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The Outfit **Designer**


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A second tab with slots that will allow you to have an alternate appearance. Also they will figure out a way to charge us either cartel coins, or credits for additional functionality and color options beyond dyes, but all at a premium.


That about sums up the new designer system that is coming, and to honestly think it will be more than that in scope and intent, is just dumb headed.

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My expectation is it will be similar to character design tab with less features and higher CC costs. It will be underwhelming, but its redeeming quality will be the ability to remove the stupid shoulder pads BW devs love and the ugly antennas and over sized back-packs, and maybe (that is a far stretch) having on/off hood option. If CC costs are low enough that the feature is not completely useless for subs without chucking real cash, that will be a win (again like charter design tab).


As far as separating gear from costume, giving the player free design tools, not costing CC and/or allowing players to customize and sell on GTN it is not gonna happen. Period. BW does not have the development skill or capacity for that. Not to mention it goes against their philosophy.


Keep your expectations extremely low as hope is the first step to disappointment. Remember, it is BW we are talking about.

Edited by Ottoattack
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This is why we can't have nice things. A dev uses one word, which admittedly, has a connotation (or heck, even a denotation,) and the forums go crazy speculating how it will essentially give us complete control. When it winds up being a CM bound appearance tab, everyone is going to go crazy on the "slap in the face" and "broken promises" train.


Stocking up popcorn for the emphasized part, should be -special- because it will be:


if any of you really think the Outfit "Designer" will function any differently than an appearance tab tweaked to use CC's you are seriously delusional.


But the delusions are sadly funny. Although not nearly as funny as the tantrums we will be buried in from those denied their pie in the sky doodad removal expectations ^_~

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Stocking up popcorn for the emphasized part, should be -special- because it will be:


But the delusions are sadly funny. Although not nearly as funny as the tantrums we will be buried in from those denied their pie in the sky doodad removal expectations ^_~

And once again: for most people there's a difference between

  • "Huh, I wonder if this means it will do [X]"


  • "I will be very disappointed / pissed if it doesn't do [X]"

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I have wanted this since beta.


However, If they make it a large over-charged credit or cc sink I am going to be beyond pissed. EVERYTHING else in the game already has that crap.


Let us have something and enjoy it . Let us have FUN for once Bioware. Don't pull another Slot Machine episode and ruin something the majority of people enjoyed. I get tired of good things always having something to ruin them or take away from the full enjoyment of them, and Bioware seems to know how to do that all too well.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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And once again: for most people there's a difference between

  • "Huh, I wonder if this means it will do [X]"


  • "I will be very disappointed / pissed if it doesn't do [X]"


And as a corollary to your side-discussion, the overboard-hype train on the forums will feed into the circular logic of not giving us more information. An info-deprived vocal minority on the forums (not being derogatory; forum-posters are the minority), combined with Bioware's seemingly consistent inability to manage information and/or expectations will again result in a ZOMG[insert item here]POCALYPSE of 20[year].


I also suspect a CM-fed appearance tab and nothing more. But, frankly, if that minimizes the bum-pain of stripping mods and reaugmenting anytime and every time I upgrade a piece and/or decide to change my appearance then I, for one, will be satisfied. (although I also loathe the thought that auggie kit sales will plummet).

Edited by thewitchdoctor
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And once again: for most people there's a difference between

  • "Huh, I wonder if this means it will do [X]"


  • "I will be very disappointed / pissed if it doesn't do [X]"


Sadly, this is the internet, so there is very little "I wonder if it's X?" and very much "OMG it's *definitely* X! If by any chance it turns out not to be X, EAware lied to ME and it's a spit in the face of loyal customers! I will unsub NAO!"

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Sadly, this is the internet, so there is very little "I wonder if it's X?" and very much "OMG it's *definitely* X! If by any chance it turns out not to be X, EAware lied to ME and it's a spit in the face of loyal customers! I will unsub NAO!"


After three years of playing this game, this is exactly what im expecting to happen.


Too many tantrums have happened because peoples pie in the sky expectations werent met.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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After three years of playing this game, this is exactly what im expecting to happen.


Too many tantrums have happened because peoples pie in the sky expectations werent met.


Absolutely. Although in this particular case, if it turns out to be just a slightly overhauled collection system with appearance slots at most, at least some part of the blame does have to fall to the guy who called it "outfit *designer*" of all things in the first place.


I mean it's not like they couldn't have known this would build up unrealistic expectations if they just threw the name out there with no info whatsoever.

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Absolutely. Although in this particular case, if it turns out to be just a slightly overhauled collection system with appearance slots at most, at least some part of the blame does have to fall to the guy who called it "outfit *designer*" of all things in the first place.


I mean it's not like they couldn't have known this would build up unrealistic expectations if they just threw the name out there with no info whatsoever.


"Galactic Conquest"


A feature's name is hardly a good indicator of how it's going to work.

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Absolutely. Although in this particular case, if it turns out to be just a slightly overhauled collection system with appearance slots at most, at least some part of the blame does have to fall to the guy who called it "outfit *designer*" of all things in the first place.


I mean it's not like they couldn't have known this would build up unrealistic expectations if they just threw the name out there with no info whatsoever.


Why its outfit designer not gear designer and allowing you to have a appearance tab separate from stats does alow you to make an outfit. In no scenario is thinking we're going to be able to edit the individual gear parts realistic or suportted by reality.

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It's amusing to come back to SWTOR after being away for a while, and contrast these forums with the others where I have spent the last year. I was playing, (MMO based on another popular space opera, originally begun with a 60's television show. Think Split Infinitives), and seriously, folks, we have it good here.


Bioware, (even the shambling zombie thereof which remains since being possessed by EA), treats the SWTOR community really quite well compared to certain others who shall remain nameless. Every MMO has its warts, and we live in an age in which all major MMO devs are getting greedy with the micro, (except they're no longer so micro), transactions. The F2P concept is a horribly loathsome thing, which has bastardized and prostituted online gaming to a wretched extent, but there's no avoiding it unless you want to play (MMO named for a woman who figures prominently in the Book of Genesis). And that's just too hardcore for me, (although I invested huge amounts of time and a fair bit of cash before realizing that).


Bashing Bioware in this context is just not realistic, when they are in fact one of the more ethical and better-behaved MMO companies to be found in the first tier.


tl;dr - Bioware is not that bad.

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