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Undying Changes


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It sounds like you are wildly overextended and relying on invincibility to make it out alive. Pro tip: Don't leap past 5 people to attack someone way in the back with no support. And how is a marauder any different than a Jugg or Operative or Sin DPS that needs to attack the back line? Where is their UR to survive those stun locks?


You don't have to 'wildly overextend' to suffer as melee in this game. The plethora of CC effects non stealth melee the most, and they have no choice but to be in the middle of it.

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I think it's fine at best or inelegant at it's worst. Although I don't think it need the global CD increase. Rage/Focus was the only spec that could get the CD down that low now the other two specs which were never OP in the survivablity department are pushed a little bit more towards Rage/Focus.
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I can give you a way to feel that your mara is OP again. Roll a operative DPS and then roll back to your mara, you will feel like a god again, trust me. Nerf to mara should have happened years ago.


I've only ever played Annilhilation, and they were nerfed awhile ago. To be further nerfed with nothing given back just makes the spec even worse. Annihilation is in a ****** place right now.

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You don't have to 'wildly overextend' to suffer as melee in this game. The plethora of CC effects non stealth melee the most, and they have no choice but to be in the middle of it.


Stealth only gets you in the fight (which Maras have as well). Restealth won't save you from DoTs when you're about to die. DCD's are supposed to mitigate damage, not completely negate it while allowing you to "heal to full". No other class could fly into the middle of a fight, and stay in the fight at 1% health knowing they will be back to full before they take damage again. Now that you'll only be at half health, you might have to consider not staying in the middle of the enemy team.

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Stealth only gets you in the fight (which Maras have as well). Restealth won't save you from DoTs when you're about to die. DCD's are supposed to mitigate damage, not completely negate it while allowing you to "heal to full". No other class could fly into the middle of a fight, and stay in the fight at 1% health knowing they will be back to full before they take damage again. Now that you'll only be at half health, you might have to consider not staying in the middle of the enemy team.


If you are using camo to get into a fight you are doing it wrong.

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If you are using camo to get into a fight you are doing it wrong.


He's not talking about camo. He's talking about the argument that some other melee classes have stealth to somehow help them with CC. Not true at all. You will get CCed to death the minute you come out but by a good team.

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He's not talking about camo. He's talking about the argument that some other melee classes have stealth to somehow help them with CC. Not true at all. You will get CCed to death the minute you come out but by a good team.


Incidentally, there was a post already made in terms of using camo defensively now instead of offensively. Although I had never used it that way. Truth is, there were so many options for maras, you really had no reason not to use it offensively before.

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Incidentally, there was a post already made in terms of using camo defensively now instead of offensively. Although I had never used it that way. Truth is, there were so many options for maras, you really had no reason not to use it offensively before.


Hmm, it's been a long time since I had done anything with my Marauder, but I almost always used it defensively. After UR ended, if I was not done killing nor getting a heal, force camo would be my last exit plan. I guess if I thought I would finish it quickly, I'd use it to come back around and get the kill but usually it was getting out of LOS.


I'd be lying to say that I was a good marauder; though.

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I got admit I find it beyond funny when I hear "omg the UR nerfed our DCDs to the ground." Did you ever play other melee classes? None of them have similar DCD and all of them need to get in the middle of "5-6 enemies" or atk enemy healers. Why is the "marauder" so different than jugg, sin, ops or PT as dps that they need two huge damage mitigation DCDs on such low CD (cammo and UR) on top of all passive and active DCDs they have and strong control abilities? Mind you, after the nerf, marauders are still ahead of all other melee classes in survivability.


I have 4 words for you, get the f*** out.


Show some compassion for the poor Smasher :( Is going to give some thought before pressing specific buttons :(

Edited by Aetideus
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My thoughts on this nerf are this. Adapt. I have played Sent since launch and will continue to do so, I dont like the nerf but im going to adapt. With that said, I say switch the use of dcds.


I used to use force camo around 30-40% to get the focus off me. I used to use GBTF at under 10% followed up by a med pac.


Now they way I see, you should reverse the order of operations between the two DCD's. Use GBTF at 30-40% in order to get them to stop focusing you, yes your going to lose 15-20% hp because of this. But if they use their stuns during your GBTF you will have no problem popping a medpac after the stuns ends because you used the cd earlier.


Now when your at 10% use force camo, try to get out of combat (virtually impossible but can be done) and either Introspect (if you pulled off a miracle) or pop a medpac (if you dont have a healer and didnt use it after GBTF)


Medpacs are now more versatile depending on the situation your in.


Now take this with a grain of salt, I havent tested it, I have finals and rl to attend before I am able to play in a couple of weeks, even then it will be brief before the holidays.


Any thoughts?

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My thoughts on this nerf are this. Adapt. I have played Sent since launch and will continue to do so, I dont like the nerf but im going to adapt. With that said, I say switch the use of dcds.


I used to use force camo around 30-40% to get the focus off me. I used to use GBTF at under 10% followed up by a med pac.


Now they way I see, you should reverse the order of operations between the two DCD's. Use GBTF at 30-40% in order to get them to stop focusing you, yes your going to lose 15-20% hp because of this. But if they use their stuns during your GBTF you will have no problem popping a medpac after the stuns ends because you used the cd earlier.


Now when your at 10% use force camo, try to get out of combat (virtually impossible but can be done) and either Introspect (if you pulled off a miracle) or pop a medpac (if you dont have a healer and didnt use it after GBTF)


Medpacs are now more versatile depending on the situation your in.


Now take this with a grain of salt, I havent tested it, I have finals and rl to attend before I am able to play in a couple of weeks, even then it will be brief before the holidays.


Any thoughts?


This sounds like a logical adaptation to use medpacs due to the change. Might not always work for rage maras since the medpac cooldowns longer than their UR one, but for carnage or anni it'd work.

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Hey look, its one of those bads.


If Mara only had UR, or had UR and maybe one other meh defensive cooldown, it would have been fine. But the reality was the complete opposite, and Mara had arguably the best assortment of defensive cooldowns for any DPS class in the game.


And yes, you can easily counter UR with a stun, root, etc. All by istelf, it wasnt OP. But you could literally get down to 5% health, hit UR, get healed to full by a teammate, and BAM youre back in the fight with basically a second life. That was complete BS. So now not only do you need to CC the Mara while UR is up, but you need to CC his healer so when UR finally goes away you can actually kill him.


This change fixed that.

Edited by cashogy_reborn
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If you restrict yourself to the point of not thinking about using camo as an offensive skill you must widen your perception.


Quick example, enemy ranged class with knockback (sorc, merc) is hugging pillar.


Go to pillar, he will pole you.


Use camo, get on top of him.


He wont see you coming, spank him.


Merc/Sorc uses kb.


Mara charges back insta


90% secured solo kill from them on, he does not have kback and you still has awe and choke for force speed / hold the line. If you play your cards right the target will either die from ur dps or have to pop a big strategic cd (ice block, commando shield) to avoid getting stomped.


You must be prepared to use all cds in the game offensively when you can. Not like camo has 30 mins cd.

Edited by Laforet
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It is a stupid change that hurt the 2 non FOTM specs much worse than it hurt the spec that needed nerfed. It is not game breaking, and people will learn to get around it(I.E. use came differently), but yet again Bioware have used a hatchet where they should have used a scalpel.
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If Mara only had UR, or had UR and maybe one other meh defensive cooldown, it would have been fine. But the reality was the complete opposite, and Mara had arguably the best assortment of defensive cooldowns for any DPS class in the game.


And yes, you can easily counter UR with a stun, root, etc. All by istelf, it wasnt OP. But you could literally get down to 5% health, hit UR, get healed to full by a teammate, and BAM youre back in the fight with basically a second life. That was complete BS. So now not only do you need to CC the Mara while UR is up, but you need to CC his healer so when UR finally goes away you can actually kill him.


This change fixed that.


So you blame an ability and call it OP for the fault of a trash team attacking the wrong target? Makes sense.. There is nothing BS about that situation. Just a fail team that doesn't realize its a team based game and not a 1v1 deathmatch.

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So you blame an ability and call it OP for the fault of a trash team attacking the wrong target? Makes sense.. There is nothing BS about that situation. Just a fail team that doesn't realize its a team based game and not a 1v1 deathmatch.


Rofl are you serious?


No other class requires that much effort to get killed. The nerf was 100% warranted.


Cry a river, build a bridge and get over it.

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It is a stupid change that hurt the 2 non FOTM specs much worse than it hurt the spec that needed nerfed. It is not game breaking, and people will learn to get around it(I.E. use came differently), but yet again Bioware have used a hatchet where they should have used a scalpel.


This ability needed to get nerfed into the ground. In fact, if they never had it in the first place, they STILL would have been fine. The fact that Rage outshines both the other specs has nothing to do with UR/GBtF. Saber Ward, Cloak of Pain, and Camo are perfectly acceptable DCDs in addition to every spec getting the 30% AOE damage reduction talent. Throw in Obfuscate as an additional damage reduction technique and you're golden. Anni has additional heals, Carnage has plenty of roots to control your opponent, and Rage turns into the default glass cannon spec that it should be.

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To all the smug, opportunistic celebrants of our misfortune, remember that no spec or class is immune to debuffs. The high road has been abandoned. Whenever I see a balance inequity I will be certain to articulate the reason for a nerf--and, I while I deplore your obnoxious attitudes and puerile behavior, I think it only fair to afford you the same opportunity to feel the same about me when your turn comes.


Happy Gaming.

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To all the smug, opportunistic celebrants of our misfortune, remember that no spec or class is immune to debuffs. The high road has been abandoned. Whenever I see a balance inequity I will be certain to articulate the reason for a nerf--and, I while I deplore your obnoxious attitudes and puerile behavior, I think it only fair to afford you the same opportunity to feel the same about me when your turn comes.


Happy Gaming.


It must be cold up there on your high horse.

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Rofl are you serious?


No other class requires that much effort to get killed. The nerf was 100% warranted.


Cry a river, build a bridge and get over it.


Oh please. Guard has no direct hard counter and takes twice the amount of effort to deal with a tank/healer combo than a sentinel and a healer. GBTF is the most overrated and complained about ability by bads and to be honest I would trade GBTF for force shroud any day of the way. I'd rather have an ability that allows me to stay on my opponent than an ability that in group play where 99% of the time a sentinel will spend the duration of the ability stunned.


The real issue was focus spec not the gbtf ability. This change hurts the other two specs WAY more than it does focus.

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Oh please. Guard has no direct hard counter and takes twice the amount of effort to deal with a tank/healer combo than a sentinel and a healer. GBTF is the most overrated and complained about ability by bads and to be honest I would trade GBTF for force shroud any day of the way. I'd rather have an ability that allows me to stay on my opponent than an ability that in group play where 99% of the time a sentinel will spend the duration of the ability stunned.


The real issue was focus spec not the gbtf ability. This change hurts the other two specs WAY more than it does focus.


Rofl trust me, by the time I'm forced to use my shroud defensively I have already been holding back my offensive capability for quite a while.


You have absolutely nothing to worry about untill you're forced to use gbtf. It's is FAR more powerful.


If we gave you shroud you wouldn't cry rivers anymore, we would be talking oceans.


You don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

Edited by Evolixe
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For those that complain about the nerf to undying rage and protected by the force it was needed plain and simple. And those complain that the nerf also nerfed the lesser used specs it really didnt. I dont play the cent or mara but I duo with one prity much on a nightly basis. Anyhoo she is in the dot spec tree and she doesnt rely on that defence alot. Its quite simple pick your battles. Well thats my 2 cents
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