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SW:TOR 4th biggest Sub MMO in the world


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Once you've done all the class stories you want to do, and done a few raids, there is nothing to do in this game but play the CM. Logging into game is as exciting as watching paint dry. Another example of the inherent problem of themepark mmos. Roll class, level through zones(which you'll have no real reason to ever return) then lurk in your factions end game hub waiting for instance queues.


Just because the stats suggest a decent population, doesn't mean the game is any good. My sub is up in a month and that's it for me. If people want to keep playing and paying, that's fine, but as my old man used to say, some people would drink urine as long as it came in a bottle.


Despite what your old man used to say, just because you don't find it entertaining doesn't mean other people feel the same way. I'm glad you know what you want/need to enjoy a game, but please do not be so bold as to make assumptions about how others should be perceived for not having the same opinion as you.

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I'm not sure how I take this news. Happy the game is doing well on one side of me. Disappointing they are not developing a lot of content with the said revenue on the other.


Success or failure doesn't really matter in the end of the day. All that matters is if YOU are having fun. if so, then play it.

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But this was supposed to be the WoW killer :rolleyes:


I remember all the pre-launch hype and I knew then this game was doomed. I play it because it is star wars. Shame SWG closed.


Anyone who claims a game is a "WOW killer" is a retard just like any game studio who develops a game with the intent of trying to kill off WOW is equally retarded.


SWG got closed down due to ****** management, even more ****** updates, and honestly graphics that made WOW's look like Next gen graphics.

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But this was supposed to be the WoW killer :rolleyes:


I remember all the pre-launch hype and I knew then this game was doomed. I play it because it is star wars. Shame SWG closed.


I had quit that game years before it was shut down, but I still miss it at times. Particularly when I see a feature implemented here that was done far better there.

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Anyone who claims a game is a "WOW killer" is a retard just like any game studio who develops a game with the intent of trying to kill off WOW is equally retarded.


SWG got closed down due to ****** management, even more ****** updates, and honestly graphics that made WOW's look like Next gen graphics.

Much as it pains me to do so, I have to agree. ;)


Any game that sets out to kill W0W, is doomed, and SWG's problem was 100% mismanagement and greed that was driven by the first desire, to kill off W0W.

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But this was supposed to be the WoW killer :rolleyes:


I remember all the pre-launch hype and I knew then this game was doomed. I play it because it is star wars. Shame SWG closed.


Isn't every new game "the WoW killer"?


Rift was... GW2 was... ESO was... Wildstar "is"...


Also, SWG was ugly and sucked... just my opinion.

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Also, SWG was ugly and sucked... just my opinion.


Totally agree. SWG was never a major MMO. It lived on the outer fringes of popularity, rarely getting a mention. The game survived. The changes that everyone thinks killed SWG were only implemented to try and revive a dead game.

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Totally agree. SWG was never a major MMO. It lived on the outer fringes of popularity, rarely getting a mention. The game survived. The changes that everyone thinks killed SWG were only implemented to try and revive a dead game.


Funny enough all they managed to do was dig SWG's grave even deeper. :D

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Totally agree. SWG was never a major MMO. It lived on the outer fringes of popularity, rarely getting a mention. The game survived. The changes that everyone thinks killed SWG were only implemented to try and revive a dead game.


Some revisionist history going on here. You guys must have forgotten when it launched. It was a pretty big deal. Yea it got slain by WOW but so did everything else before it in the court of public opinion.


Also, ugly? It was gorgeous in the era it existed.

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Also, ugly? It was gorgeous in the era it existed.

It was both tbh...some areas were absolutely spectacular...others, like Coronet, sucked. But as you said, at the time of release, they weren't bad...they just aged poorly.

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Some revisionist history going on here. You guys must have forgotten when it launched. It was a pretty big deal. Yea it got slain by WOW but so did everything else before it in the court of public opinion.


Also, ugly? It was gorgeous in the era it existed.




It was behind FFXI and EQ at the launch of WoW, and you can see by the graph, that WoW's launch didn't impact SWG as much as you think it did. SWG killed itself, not WoW killed SWG. Aside from EQ, WoW pulled subs from people that didn't play MMOs before WoW.

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Time to pony up some bucks and make good on your original goal, EA/Bioware. BRING BACK CLASS STORIES!


Throwing more Flashpoints at us and saying our character's story is over is a total cop-out designed to keep money in the pockets of people who never have and never will play this game.


This game exists because of US, the PLAYERS, the peeps who actually pay to play, or just make micro-transactions.

You finally got off your duffs and more or less fixed PvP, made plenty of Operations and Flashpoints playable at max level, now bring back what the arguable majority of your paying customers came here for: A unique class story experience that no other mmo can offer.

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It was behind FFXI and EQ at the launch of WoW, and you can see by the graph, that WoW's launch didn't impact SWG as much as you think it did. SWG killed itself, not WoW killed SWG. Aside from EQ, WoW pulled subs from people that didn't play MMOs before WoW.


That doesn't really disprove anything I said. As I said, it was a pretty big deal at the time and that graph shows it pretty well (top 3 at the time? not bad at all, considering EQ was what WOW was back in the day - the trendsetter).

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That doesn't really disprove anything I said. As I said, it was a pretty big deal at the time and that graph shows it pretty well (top 3 at the time? not bad at all, considering EQ was what WOW was back in the day - the trendsetter).


Never said it was bad, just that WoW wasn't the reason for the decline. WoW absolutely killed EQ, those players probably would have gone to EQ2 if WoW didn't come out. But it had very little effect on SWG.

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Never said it was bad, just that WoW wasn't the reason for the decline. WoW absolutely killed EQ, those players probably would have gone to EQ2 if WoW didn't come out. But it had very little effect on SWG.


in terms of subscribers probably not, but in impact absolutely so. The NGE was SOE's knee jerk reaction to WOW.

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in terms of subscribers probably not, but in impact absolutely so. The NGE was SOE's knee jerk reaction to WOW.


Still means SWG killed itself. Or maybe it would be better phrased as SOE killed SWG, not WoW. EVE kept right on doing it's own thing, and if you notice their sub base slowly grows, every year.

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Still means SWG killed itself. Or maybe it would be better phrased as SOE killed SWG, not WoW. EVE kept right on doing it's own thing, and if you notice their sub base slowly grows, every year.


Yea EVE is in a great spot, one of a kind really. Always has been. And no argument there on SOE, which is why I find it humorous when they put out something like they did a few months back about "former SWG players should look out for this upcoming title by us!" as if any of us would forget WHY we are former SWG players.

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Still means SWG killed itself. Or maybe it would be better phrased as SOE killed SWG, not WoW. EVE kept right on doing it's own thing, and if you notice their sub base slowly grows, every year.


I would say this is accurate. And had SWG done its thing and improved on it the way they eventually improved on the NGE, they would have at least had a niche.

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If people want to keep playing and paying, that's fine, but as my old man used to say, some people would drink urine as long as it came in a bottle.


So... you've ingested your fair share of urine? Why do people insist on insulting themselves?

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It's nice to see folks talking about the truth with respec to SWG for once. The game tanked because the devs and Lucasarts got greedy....other than that the population was relatively stable, hovering around 250 to 300k before the release of the CU/NGE.


All one has to do is look at the sub numbers, the proof is there. Naturally folks still try to pass around the fallacy that the game was bleeding subs and the CU/NGE was an effort to save the game.

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It's nice to see folks talking about the truth with respec to SWG for once. The game tanked because the devs and Lucasarts got greedy....other than that the population was relatively stable, hovering around 250 to 300k before the release of the CU/NGE.


All one has to do is look at the sub numbers, the proof is there. Naturally folks still try to pass around the fallacy that the game was bleeding subs and the CU/NGE was an effort to save the game.


Sorry, but I call BS.


Prior to the CU in SWG, the sub numbers stagnated, and started to fall. That's what caused the panic and the CU, compounded by the NGE after which was done when they realized no one wants to play a full sandbox with no story and what amounted to a glorified Star Wars dress up game.


I beta tested SWG, and I can tell you first hand, the main issue with SWG was its direction - Raph Koster gets his butt kissed wherever he goes, but his attempt at an uncompromising vision of making SWG Ultima Online in space ended up blowing up in his face, particularly when players ended up finding fun things that he didn't intend - the dude single handledly screwed over the creature handler profession, and was the root cause of the forum nerf wars which killed the community by turning them in and against each other.

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