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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

"Vivicar Awaits" bugged?


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Hi there,


I have my lvl 31 Shadow on the mission: "Vivicar Awaits". I have killed every mob on the ship prior to the force field. I "use" the security terminal but nothing happens. The force field stays up. I am at a loss for what to do and stuck on that blasted ship. :mad:


Is this mission bugged or have I done something wrong?


Please advise. Thanks! :)

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No, it's not bugged however there is an easy fix if you did something to cause it to be bugged.

1) Hit "L"

2) Scroll to the quest on your log.

3) Reset the quest

4) Try again

5) If this doesn't work, leave the ship, abandon the quest and re-get it.

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I had an issue on the same mission where, after using the second terminal, I was taken to my ship. I went back to the terminal and could not use it and could not proceed. I ended up having to reset my local phase, reset the quest, go back on my ship, fly elsewhere, and fly back to the ship to restart the mission.
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Hi there,


I have my lvl 31 Shadow on the mission: "Vivicar Awaits". I have killed every mob on the ship prior to the force field. I "use" the security terminal but nothing happens. The force field stays up. I am at a loss for what to do and stuck on that blasted ship. :mad:


Is this mission bugged or have I done something wrong?


Please advise. Thanks! :)



lol, turn back now if you don't have friends. He's at least 3 levels higher than you are. I suggest leveling on Balmorra first and then coming back to finish it.

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Just an update: I submitted a ticket and got a response that basically said: "We're aware of the problem and are investigating. Unfortunately, there is no fix."


I did manage to get off Vivicar's ship by using that "emergency shuttle" thing, so I can go finish up Alderaan, but otherwise my character's storyline is on hold. I'm away from home for the holidays so I won't be back in-game until after 3 Jan. Not sure what I'll do then.



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I recommend using Tharan since the most important thing is to interrupt his Force Crush ability and Tharan has an interrupt plus his heals will help you quite a lot. He's doable already at lvl 30 but it might take a few tries (and luckily there is a stim and medpack vendor droid on the ship)
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I had problems soloing him at 31 but after doing space dailies and getting 32 I solod him EASY at 32 with Fess. All you need to do is interrupt his one shot kill skill and you and Fess can get him down quick. It was amazing how much difference there was between 31 & 32.
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Did your quest unbug, OP?



I solo'd Vivicar (Elite 34) last night as a level 30 Seer-spec'd Sage, so I can confirm that it is doable. I was murdered on two previous attempts, but third time's a charm, I guess. It was down to my last few hundred HP with a heal on cooldown, so I was lucky he succumbed to my pebble blast.


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I had issues with it only because my companion ran past each door I opened and agro-ed everything and got me killed at each boss up until Vivicar who I had no issues with beating at level 33.

Course I was so upset at the three deaths due to idiotic companion getting me killed I went all darkside and killed him rather than shield him :( didn't like what happened story wise after that:(

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I have been unable to complete this quest and am on hold for god knows how long before I can complete it. On my first try, I got up to the second mini boss, after I killed him, nothing would respond so that I could get to the red boss. Clicking on terminals, etc did nothing. I killed the second boss again, same thing. I posted a ticket and logged out on vivicar's ship. logged back in next day, same thing.


So, I left the instance, reset it and now I can't get past the first area because I can't blow through the first door. The quest to kill the red mini boss is just not there. Yes, I killed everything but could not click on the barrels to go further into the ship. So, I reset the instance again. Same thing. I cannot abandon the quest and can't move on, so guess I am stuck on my consular until this gets fixed.


This is not a small bug. For me it is game breaking. No quest should be made to not be abandoned and able to do again, especially a class quest. It is very disheartening.


At least I like my smuggler and have been playing her in the meantime, but it is not the same as my consular.

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As a level 31 shadow tank, I was also able to solo him with Tharan. Just mind snap/force wave/stun whenever he uses his channel, and keep hammering. For me at least, Master Sidonie was way tougher to beat.



There were 2 times, with the blue and red leaders, where after disabling the shield and opening the doors to their hallways, every mob in the area would aggro no matter what range I was at. They saw through my stealth, and twice they all rushed me as I respawned through the med center. That was more frustrating to me than the actual boss fight.

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I just did it yesterday, I thought it was strange that whenever I triggered an event that sent out his minion, they ALL came out full aggro. twice I had to fight off more than 10 troopers, all shooting on full auto, with no pause in between. Needless to say, I died, but after I respawned, they took their assumed positions and I proceeded as normal. Nonetheless, I thought it was odd that it happened like that.
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I just did it yesterday, I thought it was strange that whenever I triggered an event that sent out his minion, they ALL came out full aggro. twice I had to fight off more than 10 troopers, all shooting on full auto, with no pause in between. Needless to say, I died, but after I respawned, they took their assumed positions and I proceeded as normal. Nonetheless, I thought it was odd that it happened like that.


Happened to me too

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I wouldn't know what triggers the inability to go past certain doors/interact with certain objects, but the aggro-issue was very annoying. (I think it's possible to overcome by putting your companion on passive and letting the first who get aggro'd come to you; else you will get the whole bunch instead of 1 bugged group. But I failed to test this so I can't be sure, and it shouldn't really matter, it's not something that should have to be bypassed.) I hope BioWare fixes this particular Class mission quickly; at such an important stage of a storyline there should not be bugs like these.
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  • 1 month later...
same ole crap here too. On my Consular, I went into the ship, defeated everyone in the hangar, beat the first Corrupted Leader, but when I get to the room with the Security Console and I click it, NOTHING Happens. This is soooo wrong. My story line is now at a complete STOP. Total bull.......very dissapointed. I have read all kinds of forums, and threads written on 'how to fix', but there is no fix. I'm pretty ticked about this. I have a 50 Trooper, and this toon was so much fun to level and follow til now. Definately a gamebreaker..:mad::(:confused:
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I'm having the same issue get all the way to the console in the back, click and nothing happens. I'd had hoped that the maintenance would fix it but no go. I finally used a fleet pass to leave. Once off the ship I was able to reset the quest but the bug keeps happening.
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No, it's not bugged however there is an easy fix if you did something to cause it to be bugged.

1) Hit "L"

2) Scroll to the quest on your log.

3) Reset the quest

4) Try again

5) If this doesn't work, leave the ship, abandon the quest and re-get it.


Im not sure why Stratis would make the statement "it's not bugged", when clearly it is. More than one individual has reported this problem. We the gamers dont create the bugs, they are inherent in all new games and we discover them as we go. With that said, Stratis does have the fix correct although not in the right order. You MUST leave Vivacar first and foremost. Travel to anywhere ( I went to republic station).


the follow all the instructions Stratis gave except for you cannot 'abandon' the quest. You reset it. In fact here...


1) Leave Vivacar and fly to anywhere. Then Exit your ship

2) open your quest log and at the bottom 'Reset' the quest as you cant abandon it.

3) Get back on your ship, fly back to Vivacar and re-enter. It should work. If not...I would suggest re-checking the steps, and repeating them. If that doest work, put in a ticket. Hope this helps.


Stratis, thanks for getting me in the right direction. This wasnt to bash you, but simply to correct some things so there is no incorrect information. Thanks again, couldnt have done it without you.:D

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sometimes mobs spawn behind you that you have to kill in order to proceed also remember on vivicar he does a channel attack if it succeeds you die its a one shot bam your dead move


Oh, thank you. I was wondering how he killed me when I was at 3/4 life and he was barely alive.

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