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Everything posted by Zipacnaa

  1. I've been unsubscribed once in the past, when burnt out. Back in 2018. Except for that year, I've kept coming back. I got hooked on the game in June 2012. Not now, unsubscribed yesterday. Hope at some point to find joy in the game again. Not sure, it's been intentionally gutted.
  2. Nothing new - or even unusual in that. That is how this game has been ran for the 10 years I've been playing. How they get away with it .. well it boggles my mind
  3. Wouldn't dream of it. It comes down to trust. With you there is none. With Snave the opposite.
  4. I won't deny that I was a good little hamster, and completed GS1. That's after completing a few seasons in Destiny 2 - which is where I presume BW "borrowed" this hamster wheel idea from. But to do it again, now. Knowing what I do after wasting so much time on the PTS. Not sure
  5. While I've yet to read anyone say anything positive about 7.0 (loadout exempted) the misery that we all see as 7.0 has been sold to Management as needed change. Management has sold it to upper Management as needed change. And so forth. Did someone say bonus for when the change is implemented ? Anyone now speaking against the 'change' is questioning Management. Who dares do that, in socialist USA
  6. Where did Snaves post go, pretty much summing this tournament up as big scam ?
  7. 100 hours on the 7.0 test server. Nothing, and I repeat, nothing good there. Really wish I could just bring myself to delete all my characters, and burn the memory of SWTOR from my brain.
  8. with the usual "no communication" it's easy to find reason along these lines
  9. In any game I've played, over multiple decades .. this game has by far the most disconnected, uninterested and arrogant community "managers". I seem to keep coming back to this, but if I ran my business the way BW do .. well I'd not have a business. They give no inspiration, and they give no hope. Their silly focus on influencers alone, speaks volume.
  10. so, if being cynical the canon Star Wars franchise is not Republic vs Imperial ? the entire Zakuul story has been dismal. I never wanted **** walking around my Odessen base, but hey I had little say in that What ...
  11. how do you separate actual mates, versus carpet bombing everyone into being a "mate" ?
  12. if this truly is the case, then I'm lost for words. What an unbelievable grind it's going to be to get my alts up to speed. Playing the PTS has killed my desire to play on the live server, knowing what they're doing to the game
  13. Just a thought, but do you use 'Heroic moment', and that ability that I forget the name of the strengthens your comp ?
  14. Started playing sometime during June of 2012 - I recall being unsure about subscribing, so I bought game-time cards the first few years. The great nerf of 2014 is most notable in my memory, and also when I stopped using my then beloved Sentinel as my main. That's also approximately the same time when the guild I was in imploded, and I lost all my in-game friends as they rage quit. Over the years my interests have expanded,. When I first started playing I hated PvP, now I mainly PvP . Recently hit 50, and with COVID running rampant my celebration was spent playing on the PTS getting worried about the future of the game I've sunk near 10 years into. Gamer to the end !
  15. The more I'm playing the more baffled I am by the loot rewarded (FP). If I have a green 320 belt --> the FP rewards a green 320 belt If I have a green 322 helmet --> the FP rewards a green 322 helmet If I have a blue 324 implant --> the FP rewards a blue 324 implant I've yet to receive a single item that's been better than what I already have equipped, *after* hitting 320 rating. The sole source of upgrading my helmet to a 322 has been at the upgrade vendor, the same for the implants. I know I have too small a dataset to counter any argue of 'random' ... but it sure does feel like rewards are skewed(or just messed up)
  16. yes, they've always been really good at listening, and communicating. In particular, their countless community managers excel at timely and continues communication with their customers. /sarcasm
  17. I'm happy rocking the legacy gear from Coruscant Plaza, but I hope someone enjoys the benefit of such a very nice gesture from you both
  18. I too have been wondering where valor is tracked in the new, and truly awful new UI on the PTS. But, as the entire character screen seems unfinished, including the inventory with its WIP disclaimer, one can hope they're seeing the same.
  19. I seriously cannot determine if your entire post is a troll, or if you actually believe that someone having the nerve to talk to you is a world-ending event
  20. The answer: yes. It's the M$ approach: spend 85% of the dev time on making things look shiny, with the remaining % dedicated to aggressively making it less user friendly. Package the result as an improvement.
  21. not seen more than the same 5 FP's on rotation the past three days, of which Legacy of the Rakata pops near non-stop
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