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Everything posted by DOHboy

  1. just because you havn't been caught, doesn't mean its "ok" macros of any kind are against the ToS and a bannable offense. nobody has said its not allowed, as long as you are MANUALLY controlling any players on any account you are not in violation of the ToS. So what does that mean you have multiple accounts 1) you have separate keyboard and mouse controlling each char individually 2) you have one keyboard and one mouse with a switch that you select which account gets which input 3) you have a macro that when you press a button the first activation works on account 1, second activation works for account two (as long as there are no programmed delays or actions that would otherwise violate the Tos). so example that doesn't violate ToS: player has two accounts running on one PC (virtual machine) with a single keyboard and mouse. The player when activating a skill presses a key and will activate that skill on the first account, pressing the key again will activate the skill on the second account. an example that violates ToS.: player has two accounts running on one PC with a single keyboard and mouse. The player, when activating a skill, presses a key and activates that skill on both accounts either at the same time, or with a slight delay built in, but in either case it requires only a single keyboard input to activate two skills. this can be extended to multiple PCs the same way, as (either with separate keyboard/mice) or special hardware to split the signals. macros and hardware that replace a physical key press or player input actions (delay) are against the ToS. for instance mapping keys is acceptable: press 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,1 and the macro takes each additional input as a different key press, 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 7, etc. is not against the ToS as it replaces individual key presses with a differetn key press (pressing 1,1,1,1,1,1 is no different than pressing 1,2,3,4,5). Doing a macro that when you press 1 and then executes the macro as: 1 delay (1.5) , 3 delay (1.5) 2 delay (1.5), 6 delay (1.5) and repeats is against the ToS as it replaces multiple key presses. even a macro that does 1 delay(1.5) 1 every time you press 1 violates that, as it adds in a automatic delay.
  2. problem with multi-boxing is that rarely is it ever done 'legally" most people will use a single keyboard and a single mouse. hit one key (say skill 5) and it will execute skill 5 for all boxes (this is against the TOS). now if you have 4 boxes and hit 5 5x then you are legal, but i highly doubt anyone is doing that. I could be proven wrong, but given the reasons for using it, i doubt anyone would take the time to do it right. easy way to tell, if all chars in a group are executing their skills at same time, its probably a macro, if they are executing in succession, its probably a multi-box but without the macro. personally i would just as easily say no to the practice as it is easy to exploit and hard to detect "correct use"
  3. they did, it was called ilum, it died a very swift and timely death, you just couldn't tell because anymore than 10 people and peoples games turned into slide shows.
  4. point of dead vs dying is that yes. game is dying, it is a finite resource that will eventually expire, so in that aspect yes it is dying. But most people who come state as such are implying that the game is dead, needs to end and should restart as something else. so that was andryah point, if we're going to get into a semantics argument there are much better topics to discuss than dead/dying game.. "is" "gambling" "content" game is not its former self, but is also not in danger of going barren any time soon. there is a difference.
  5. BACK! BACK! YOU EVIL LOGIC USER! BACK TO THE DEPTHS OF WHICH YOU CAME! so which is it, game is dead or too many subscribers playing the new chapter causing instance induced lag? sounds like CZ198 all over again but that was bad for weeks. good thing I havn't been in it yet, was kind of waiting until this weekend.
  6. their metrics showed that people overwhelmingly skipped most of the cut scenes for the side quests and dailies, meaning any effort spent animating it was often lost on repeatable content. People complained about having to do cut scenes often for dailies so they removed the animation...and people complained. So they went to a more KOTOR style for KOTFE and animated with little voice acting...people complained. similar to taxis people complained about the travel time so they removed them and did a black screen once makeb launched...people complained! tl:dr people complained.
  7. This is not aboot Canada, this is aboot censorship!!!!
  8. well, let me clarify "easiest" its the most straight forward as not to break how the game currently operates and still meet the intent of the DvL packs, but fixes the problem with having to unlock bound items you cant use. now being "easiest" to implement probably not so, so I wouldn't expect anything like that to implemented, but would also fix problems where have bound items across a legacy, but can't unlock the entire thing in collections.
  9. "easiest" way would be to have a slot (like guild banks) where you can "donate" to your legacy. i.e drag/drop a bound CM item into it and it becomes "added to collections" you would still need to pay to unlock, but I think that would be the easiest way to get past the "equip to unlock" since it is BOP it should be no different than BOE that is equipped. I.e as long as it is bound, you can add it to collections (for CM items only).
  10. LIES!! Interns can do it in a few weeks...the forums have decreed that years ago. i'm not sure what "performance" issues people have, i've never had significant issues outside of things like lag and latency issues because 1000+ miles tends to cause problems with packets.
  11. but EVERYONE has time to go to the forums and post about it:p
  12. so what youre saying is that previously US to EU transferes were ALL about privacy laws and nothing to do with Bioware being lazy/incompetent....LIES!!!! INTERNET DECREED! The reason was, and always will be, because the developers were lazy, and not because of any pesky things like laws and such!
  13. no, i've never unsubbed, just havn't been all that thrilled with the conversations to contribute
  14. glad i wasn't the only one who saw that and did a nice internal snicker... its our duty to point those things out!
  15. GAH what are you a pointer? need to start using this->ikinai so we know which one is which!!!
  16. damnit..now i want pie
  17. I was told there would be no math...i wasn't very trusting as such I keep em all on one server. Its hard to see toes in dark while playing so have to keep list small.
  18. bah thats no fun...how can she give a great snarky and most of all entertaining answer if we don't ask what she was doing with a can of eze-cheeze at 2:30am! Enquiring minds want to know!
  19. why was a 2012 thread necroed in 2013 to be necroed in 2014 to be necroed in 2016? Because we failed our defense against the dark arts class and now the dead are among the living. This thread is competing against Diablo as winner of most resurrections. Recursive necromancy...eventually we'll have resurrected primordial ooze until then we can at least get battlebug
  20. super easy way to make money...Run tiny adds in paper advertising super easy way to make money by selling adds!!!
  21. whats your point? if you believe the stories, what happens is the thieves that run the credit selling rings, steal Credit Card Numbers from people who by the credits, then use those stolen numbers to buy CC and then turn those into credits to sell to people along with the ones that they get from farming. Not exactly sure what you want Bioware to "look into"...are you complaining about the cost of hypercrates, the value being sold on the GTN, or who is selling them?
  22. because treatment is not covered by obamacare... *back on topic* this is a great change, just with it had been done...oh 2 years ago when i was still leveling toons rather than with the dozen 65s i have now that I don't really play much of anymore.
  23. shes a voice actor (and a damn good one at that) she can use voice inflection and pitch along with other changes to make her voice sound older, softer, calmer etc. Many voice actors tend to play multiple parts, if you look at the actor list (Imdb) you'll see many many parts played by many of the actors (additional voices). Play it long enough and play enough of the classes you'll be able to tell who did additional voices. This game was a whose who of voice acting and they spared no expense in hiring some of the best (famous?) voice actors in the business.
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