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Frequently Asked PvP Questions


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Any thoughts of when Eric Musco will get the boot from his job? :p


He's literally caused a huge riot and caused many to unsubscribe. The numbers will reflect it, let's hope it's soon!


so you think its his fault the pvp team decided to say no, he is giving us THEIR answers, this has been said already but don't shoot the messenger

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Sure, it's commendable that he was honest. It's not commendable that there are no plans to redress this commendably transparent lack of attention. He basically leveled with us by saying "yeah, honestly we don't really care that much about pvp because you guys are intractable aholes." The honesty is refreshing. The lack of consideration is not.

You prefer being led on? You prefer being given carrots of hope? Would you prefer to be lied to?


He doesn't make the plans, he delivered the message is all. And he said nothing like what you have above...he gave you the Devs answers to your questions...he typed the freaking reply, he didn't coax it out of the Devs.


PvP hasn't been considered since launch, even when they admitted that it was immensely popular and beyond anything they had expected...why would you think it would change now?


I'm 100% on your side with the responses we got on PvP being pathetic...I just don't think Eric is to blame in the least...he had the balls to get those answers and post them. I much prefer that over being lied to and I assume most people would.

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Just saw some game play of Wild Star pvp... someone likened it to GWs and I definitely got the same impression out of it; it's like a huge AoE mess lol. Care-bear graphics, infantile chars/races, tells you when people are stunned, rooted, snared (how convenient). And dat telegraph just adds depth to the game; stay away from red circles rofl. Cute game though, enjoy... : D


Is this releasing for the N64 soon?, to compete with crash bandicootOnline?... lmao.

Edited by Seengularity
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Gotta love it when PVEers come into the PvP forums and defend the cartel market.


I'm sure the 30,000 ranked commendations spread across my legacy genuinely speaks to my utter distaste of PvP content.


PvP has nothing more to do with the Cartel Market than PvE does.



If you have any other useless comments to make, please post them on the off-topic forum where they belong.

Thank you.

Edited by idnewton
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A lot of outrage and threads made...


We've used this thread to start talking about other games and our plans for them...Hell, people have down right been promoting other games in this thread...


Lots of unsubs...


They announce plans to expand open world PvP rewards at a cantina tour but are contradicting themselves with this thread...


Yet...Still no response from the devs in an effort to calm the situation down...Yep, they really don't seem to care at all.


And not a single person in the force was disturbed by their lack of caring. They already knew.


Just saw some game play of Wild Star pvp... someone likened it to GWs and I definitely got the same impression out of it; it's like a huge AoE mess lol. Care-bear graphics, infantile chars/races, tells you when people are stunned, rooted, snared (how convenient). And dat telegraph just adds depth to the game; stay away from red circles rofl. Cute game though, enjoy... : D


Is this releasing for the N64 soon?, to compete with crash bandicootOnline?... lmao.


^Makes jokes since he needs targeted abilities because he can't aim those things called skillshots. :(

Edited by Katsuragisama
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I'm sure the 30,000 ranked commendations spread across my legacy genuinely speaks to my utter distaste of PvP content.


PvP has nothing more to do with the Cartel Market than PvE does.



If you have any other useless comments to make, please post them on the off-topic forum where they belong.

Thank you.


This right here made me laugh.

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This one made me laugh too.

Just saw some game play of Wild Star pvp... someone likened it to GWs and I definitely got the same impression out of it; it's like a huge AoE mess lol. Care-bear graphics, infantile chars/races, tells you when people are stunned, rooted, snared (how convenient). And dat telegraph just adds depth to the game; stay away from red circles rofl. Cute game though, enjoy... : D


Is this releasing for the N64 soon?, to compete with crash bandicootOnline?... lmao.

Doesn't seem like any of the up-and-coming 'SWTOR-killers' are making it very far.

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I'm sure the 30,000 ranked commendations spread across my legacy genuinely speaks to my utter distaste of PvP content.


PvP has nothing more to do with the Cartel Market than PvE does.



If you have any other useless comments to make, please post them on the off-topic forum where they belong.

Thank you.


You sound mad. Maybe you should buy some cartel coins and go RP until you feel better.

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You sound mad. Maybe you should buy some cartel coins and go RP until you feel better.


yeah, cause pvpers totally do not use the cartel market, I mean, its not like a lot of them buy cartel gear shells just to move their mod pieces in oh no sir, only pve and rp people use the cartel market and all those guys with pvp mods in cartel gear are really just pve and rp people in disguise. :p

Edited by Sangrar
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yeah, cause pvpers totally do not use the cartel market, I mean, its not like a lot of them buy cartel gear shells just to move their mod pieces in oh no sir, only pve and rp people use the cartel market and all those guys with pvp mods in cartel gear are really just pve and rp people in disguise. :p


Don't shine too much light on reality, he might realize the truth.



And that could be offensive.

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yeah, cause pvpers totally do not use the cartel market, I mean, its not like a lot of them buy cartel gear shells just to move their mod pieces in oh no sir, only pve and rp people use the cartel market and all those guys with pvp mods in cartel gear are really just pve and rp people in disguise. :p


Speaking as a PvPer, I never buy shells off the CM because every single thing on there is a reskin of something else that can be obtained WITHOUT spending real money. Except maybe the cybernetic stuff which was only cool in the first iteration and became absolute trash with every new attempt.

Edited by Devilk
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Speaking as a PvPer, I never buy shells off the CM because every single thing on there is a reskin of something else that can be obtained WITHOUT spending real money. Except maybe the cybernetic stuff which was only cool in the first iteration and became absolute trash with every new attempt.


Personally I think the second release (512) was a lot better than the first. Either way, you can buy all of that stuff from the GTN with credits. It was this apparently-offensive truth which prompted Mr. Disagreeable to show his face in the first place.

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Speaking as a PvPer, I never buy shells off the CM because every single thing on there is a reskin of something else that can be obtained WITHOUT spending real money.


Agreed upon - but some armor pieces there are really low-level green stuff abnd can't be acquired anywhere else.

It's a shame that some good-looking low-level pieces are restriced to these low levels in terms of efficiency (and I'm talking about levels LOWER than 20 here ...).

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Because the simple glaring truth bears repeating:


Hey folks,


Below you will find those questions/answers.


Will we ever be able to choose a specific Warzone to queue for?


There are no current plans for the near future to implement this feature.


Have you considered implementing a Huttball League?


it is not in our current roadmap.


Why is Bolster in Ranked PvP? Why not just require a high level of PvP gear?


It is very unfortunate that Bolster has experienced issues since its implementation which certainly created pain points for our PvP community. However we will continue to work to ensure that Bolster is working as intended!


Will you be implementing Cross-server queuing?


We have no plans at this time to implement cross-server queues.


Will you be introducing rewards in future Seasons to recognize those players who have achieved the highest of ratings? 1500 seems like a low bar for some players.


we have no announced changes planned at this time however.


Will you be bringing back 8v8 Ranked Warzones?


We have no plans currently of bringing back 8v8 Ranked Warzones.


Are there any plans of expanding open world PvP?


Currently we have no plans of expanding open world PvP, specifically to say we don’t have any plans to introduce any new systems which offer rewards around it.


Are there any plans to address teams having healer hybrids in Arenas fighting against teams without a healer?


"Doublespeak - we don't understand the problem well enough from the player's perspective to be able to implement a solution"


What about the issue of 3v4 matches in Arenas?


backfilling would turn a negative situation for 4 players into a negative situation for 5 players, and we are not fond of that idea.


Matchmaking will sometimes place the same Advanced Classes on the same teams. An example would be 4 Powertechs against 4 Assassins. Are there any improvements planned here?


No timeline right now on those changes but it is on our radar.


Huge rating gaps between players in any given Arena match….


Typically this issue occurs when there are not a lot of players in the Arena queue, I think it may help to understand a bit about how our matchmaking works.

"Doublespeak - we don't understand the problem well enough from the player's perspective to be able to implement a solution"


What about players who “sync queue” to specifically play each other, AKA match fixing?


we have systems in place to detect these types of actions and when Season 1 ends, those players will find themselves without any rewards at all.


Do you have any plans to address overpowered Hybrid builds which are present in Arenas?


Our history of class balance shows that we attempt to discourage overpowered hybrid builds when and wherever possible.




In short, we hear your concerns, we know they're important to you, but we're not going to do anything about them. Oh wait, "at this time".

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Glad to see some yellow as regards the future of pvp. While it's not all I would have hoped for, it's important and useful to know what the dev's plans are for pvp for SWTOR.


I'm curious as to what information in the OP was important/useful to you. There wasn't a single thing in that post we didn't already know the answer to...

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Glad to see some yellow as regards the future of pvp. While it's not all I would have hoped for, it's important and useful to know what the dev's plans are for pvp for SWTOR.


There plans are they have no plans.

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Glad to see some yellow as regards the future of pvp. While it's not all I would have hoped for, it's important and useful to know what the dev's plans are for pvp for SWTOR.

Huh? What exactly do you THINK their future plans are? And...not all you had hoped for? They have NO plans...were you hoping for the complete removal of PvP? Because that's all the worse they could have done...

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Huh? What exactly do you THINK their future plans are? And...not all you had hoped for? They have NO plans...were you hoping for the complete removal of PvP? Because that's all the worse they could have done...


Perhaps his point is that at leas they came out and said it rather than just leaving everyone in a vacuum. You're definitely correct in that the OP provided no information other than "no" to every single thing PvPers have been asking for. But at least they came out and said it rather than just saying nothing. The OP makes it pretty clear that PvP will always remain a minor side game or diversion and never be fully fleshed-out or made into a centerpiece of SWTOR.


While I 100% understand that PvPers would waaaaay rather have heard a "yes" to--well, anything at all rather than uniform "no" to everything--at least they did make it clear that there are really no plans to make substantive changes to PvP. That is useful information for folks that love PvP--it's information that says "this isn't the game for you". As paying customers PvPers have every right to be very disappointed with that result. But competition in video games is fierce. No game can really be all things to everyone. There are definitely games out there or games coming soon that have a strong PvP focus. If you love PvP and want to do lots of PvP then a firm answer--even if it is a no--tells PvPers that their time is best spent in a game that is actually developed along their preferred style of play. Honestly, that is better than just saying nothing or misleading and saying "well we're looking at it but no ETA."


They gave direct answers to PvPers questions so PvPers could decide where they wanted to spend their money. And clearly many have decided to spend their money elsewhere and are cancelling SWTOR subs, as I would if I loved PvP. But at least they came right out and said it so people could make informed decisions.

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