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Teamchat/Mumble BS


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Not to mention the old "my antivirus wont let me download it" excuse makes zero sense with every antivirus program I've ever seen. I'd assume the person is just too lazy to download the program and is lying about it.


well something is freaking preventing it

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All I'm seeing are excuses. If your AV is preventing a download it is because you are letting it prevent it. You can adjust your settings to still keep you protected while downloading the software.


You don't need headphones either. I've run many successful OPs with players that listen but don't speak and use their speakers instead of headphones. Most of the time during fights it is the raid leader that is calling things out or tanks calling out swaps when needed.


PuGs need communication. SM OPs not so much but if you are pugging HM's then yeah, you'll need it because you don't know the other players and for things to go smoothly you need that teamwork that easy communication brings.


If you aren't willing to work as part of the team, I am not surprised that you were removed from it. Since most raiders use VOIP of some sort, having them broadcast it as part of their call for PuGs is redundant.


Ultimately, if you don't like how people set up their PuGs then it's up to you to set up your own the way you want it.

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To be fair you don't even need callouts, every mechanic in this game can be done just by people opening their eyeballs and paying attention to what is going on.


Thats not the point though. The ops leader wants people in voice chat. If you cant be bothered to go into voice chat than why should the ops leader be bothered to deal with you?

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okay this is something I need to get off my chest, Just because someone doesn't have teamchat or mumble or any of that crap doesn't mean you should kick them out of an ops group outright. that is bull crap and completely unfair. we ALL have a right to join ops with or without the damn thing


So form your own ops group and make it succeed without voice communication. Your group, your rules. Their group, their rules.

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I personally would check gear and achievements and keep you even with you not being in chat. But that's just because it's easier to keep you than to find a replacement. I'd still be mad at you for gimping the group intentionally and willfully and think it's incredibly selfish of you to not perform at this minimal level expected by the community.
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Not to mention the old "my antivirus wont let me download it" excuse makes zero sense with every antivirus program I've ever seen. I'd assume the person is just too lazy to download the program and is lying about it.


I think, the antivirus excuse is somewhat legitimate.

Most cases that people blame the antivirus it is because they are under 18 and either there are locks on what they can run on the computer. Or they lack the administrator rights to whitelist the chat program.

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I think, the antivirus excuse is somewhat legitimate.

Most cases that people blame the antivirus it is because they are under 18 and either there are locks on what they can run on the computer. Or they lack the administrator rights to whitelist the chat program.


Or they flat out haven't figured how to change it.


I mean, if it's only the VOIP programmes, and you're so dead-set against using them (as OP is), you wouldn't realise that it's something to change, or you wouldn't bother.

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People REALLY got to stop thinking they are great because they have gear.

Having gear is only part of the equation.

And getting gear (180 and lower) is the easiest part of the equation.


I hope that 3.0 brings a level increase that just cannot be powered through by today's 180+ gear (like we had with Makeb). Note, I am not claiming to be a superstar, I'm 'just a regular joe with a regular job,' but I'd love to see a lot of the 'I'm SUPAH! players' fall on their faces when their gear can no longer let them ignore mechanics.

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I hope that 3.0 brings a level increase that just cannot be powered through by today's 180+ gear (like we had with Makeb). Note, I am not claiming to be a superstar, I'm 'just a regular joe with a regular job,' but I'd love to see a lot of the 'I'm SUPAH! players' fall on their faces when their gear can no longer let them ignore mechanics.


Having 180 gear doesn't mean you ignore mechanics, or that you can ignore all mechanics. Just means you are able to get 180 gear somehow.


Anyone who faceplants their way through an Op or Flashpoint, would probably do so regardless of their gear level.

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okay this is something I need to get off my chest, Just because someone doesn't have teamchat or mumble or any of that crap doesn't mean you should kick them out of an ops group outright. that is bull crap and completely unfair. we ALL have a right to join ops with or without the damn thing


Communication is important, even in many of the SM Operations encounters. If you can't be bothered to join the rest of the group in the preferred communications system or channel then you become a liability to the group.

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SM - who cares. Any competent person can follow along without voice chat. SM is designed for pugs without VC.


HM, NiM - VC is highly recommended because you need to be more fluid. The calls, swaps, and fight in general can change depending on the situation. You can't do that from text unless you are an absolute expert in the boss encounter.

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Whether or not VOIP is required to beat the instance (which it isn't for capable players), most groups picking up some randoms will want to use it. Too many people who don't know the fights or aren't paying attention to chat. Maybe you're not one of those players, but I personally wouldn't want to take that chance.


If you are going to be doing PUG ops frequently, I would suggest dloading the major VOIPs. You don't need a mic, just sound. If you won't/can't, then find another group. Better yet, ask up front if it's required just like you would about loot rules and you'll never have the problem again.

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Having 180 gear doesn't mean you ignore mechanics, or that you can ignore all mechanics. Just means you are able to get 180 gear somehow.


Anyone who faceplants their way through an Op or Flashpoint, would probably do so regardless of their gear level.


it isn't difficult to get 180 gear. now if said player had 180 gear with full set bonus, thats ok to brag about.


Try having two tanks neither in voice chat and you are trying to get something done. Or worse, having to try and type out an entire fights worth of information when a 'just listen for the audibles" is soo much easier.

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okay this is something I need to get off my chest, Just because someone doesn't have teamchat or mumble or any of that crap doesn't mean you should kick them out of an ops group outright. that is bull crap and completely unfair. we ALL have a right to join ops with or without the damn thing

Welcome to 2014!!!


In SM Ops, big deal - nobody should require it. In anything HM+, you need to use it to increase your success rate. Timers are too tight, there are too many mechanics to type the crap out. Stick to FPs if you refuse.


If you think it's easy to lead an Operation with someone who refuses to join VoIP, start your own group and type it all out yourself. We don't owe you anything. If that's how you wanna be, don't expect to be welcomed in anything beyond SMs. We don't play this game to cater to your social fears.

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Welcome to 2014!!!


In SM Ops, big deal - nobody should require it. In anything HM+, you need to use it to increase your success rate. Timers are too tight, there are too many mechanics to type the crap out. Stick to FPs if you refuse.


If you think it's easy to lead an Operation with someone who refuses to join VoIP, start your own group and type it all out yourself. We don't owe you anything. If that's how you wanna be, don't expect to be welcomed in anything beyond SMs. We don't play this game to cater to your social fears.


can you do nightmare pilgram without voice sure, is it easier to call out the shield in voice chat yes.


Can tanks alt focus each other while paying attention to boss and target of target bar and figure out the exact time to taunt while kiting..sure. Is it easier for the tanks to call out a swap/taunt in voice chat in case the off tank blinks or sneezed, yes.

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can you do nightmare pilgram without voice sure, is it easier to call out the shield in voice chat yes.


Can tanks alt focus each other while paying attention to boss and target of target bar and figure out the exact time to taunt while kiting..sure. Is it easier for the tanks to call out a swap/taunt in voice chat in case the off tank blinks or sneezed, yes.

And that's just ONE minor mechanic...that ONE thing is enough to wipe plenty of groups if they aren't in comms together. Now take that ONE mechanic and multiply it by 5 for something like a single boss in DP HM/NiM.


I honestly don't care if the OP doesn't wanna use VoIP, but I'd absolutely support kicking him if he failed just once because of it...mostly because of his attitude tbh.

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And that's just ONE minor mechanic...that ONE thing is enough to wipe plenty of groups if they aren't in comms together. Now take that ONE mechanic and multiply it by 5 for something like a single boss in DP HM/NiM.


I honestly don't care if the OP doesn't wanna use VoIP, but I'd absolutely support kicking him if he failed just once because of it...mostly because of his attitude tbh.




the other being that at times the ops leader can see that dps is ahead/behind on a particular boss and needs to swap out to balance (Toth/Zorn) or back off (TFB tentacles) but joe pug DPS is staring at his parse trying to do as much damage as possible not in voice chat and ends up causing more problems. "I'm in full 180's I know what I'm doing" which is fine for a SM where its a face roll anyway. But in a HM where some people maybe new or learning its just nice to have everyone coordinated.


But we can go with this approach and just assume everything can be lone wolfed and 8 people take zero coordination at all, even for something as simple as Operator 9 color selection.

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it isn't difficult to get 180 gear. now if said player had 180 gear with full set bonus, thats ok to brag about.


Try having two tanks neither in voice chat and you are trying to get something done. Or worse, having to try and type out an entire fights worth of information when a 'just listen for the audibles" is soo much easier.


SM TfB via group finder, on Saturday.


I gave rather long, detailed and accurate tactics (a blessing considering I hadn't been there in forever), to which nobody asked any questions when prompted. Did people attack the cores? NOPE.

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Not exactly the same situation, but I recently had a situation where I ended up kicking some people for refusing to get in mumble. A week or two ago my guild entered an S&V groupfinder queue where we only needed three dps. We end up getting three guys from the same guild. We get in and they don't say anything, so we ready check and go. And while we killed the first boss, we had two of the dps die (and release) coming back from getting lost and we hit enrage at 20%. We tell them not to release next time and one replies that he already knows that. Then we get to the first trash pull and I mark the healer droid but they pound on the other guys. They clearly have no idea what they're doing and so I decide to check their achievements, never stepped foot in an ops before, the first kill was literally their only operation achievement, well at least for the guy who didn't leave the instance during the fight.


At this point since it's clear these guys are going to need explanations and we can't just carry them if they get it wrong we tell them to get in mumble. They don't respond and just stand around. We tell them we're not going to type out the entire fights and that they're going to have to get in mumble, but no answer. Not even a "no I don't want to". Finally a couple minutes later one response "we ready?". At this point with them not even bothering to respond we just kick them and reform with some guildies that had logged in in the mean time.


Sure, it may have been a bit dickish to kick them for not getting on mumble, but if they can't even prepare for going into ops or say it's their first time, or even acknowledge our messages then I'm not going to take the time to do their job for them. That's a lot of typing for some of the fights when they don't know anything about it, especially being their first time, and when they get it all wrong and ignore all of the instructions (which they undoubtedly would) it's just not worth the effort. It also wouldn't have been as much of a problem if they didn't constitute pretty much our entire DPS.

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Um, having some sort of voice chat IS pretty important for Ops. Honestly, that's the biggest problem with a lot of PUG runs; people aren't well-coordinated enough, so mechanics get sloppy. If you were brought into a group, they have every right to ask that you get in chat. It's a free download for every program I've seen used, and it's not usually that big a download either.

That said, I'm often like "I don't feel like starting up TS because it makes my comp chug, but this is storymode and I know the fights", and I usually get a good response. If it was hardmode, hell no! I would start up the chat and risk a little lag for the sake of actually being synced in to what my group was doing.


SM TfB via group finder, on Saturday.


I gave rather long, detailed and accurate tactics (a blessing considering I hadn't been there in forever), to which nobody asked any questions when prompted. Did people attack the cores? NOPE.


I feel you, broski. I remember one 8m GF run where I was explaining mechanics in chat, and 2 of the 4 DPS were apparently stupid. Nobody had any questions, and yet it took us about 8 tries to actually down the cores without getting Rectifiers. And then we promptly wiped on Black Obtuse because one of the bads didn't understand the meaning of "GET IN YOUR COLOR'S CIRCLE".

Edited by venomlash
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