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Devs: Seriously? There is nothing that you can do against 8 bombers

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This is just amazing. In 10 years of online gaming I've never ever seen this much crying over how good some people are. Not even accusing them of cheating (which mostly happens), but acknowledging that they really are good and crying because of it.


Grow a pair, l2p, find friends and challenge them, crying isn't going to get you anywhere!

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Run 8 bombers in an 8v8 domination match. Yeah, there's a lot that people can do... oh wait. BW. Classy gents! That's not even a match worth playing.


All I see is 8 idiots who decided to play 8 bombers in domination and though it was a clever idea. If they were so sure of their victory as they claim, they should have demonstrated it by running with 8 type 1 scouts; that would have been a troll match demonstrating their superiority.


As it stands now and it will not change in 2.8, team of 8 bombers can not be countered with ease in domination. You need a very specific team composition with very specific components. Proposed team of 6 type 3 strikes + 2 type 3 scouts is not going to cut it.


Satellites provide enough cover for a bomber to be able to avoid a gunship indefinitely. The only time when a gunship can truly counter a bomber is before the bomber can get to the satellite. Stacking bombers exponentially increases difficulty of purging them from the satellite and presence of hyperspace beacon alone makes it even harder. Add to that a repair drone and any other offensive drone with all those mines that can be placed on the satellite and you have a nice fortress that can not be taken down without good coordinated team. To create such fortress you need almost no skill and it takes a very specific team to counter it.

Edited by WiseStranger
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Actually, when we are up against two shippers we often just play whatever.



Unless there's even one person who isn't... I really don't care if you roflstomp me. I can take it, even if it is frustrating to essentially be relegated to playing against a map. I have yet to see that example of 'playing whatever' in any match I've seen your team (whether on your side or against). At most it's me and one other vet with 2-4 shipers. Out comes the bomberball! Me and 7 two shippers. Out comes the bomber ball!


Not even sure why you're playing if the majority of your matches never come up against coordinated opposition. And wait... it's our job to challenge you, but it isn't your job to care whether your opposition is having fun (and thus may return to fight you again)? That's a particularly interesting double standard there.

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I suppose it is too much to ask that you actually challenge yourself once in awhile and actually split your group between factions so that you can actually fight a balanced match instead of just roflpwning newbs all day. Yes, I suppose that is too much to ask.


Ignoring how whiny this sounds, this is really the only valid negative argument to come out of this thread.


And you can't say 'L2P, go find some friends, and fight them back!'. What friends? Where are these other good players? The GSF community is shrinking atm.


Games are almost always one-sided, and it sucks. Would it be more fun if people split up more often? Probably, yeah. But it's not fair to ask friends to stop playing together just to help the integrity of the game. We need more GOOD players on each server, which isn't going to happen -- which is why we need cross server queuing.


Until cross-server, premades are always going to be perceived as evil and these whiny threads will continue.


Maybe we should have a GSF server event on The Ebon Hawk sometime in the near future. Like, a real one, not intergalactic bomber day ;) That way they can plan to have all of their good players on at the same time (ideally) to have more competitive games.

Edited by Kalphitis
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Ignoring how whiny this sounds, this is really the only valid negative argument to come out of this thread.


And you can't say 'L2P, go find some friends, and fight them back!'. What friends? Where are these other good players? The GSF community is shrinking atm.


Games are almost always one-sided, and it sucks. Would it be more fun if people split up more often? Probably, yeah. But it's not fair to ask friends to stop playing together just to help the integrity of the game. We need more GOOD players on each server, which isn't going to happen -- which is why we need cross server queuing.


Until cross-server, premades are always going to be perceived as evil and these whiny threads will continue.


Maybe we should have a GSF server event on The Ebon Hawk sometime in the near future. Like, a real one, not intergalactic bomber day ;) That way they can plan to have all of their good players on at the same time (ideally) to have more competitive games.


Unless you have a very strict matchmaking system that matches people of equal skill/performance without regard to how long you have to wait in que you will always find games where one team rolls the other team. If it's implemented, then people who like to demolish the opposite team will have to make a choice to leave the game as they don't get enough games or level more and more alts or split and play against each other.


Splitting the team is not a bad idea to keep the game healthy, unless all you care about is your stats. It can be fun to play against friends if you're trying to have fun and not to win 100% of your games. You can even be in the same voice chat while doing that.


The alternative to trying to self manage the game is to have new players come in, be rolled so badly that they get no requisition or experience (3 cap 1000:0 or killed 50:0), have them give up and as a result enjoy very long que times. This is a self reinforcing system that will lead GSF a sorry state where you can wait for a game to pop for 2 hours and get nothing.


All of those replies about getting better by playing against a superior team are garbage. When you come to a gym and you're told to lift 200 kg when most you've lifted all your life is 5 kg - you will spill your guts by trying or just give up and never go to that gym again. You must gradually get to the level where you're good; for that you need to face the opponents that are a bit better than you or opponents that have self-restraint. New pilots learn nothing by being spawn camped and killed in 1 hit.

Edited by WiseStranger
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Quote: Originally Posted by Verain View Post

Actually, when we are up against two shippers we often just play whatever.


Unless there's even one person who isn't... I really don't care if you roflstomp me. I can take it, even if it is frustrating to essentially be relegated to playing against a map. I have yet to see that example of 'playing whatever' in any match I've seen your team (whether on your side or against). At most it's me and one other vet with 2-4 shipers. Out comes the bomberball! Me and 7 two shippers. Out comes the bomber ball!


I'll go further I have never seen any premade just play WHATEVER. What I have seen are

1. Double premades triple spawncamp teams of two shippers in deathmatch

2. Premades put up a gunship bomber line, so the two ship teams can't even get away from their spawn point in domination.

3. Premades whine and b***h when people leave a match so it doesn't start. I mean how dare these people not line up to get slaughtered.

4. I have seen premades claim they take their unupgraded/least favorite ship, when their line up never actually changes.

5. In this thread, I now have gotten to see the people that have been destroying this game complain about bad sportsmanship.

Edited by General_Brass
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Hey there gang,


Lotta fun reading this thread - had no idea it would erupt this much, but such is the internet.


Soooooooooo, my issue was never with you guys (I know your squad's build pretty solid by now, and your teamwork is quite effective). The main issues I had were pretty much personal. It was the last match of the night after playing nothing but TDMs for the day and of course pylan, myself, and sookat got the bomber squad (we had a fourth in group but he wasn't in voice). It's a pain to play against the four of you WITH a solid team of 4 on my own side, let alone with players who, as you guys stated, had no chance to win, especially when you had a total of 7 people coordinating. Maybe I was wrong to leave the match as the outcome was decided as soon as our groups loaded in, but definitely should've slept on it before posting.


That being said, RUDE!!!! :D:D 8 bombers is a death sentence when we're not coordinated on our end (who gives a damn though - if we wanna compete against competition of that calibur, we better get our own skilled premade which isn't your responsibility at all). I don't know how it would fair with both sides being organized premades, but I bet it would be interesting - I know I'd definitely get less upset. Regardless, I just ASSUMED (you know the saying) that this was going to be the trend for the evening with you guys, which wouldn't have been fun for anyone on the server. I guess that you knew that too, which is why these circumstances only occurred once (BTW, there was a hilarious meme in this thread, so kudos to that too lol). The 3 bomber + 1 GS build you run is quite effective, so I knew it was going to be a troll match when everyone switched to bombers. For the record, this was never anything against you guys and everything against the class. That being said, I was definitely in no condition to face those circumstances and should've logged after the previous match instead of getting frustrated. I just... needed... one more... domination :p


I played a match on harbinger the other day with another full 8 bombers (3am, thanks China!) and that wasn't fun either. Top in damage by over 60k, 7-1 KD, and no objective points, yet I despised the match because as a GS, my role isn't supposed to be capping, but relying on pug teammates is... difficult, as seen. Those matches make me feel useless, and I think that's why I made the post in the first place. AGAINST A GROUP THAT KNOWS *** THEY ARE DOING WHILE YOU HAVE PUGS ON YOUR SIDE, YOU WILL NOT WIN. Simple as that. Regardless of what you ran, you were destined to win. I know you guys don't care about what you fly, which I kind of took as "Screw Ren - he needs an *** whopping" instead of "Well, the outcomes already been decided. Let's see how silly this match can get". I apologize for taking it personally when it was a joke.


If you're up for it, I'd appreciate an opportunity to try this again with both sides being full premade, just to see if what happened in that match can be overcome by having a team of good pilots replacing the lessers. Still, the nerfs / buffs are going into place rather soon so ultimately this is irrelevant as 1 week of comparison does no good versus the next few months of meta.


Regardless, your joke was in good fun and I took it as something it was not. Again, the intent of the post was to point out that there is little pugs can do against bombers, but even more so they can do less against skilled pilots regardless of ship type. Next time I see you doing this, I'll pop over and get the full story. Soooo on that note, look forward to flying with / against you guys (if I can pull myself away from Star Citizen's DFM. OMG ITS GORGEOUS!!!!).


Edit: Why did my abbreviations of what the fruitbasket and the synonym for donkey get replaced by asterisks? Never saw that before

Edited by SammyGStatus
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(if I can pull myself away from Star Citizen's DFM. OMG ITS GORGEOUS!!!!).


Is it actually any fun? The footage they showed a few weeks ago (from cockpit) looked really slow and ponderous (especially compared to GSF).


And the trailer they released yesterday was all fast-cuts and external shots... no prolonged footage of an in-cockpit view of someone actually fighting.


I guess in short--does SC have any chance of getting my blood pumping like GSF does? Even on Strike Night, action is fast and furious.

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Is it actually any fun? The footage they showed a few weeks ago (from cockpit) looked really slow and ponderous (especially compared to GSF).


And the trailer they released yesterday was all fast-cuts and external shots... no prolonged footage of an in-cockpit view of someone actually fighting.


I guess in short--does SC have any chance of getting my blood pumping like GSF does? Even on Strike Night, action is fast and furious.


Dude. Dude. Just... Dude.


LOL. I woke up this morning at 5:30 AM EST just to download the DFM. Went into free flight in my 300i and just wow. I'll private msg you a video of an Aurora taking on Vanduuls... But yeah, it's abolsutely amazing.


Granted, it's an ALPHA which a lot of people on the SC forums don't seem to realize, yet the polish, the fluid gameplay, the excitement is all there. They just need to fine tune and implement the rest of the ships into in-game models. The speed seems to be slower paced than GSF, but not to the point where it isn't fun. It's definitely not strike night, but it was never designed to be. This feels a lot more real (can't black out in a black bolt). It will certainly give you a rush though, I assure you of that.


The game looks gorgeous, feels solid, and using an X52 HOTAS or any HOTAS for that matter makes the entire experience immersive as hell. I can't wait for v1.0 where everyone has access to the multiplayer (believe that's what CR said).


You will not be disappointed my friend (especially if you saw the previews for Elite Dangerous) - check your inbox (careful - it's 44 minutes long).

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This is just amazing. In 10 years of online gaming I've never ever seen this much crying over how good some people are. Not even accusing them of cheating (which mostly happens), but acknowledging that they really are good and crying because of it.

It seems more like crying over how good some ships are, not how good some people are.

People complained about OP scouts in the past, things changed and most people probably agree that it definitely helped a game.


Grow a pair, l2p, find friends and challenge them, crying isn't going to get you anywhere!

I would improve a little bit this statement, so it would sound more persuasively.

GSF is MY game and it is not game for everyone! Obey my rules and I will maybe let you play (as cannon fodder of course, but you should be happy about that).

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Regardless, I just ASSUMED (you know the saying) that this was going to be the trend for the evening with you guys

I haven't posted in here further because there wasn't anything actually worth replying to and the entire thread quickly devolved into everyone screaming "I'm going to tell you how to play blah blah no skill blah blah fotm blah blah premade blah blah whatever else I can think of blahhhh!!!" I'm not really interested in posting about that, but I will reply to this!


We logged on for our single daily (and happened to have a lot of players on) and once we saw you in it, decided to play the match that way to give us all a good laugh. We knew it was lopsided, and we knew you'd have some sort of reaction to an armada of bombers. I was actually surprised that you got upset over it, given that our strike night gag of playing a squadron of Renegade-whatevers was done to make you laugh, too! Even when Renegade-two shot down the leader. Wahaha! :p


I just... needed... one more... domination :p

Man, you are totally opposite me. I hate that Domination just doesn't feel Star Wars-y (and entering Kuat Mesas Domination feels like rolling snake eyes because of how much I've seen it since beta). I prefer TDM! Oh well, every player has their own preferences. ;)


I despised the match because as a GS, my role isn't supposed to be capping, but relying on pug teammates is... difficult, as seen. Those matches make me feel useless, and I think that's why I made the post in the first place. AGAINST A GROUP THAT KNOWS *** THEY ARE DOING WHILE YOU HAVE PUGS ON YOUR SIDE, YOU WILL NOT WIN.

Yeah, a gunship really isn't anything without some kind of support, be it a scout/strike running down attackers for them, chaining off their railgun shots or a bomber playing heavy defense. Against a competent team, playing a gunship without any cover can be really painful (especially after the BR nerf). On the flip side, I love games where the entire enemy team focuses a gunship and gets torn apart by the scouts/strikes on their tails. Teamwork really does add a lot of awesome moments to GSF gameplay.


"Let's see how silly this match can get". I apologize for taking it personally when it was a joke.

This. I apologize for making you angry, it wasn't the intent as I'm sure you've realized by now. It was just a cheap laugh, and I guess at times anyone can get too serious (especially reading half the stuff on this forum, lol).


If you're up for it, I'd appreciate an opportunity to try this again with both sides being full premade, just to see if what happened in that match can be overcome by having a team of good pilots replacing the lessers.

I'm up for trying anything with/against anyone, any time I'm available. As mentioned earlier, we tend to stick around and play games even when horribly outnumbered (that TDM fielding a double-premade including the JM'ers, Rhint, Itkovian, etc., or the 3v6 Dominations we've had). The challenge makes it fun regardless of what you field, and looking where my stats stand relative to everyone else at the end of a match is always interesting! I don't think I can fault people for leaving games where they don't believe they'll have any fun, though.


look forward to flying with / against you guys

Same here. Maybe I'll roll another new toon if I can stomach leveling to 10 a 25th+ time. :)


(if I can pull myself away from Star Citizen's DFM. OMG ITS GORGEOUS!!!!).

It really does look gorgeous. I'm concerned about how slow the gameplay looks, but I'll have to check into it more. My biggest gripe is about how hard it is to find consolidated information about new games like this. I have to search high and low and ask all sorts of questions just to get an idea of what it's like. ;)

Edited by TrinityLyre
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As mentioned earlier, we tend to stick around and play games even when horribly outnumbered (that TDM fielding a double-premade including the JM'ers, Rhint, Itkovian, etc., or the 3v6 Dominations we've had)...


I believe the phrase my father preferred to use in instances like these was "Hey! Payback is a med-evac!"

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  • 4 weeks later...

Gunships? EMPs? I know I for one can easily take on multiple bombers with a gunship, and there are plenty of players infinitely better than me at playing them..

Sounds to me like you just got thrashed by a premade, which i'm sure would have happened no matter which ships they picked.

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8 bombers in one match is to be expected really, with 2 at each and using the nodes for cover from GS's you can hide behind mines all day long and win every time.

I can understand it when a few people pick scouts for the sole purpose of getting a node first so we gets some points early and get a commanding lead. but really if you're in domination and there's less than 4 bombers out, and you have them at your disposal, you're asking for a loss (unless the other team doesn't have any in which you can 'wing' it *hurhur*, do what ever you want.)


but seriously everyone should know by now this is the formula.

Domination = bomber

TDM = Gunship (the one with ion cannon, just so there's no confusion)

against people with only 2 ships for either mode? striker or scout.


you went up against people that actually understand this mode. If I had 8 gold medals irl I'd personally hand one out to each one who did this to you. 11/10 would salute on their part.

get OP ships, get with the program, and git gud.




30% of this post is sarcasm

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Gunships? EMPs? I know I for one can easily take on multiple bombers with a gunship, and there are plenty of players infinitely better than me at playing them..

Sounds to me like you just got thrashed by a premade, which i'm sure would have happened no matter which ships they picked.


Did you just respond to OP, ignoring the rest of the thread (including his subsequent posts)?


And also the timestamp?

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  • 3 months later...
Did you just respond to OP, ignoring the rest of the thread (including his subsequent posts)?


And also the timestamp?


That doesn't change the fact that bombers are horribly overpowered. Why do they exist in such a manner? Why did this go live? Seriously, nothing can be done against 8 bombers...



... unless you have 12 bombers.

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I don't think anyone is saying bombers are balanced, merely that the game is vastly improved by their presence.



Note also- this wasn't a real game. There was no competition. We had two groups queue in versus a premade plus pugs. Even if that premade could beat one of our groups- not what history has shown, but not impossible- we had two.


I typed into ops chat ALL RAZORWIRE GO.


Pretend, for a moment, that we had gotten TWO groups against us. We would have picked our best ships, which would have included some bombers, some gunships, and some scouts. The time I spent trying to put a hyperspace beacon into an amusing place, well away from nodes, would have been spent actually competing.




The only preference revealed is our preference for screwing around. You guys know we rolled Bastion for hours, but we queue ONCE on Ebon Hawk and apparently put a stop to some winning streak a premade was having, and within less than three minutes this post appears and goes to two pages.





That's nothing. I've heard all it takes to get you to make an is-interdiction-drive-broken post is a noob striker with rapids.

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I don't particularly care for anyone that likes to give themselves reach arounds on the forums, so I dislike both Renegade and Verain. Too arrogant for my tastes.


That being said, fighting against 8 bombers just isn't fun. Since this is a game, and its intent is to bring you enjoyment, just leave matches like that, wait a few seconds, and queue again. Or, find some accomplishment in that match you could be satisfied with. Hold one sat with 4 bombers of your own, or get those turret achievements. I still have quite a few of those. If you aren't having fun in a match, leave, let the other team think their skill ran you off...some people need that kind of validation.


Who's gonna be the first to tell me they don't care that I don't like them?

As if that changes my opinion.

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