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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Flashpoints are Insanely Hard!

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They're not extremely hard, but they are very much based on trial and error. I very rarely finish at least one boss encounter without a wipe, but I have also yet to NOT complete a Flashpoint without my full group still intact. Teamwork and communication is encouraged, if not required, there remains a challenge but overall the task is not impossible.


I love it.

Edited by WhoDaresWins
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They're not extremely hard, but they are very much based on trial and error. I very rarely finish at least one boss encounter without a wipe, but I have also yet to NOT complete a Flashpoint without my full group still intact. Teamwork and communication is encouraged, if not required, there remains a challenge but overall the task is not impossible.


I love it.


This is actually a really good summary of things, once we had each boss figured out and had a plan, we downed them with no deaths.

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The only one I've seen so far which is properly hard is Colicoid Wargames, partly because of bugs and lack of responsiveness with the cannons. All the others I've done first try at the right level. With a few close ones on bosses (as it should be).


Up to the foundry the flashpoints are pretty easy, I even 2 manned some of them using healing companions. After boarding party you start needing properly specced healers and tanks.

Edited by NasherUK
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You cannot compare "leveling dungons" with end game raid content from another mmo. thats just stupid. The game up until level 30, is carebear as you like. It assumes you have never played anything before, and walks you through gently sure, some basses aren't just tank and spank but they only have 1 mechanic. Soon after 30 you encounter normal mobs that have several mechanics and thats not to mention the normal bosses.

Get 50, the comment. Just saying.

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I would agree if they scaled to lvl. But being hard simply means I'll pass them by at the intended level and end up playing them when I've outleveled the content. Getting a group to do them is hard enough. But when people start quiting and I'm forced to give up I'm not sitting around begging for new people. Tried Taral V. Wiped twice on last boss, then healers bailed. Nobody else was interested in doing it. Back to class quests.


The way this game is set up, FPs can't afford to be too hard. I wish they were integrated with the class quests like Esseles/Black Talon so that more people are trying to get groups for them. As it is, they are out of the way and it feels like you're going off the beaten path to do them.


Again, difficulty isn;t bad, but when it's keeping me from completing the FPs altogether (regardless of the reason) it's bad imo.

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@ the OP

i'll be honest :p when i saw the title i had like here we go again feeling.

but i got to say, when i started reading your post, i was very pleased to read it, its nice to see people like yourself and many others in this thread actaully enjoy them the flashpoints :D

its good to say some people actaully enjoy the fact something is tuffer then in other MMO's.


i played lotro, since launch and the flashpoints let me think about the instances there alot.

it requires teamwork, communication, and planning, ( CC, marking, ...)

i hope bioware doesnt dumb down the flashpoints and keeps them fun !!


just did Taral V, and had amazing fun pretty tuff boss that bonus one.

but it was a amazing experience ^^


did all flashpoints up to Taral V now, pug and guild group, and went all really well, but like mentioned bonus boss in Taral V is a Pain xD ^^


ps: Merry Christmas to everyone and ofcourse i wish you all a very nice, healthy, New Year.

Edited by halbarz
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I'd definitely agree with the whole trial-and-error thing. You need a team that either knows the plan or can learn fast.


Furthermore, many of the bosses here force you to pay attention. The prophet in Athiss, for example...he might not be the most difficult to kill boss. You might not even lose anybody downing him. But you do need to be on your toes the whole fight, active and alert--especially as the healer.


So I would agree that many of the better-designed flashpoints are hard, not in that you have a high chance of losing and have to throw yourself at it time and time again, but instead because they force you to focus and work, even if you win handily.

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While I don't find them difficult at all, I appreciate the fact that you are happy with them being hard for you. Its refreshing to see somebody wanting a challenge. I'm really hoping they don't get nerfed too bad. But I'm afraid that that's where we're headed.
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We got to the second boss with minor issues (one wipe due to a patrol that managed to pull from literally across the Flashpoint), and then WIPEFEST. I think we wiped on the second boss 3 or 4 times, then another 3 or 4 on the last boss.


LOL, your story almost match mine yesterday, I was playing the Athiss FP with a SM (lvl 19), SJ (lvl 20), another BH (lvl 22, DPS) and me, as a Merc lvl 22 healer, and we had 3 or 4 wipeouts on the second boss, and the last boss was a nightmare for me (we got 2 wipes too). We communicated well, and the leader informed us about each boss, and even with that we were wiped out by these bosses.


I won't come back to Athiss until I'm lvl 30 at least lol

Edited by metalfenix
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hes not whinning.. maybe you should read his post first hes saying how he loves it being harder than wow... so think before you speak your just making your self look like a fool.

Maybe you should listen to your own advice and start learning how to read.


On the topic the flash points have been great fun. I still find it a bit weird having DPS deal with some add spawns on bosses, as a tank in other MMOs it's usually been my job to pick up and hold everything.


So. Many. Adds. But yeah, heaps of fun.


i was replying to original post, this one is edited...or i'm a blind one

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The only WoW I played was in Vanilla, but I have to say: SWTOR flashpoints are a lot of fun compared to WoW's leveling instances. They aren't particularly difficult, but you do have to pay attention. I remember getting well into my 40s in WoW without running into a single encounter that wasn't tank and spank. During the beta, it took my group several tries to beat the final boss of Hammer Station. (during early access it was a bit easier as I tanked better)


Most of the bosses are easy enough if you pay attention to what they're doing-- but for me, that's good, because it trains people to pay attention to what's going on so that they're used to doing so by the time they level cap.

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The only thing I've found hard so far is attempting Mandalorian Raiders at level 24 with no tank and no healer. With the current cc immunity we found it impossible!


But, when done right most of the flashpoints, earlier ones are pretty easy. The bosses where you have to think and avoid additional damage and use additional tacticts are more fun. I'm thinking of the last boss of Athiss here, first challenge of the game for me, bound to be more to come!


Raiding should be a blast.

Edited by AelixVII
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LOL, your story almost match mine yesterday, I was playing the Athiss FP with a SM (lvl 19), SJ (lvl 20), another BH (lvl 22, DPS) and me, as a Merc lvl 22 healer, and we had 3 or 4 wipeouts on the second boss, and the last boss was a nightmare for me (we got 2 wipes too). We communicated well, and the leader informed us about each boss, and even with that we were wiped out by these bosses.


I won't come back to Athiss until I'm lvl 30 at least lol


Level 30 is a little excessive for athiss haha. But I see your point. Honestly though, athiss is a lvl 21 flash so I think the other two we're under leveled. Also, I've found that even if somebody tells you exactly what to do before the sometimes just trying it and wiping is necessary. Warning about ads doesn't matter if you don't where to look or how many etc... Its all part of the learning process.

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the only real problem ive encountered was the mandalorian raiders bording party but then we where probably doing it wrong and 2 of us where only lvl 22.


I see this as a pattern in this forum. The majority of the threads complaining about flashes being to hard (not this thread and im not saying you were complaing) are made by people that are under leveled for the flashpoint. Then surprised when they can't win.

Edited by Kneemo
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I haven't done many flashpoints... Just the first 4 and I haven't found them hard in the least/


Esseles, did with 3 people even though its designed for 2... cake walk.


Hammer Station, no wipes, no CC... easy.


Athiss, no wipes, no CC... easy.


Mandalorian Raiders, used CC, wiped once on trash due to an accidental body pull, no boss wipes (not even on the dreaded second boss)... moderate.


I don't even know what instance is next... but I am not concerned. I'm sure Nightmare mode flashpoints will be much harder.

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It was mainly just the bosses. The trash is all pretty easy, but they have managed to slap a good challenge on the bosses. This was also a whole group of 21s or below, nobody was overlevel for the flashpoint.


trash should be easy. nothing makes you feel decideingly UNheroic by struggling to kill a single trooper

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