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GSF is not fun at all


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Yeah as stated before this is total bs. If you think the disadvantage in space is bad you must have never done some regular PvPing because thats a hundred times worse in terms of gear advantage. One of the reasons I like GSF is BECAUSE even people who are maxed can still be killed by a beginner with better skills.


I agree with the others that you must simply not be very good at it, and you never will be with that attitude.


Only thing I can agree with is that you should not be able to get 1-hitted...that's just silly. There is literally nothing you can do to prevent it....luckily it doesn't happen much.


I give you the benefit of doubt that you have not considered some non-US players playing on a permanent lag due to geographical distance. Aiming and hitting the circle may not land you the hit due to lag.


I had cases where I find myself self-destruct for nothing because the wall is already in front of my ship in actuality but on my screen I thought I still have some space to turn around.


In wz pvp, you have aoe spell and you still can do wonders and hit something and kill someone even with lag. But GSF is entirely focused attack and you have to do it with precision. Precision attack is what breaks the game for those playing on lag.

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I give you the benefit of doubt that you have not considered some non-US players playing on a permanent lag due to geographical distance. Aiming and hitting the circle may not land you the hit due to lag.


I had cases where I find myself self-destruct for nothing because the wall is already in front of my ship in actuality but on my screen I thought I still have some space to turn around.


In wz pvp, you have aoe spell and you still can do wonders and hit something and kill someone even with lag. But GSF is entirely focused attack and you have to do it with precision. Precision attack is what breaks the game for those playing on lag.


Well I do not know where the lag comes from, I am non-US myself and have not experienced this at all*, and that's not because of my machine cause its nothing special.



*As a side-note: Ive flown about 50 times now.

Edited by Gokkus
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1 of the things is tht its very clunky. Alot of pvp'ers are disappointed with it so u are not alone. GL in ur future gaming endeavors.


GSF players are also "PvPers" now. It's not "clunky" - it takes a tiny amount of effort to understand it though. It's much more FPS/CoD style action than it is typical MMO PvP.

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Not sure how the matchmaking system works exactly.


My scout is close to being fully upgraded and yet I haven't upgraded any single part of my other ships. However, yesterday I finished in the top 3 for dmg in all 5 matches I played as a Striker (despite being pitted with upgraded opponents). The upgrades obviously help but it's possible to compete even without them imo. Besides the fact that the first upgrades only cost 1k each.


I personally love the GS addition. Heck, even some guildies who abhor ground PvP are playing GS every chance they get. It's not for everyone but it seems to be a success overall.


My 2 cents.


I'm not sure how it works either. I have matches where I rack up 10+ kills and 10+ assists while still killing turrets and/or defending objectives and it seems like the enemy players are just asking to be blown up and then I have other matches where I get one-shot by GS's or roflstomped by a Scout that stays on my tail no matter what I do. I have most if not all of the second tier upgrades on all three ship types and it seems that I either get thrown into matches with absolute noobs or I get thrown into matches against teams of near-mastered ships and I can't for the life of me figure out the criteria being used for matchmaking.


I enjoy the heck out of GSF, however...mostly because I have always enjoyed flight sim type games from as far back as the Aces over the Pacific/Europe and the Red Baron sims. Yeah, it is more twitch based than the ground PvP stuff is and people not used to twitch or flight sim games are going to have problems until they adapt and there will be some who never adapt. Even in SWG there were people who stayed far away from the space PvP because it was just something they couldn't wrap their heads around.

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I really enjoy GSF, it has a steep learning curve and a player skill set completely different to the ground based game.

If you learn the basics of what your ship can do and play smart then the gear difference is negligible. The biggest hurdle to overcome, as in any PvP setup, is the advantage a team with VOIP has over those that don't.

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Match making is very bad in GSF but I suspect this is due to less and less people playing so you are going to get very unbalanced matches.


Preferred status and then free to play will be destroyed, I suspect other than those that like flying from the fleet to the objective to get blown up wont play long enough to get comparable ships. Which is probably a good thing if Im flying against people in fully upgraded ships I don't want a bunch of noobs who don't help in the fight so we are always men short.


Be interesting to see if BW does anything to encourage people to keep logging back in even though they don't really stand a chance.

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I'm newer than the people who got it on dec 3rd, but I'm so far behind I can't do anything to anyone. I do 0 damage, and get one shotted out of nowehere. Really bad expansion especially for people who will get it in January and February they will be so far behind and won't enjoy anything out of this sorry excuse of an expansion. Sad I wasted a sub to try this garbage out.


I'm new at it too, because I just came back off a holiday, and the oneshotting happens to me, but the 0 damage is not an issue, press 1 and your weapons swaps to the alternative fire mode which does more damage, after that it's just keep in there and remember in three or so weeks time the preferres crowd join in, and you will have an edge over them.

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I played one night on PTS. I haven't played a flight game since the SW one that came out on nintendo 64. I have, however, been addicted to it since it went live. I've played it religiously and have gotten very good at it. I am routinely in the top 5 in kills and best in many other categories. I attribute this to practice. It seems that some people lack the patience to practice anything... they want to be great or competitive the first time they do something, or they quit and say it sucks. Marksmen have to practice... athletes have to live a different lifestyle and practice... scholars have to study constantly... etc...


I'm kinda sick of the "its too hard" crowd... not just for GSF, but life in general. Example... if 25% of all college students get a 3.5 or higher (they do), are all these students good? No... absolutely not.... college classes have gotten much easier over time as students whine their butts off for a curve in order to mask their mediocrity. Its the same with fellow employees at your job and the trend of American culture in general.


GSF may not be for you.... but don't call something garbage that others extremely enjoy and spend the time practicing to master it.

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I played one night on PTS. I haven't played a flight game since the SW one that came out on nintendo 64. I have, however, been addicted to it since it went live. I've played it religiously and have gotten very good at it. I am routinely in the top 5 in kills and best in many other categories. I attribute this to practice. It seems that some people lack the patience to practice anything... they want to be great or competitive the first time they do something, or they quit and say it sucks. Marksmen have to practice... athletes have to live a different lifestyle and practice... scholars have to study constantly... etc...

Again, I may be wrong there, but my interpretation of the OP's complain is that he has very little room for practice because the opposition way outmatches him. Imagine that you would start as level 1 on Coruscant or Dromund Kaas, or that you would enter a Warzone at level 10 with no bolster present. In both cases you would probably also get better with time and practice, but the learning experience would be anything but enjoyable. Marksmen and athletes start in regional and junior competitions too, they aren't immediately placed against the world elite.


Unfortunately, there isn't much what can be done with that at the present, and most of it was already stated in this thread. Endure (and accept the - hopefully temporary, but still annoying - role of a kill pinata), wait for preferred/F2P so the matchmaking system can hit, or simply give up.


And for the record, I strongly disagree with OP that the expansion is garbage - I personally find it great.

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I really think GS is about learning the ship that suits your play style best. Most of my guild fly scouts for speed and turning. They do things I can't. At the same time I found the strike fighter suits me well and I can do things they can't. One of us will get good in a gunship... ha, maybe.


It is a big departure from ground pve and pvp, so I expected a lot of players to struggle at first. Besides picking the ship that works with your play style; I would really suggest accepting the ups and downs (even if starting out has more downs). As another post said, matches vary. Some times I destroy the other team, some times I just can't catch a break, shake a pesky scout or nail that damn gunship that is tearing me apart. Shrug it off, take a break and come back having learned something new.


In my case its simple; stay away from that certain scout that has my number til I am good enough to take them out. Seriously... Its like they know I am queuing...

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I'm newer than the people who got it on dec 3rd, but I'm so far behind I can't do anything to anyone. I do 0 damage, and get one shotted out of nowehere. Really bad expansion especially for people who will get it in January and February they will be so far behind and won't enjoy anything out of this sorry excuse of an expansion. Sad I wasted a sub to try this garbage out.


You mean you've never even scored a kill assist, let alone a kill? How is that even possible... I suck bad at GSF still but even I've scored some kills and assists, and often end up high in the objectives score. Do you bother with objectives, or are you just trying to rack up kills?


I can understand not liking the expansion, it's very different to the ground game in every way and requires a different skillset, but even the starter ships with their starter gear can be competitive. Granted the matchmaking doesn't seem to work as intended sometimes - though that could simply be because there are not enough concurrent players to make it work.

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I didnt read the whole thread, So this may be a repeat:


Aim at the little red circle in front of your target not the ship itself, unless of course the red circle is covering the ship. Alo make sure you know what key to press to actually select a target (tab is one of them) or you will not see the red circle.


The flight tutorial sucks and worse than that I doubt many people even know how to get to it as they just close any tutorial popups without reading. Click the big question mark in the top right corner of your hanger screen.

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I'm newer than the people who got it on dec 3rd, but I'm so far behind I can't do anything to anyone. I do 0 damage, and get one shotted out of nowehere. Really bad expansion especially for people who will get it in January and February they will be so far behind and won't enjoy anything out of this sorry excuse of an expansion. Sad I wasted a sub to try this garbage out.


As a note, I started fresh with my opposite faction alt two days ago. I had no problems playing, though I did miss some of the upgrades.


Almost all the power is on the player, not the ship. It's so much in the gameplay.



Here's an example: You mention you do "0 damage". So, go work on objectives. Or organize your group with chat, people will listen if you have a strat or if can watch the map well and send the middle ships over to an objective. I spend like a third of every game floating around a sat while several scouts chase me and the Benny Hill music plays- but I don't choose an enemy sat, I choose a friendly or a blue one. That denies them resources and makes use of their people.


Getting "one shot out of nowhere" normally means you aren't asking yourself "what would an enemy gunship do". The difference between an experienced player and a noob is night and day on a gunship. if I snipe an experienced player, he immediately presses 'target last attacker'. This provides him with two pieces of info in less than a secodn: my position relative to him, and my facing vector. Then he boosts behind a rock, all before the second shot. I've started doing that myself to great effect.


I'll snipe a noob, and he'll panic. He might boost off behind a rock, but he's just as likely to make no meaningful adjustment to his course in the 3-8 seconds I need to finish him off. Could you picture just derping around for six seconds in a warzone? Yet this happens all the time in GS.

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I'm struggling to like GSF myself... Admittedly I have only just tried it this morning and was on the losing side 3 times in a row.


The problem I have with it is after doing the tutorial (in which I learn't next to nothing) you get dumped in an arena with PvPers who are out to kill you (well duh!) You get little opportunity to become familiar with your surroundings or work out whats going on.


I seemed to die very quickly (thats not a problem, it happened in warzones at the beginning too) and struggle to hit anything - my accuracy was embarrassingly low! All that happened was I would spawn, fly towards the general direction of the action, get killed and respawn - there is little opportunity to learn the game.


With GSF being very different to what we have been used to in SWTOR for the past few years I would have hoped for a better tutorial that at least left me feeling as though I had some clue as what to do. Trying to learn the ropes in a PvP environment is not gonna happen (for me anyway) and I doubt I'll give it another go until I have a better understanding of how to play.


Just my 2 cents.

Edited by maxjam
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(3) your probably an imperial player aren't you? Imps seem to always do horrible in GSF.


That's true isn't it? As a republic GSF player I win about 90% against imps (that's not an exaggeration but a valid estimate). I am seriously wondering why that is...


They do have a lot nicer ships esthetically.


I'm struggling to like GSF myself... Admittedly I have only just tried it this morning and was on the losing side 3 times in a row.


The problem I have with it is after doing the tutorial (in which I learn't next to nothing) you get dumped in an arena with PvPers who are out to kill you (well duh!) You get little opportunity to become familiar with your surroundings or work out whats going on.


I seemed to die very quickly (thats not a problem, it happened in warzones at the beginning too) and struggle to hit anything - my accuracy was embarrassingly low! All that happened was I would spawn, fly towards the general direction of the action, get killed and respawn - there is little opportunity to learn the game.


With GSF being very different to what we have been used to in SWTOR for the past few years I would have hoped for a better tutorial that at least left me feeling as though I had some clue as what to do. Trying to learn the ropes in a PvP environment is not gonna happen (for me anyway) and I doubt I'll give it another go until I have a better understanding of how to play.


Just my 2 cents.


Dulfy has some pretty good tips on GSF, you should check it out.

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This is because a lot of the PvPers aren't good at twitch gameplay and throw a tantrum worse than an 8 year old when they get ripped apart. Most of the MMO PvP crowd is horrible if you erase gear advantage.


The perks from upgrading your ship are minor tweaks. I have been playing since dec3rd...haven't upgraded my strike fighter once. I destroy people in it as a stock ship. regularly blowing people out of the sky who have fully upgraded ships. Skill far out does upgrades here.


While sometimes that is true, but the GSF expansion is utter trash and i love my space sims, this is just a sad, pathetic attempt at space combat and bioware should really stick to RPGs, its what they are good at.

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