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The coalition base on Yavin needs to be neutral territory.


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I don't agree. I think any sensible person would concede that PVP should not happen in this area. This is not normal PVP any more than being able to attack someone when they are logged out would be PVP.


It is a turkey shoot. Bioware has made it clear, IMO, that they do not condone this type of behavior in the past by making adjustments, and I expect they will likely do the same here.


Naturally there are going to be folks that want to keep it in place....free kills and all that. But I think this will likely change in the short term.

on day 2 I spent all day on y4 just messing with pubs. had a great time. once it turned into a larger grp of imps it lost the appeal.


what you're failing to see is the potential for an escalation into a larger fair battle.


PvP servers should govern themselves. a large group is killing your faction? assemble a group of your own and police the situation.


the real problem is that there are too many people that hate PvP on PvP servers and see negativity in being killed and not opportunity.


as I go around killing questing pubs on y4 my wish is that they do fight back or assemble and they sometimes do. its fantastic when it happens. I see a group or 4 and I attack them. I don't care if I die its fun regardless.

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actually last night the Republic gathered an ops group on my server to hunt down imps, one of the few times I saw them able to kill something on that planet ( to be fair, it took 5 of them like a good solid minute to dps me down somehow, I should have died in seconds but those guys were easy to square off against for a while, til my lack of healing abilities led me to die Edited by Sangrar
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yes because clicking "resurrect at med centre" and instantly appearing 5ft away is tough work.


if you love PvP so much u shouldn't be whining about PvP.


spawn camping dose nothing for the health of pvp on a server


if you cant stand up only to get ganked again might as well just quit the game and do something else, this cannot be the developer intentions

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I had a problem while I was questing on Yavin where I would use my AOE on a group mobs, a Flagged Imp would then run into my line of fire and flag me, and that was my questing over until I managed to escape to my stronghold.


So yes, I didn't want to take part, I never flagged myself and still had them ganking me every time I rezzed by a med droid or in the field.


running into an other faction AOE does not flag them for PVP, only happens if you were targeting them specifically.


If this has happened to you, then you should raise a bug report.

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I love PvP; I am on a PvP server and I love open world.


The Yavin spawn in area is called a SANCTUARY. It's the only place in the expansion that is NOT faction neutral where quest givers are. Rishi is all neutral until you get out into the open world. The Sanctuary is NOT open world. The cruel joke from Bioware is that it is called a Scantuary and the story line shows Imperial and Republic are working together, yet this is the newest gank fest area.


The fact that there are even people going "get over it" shows how much common sense is lacking in the community. This will undoubtly be fixed, but the complaints here are totally warranted. Bioware needs to know how messed up that "sanctuary" is.

Edited by undiess
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I love PvP; I am on a PvP server and I love open world.


The Yavin spawn in area is called a SANCTUARY. It's the only place in the expansion that is NOT faction neutral where quest givers are. Rishi is all neutral until you get out into the open world. The Sanctuary is NOT open world. The cruel joke from Bioware is that it is called a Scantuary and the story line shows Imperial and Republic are working together, yet this is the newest gank fest area.


The fact that there are even people going "get over it" shows how much common sense is lacking in the community. This will undoubtly be fixed, but the complaints here are totally warranted. Bioware needs to know how messed up that "sanctuary" is.


I am also confident this was an oversight. It makes no sense thematically for this not to be a sancutuary.


I highly doubt Bioware wanted giant PvP wars breaking out when people are trying to pick up quests and talk to vendors. If they did, them I'm not sure their designers are sane.

Edited by Arkerus
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I love PvP; I am on a PvP server and I love open world.


The Yavin spawn in area is called a SANCTUARY. It's the only place in the expansion that is NOT faction neutral where quest givers are. Rishi is all neutral until you get out into the open world. The Sanctuary is NOT open world. The cruel joke from Bioware is that it is called a Scantuary and the story line shows Imperial and Republic are working together, yet this is the newest gank fest area.


The fact that there are even people going "get over it" shows how much common sense is lacking in the community. This will undoubtly be fixed, but the complaints here are totally warranted. Bioware needs to know how messed up that "sanctuary" is.


The sort of players who think that mass spawn-camping the area where enemy players are in load screens, spawn after revives, would leave the world if they decided they were done participating, etc, is acceptable and fun behavior... are exactly the sort of players who make some people swear off PvP permanently.


PvP brings out the ********** in too many people. Don't believe me? Watch the response this post gets, they'll probably demonstrate the point for me.

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Perhaps the solution here is, more than X player kills happening in the area in Y minutes triggers this scenario - Satele and Marr, both buffed to invincibility, draw savers, Satele yells "All right, BREAK IT UP!" beat everyone in the room to 5% health, debuff them all to zero damage dealing for five minutes and a short cutscene for all involved of them being made to stand on the naughty step.
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I like playing Pub. I know most people don't. I know I am always going to be outnumbered. I know there is nothing that can be done about it. So please don't make me suffer further by allowing this stupidity to continue. It's not like this on Rishii. There are plenty of opportunities for the imps to gank in the quest area.


or you know... don't walk around flagged... cheers.

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on day 2 I spent all day on y4 just messing with pubs. had a great time. once it turned into a larger grp of imps it lost the appeal.


what you're failing to see is the potential for an escalation into a larger fair battle.


PvP servers should govern themselves. a large group is killing your faction? assemble a group of your own and police the situation.


the real problem is that there are too many people that hate PvP on PvP servers and see negativity in being killed and not opportunity.


as I go around killing questing pubs on y4 my wish is that they do fight back or assemble and they sometimes do. its fantastic when it happens. I see a group or 4 and I attack them. I don't care if I die its fun regardless.


I understand this may be fun for some, and may even lead to larger legitimate battles....but it is still a practice that should not be allowed IMO.


The likely negative impact to an already small portion of the playerbase that participates in PVP would be significant IMO. The PVP community can not afford to lose players, and it is this kind of practice that can contribute to a loss, fun or not.


It is not healthy for the game or the PVP community IMO, and therefore needs to be changed. Players that enjoyed exploiting this obviously dishonorable practice can find some other way to entertain themselves...


Meanwhile the PVP system will continue to work as intended.


Naturally this is just my opinion, and is not meant to be the last word...but the point I made about Bioware curbing this sort of behavior is self evident...I would expect to see this change shortly.

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I still can't understand how after three years, people still don't understand that if you flag yourself, you will be killed. And I even further don't understand that flagging yourself for pvp is somehow somebody else's fault. If you don't want to be killed by other players, don't flag up. How is this something that is so hard to understand?
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I still can't understand how after three years, people still don't understand that if you flag yourself, you will be killed. And I even further don't understand that flagging yourself for pvp is somehow somebody else's fault. If you don't want to be killed by other players, don't flag up. How is this something that is so hard to understand?


Someone didn't read the thread before responding...

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I would add, however, that no matter how dishonorable this practice may be one can not blame a player for taking advantage of it.


This was most probably an oversight on Bioware's part, one they will likely fix, but players should not be blamed for simply taking advantage of any....well...advantage they can.

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Perhaps the solution here is, more than X player kills happening in the area in Y minutes triggers this scenario - Satele and Marr, both buffed to invincibility, draw savers, Satele yells "All right, BREAK IT UP!" beat everyone in the room to 5% health, debuff them all to zero damage dealing for five minutes and a short cutscene for all involved of them being made to stand on the naughty step.


That would be awesome.

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I would add, however, that no matter how dishonorable this practice may be one can not blame a player for taking advantage of it.


This was most probably an oversight on Bioware's part, one they will likely fix, but players should not be blamed for simply taking advantage of any....well...advantage they can.


Just because it isn't against the rules doesn't mean that it isn't clearly a d-bag thing to do.


Too many people use "But it's not against the rules" as an excuse to do things that are jerk moves, and clearly so to anyone with even a shred of moral fiber (see also, poaching nodes, chests, etc, after someone else has started clearing the mobs -- there's always at least one guy on who's too pathetic too clear his own trash).

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I would add, however, that no matter how dishonorable this practice may be one can not blame a player for taking advantage of it.


This was most probably an oversight on Bioware's part, one they will likely fix, but players should not be blamed for simply taking advantage of any....well...advantage they can.


There is really two issues at hand here.


#1. There is no 'dishonorable' PvP, if you sign up for PvP you should expect PvP to happen at any time. People have their definitions of when or how they would engage in PvP but holding others to their expectations is foolish.


#2. I am only agreeing with your second point because the precedent exists, they fixed illum, they place champion guards on low level planets to protect bases, and they designated many areas as sanctuary, so they've clearly set a precedent that they consider major quest hubs or loading zones to be off limits for PvP. I don't necessarily think that a game couldn't be successful with a different approach, where PvP can be a means to cut off entire sets of benefits from opponents including quest areas, but that game is not this game and it would be woefully negligent and inconsistent for bioware to not address this in the same fashion they've always addressed it.


I think you'll find more people will support your #2 if you stop trying to force them to accept your #1.

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Just because it isn't against the rules doesn't mean that it isn't clearly a d-bag thing to do.


Oh, no doubt, absolutely dishonorable behavior.


Too many people use "But it's not against the rules" as an excuse to do things that are jerk moves, and clearly so to anyone with even a shred of moral fiber (see also, poaching nodes, chests, etc, after someone else has started clearing the mobs -- there's always at least one guy on who's too pathetic too clear his own trash).


Well, speaking from a neutral standpoint here, if it is not against the rules then players will likely take advantage of it. Dishonorable or not. That doesn't mean they should, but it also means they really can't be faulted for it.


The fault sits with the designers that allow it to happen.


Naturally I am sure many would love to see folks demonstrate honor and self respect. But we see evidence all the time, I would expect, that demonstrates the opposite. And since the game allows it you really can't blame a fox for being a fox.


Just my view...this is something that definitely needs to be corrected. For the sake of the game and the PVP community at large.

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There is really two issues at hand here.


#1. There is no 'dishonorable' PvP, if you sign up for PvP you should expect PvP to happen at any time. People have their definitions of when or how they would engage in PvP but holding others to their expectations is foolish.



It's still a game, and if some players are not even willing to let the opponents take the field before the contest starts, and then they declare "victory", that says more about them than anything else.


I guess LordArtemis is right... a snake will be a snake.


(EDIT -- changed to avoid confusion from use of general vs personal "you".)

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Just because it isn't against the rules doesn't mean that it isn't clearly a d-bag thing to do.


Too many people use "But it's not against the rules" as an excuse to do things that are jerk moves, and clearly so to anyone with even a shred of moral fiber (see also, poaching nodes, chests, etc, after someone else has started clearing the mobs -- there's always at least one guy on who's too pathetic too clear his own trash).


I think it's nice that you have high ethics, and I share many of your viewpoints in how I would conduct myself, but I think it's unfair to expect everyone to share those views, and I think it's to the detriment to a game based on open world freedoms to start heavily policing things of minimal consequence.

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There is really two issues at hand here.


#1. There is no 'dishonorable' PvP, if you sign up for PvP you should expect PvP to happen at any time. People have their definitions of when or how they would engage in PvP but holding others to their expectations is foolish.


Oh, of course there is. Any contention to the contrary is ludicrous. If you engage in dishonorable behavior you should own it IMO. If you refuse to do so you demonstrate a lack of self respect twice over.


The only acceptable definitions of proper PVP behavior is established by BIoware. And they have demonstrated their intent in this respect in the past...as you indicated of course....this type of behavior has usually been restricted or forbidden.


It is their house so they get to make the rules. Again, I believe you are aware of this and do not mean to browbeat over it.

#2. I am only agreeing with your second point because the precedent exists, they fixed illum, they place champion guards on low level planets to protect bases, and they designated many areas as sanctuary, so they've clearly set a precedent that they consider major quest hubs or loading zones to be off limits for PvP. I don't necessarily think that a game couldn't be successful with a different approach, where PvP can be a means to cut off entire sets of benefits from opponents including quest areas, but that game is not this game and it would be woefully negligent and inconsistent for bioware to not address this in the same fashion they've always addressed it. I think you'll find more people will support your #2 if you stop trying to force them to accept your #1.


Fair enough. Just to be clear, I do not blame players for taking advantage of this oversight....players will seek any advantage they can find naturally.


I would prefer they didn't, but would not tell others how to play. I would only point out that it is obviously dishonorable behavior, fun or not, and it will likely be forbidden in this area in some fashion in the near future.


But I would not advocate any kind of "punishment" for engaging in this kind of practice.

Edited by LordArtemis
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on day 2 I spent all day on y4 just messing with pubs. had a great time. once it turned into a larger grp of imps it lost the appeal.


what you're failing to see is the potential for an escalation into a larger fair battle.


PvP servers should govern themselves. a large group is killing your faction? assemble a group of your own and police the situation.


the real problem is that there are too many people that hate PvP on PvP servers and see negativity in being killed and not opportunity.


as I go around killing questing pubs on y4 my wish is that they do fight back or assemble and they sometimes do. its fantastic when it happens. I see a group or 4 and I attack them. I don't care if I die its fun regardless.


The issue isn't that people on pvp servers hate pvp, it's that people hate getting ganked by giant freaking groups of 20-30 while they load in, and then get camped at the med center so they can't even leave.


I dont know what universe you live in, but on Pot5 there is no way you're pulling together a 30 man pub group to go do pointless pvp in a quest node.

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There is really two issues at hand here.


#1. There is no 'dishonorable' PvP, if you sign up for PvP you should expect PvP to happen at any time. People have their definitions of when or how they would engage in PvP but holding others to their expectations is foolish.


#2. I am only agreeing with your second point because the precedent exists, they fixed illum, they place champion guards on low level planets to protect bases, and they designated many areas as sanctuary, so they've clearly set a precedent that they consider major quest hubs or loading zones to be off limits for PvP. I don't necessarily think that a game couldn't be successful with a different approach, where PvP can be a means to cut off entire sets of benefits from opponents including quest areas, but that game is not this game and it would be woefully negligent and inconsistent for bioware to not address this in the same fashion they've always addressed it.


I think you'll find more people will support your #2 if you stop trying to force them to accept your #1.


I agree with both points here tbh.


As a member of a PvP server I realize that once I sign up that I am fair game. From Nar Shad all the way up to Rishi/Yavin I accept the fact I may be hunted by other players of or above the level of my own and sometimes in packs to ensure their safety against retaliation (the delusional fools lol ;)). While it may be morally wrong, game wise it is acceptable. Solution: Grab some friends, find the aggressors, make the PvP server live up to it's name.


With that in mind, I do believe there is something to be said about med centers/load in zones/speeders points having some level of protection. BW has either made them non PvP zones or offered some protection in the way of base champion guards/turrets. While the guards by no means guarantee safety, they offer some none the less. And in this issue I see it necessary to offer a buffer between hitting planet side and engaging in PvP. Solution: Follow the precedent and either make these zones PvP neutral or provide a buffer in terms of guards, turrets, or other obstacles.


Hell in what starports you can reach in an opposing faction's base, most of the landing shuttle areas I've found to be neutral zones or one shot turret areas... thus protecting new arrivals until they enter they leave that area.

Edited by LanceCorporalDan
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