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The coalition base on Yavin needs to be neutral territory.


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Even in sports there are rules. The Packers don't land in Buffalo today and get scored on while they're on the plane still. Sports have extremely heavy rules to keep things fair and fun for everyone. PvP needs rules to be enjoyable.

I agree.


Perhaps you misunderstood my point. Warrgames was trying to say that a heavily one-sided battle is not PvP. I'm saying it IS, but it isn't PvP that I personally enjoy.


The best PvP, like the best sports matches, are when there is ISN'T an overwhelming of one side over the other, but one that is balanced.

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its players killing players, right?


judging by all your posts you really hate pvp, which is sad because you claim to be on a pvp server.you keep using words like "ganking" and "griefing" when neither are even possible on pvp servers. it's all pvp. its all consensual player versus player combat. trying to call certain interactions "bad" or worse than others is just silly. you chose to be flagged when you chose the server. that should be the end of it.


Exactly. Most these people don't even play on a PvP server, they are just the usual forum trolls.


It has been the case since the first miner was killed in UO that those who talk about PvPers with words like "Greifer", "Ganker", "Cowardly" are just the victims and the defeated bads.

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It is not player versus player when a player has no control of there character. Player versus player is when you are facing off against another player. What you are doing is attacking someone that isn't playing. Why because you can't hack fighting a player that is in control of their character or you get off on griefing someone else.
of course they are playing; their character is in the game is it not? I can't kill players that are logged off. whether or not they are at their keyboard is none of my concern. sure, attacking a dude just standing there isn't fun, but it's certainly pvp and there's nothing wrong with it. there's no death penalty...why does it matter if you were killed while afk or not? are you petrified that he's going to post a youtube video on your facebook page "LOOK HOW I BEAT UP FRED GG IN YOUR FACE" i mean cmon now.


i'll kill people if they are afk or not. surmising that as a player that cant hack it, well, step up.

These types of acts is why OWPvP is dead in MMO, fail players that get off on causing other players grief. Just like everyone else I pay to play a GAME and have FUN. Getting spawn camped where I have no control over my character isn't fun. These type of acts is why every MMO has a system in place to prevent this. A medcenter/graveyard away from where you died or the walk shame in ghost form to prevent this type of childish behavior.
i can't be concerned with or responsible for other players' fun. i only own my own experience and my own choices.


its a video game; fun is the only reason i play it. if other people aren't liking it then i suppose they should find a new video game or a different hobby...ones that hopefully provide them with a happy fun feeling.


im not sure i get off on other players "grief" more than laughing at the absurdity of it. If a game causes you grief then they have emotional problems and need to choose other hobbies that dont affect them negatively.

Edited by Pagy
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of course they are playing; their character is in the game is it not? I can't kill players that are logged off. whether or not they are at their keyboard is none of my concern. sure, attacking a dude just standing there isn't fun, but it's certainly pvp and there's nothing wrong with it. there's no death penalty...why does it matter if you were killed while afk or not? are you petrified that he's going to post a youtube video on your facebook page "LOOK HOW I BEAT UP FRED GG IN YOUR FACE" i mean cmon now.


i'll kill people if they are afk or not. surmising that as a player that cant hack it, well, step up.

i can't be concerned with or responsible for other players' fun. i only own my own experience and my own choices.


I did not say afk. I said not controlling the character: when people spawn camp you, kill you as you fly in or load in.

Edited by Warrgames
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Still more attempts to justify behavior.


I just fail to understand why justification is important. Folks seem to want to take any advantage they can get, but when they do expect others to withhold judgement, or they feel the need to label it in a positive manner.


Attacking folks as they are loading in was a predatory move. That means it is dishonorable behavior. Of course it can and will happen if the rules on the server allow it, and that should be enough.


I guess it needs to be "the right thing to do" as well.


Iceskating uphill.


If you are a wolf, putting on a sheep coat likely fools no one.

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I agree.


Perhaps you misunderstood my point. Warrgames was trying to say that a heavily one-sided battle is not PvP. I'm saying it IS, but it isn't PvP that I personally enjoy.


The best PvP, like the best sports matches, are when there is ISN'T an overwhelming of one side over the other, but one that is balanced.

OK, sorry if I did...:o


Completely lopsided PvP can be fun in the open world - you can control the enemies every movement...I love being the underdog and catching them unprepared...like sending their hoard off to chase one player, while you sneak in and kill the stragglers who didn't chase. Having them chase you into a choke space where they can only funnel through your AoEs - they single target, you AoE bomb em...things like that I find awesome fun...but a well balanced fight can be one you'll never forget...

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