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What do you guys do when you're in a rut and bored?


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You log in one day and really don't have any specific goal in mind for the day. You're logging in simply to log in and see what you might want to do. When this happens, what do you typically end up doing? Send your companions out to do some crew skills and craft? Run dailies/weeklies? Queue for FPs or PvP? Go achievement hunting? Stand around in your Stronghold wondering why you logged in? What?


I think a possible answer response might be "log out and play something else" but I like to get value for my sub and at least do something when I have the time available. I'm just getting back to that stage where I'm questioning what to do with my time. I know I'm not alone here.

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I set companions to crafting or gathering. Look to see if there's anything new on the Cartel market. Maybe talk to guildies if they're in-game.


Then, if I'm still not feeling like playing for whatever reason, I log out and go do something else. Can last for several days, this ennui, but that's okay.

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Companions... craft/gather trying to pop all the purple schem on all the crafting skills (takes a long time/lot of mats).. conquest when needed... ummm maybe level more toons... maybe get pissed in a pug run of something... do some parses trying new gear/rotations, decorate SH... if i'm really really bored and dont feel like doing any of that, most of the time I just watch TV and run companions... sometimes i'll sort through my cargo holds pulling out all the old CM stuff and seeing whats worth money (do that about 1-2 times a month.. listing whats selling for over 50k and putting other stuff back..) if i'm feeling like it i'll go try to farm mats or slicing nodes on yavin, maybe do the weekly to get some comp gear... usually not.. sometimes it's fun to go troll on fleet... ummm yea if all else fails and i'm still bored out of my mind not wanting to do any of that, like you said, play a diff game... been playing back through mass effect 2 and 3 waiting for 4 to drop.... playing a bit of the new COD advanced warfare...


Of course this may all be diff depending on why you play the game.. perhaps you enjoy FPs or soloing some content, dailies w/e... I play for ops runs.. thats about it.. other stuff is just there to make me money for fancy things or for gearing alts...

Edited by GopherLuV
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Recruit for the guild.


Ask guild members if they need any help with anything.


Inventory management.


Browse GTN with no intention of buying anything.


Follow random strangers/players around the Fleet and use multiple emotes while targeting them.


Rearrange my toolbars and UI to see if I can find better ways to organizing them for increased efficiency. (Always screen shot them before doing this so you can easily revert the changes when you learn they were better before you did this.)


Tell jokes in General chat.

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You log in one day and really don't have any specific goal in mind for the day. You're logging in simply to log in and see what you might want to do. When this happens, what do you typically end up doing? Send your companions out to do some crew skills and craft? Run dailies/weeklies? Queue for FPs or PvP? Go achievement hunting? Stand around in your Stronghold wondering why you logged in? What?


I think a possible answer response might be "log out and play something else" but I like to get value for my sub and at least do something when I have the time available. I'm just getting back to that stage where I'm questioning what to do with my time. I know I'm not alone here.


Strive to unlock all the cartel items you can in your collection (work on current packs first for cheapest pricing). Go after achievements/world bosses. Do current events if there are any. Play the GTN for max profits. Create unique deco'd home and chars. Clean out and sell all inventory for upcoming game changes.

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Create unique deco'd home and chars. Clean out and sell all inventory for upcoming game changes.

These are the two things I've been doing myself the past week or so. I'm a pack rat in real life and in this game so needless to say I have about 8 cargo bays filled between my main alts and I recently decided it was time to start cleaning out some. There's always new stuff around the corner so the need is always there (for me) for credits to buy it all.

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Make a new character

Play something an aspect I don't typically play.

Go play something else for a while.

Take a break from the game.


MMOs generally tend to wear me out, I played this into the ground for about 2 years then had to take a year off. Coming back after a year off I'm enjoying it very much again after starting to get bored with it when I quit.

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Go outside.


And risk getting like.. mugged, shot stabbed, cooties, ebola, swept up in a tornado, witnessing a shark-nado, licked by a poisoness frog, turned into a pumpkin... the list goes on and on with the terrible things the TV tells me will happen if i go outside..

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These are the two things I've been doing myself the past week or so. I'm a pack rat in real life and in this game so needless to say I have about 8 cargo bays filled between my main alts and I recently decided it was time to start cleaning out some. There's always new stuff around the corner so the need is always there (for me) for credits to buy it all.


I'm in the same boat! There never seems to be enough storage, but it's very invigorating when you finally have everything cleaned out and sold.

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Cycle through 17 characters for gathering missions, relist whatever auctions that expired (let me list for more then 2 days already, i dont care if i get undercut before they expire just give me more then 2 days! -shakes fist-)


Browse all the decorations on the gtn for new stuff/stuff i like that might be up cheap.


Make and level another alt, which then takes more time making mods, ship parts, and whatnot for said alt.


Browse gtn for mini pets and emotes i dont have.


Redecorate SHs because they put in more decos.


Joke around with guildies.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Cycle through 17 characters for gathering missions, relist whatever auctions that expired (let me list for more then 2 days already, i dont care if i get undercut before they expire just give me more then 2 days! -shakes fist-)


Browse all the decorations on the gtn for new stuff/stuff i like that might be up cheap.


Make and level another alt, which then takes more time making mods, ship parts, and whatnot for said alt.


Browse gtn for mini pets and emotes i dont have.


Redecorate SHs because they put in more decos.


Joke around with guildies.


Oh I do enjoy completely emptying my Tat stronghold just to re-decorate.


It only takes 5 days. :p

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I bounce between doing some of the things already mentioned, like inventory, shop, etc.


But I also do a lot of goofing off on general chat either on fleet or in a stronghold. Sometimes it might be trolling, but not in the negative manner that is often seen. I don't attack people or harass anyone.


First order of response is to people who are new to the game and have questions. I offer answers, advice, or help. Sometimes this means giving a noob a mount, showing them where locations are that they are hunting, or general advice on character builds and equipment. Also, since I love the PVP, I assist new pvp'ers with that aspect of the game. Please note, I am not claiming to be an expert in all of these areas, but since I have been in since launch, I can generally help the newest players.


I have found this activity to be very rewarding, and it builds good karma.


Other times, I will use general chat as a sort of "open mic night" kind of thing. I will notice a dumb comment in chat or throw one out and see if anyone bites. Many times I will improv a story and just spit it out in chat in pieces. By this, I mean I will narrate goofy stories to amuse myself and the people in chat. I have done this for up to 2 hours at a time. For example, I roll played a story regarding "real life" in which my significant other was concerned about my blossoming relationship with a talking donkey, and our love of SWTOR, karate movies, and smoking. I will give play by play as it is "happening". i.e. "Hold on, brb. wife poured drink on donkeys head and they are about to go at it." "Back. Wife is now in bedroom having another stiff drink and contemplating divorce. Empty threats I am sure."


Some people on chat will of course be annoyed. But many more offer comments to develop the absurd story or just prod it on.


I know it sounds dumb, but it entertains me.


Thats about it for me.

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What do you guys do when you're in a rut and bored?


Log out, hit the gym or whatever else comes to mind. If I'm actually gonna stay logged in, utilize the many ways of earning credits and shoot the sh*t with the guildies.


Ultimately, if I continue to be bored upon logging in, I unsubscribe. Return at a later time.

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