way and quit or won't put as much effort in solo queue / team ranked fights as they used to.
  2. Ok ... so season 4 has come to an end and nothing happend to wintraders as far as I've seen it. Players on Vanjervalis Chain and T3-M4 that are server wide known for wintrading run around with S4 weapons, mounts and even top 96 (or whatever it was) titles. It's so annoying and frustrating seeing these people that die in a real arena fight within seconds (simply because they can't play any of their classes and didn't practice playing together in a group of four) run around with literally everything you can get from a season, while your own team won most of their fights, has a good rating but due to a lack of groups listing you can't push it any higher to reach your goals for that season. Same thing with queue syncs in solo rated. I mean I don't really care about my solo queue rating but playing against 3 out of 4 members or even a complete group arena team is simply ridiculous. It's simply exploiting - hands down, end of discussion. Next thing I would like to mention is offtopic but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE - make something about those PvE players that list in soloqueue. 2018 expertise should be the minimum requirement to list solo. If a group of PvE players list together for 4vs4 it's their own fault if they get torn apart from PvP players. But in solo queue it's like a 3 vs 4 battle - end this madness
  3. ich habe den Bug ebenfalls, aber zum Thema "Finaler Titel" - wir kriegen sehr wohl einen finalen Titel. "Der/die Unnachgiebige": Du hast dir diesen Titel verdient, als du den Konflikt zwischen Darth Tormen und dem Obersten Kanzler der Republik gelöst hast. (Zitat aus dem Kodex) Allerdings kriegen wir diesen Titel (zumindest n Kumpel und ich) bereits als wir die Corellia Anfangsquest angenommen haben, also gleichzeitig mit dem Titel "Meistgesuchter der Republik".
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