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Goals for Addressing Server Concerns


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Let's be honest.. they need to step up the communications game. The 2015 Roadbump was not exactly a work of art and lacked some details in communications.


Really? Are you new here?


What do you think we've all been saying for a year now?


Their communication is a joke, they either know it and don't care, or they are incompetent. I'm not sure which is worse.

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Really? Are you new here?


What do you think we've all been saying for a year now?


Their communication is a joke, they either know it and don't care, or they are incompetent. I'm not sure which is worse.


Really? No I've been a round for a while. Let me re-word... "Communication has NOSE DIVED even further in the last 6 months"


That make it all better? :D

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The thing that irritates me is I have 13 characters on Jung Ma which has one of the worst populations in the game. So if I want to play on a more populated server like Bastion so I can actually see a queue pop then I have to reroll and start all over again with a new legacy or pay a crazy amount of Cartel Coins for a server switch of only one of my toons for a problem that I shouldn't have to fix for Bioware.


Don't get me wrong. This game is tons of fun and I support it. I don't walk around bashing it all day, but the server pop issue is killing it for my friends and I.

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Well, on Vanjervalis Chain that what you call a "low population" is quite normal. At least on the Fleet. Most other chars must be on Rishi & Yavin 4 now, I guess. ;)

It's not better on Jar'Kai Sword. And no not that many people on the new worlds either, I would say the activity currently is even below it was before the server merger back then. GSF, PvP and Groupfinder (even as a tank) are all kinda slow, which shows how few people are on. And I doubt that the issue is just on the German servers, but probably on other servers as well.

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And Eric ???


Some news ??


On JKS 30 min - 1 hr waiting for a GSF-Game.

Ranked on reps side one or two days a week , for one or two hours.

Ranked on imp side , every day after 7 pm for some hours,

rest of the day , 30-50 People on fleet !


BW what will you do ??

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And Eric ???


Some news ??


On JKS 30 min - 1 hr waiting for a GSF-Game.

Ranked on reps side one or two days a week , for one or two hours.

Ranked on imp side , every day after 7 pm for some hours,

rest of the day , 30-50 People on fleet !


BW what will you do ??


What server? I ask because right now on fleet instances 174 people in the one I am in and even before any perceived drop in activity Strongholds had caused a drop in fleet pops.


I am going to guess a PvP server in your case? Looking at easily googled data those servers have taken an activity hit, I will not deny that in the least. The PvE servers though are still doing about as well as they have been for a bit though.

Edited by Ghisallo
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I don't mind waiting and understand developement of new systems takes time. But why the scilence and lack of details? Last year and 2 years ago the yearly roadmaps were way more detailed from the get go and often updated, with multiple patches ahead. Much more was announced and detailed earlier and no one minded delays (as with GSH) because everyone understood roadmaps are subject to change. This year they're keeping everything to themselves and we have no details on anything except the next closest patch. "We will release new 2nd story update later in the year / we will address queue issues" can't qualify as actual announcements or details of any kind.
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I don't mind waiting and understand developement of new systems takes time. But why the scilence and lack of details? Last year and 2 years ago the yearly roadmaps were way more detailed from the get go and often updated, with multiple patches ahead. Much more was announced and detailed earlier and no one minded delays (as with GSH) because everyone understood roadmaps are subject to change. This year they're keeping everything to themselves and we have no details on anything except the next closest patch. "We will release new 2nd story update later in the year / we will address queue issues" can't qualify as actual announcements or details of any kind.


Well admittedly this year they are probably being quiet due to a trope. With the New Movie coming out they are likely trying "surprise" people to capitalize on the publicity. Example unless you do digging or constantly read these forums you would probably not know about the 6.15.15 #fallenempire wrist bands.

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I don't mind waiting and understand developement of new systems takes time. But why the scilence and lack of details? Last year and 2 years ago the yearly roadmaps were way more detailed from the get go and often updated, with multiple patches ahead. Much more was announced and detailed earlier and no one minded delays (as with GSH) because everyone understood roadmaps are subject to change. This year they're keeping everything to themselves and we have no details on anything except the next closest patch. "We will release new 2nd story update later in the year / we will address queue issues" can't qualify as actual announcements or details of any kind.


Bioware now have a history of making and breaking promises. Their silence is normally how they respond to things they don't want to answer. Is it any wonder the game population is shrinking?

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  • Remain sensitive to things like character identity.


I don't understand that point. Assuming we're talking about player characters, does that mean the identity implied in the class and the general conduct and way of expressing oneself a character of a given class has, or ways for the player to present a character with an own identity? Or are we talking about how game mechanics work and how the corresponding effects look and feel like?

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I don't understand that point. Assuming we're talking about player characters, does that mean the identity implied in the class and the general conduct and way of expressing oneself a character of a given class has, or ways for the player to present a character with an own identity? Or are we talking about how game mechanics work and how the corresponding effects look and feel like?

Guess that means things like character names, you know with the merger last time plenty of people lost their character names (I did with my main) and with that the identity felt changed. At least I hope that is what Eric was talking about, since if I lose one more character name, I am out of here!

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I don't understand that point. Assuming we're talking about player characters, does that mean the identity implied in the class and the general conduct and way of expressing oneself a character of a given class has, or ways for the player to present a character with an own identity? Or are we talking about how game mechanics work and how the corresponding effects look and feel like?


what it means is that some people have chars well established on servers and have built up a sizable reputation. That is usually identified by name, class, guild and legacy name.


so in essence what he is referring to is how to resolve name conflicts when two chars from different servers have the same name. It may look like me, be same class as me, have same gear as me, but isn't me. Yet people interact as though it could be me, and that can be problematic.

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I too would like some word on this... even if it is a simple, "This endeavor was put on hold due to technical limitations."


Something, anything?


Well we know Eric is here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=805691&page=5


My guess is that either the state of the servers is not as important as the pre-registration codes or he has simply being given zero info on this.


I think the second option is the more likely, I sincerely think his job is "lightning rod of the players issues with the game" and he is given some info but not all of it.


So they'll do what they did with the removal of F2P PvP restrictions, nothing and hope we forget or we'll be told of the changes a couple of weeks before it hits.


So we may never be updated on this issue...

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Yeah would have thought this is more important than the option to pre-register for an event where pre-registration does not mean you will get in. It doesnt mean anything yet it gets the devs posting about it.


But then lets face it Eric has said that his favorite part of ToR is the cantina events. Which fair play I guess playing the game is pretty low down on most the devs minds. Much better to get out and see the sights and have a few beers paid for by cartel market gambling.

Edited by Costello
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Those RP servers are actually less populated than even the low pop pvp servers. "Heavy" just means that traffic is high for that specific server based on its overall population.


Ebon Hawk's imperial fleet can break 200 people sometimes. Don't pretend has the same population as POT5's whopping 70 person, imperial fleet.

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Ebon Hawk's imperial fleet can break 200 people sometimes. Don't pretend has the same population as POT5's whopping 70 person, imperial fleet.


EH has more than PoT5 - but it's definitely nothing special compared to Shadowlands or JC. But PoT5 still (probably) has more than the RP-PVP server out there.

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EH has more than PoT5 - but it's definitely nothing special compared to Shadowlands or JC. But PoT5 still (probably) has more than the RP-PVP server out there.


I moved to Jung Ma from Ebon Hawk. JM gets up to 120ish at peak times.

Edited by HaoZhao
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But then lets face it Eric has said that his favorite part of ToR is the cantina events. Which fair play I guess playing the game is pretty low down on most the devs minds. Much better to get out and see the sights and have a few beers paid for by cartel market gambling.


Don't confuse Eric with a developer. As far as I know he doesn't write any code. He has the unenviable task of reading the forums and acting as a go between for the subscribers and the developers. Quite often a thankless job.

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