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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Goals for Addressing Server Concerns


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What ever happened to this? What were the details about the improvement to the queue times for PvP and PvE?


The same thing that happened to fixing all the bugs in SoR, or listening to their test-server feedback before released Ravagers, or actually doing QC on patches before they're released to make sure they don't, say, make half the decos in strongholds bugged, or...


And yet, when people say "We'd like to know how the game is changing in KotFE", Bioware expects its customers to be happy with answers that amount to "We can't tell you, but trust us, it'll be awesome!"



Absolutely. I think the PvP servers are done for good.


Not only will FE have no positive impact on them, but I believe FE will actually HURT PvP servers overall, as curious players return to the game, only to be greeted by a completely dead (in MMO terms) server. They'll turn away and never look back.


It's a mistake to not address servers prior to FE.


Fixing what's broken in the existing product doesn't look sexy on the quarterly board notes.


"New content for sale" does.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Being on the Bastion, on the imp side (I've been going through all the imp stories lately), what I generally see is 150-200 people on fleet, around 70 or more people on starter planets, around 30 on middle ones and 10-20 on late level planets like Voss and Corellia. Those are roughly the same numbers I used to see on the pub side in late 2012. (Not sure about the pub side now.) It's not as dire as you make it out to be.


These are roughly the same numbers that I see daily playing over on Jedi Covenant.

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And of course, Lots of ppl have left servers because of lack of Content, or just plain Not doing enough to keep the Subs, like ppl not liking how KOTFE will become more of just a Single Player game. And a Huge non-caring Devd community when it comes to PvP stuff.


I see All of the Pvp Servers being lost most likely.



And who's to blame for that??


PvP players,


I don't want PvP severs to go but as long as players continue to go out of there way to attack other players 30 odd levels below them far too many will never go back onto a PvP sever.


As said I don't want to see them go because I have characters on every PvP sever even the French and german, spent far to much time and real money just to see them go. Still a I cannot blame the mass migration of players leaving.

I am sure PvP players will now come on saying well I don't do that, no not all PvP players do, I don't either but far to many do.

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Terrible time to be in a low pop pvp server that everybody 90cc' transferred out of.


EV and KP Nightmare Removal in Fallen Empire


Because of this, we are going to be removing Nightmare Mode Eternity Vault and Karagga’s Palace from the game with the launch of Fallen Empire. Titles and Achievements details of the change:

  • Any unique drops that were found in these Nightmare Modes will now drop in Hard Mode.
  • The timed run Titles for Nightmare Mode can no longer be earned in Fallen Empire.
  • Any Achievements which you have earned for these Nightmare Modes will be moved to a new Archived section under Operations, and can no longer be earned.

If you would like to get the timed run titles or NM achievements, now is your chance! Get in there before Fallen Empire launches. Thanks everyone.




Makeb [staged] Weekly Being Removed in 4.0


Hey folks,


We wanted to pass on a heads up about some Achievements which will be coming out of the game with Game Update 4.0.


Category: Citizens of Makeb

  • Mass Exodus
  • Hero of the Citizens of Makeb
  • Making the Connection


Category: Makeb Imperial Forces

  • Contain and Control
  • Hero of the Makeb Imperial Forces
  • Well Connected

All players who complete Making the Connection and/or Well Connected achievements before they are removed will be receiving a Makeb Gazebo decoration in the mail around the time Game Update 4.0 launches. If you don’t have those achievements but you are looking to get them before they are retired, now is the time! We’ll see you all on Makeb.





Some quick changes, and clarifications.


What is being removed is the Makeb [staged] Weekly Missions. In there place, we are putting new Weekly Missions which will contain largely the same content they do now, except presented in a way that is more consistent with the other Planetary Weekly Missions.


I have also updates the thread title to more accurately reflect. Sorry for the confusion!





GL getting those in a dead server.

Edited by Falensawino
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Eric can you also please look into your ISP... Their connection to the Internet backbone (level3) is terrible... Lots of us are experiencing packet loss of 95% and massive lag spikes from where your ISP connects to the backbone... This has been getting worse and more frequent since June and is currently been constant now for 2 weeks...

Lots of people are mistakenly blaming your servers for this as they don't know about packet loss or what router pathway hops are to your servers... The servers are getting an even worse rep than before... People aren't playing... My whole pvp guild has stopped playing pretty much... Because of the packet loss, our abilities don't activate or have 2-3 second delay... This makes pvp impossible... Others are having similar issues with HM OPs...

Here is a link to a current thread with all the info you need regarding this issue -



Please please look into this as a priority... I love this game... But I have just had to reinstall wow to get my pvp fix...

Edited by Icykill_
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Hm, I miss the following bullet point in your list:

"The continued seperation by language into German, English and French."

I really hope that there'll still be a server separation by language with these changes... :( While (unlike some other players on my server) I have no problem understanding/writing/speaking English, when playing SWTOR, I want to play and chat with German players in German.


While my server is pretty populated, I know players on other servers have problems finding groups, so it is good you are doing something about it. Gonna wait for more details on cross-servers / server-merges before I can judge it.


Actually wouldn't have a problem with English and German servers merged. Been my experience that most Germans have good English and German as a language is close enough to English that you can pick up on what's being said.


French is a no go though. Had the opposite experience with the French where very few spoke even basic English.

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There's really only two options that I can think of what happened


1. They were actively trying to fix the server situation but the powers to be told them stop or put it on hold, for whatever reason.


2. The powers to be told Eric to just say something to shut up the masses.

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There's really only two options that I can think of what happened


1. They were actively trying to fix the server situation but the powers to be told them stop or put it on hold, for whatever reason.


2. The powers to be told Eric to just say something to shut up the masses.


I think with the arrival of KOTFE - its a gamble being played out by Bioware. Essentially, the expansion will close the door on the vanilla game and all of its problems and open the door to a easy to maintain 'service' as SWTOR turns into a Netflix esq gaming service - where fools pay £9 a month for 1 episode download.


The gamble comes when Episode 7 arrives to fill out the servers. Clearly there was a change of direction just before Christmas and just after Eric yet again blurted out more BS from his mouth. EA gave Bioware a small chest of Star Wars money to build a service easy to maintain with little and no effort and hope with the movie, players will be attracted to join the 'Story'.


When history repeats itself just after January, and the servers are again empty because 'Story' alone won't cut it, they will decide if its worth renewing the games licence from 2016 or not. Its funny how the actual Chapters ends the same month the licence expires.


And just for the fanboys - Bioware took over the licence in 2006 with discussions at LucasArts during 2005. The licence was a 10 year one - which expires next year and was not part of the new deal with EA and theres been no news on it being renewed.

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I think with the arrival of KOTFE - its a gamble being played out by Bioware. Essentially, the expansion will close the door on the vanilla game and all of its problems and open the door to a easy to maintain 'service' as SWTOR turns into a Netflix esq gaming service - where fools pay £9 a month for 1 episode download.


The gamble comes when Episode 7 arrives to fill out the servers. Clearly there was a change of direction just before Christmas and just after Eric yet again blurted out more BS from his mouth. EA gave Bioware a small chest of Star Wars money to build a service easy to maintain with little and no effort and hope with the movie, players will be attracted to join the 'Story'.


When history repeats itself just after January, and the servers are again empty because 'Story' alone won't cut it, they will decide if its worth renewing the games licence from 2016 or not. Its funny how the actual Chapters ends the same month the licence expires.


And just for the fanboys - Bioware took over the licence in 2006 with discussions at LucasArts during 2005. The licence was a 10 year one - which expires next year and was not part of the new deal with EA and theres been no news on it being renewed.



Sorry, but were did you get that from.?!


As far as I know Bioware is part of EA and EA made a deal with Disney which bought LucasArts and all rights with it in 2013... The deal was that EA will be given all rights to the licence in regards to develope SW-Games until 2023... So there are no real Problems with the licence... The only problem is they question if the game still gives EA/BW enough profit..! The last statement from EA/BW for 2014 said something about $100 million++ what is quite good...



Best regards


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Sorry, but were did you get that from.?!




The story of SWTOR


Ohlen was lead designer on the earlier RPG, and he perceives the MMORPG "as a continuation of telling stories in that era. They share a lot in common, including the BioWare staples of cinematic storytelling and being able to make choices that impact how your story unfolds."


Even though it's a natural evolution for the pair, neither Ohlen nor Erickson had a clue as to what game they would be tasked to build when they came down to Austin in 2005. It wasn't until late 2006 that the team got started in earnest on the Star Wars IP.


Just because the game was released in 2011, doesn't mean that the licence starts from that date. It actually starts from an agreed date and when the development actually starts. Otherwise you are creating assets you have no licence for and can be sued by the great giant that was LucasArts.


Remember, EA didn't own Bioware when they first started working on SWTOR. The new deal EA signed doesn't give them exclusive rights to online and mobile. And, had no mention of extending SWTORS current agreement.

Edited by DarthMaulUK
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I really hope this means some sort of Mega Server, with only map instances having different rules, like "Ilum PVP (2)", "Ilum PVE (3)". This would fix the population issue nicely.


And about character identity, I hope they finally let us use same first names as other people and just separate them with legacy names like Max@Fury or account names like Max@noscopekiller99. Would remove many peoples heartache with names.

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Hey folks,




  • To address issues of queue times across all types of content, both PvP and PvE.
  • To rethink how we approach “server separation.”
  • Remain sensitive to things like character identity.
  • The continued ability to define your chosen server playstyle, PvE, PvP, RP, RP-PvP.
  • We also would love to use this opportunity to enhance/create social systems. It’s a big ole’ galaxy and we want it to feel that way.

In the coming months we will be releasing more details. We appreciate your patience as we work towards these goals.




This post was from December 2014 - And nothing yet, not even a 'too difficult/ not enough resource" update - My feeling is that it's gonna be a long wait for a train don't come.....

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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This post was from December 2014 - And nothing yet, not even a 'too difficult/ not enough resource" update - My feeling is that it's gonna be a long wait for a train don't come.....

I believe the 90cc transfer fee was due to this not working out as intended.

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But I can only be logged onto one character and 1 server at a time. - I can't see a WZ pop on another server. 90 cartel coins to 'speculate' that another server is more active.... I can't see that as a solution. 90 coins to copy characters.....That'd be a step in the right direction, if not a solution without it's own unique problems.
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But I can only be logged onto one character and 1 server at a time. - I can't see a WZ pop on another server. 90 cartel coins to 'speculate' that another server is more active.... I can't see that as a solution. 90 coins to copy characters.....That'd be a step in the right direction, if not a solution without it's own unique problems.


Actually, by all appearances, the 90cc transfer currently offered has allowed most players who are not satisfied with their current server to actually move economically to a new server. It's a 95% discount to normal transfer fees, and most players appear to both have taken advantage of it, and find it beneficial to their needs.


In that sense, the current transfer promotion is a big success. Why? Because it allows players to make choices for themselves rather then be forced into something Bioware decides is good.


It is extremely unlikely they will redeploy the servers into a single megaserver per region. Game simply was not designed with this in mind.


Likewise.. it is extremely unlikely they will offer cross-server queues. They have teased about doing so for almost 3 years now.. and it's pretty apparent they are unable to make it work to their desired satisfaction.


The only losers by this current CC transfer promotion are die hards who simply refuse to move, and PvP servers as a whole.. which are pretty well on life support. But really.. other then the opportunity to unfairly gank lower level players and grief players trying to simply proceed with normal game play in open worlds... PvP servers serve no purpose in this game. They should simply shut them down and force transfer remaining characters to existing PvE servers IMO. IF there were great incentives and mechanics for open world PvP (old school style) then I could see the issue with keeping PvP servers healthy. But for this MMO.. that is simply not applicable.

Edited by Andryah
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But I can only be logged onto one character and 1 server at a time. - I can't see a WZ pop on another server. 90 cartel coins to 'speculate' that another server is more active.... I can't see that as a solution. 90 coins to copy characters.....That'd be a step in the right direction, if not a solution without it's own unique problems.


Make a new toon on the server you are thinking of transferring to. Then, do a search on the warzones




Pit(both Huttballs)




And for arenas, you have to type the name of the arena. But you shouldn't spend your cartel coins on their lack of effort to address the issue.

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But I can only be logged onto one character and 1 server at a time. - I can't see a WZ pop on another server. 90 cartel coins to 'speculate' that another server is more active.... I can't see that as a solution. 90 coins to copy characters.....That'd be a step in the right direction, if not a solution without it's own unique problems.


Or simply ask people about the servers you are interested in.... treads like these regularly pop out on reddit

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  • 5 weeks later...

It is alright guys they are "promising" us they would implement it next year, wink!




Q: "Last year at NY ComiCon, you said that there was something ‘better than cross-server’ coming. What is it? Where/when is it?"

Musco- I did say that, and I’m going to give you the Community Manager answer that we see cross-server queuing as really addressing a symptom, rather than the actual problem. The real problem is that Group Finder pops aren’t happening as fast as we or you would like. That’s for Warzones, Flashpoints, Operations, all of it. So, we that is the problem we are trying to resolve.

Backus- I will probably lose my job for this, but I can say that there are two things that we are actively working on to address your concerns here and what you describe as ‘better than cross-server’. I can’t say much more than that, except that you will see an announcement and implementation before next New York ComiCon.

Musco- *with a wink* Subject to change!

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Can a Dev-posted topic be necro'd if it's posted in again? No clue.



I did find that kind of hilarious though, essentially a "we got nothing, try next year".


It does sort of confirm that KOTFE + level synch (as far as Heroics go anyway) isn't their main solution...

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