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Teamchat/Mumble BS


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okay this is something I need to get off my chest, Just because someone doesn't have teamchat or mumble or any of that crap doesn't mean you should kick them out of an ops group outright. that is bull crap and completely unfair. we ALL have a right to join ops with or without the damn thing
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okay this is something I need to get off my chest, Just because someone doesn't have teamchat or mumble or any of that crap doesn't mean you should kick them out of an ops group outright. that is bull crap and completely unfair. we ALL have a right to join ops with or without the damn thing


Lol, "right."


Every successful HM ops group I have seen requires that group members be in some kind of voice chat for coordination. People who raid frequently have teamspeak and mumble both installed just in case. Good luck finding any raid team (beyond SM pugs) that will take you without it.


Don't like it? Try forming your own pug group without any voice chat program and see how many people are willing to stick around when they realize you expect them to be able to coordinate with only text.

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Every successful HM ops group I have seen requires that group members be in some kind of voice chat for coordination.


Really? I do both 16 and 8 man HM ops and don't get into voicechat simply because I dislike having all the voices talking all the time. Never had any issues.

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we ALL have a right to join ops with or without the damn thing


While I agree that kicking somebody for not being on comms is a bit harsh, claiming that being in an Ops group (which is by definition 'invite only') is some kind of basic human right is so laughable it makes me think you're trolling.

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Lol, "right."


Every successful HM ops group I have seen requires that group members be in some kind of voice chat for coordination. People who raid frequently have teamspeak and mumble both installed just in case. Good luck finding any raid team (beyond SM pugs) that will take you without it.


Don't like it? Try forming your own pug group without any voice chat program and see how many people are willing to stick around when they realize you expect them to be able to coordinate with only text.


I have done more ops groups with out it than with, there wasn't any proplem. and you know when someone like my hunter has NOTHING but 180 rank gear, that just makes it even more frustrating

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While I agree that kicking somebody for not being on comms is a bit harsh, claiming that being in an Ops group (which is by definition 'invite only') is some kind of basic human right is so laughable it makes me think you're trolling.


I WAS invited, ONE person ont he entire thing kicked me for not having it.

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I WAS invited, ONE person ont he entire thing kicked me for not having it.


One person can't kick you.


Odds are, you weren't following the mechanics of a fight, you refused an avenue of communication, and you were replaced by someone who actually wanted to operate as a part of a team.

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One person can't kick you.


Odds are, you weren't following the mechanics of a fight, you refused an avenue of communication, and you were replaced by someone who actually wanted to operate as a part of a team.


We never started a fight, they KICKED me before we could!

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One person can't kick you.


Odds are, you weren't following the mechanics of a fight, you refused an avenue of communication, and you were replaced by someone who actually wanted to operate as a part of a team.


And you know, pardon me for not having the freakinfg headphones or whatever. but we got along just fine before people starting using it, what is the big deal??

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I WAS invited, ONE person ont he entire thing kicked me for not having it.


Plenty of invites are conditional.


Ops Invites in game are conditional on doing what the group leader demands of you, even if said demands are unreasonable from you PoV.


If you cant or wont meet the terms, you have the option to leave, and they have the option to kick you.


True story.

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I just told them I don't have team chat, my anti-virus ware wont allow me to download it, they f***ing kicked me


They wanted someone that would be able to communicate with them. You weren't that person. Don't take it so personally. Odds are, you wouldn't have lasted long, anyway, with the anger and lack of patience on full display here.

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Plenty of invites are conditional.


Ops Invites in game are conditional on doing what the group leader demands of you, even if said demands are unreasonable from you PoV.


If you cant or wont meet the terms, you have the option to leave, and they have the option to kick you.


True story.


they asked for a powerful dps, I responded, they NEVER said anything about team chat until I got inside the damn dreak palace. they NEVER put that in effect

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They wanted someone that would be able to communicate with them. You weren't that person. Don't take it so personally. Odds are, you wouldn't have lasted long, anyway, with the anger and lack of patience on full display here.


no what frustrates me is, they never advertised when they were looking for a dps, to say "must have teamchat" if they did that, I would understand. people need to do that or else **** like this will keep on happening

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they asked for a powerful dps, I responded, they NEVER said anything about team chat until I got inside the damn dreak palace. they NEVER put that in effect


First of all, calm down man, it's a game. Secondly, I find it hard they asked for a powerful dps, but rather a dps who knew the fights. Also it is the groups choice to how they do their runs and most of the time voice coms are essential. Also, op runs are invite only. You don't have a right to be invited.

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And you know, pardon me for not having the freakinfg headphones or whatever. but we got along just fine before people starting using it, what is the big deal??


Most groups don't care that someone doesn't have headphones. They only care that you can hear instructions and callouts during the fights.

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okay this is something I need to get off my chest, Just because someone doesn't have teamchat or mumble or any of that crap doesn't mean you should kick them out of an ops group outright. that is bull crap and completely unfair. we ALL have a right to join ops with or without the damn thing


Actually you DONT


You have the *right* to MAKE YOUR OWN OPS GROUP.


Truth is for ops and pvp, voice chat is very beneficial and helpful, VERY


The people making the ops group make the rules and you will be hard pressed to find any ops group (guild run or PUG) that doesn't insist on voice chat (or at a minimum you being able to hear voice chat).


But you're welcome to put the time and effort in making your own ops group that doesn't use voice chat.

Not sure you will work out in today's environment with out it, but your free to try.


If you dont like the rules of a group you're joining, DON"T JOIN THE GROUP!



The right to walk away.


PS: !80 gear isnt that hard to get and DOES NOT indicate a player is good at their class.

Ive lost count how many hard mode flash points ive run where people in 180 gear still dont know basic rotations, what their interupt is, what defensive cool downs they have are (My fingers are raw explaining to commandos and vangards what hold the line does and how it can help them in first boss fight of hm corporate labs).


People REALLY got to stop thinking they are great because they have gear.

Having gear is only part of the equation.

And getting gear (180 and lower) is the easiest part of the equation.

Edited by Kalfear
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Every successful HM ops group I have seen requires that group members be in some kind of voice chat for coordination. People who raid frequently have teamspeak and mumble both installed just in case. Good luck finding any raid team (beyond SM pugs) that will take you without it.


With the right people (that means people decently geared who know their class and the op), you can definitely PUG a HM without voice chat because you will hardly need communication except for a couple of events where you can just type one word.


NM is a different beast as things can go south pretty quick and you indeed need a quick way to communicate to adapt to what happens. But there's nothing to be worked up about HM even if it is obviously a plus.

Edited by demotivator
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the ONLY thing you have the "right" to do is form your own OPs team that doesn't require voice chat.


It's the raid leaders choice on "rules" and if they want you to have "x" gear or whatever (which includes voice chat) and you don't....then you have no "right" to complain. You didn't meet the requirements for that particular group.


How hard is it to understand?


Ah the time-out/every-get's-a-trophy generations....entitlement issues to the very core

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Most groups don't care that someone doesn't have headphones. They only care that you can hear instructions and callouts during the fights.


To be fair you don't even need callouts, every mechanic in this game can be done just by people opening their eyeballs and paying attention to what is going on.

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