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Everything posted by General_Brass

  1. Solo players = lesser players ? Interesting. Game rewards are generally calibrated as rewards/time there would be no compelling need to to change this up unless the match times were significantly different. If anything having a solo queue could allow rewards to be increased, if the average length of matches were longer. The rest of your post is nothing but flamebait and wishful thinking.
  2. Please calling them groups is far too nice. What needs to be prevented is ganging up on people. You can run days without seeing a balanced match in this game, and that is poison for anyone who actually enjoys a good game or any kind of sportsmanship. It's the reason most people seem to give this a try or two and then drop it like a hot potato.
  3. Really you have to wonder how many people it takes asking for this to be heard over the few people who insist on having their advantage and entitlement to group up against newer/lesser geared players preserved. I would even support, a feature where I just would not be inserted into matches against groups. This would at least mean while I was playing the rest of the game, I wouldn't have my time wasted by going up against someone's "Troll Team".
  4. From the people who were upset I wasn't being constructive when asking about the games biggest problems.
  5. In yesterdays live stream Lobos the dev got pwned 1000-33 in domination. It's the rule, not the exception. People in voice bomber/gunship balling you to death is incredibly common and you have summed up your choice. You can go in solo without a fully equipped ship and get farmed, or you can go in with a voip premade and see if you can make people leave the match early.
  6. Man you assume I don't. If you like a good balanced grouping isn't a solution, it just tilts the odds in your favor.
  7. LOL lighthearted, the game's goal seems to be how many people a given premade can make ragequit before a match is over.
  8. Here let me help with what this forums replies always are. Gear doesn't matter. Get Gud. QQ more. Pay Bioware so you can get the gear faster. The game isn't broken you are. You don't exist you are not part of the great majority of people that find the game broken. Well those out of the way, Bottom line is yes, the overwhelming majority of matches are bad. It is especially true if you solo queue. Not only does the game put ungeared people up against maximally geared people, it also lets them cheat by making certain that maximally geared people join matches as groups so they can beat harder on under geared people.
  9. LOL, yep god forbid people would have a queue without premades. Would hate to deprive you of those matches you claim to hate.
  10. Son that's not advice it's a challenge, and I was pretty damn certain you were the type who would never actually test their assumptions. I didn't expect you to be quite so explicit that you though you and your friends were all the playerbase and everyone else in your eyes didn't count for crap.
  11. I believe you have well established you don't represent the majority of players. I'd suggest you pick a new server and the non dominant faction on that server and try playing there for a day as a solo player and come back with how wonderful the game is. Most of the people I see try the game drop it like a hot potatoe. It would be nice if people like yourself that fly premades against two ship pugs for hours and hours at a time took a little responsibility for contributing to the lack of the games growth. It would also be nice to see you grow up, and stop complaining that anything that would balance out sides or teams in any way counterbalancing *******es in premades from beating on noobs is "Punishing the best players".
  12. I just came from a game where it turns out the lead developer didn't realize there had been no matchmaking in PvP for a year and a half. Directness goes a long way
  13. Oh I'll have a go. 1. The GSF experience currently is horrifically bad for just about anyone not playing in a premade. It's pretty much a certainty that if you are in a premade you will have an overwhelming win loss ratio. A. Are you the developers aware of this ? B. Was this as intended ? C. If this is as intended do you think this is appropriate when the bulk of players solo queue. D. If this is not as intended are there any plans to address the experience for people that solo queue ? E. It is widely thought that groups get faster Q pops than solo players. Is this correct and if so is it appropriate ? 2. GSF rewards/Unit time are roughly 1/3 what pve activities are not including drop gear mats and comms. Are there any plans to cease penalizing people for playing GSF ? 3. There are two maps that favor the Republic greatly. The lost shipyards map, and the Kuat Mesas, both give the republic either shorter and or easier paths to get to fortified positions on the map. Are there any plans to flip these maps around or otherwise randomize the advantage ? 4. The game has a fog of war feature that is built into the sensor system choices and the map. People playing in a common VOIP channel can circumvent this. Are there any plans to address the fact that this design decision is being bypassed by a portion of the player base ? 5. Earlier it was expressed that GSF WAS "Healthy", there are already servers where the queues don't pop 60%-75% of the day. Is this a concern ? Are there any plans to boost long term interest in the game especially on these servers. If there are no plans to boost the popularity of GSF on these servers, do you have any plans to allow players with characters on these servers reduced price transfers to more populous servers ? 6. Lag, A player with a high latency connection can become impossible to hit with direct fire weapons (lasers/ions) and warp out of range of lock on weapons (missiles) are you aware of this problem and is there any solution in the pipeline for this.
  14. The question isn't "Is it time ?", the question is "is it too late ?" If this were put in, It would have to be a no groups allowed setup., and no additional reward penalties.
  15. BTW there is another option at last. Arena Commander launched last night.
  16. I'd be for this. But really at this point we are waiting for is likely the lead designer for this game to own up to making bad decisions about the dynamics of the game and general player interaction. He will probably just let it die before doing that.
  17. I'll go further I have never seen any premade just play WHATEVER. What I have seen are 1. Double premades triple spawncamp teams of two shippers in deathmatch 2. Premades put up a gunship bomber line, so the two ship teams can't even get away from their spawn point in domination. 3. Premades whine and b***h when people leave a match so it doesn't start. I mean how dare these people not line up to get slaughtered. 4. I have seen premades claim they take their unupgraded/least favorite ship, when their line up never actually changes. 5. In this thread, I now have gotten to see the people that have been destroying this game complain about bad sportsmanship.
  18. Thanks for going for a personal insult instead of actually saying anything, saves me much effort on the reply.
  19. Oh ill agree, but if you go in with intention to "Troll", how can you complain that people don't take it well ? Edit: Thinking about this though I have to ask, Does everyone who cares about a good game now have to bring a double Premade ? If you see a double premade on the other side, is it bad sportsmanship to decline the match ? Hmmm we have people who insist that they hate people that leave matches, how does that apply when one side has stacked the deck to complete unfairness. Then let's see we have the people who insisted that being forced to take particular ships would spoil their enjoyment of the game. Interestingly enough some of those same people were in this double premade, and they were forcing the other side to take particular ships or lose painfully. Interesting indeed.
  20. I have the feeling that is not quite the whole story. Because 3 gunships, a strike and a scout should have been able to clear the sky of 8 bombers and then bottle them up in their spawn. So somehow, I get the feeling is even best case it was a contest to see who could make the game maximally unenjoyable.
  21. I am sorry but this is like John McEnroe complaining about the decline of decorum in tennis. You bring a premade of any kind against a pug you have lost any right to complain about poor sportsmanship.
  22. You brought a double pre made of 8 bombers into what was called a troll match, and you call other people bad sports ?
  23. What happens is people who enjoy playing the game and care about winning switch to what they perceive as the winning side on their server. It's the old can't beat em join em philosophy. Usually this winds up being the pub side because the Mesas and Shipyards domination maps favor them while there are no maps that favor the imperial side. So the pubs have a small initial favoritism for their side, which causes the GSF only players to switch so they can get good games. Next thing you know, you have swarms of people in fully upgraded ships, running voip premades against noobs in 2 ship unupgraded pugs. Next time you think you got one shot check the logs, they aren't very readable but you can tease what happened out. More than likely you had a couple or more people hitting you in the same second. That scout that you thought was your opposition may just have had a gunship he was luring you to.
  24. LOW GSF revenues just, just, just might have to do with the games lack of popularity. I'll leave it to you, to find your own explanations of why the game isn't more popular than it is.
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