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And for the last time, the difference between Ranked gear and non-Ranked is insignificant. If you have min/max'd tier 1 PvP gear, you are 100% able to compete against people using even min/max'd tier 2 PvP gear.


But you see, it really isnt that insignificant in the real world. Lets put it this way, right now I only queue regs due to despising arenas and a lack of a guild. I'm in full Obroan, and every time i fight the top tier players in full obroan, i do above average. meaning its about even when they win and when i win (forgetting other factors like team your on, wz, etc). Pretty even fight.


Now introduce a 1-2% stat increase, per piece of equipment. Granted, that doesnt seem like much, but if skill is equal, that extra 1-3k+ dps/health/etc is an advantage in what used to be an even fight. So literally, you nerf the non ranked folks and told them all that you will deal less dps, have less health, and you have to be better than the ranked guy to win, rather than equal. Thats called unbalance.


I'm not trying to start a holy war here. I think you are right in that ranked gear should be exclusive for ranked players. But there needs to be a system in place to prevent ranked players from entering reg queues with that gear. Hence my suggestion that ranked gear is bolstered down to reg gear levels when in the reg queue. Knowing this community well, you'd have premades in the reg queues rofl stomping all day long, as that seems to be fun for some folks.

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But you see, it really isnt that insignificant in the real world. .


it is relatively insignificant. the fact of the matter is that 90% of the ppl with the rated gear would already be appreciably better players than those who cannot earn it. HOWEVER, the philosophy of giving better players better gear that they can then use to a greater advantage against players who do not have access to such gear...well...let's be honest, that's a PR nightmare. and it's inherently unjust regardless of whether or not it would impact the end result in WZs. and it would annoy or be perceived as such by the considerably large majority of gamers still playing this game. so it will never fly.

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But you see, it really isnt that insignificant in the real world.


In the "real world" your scenario doesn't happen, because nobody plays hardcore anymore.


Lag makes more difference than the Obroan/Brutalizer gear gap. My skill/your skill makes more difference. My class vs your class makes more difference.


Brutalizer is junk gear. It's a carrot on a stick, when there's a bucket of tomatoes sitting right next to you. Why bother?

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The folks doing ranked would demolish you if they were in Partisan gear.


Yet in the other thread you're pissed off about people with low level gear playing ranked.


Let them play and let their skill level the game out. If they're awesome players their Noob gear doesn't matter. If they suck you'll demolish them and their ranking will fall while yours rises.


I totally agree with you, skill matters, gear doesn't. Let's throw everybody together and watch the skill sort us out.

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But you see, it really isnt that insignificant in the real world. Lets put it this way, right now I only queue regs due to despising arenas and a lack of a guild. I'm in full Obroan, and every time i fight the top tier players in full obroan, i do above average. meaning its about even when they win and when i win (forgetting other factors like team your on, wz, etc). Pretty even fight.


Now introduce a 1-2% stat increase, per piece of equipment. Granted, that doesnt seem like much, but if skill is equal, that extra 1-3k+ dps/health/etc is an advantage in what used to be an even fight. So literally, you nerf the non ranked folks and told them all that you will deal less dps, have less health, and you have to be better than the ranked guy to win, rather than equal. Thats called unbalance.


I'm not trying to start a holy war here. I think you are right in that ranked gear should be exclusive for ranked players. But there needs to be a system in place to prevent ranked players from entering reg queues with that gear. Hence my suggestion that ranked gear is bolstered down to reg gear levels when in the reg queue. Knowing this community well, you'd have premades in the reg queues rofl stomping all day long, as that seems to be fun for some folks.


But see, what are the odds that the players are truly equal? With things like RNG lucky crits and cooldowns, gear is one of the lesser deciding factors in regs, if we want to make everything truly equal why not remove crits, gear, stats,body size, class, faction, blah blah blah.


I don't want to see homogenization. the devs should make do with what we got and improve on it, not castrate it.

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Yet in the other thread you're pissed off about people with low level gear playing ranked.


Let them play and let their skill level the game out. If they're awesome players their Noob gear doesn't matter. If they suck you'll demolish them and their ranking will fall while yours rises.


I totally agree with you, skill matters, gear doesn't. Let's throw everybody together and watch the skill sort us out.


That would work, like, if there were enough people doing Ranked that the queue actually matched based on rating. Right now the queues are struggling to even find eight people for a match.


The answer to nearly every PvP-related problem is cross-server queues.

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That would work, like, if there were enough people doing Ranked that the queue actually matched based on rating. Right now the queues are struggling to even find eight people for a match.


The answer to nearly every PvP-related problem is cross-server queues.


So true and would really help BW out in the long run just don't understand why they refuse to put it in, and i don't bye the tech isn't there.

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Yet in the other thread you're pissed off about people with low level gear playing ranked.


Let them play and let their skill level the game out. If they're awesome players their Noob gear doesn't matter. If they suck you'll demolish them and their ranking will fall while yours rises.


I totally agree with you, skill matters, gear doesn't. Let's throw everybody together and watch the skill sort us out.


What other thread?


And if you dont have Augments or at the very least fully min/max'd Conqueror gear, you have no place being in Ranked PvP of any kind. Skill can make up the gap in gear, but the players going into Ranked with crap gear are *never* skilled enough to overcome that handicap.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Huge rating gaps between players in any given Arena match….


Typically this issue occurs when there are not a lot of players in the Arena queue, I think it may help to understand a bit about how our matchmaking works. Matches are based around the original character who is entered in matchmaking and what their rating is. Let’s say a character is 1500 and enters the queue. Matchmaking will start looking for another 7 players to have them play with who are also 1500. At certain time intervals, that rating range is expanded (both up and down) in order to work to fill the match. Over time that range will continue to be expanded, so the “up” and “down” rating from that base player is why you could see a 1200 player and an 1800 player in the same game as they are both 300 rating from the original character in the queue.




The other downside here is that last night, the base line player was 1600 (on the other team), they also got a 2200 rating scoundrel healer, and a pair of ~1300 ranked players (one of which was a guardian tank). Whereas my team was me (1280), a Shadow tank at 1350, and 2 players around 1150.


We managed to fight them to a standstill round 1, but couldn't touch that healer. We'd get him to ~30%, he'd just rollaway, and 1 GCD later be back at full health. They just destroyed us the 2nd round...


This matchmaking system needs an overhaul...

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We managed to fight them to a standstill round 1, but couldn't touch that healer. We'd get him to ~30%, he'd just rollaway, and 1 GCD later be back at full health.

Nope...perception problems, yo. No combination of skills/medpacs/rolling HoT's would accomplish this, unless there's multiple healers.

They just destroyed us the 2nd round...

I believe it. Work on your shutdown skills. Separate them. If the healer's now 40M away, guess who he can't heal? His team. Make it happen.


This matchmaking system needs an overhaul...

I agree, but not for the reasons you stated. I think it should not allow matches with that much disparity, because it's pointless...

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I posted this in another thread, but I'll repost here.


I don't know that the devs have publicly said how the matchmaking works, however, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that it is broken. From what I have seen, it tries to match people with similar ELO on a team. Then it tries to match teams. This would explain the high rating v low rating matched.


A better method would seem to be one that matched players with similar ELO and then created teams from those parings. The ratings of individual members of a team ay well vary greatly, but the two teams would be a closer match for each other.


Thoughts, suggestions?

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I posted this in another thread, but I'll repost here.


I don't know that the devs have publicly said how the matchmaking works, however, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that it is broken. From what I have seen, it tries to match people with similar ELO on a team. Then it tries to match teams. This would explain the high rating v low rating matched.


A better method would seem to be one that matched players with similar ELO and then created teams from those parings. The ratings of individual members of a team ay well vary greatly, but the two teams would be a closer match for each other.


Thoughts, suggestions?


How dare you reverse engineer their failures and point them out!? You're so rude. :p

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Nope...perception problems, yo. No combination of skills/medpacs/rolling HoT's would accomplish this, unless there's multiple healers.


I believe it. Work on your shutdown skills. Separate them. If the healer's now 40M away, guess who he can't heal? His team. Make it happen.



I agree, but not for the reasons you stated. I think it should not allow matches with that much disparity, because it's pointless...

I like this constructive side of U . . . Hits me like a flashbang every time ..:cool: hence the shades ...

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  • 3 weeks later...
Glad i have read the start of this thread. I have been asking many questions in the forums if pvp is going to get any better or just stay in a badly matchmade state with exploiting queue's with many trolls ruining it for most players who actually try to play at the top level. It seems that for a star wars game it is going to be missing out all the 'wars' which in all honesty is a shame. Huge part of this timeline is that both side have large armies at their disposal and it should be an epic battle.... still waiting to see that.
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Huge part of this timeline is that both side have large armies at their disposal and it should be an epic battle.... still waiting to see that.

Rather than an EPIC battle, we end up having "conflicts" more akin to

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This thread needs to be stickied, so new people coming into the PVP realm have an understanding of what's in store for PVP.


Or, rather, what tons of people want to happen but Bioware said "No" to.


Although, given that all the win-traders got their season one rewards, maybe we should take the opposite of everything that they say?

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