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Why is Imperial PVP so much better ?


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BH lvl 55-- 164 wins 102 losses.


Jedi lvl 54-- 10 wins and 68 losses.


I just don't understand why the pvp is just so bad on the Rep side.


I play Imperial and there will be a healer in almost every match that .......... Heals .

I play Rep and you almost never see a healer that heals, or a team that can focus 1 target.


Do people that favor pvp simply enjoy darker / evil classes more ? For me PVP as of late on the Imp side is fun(ofc)


Everytime I play my Rep toon I want to pull my hair out.

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It all depends on what server you are. On Tomb of Freedom Nad , the experiance would be opposite of what you have now , republic is dominating pvp. A lot of imps , have no concept on how to play objectives , ignore incs and then call you noob after you hold a point solo for 30 seconds vs 2-3 people and then fall , cuz you didn't get reinforcements in that time , or if a point is reinforced , an entire group goes , and leave anther point undefended and so on.

This started after the free transfers , when a lot of pvp guilds decided to migrate on that server and i am sure , that others have the same issues.

At this point , the only option is to either enjoy your pvp experience on the imp side , or find a pvp guild on the rep side and go in warzones with 3 others , since it is way easier to carry 4 people , than it is to carry 7.

Personally i do not see any sollution to these issues unless cross server is implemented , but then again , as per the devs response to this issues , it wil never happen.

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The case on Pot5 currently is that there are a lot more skilled people playing Imperial, which creates a huge discrepancy. This is b/c, IMO, of the complete lack of general game know-how that the typical player in the Republic faction displays. DPS failing to top 200k, Tank-capable AC's not breaking 10k protection, healers not healing well, etc. B/c Imperials already had more skilled players, what few skilled players remained Pub side have migrated to avoid the window lickers.
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On the Proginator it is this bad. Republic rarely have healers, where the imps often have 2 or 3 - who does not get focus targeted, so they just stand there laughing while reps attack their 2 jugg tanks constantly.

I often see dps doing less than 100k, which is terrible.

I don't understand how people can play that bad, seriously - like they are only using their auto attack or something.

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On the Proginator it is this bad. Republic rarely have healers, where the imps often have 2 or 3 - who does not get focus targeted, so they just stand there laughing while reps attack their 2 jugg tanks constantly.

I often see dps doing less than 100k, which is terrible.

I don't understand how people can play that bad, seriously - like they are only using their auto attack or something.


Rep PvP on The Progenitor is a Joke. Just get some people in a group and try to organize a premade with roles. Like 2 dps 1 healer and one tank. Don't leave pugs to defend objectives otherwise will be pointless. Try to do some more efforts and you'll see that you'll win more games.


After the release of Hutt Cartel, pugging on the Prog, on Rep side, is like a suicide :p

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Because I'm currently levelling my Imp toon. :)


No really, I don't have much motivation to hit up my republic main because the play is so bad over there. Why would I want to gear him up when the entire team just disintegrates every match?


I'd rather just level up my Imp toons. Currently 54 with my op healer. Hopefully it's still fun at 55.

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Imps lose all the time on the Harbinger. Very balanced on the Bastion. So, like others said, it's your server.


I would like to disagree and say your wrong but I cant, on Harbinger anyways. Just seems that non objective/team player imps are the only thing queuing up lately.


Back filled an Ancient Hyper Gate where we never capped a node.. People were jumping down 1-2 at a time into a group of 6 just getting murdered... Figure after the first few deaths they would go the other way but nope. Like lemmings one after another they walked to their death.


For arenas... Hah, try chatting at the start and mark targets, but once it all starts up people just shoot at 4 different guys and just get mowed down one at a time.

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On the Proginator it is this bad. Republic rarely have healers, where the imps often have 2 or 3 - who does not get focus targeted, so they just stand there laughing while reps attack their 2 jugg tanks constantly.

I often see dps doing less than 100k, which is terrible.

I don't understand how people can play that bad, seriously - like they are only using their auto attack or something.


The prog is an RP server, many choose a RP server for the 'friendlier' environment. I would hypothesis on the cause just given, that the general player on the prog is much younger and that those younger player prefer play a hero toon on the Rep side rather then a villain on the Imp side. So when it comes to PvP on the Prog I would guess that this thesis would apply even more there. To conclude I would state the following; Repside PvP on the Prog--> younger players, less keen on interactive communication and tactics before and during a WZ --> Less wins. Imp side PvP --> A more mature player pool and understanding of tactics and communication --> More wins.


Then we have the question of Language. I believe that the Prog has the most diversified player pool of all servers when it comes to Language, given that it is a EU server. this also disable a important factor for how well a WZ turns out.

Edited by t-darko
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Pot5 is a nightmare during the evening EST. Imps probably win 4/5 WZs. Not joking in the least bit. Every once in a while the republic has their best players on and it swings to 50/50. That might be Tuesday night if they even log on.
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They aren't.

Can you please elaborate on this ?! I play about 8-9 matches a night , so not that much , but out of say 8 matches

( this is in regular WZs , not ranked ) , 5-6 matches are won by republic , can you please tell me how is that not 1 sided ?! :)

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Pot5 is a nightmare during the evening EST. Imps probably win 4/5 WZs. Not joking in the least bit. Every once in a while the republic has their best players on and it swings to 50/50. That might be Tuesday night if they even log on.


PvP has just turned into a joke on Pot5.

No matter how hard you try, they just don't get the objectives. They'd rather fight in the middle, walking into an ambush, for the whole match other than using some basic strategy. It's baffling!


What's even more is the fact that the lower level you are on the Pubs, the greater chance of winning you have. But the win/loss ration just starts getting worse the higher the level you get.

I think it's the fact that from like 10-20 you only have like 4-5 attacks mainly you use. The more attacks the Pubs get, the less they read & know what they do.

So they smash buttons on their keyboards. lolz But that's just my thoughts on why Pubs lose so much. Aggravating because I do not want to play an Imp just to win.

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The case on Pot5 currently is that there are a lot more skilled people playing Imperial, which creates a huge discrepancy. This is b/c, IMO, of the complete lack of general game know-how that the typical player in the Republic faction displays. DPS failing to top 200k, Tank-capable AC's not breaking 10k protection, healers not healing well, etc. B/c Imperials already had more skilled players, what few skilled players remained Pub side have migrated to avoid the window lickers.


I'm a Pub on Pot5 and I would agree with most of this. Not all Pubs, but quite a few seem like 'casual' players...which I am too, I'm just competitive as hell when I do play.

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The prog is an RP server, many choose a RP server for the 'friendlier' environment. I would hypothesis on the cause just given, that the general player on the prog is much younger and that those younger player prefer play a hero toon on the Rep side rather then a villain on the Imp side. So when it comes to PvP on the Prog I would guess that this thesis would apply even more there. To conclude I would state the following; Repside PvP on the Prog--> younger players, less keen on interactive communication and tactics before and during a WZ --> Less wins. Imp side PvP --> A more mature player pool and understanding of tactics and communication --> More wins.


Then we have the question of Language. I believe that the Prog has the most diversified player pool of all servers when it comes to Language, given that it is a EU server. this also disable a important factor for how well a WZ turns out.


Language barriers are a non-issue since it affects both factions equally.

RP servers usually attract a more mature audience, not a younger one. I also don't believe there is an age discrepancy between the factions. What I do think, is that the people who enjoy PvP edge slightly more towards the "dark and militaristic" Imperial side, while the friendly ambiance of the Republic attracts more exclusive PvE'ers, resulting in a bigger "pvp-pool" for the Empire. Atm faction size on The Progenitor is roughly equal, yet I see more regular Imperial players that I deem good in warzones than regular Republic players that I deem good, and warzones often have incomplete Republic teams.


Playing on both sides of The Progenitor, I do not see a lot of difference in quality between PUG teams. On both sides you sometimes end up in a good team, and sometimes in a horrible clueless team. The main difference is the Republic only has a few premades (Salvation, Some spanish named guild, and BRC Republic mostly) while the Empire has more, who are also more frequently active.

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Can you please elaborate on this ?! I play about 8-9 matches a night , so not that much , but out of say 8 matches

( this is in regular WZs , not ranked ) , 5-6 matches are won by republic , can you please tell me how is that not 1 sided ?! :)

I don't see much difference anymore in regs (i play both factions), You are just as likely to get bad pugs on either faction, as well as good pugs to steamroll with :p


For a while... when paid transfers came out and loads of people transfered for the 8v8 rwz.. rep in regs had a crap tonne of premades in normals while imperials just logged on for ranked generally.. it was pretty much faceroll if u queued in premade cause half the games you'd be in double premade against pug.


When they announced they took 8v8 rwz away alot of players quit the game and it evened things out a bit. Most of the decent players that know how to play there classes , run premades etc have alts on both sides so its pretty much a crapshoot on where the premades are IMO. (since win/loss most of the time is down to premade/pugs/decent players solo qing etc)


I actually think imp is slightly better for solo ranked arenas on tofn as well. Republic side i dunno if i'm unlucky but i always get thrown in with weaker setups against 3 smasher 1 operative on imp with like commando healer, scoundrel dps etc xD on republic side. More fotm on imp i think :p

Edited by AngusFTW
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BH lvl 55-- 164 wins 102 losses.


Jedi lvl 54-- 10 wins and 68 losses.


I just don't understand why the pvp is just so bad on the Rep side.


I play Imperial and there will be a healer in almost every match that .......... Heals .

I play Rep and you almost never see a healer that heals, or a team that can focus 1 target.


Do people that favor pvp simply enjoy darker / evil classes more ? For me PVP as of late on the Imp side is fun(ofc)


Everytime I play my Rep toon I want to pull my hair out.


Isn't it obvious? Everyone wants to be addressed as "Lordie and ladie such". Also everyone on imp side loves to choke, shock, slash, impale weaker beings like Vette or Ashara and derive some sadistic pleasure out of it. Yet these naughty guys/gals are so scared of their potty-bound emperor that they kiss their Emperor's *** every morning. Trololol.................

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I rolled a republic character on pot 5 with a few people just to gather coms for the most recent patch and the question arose multiple times.


"how did we ever lose to a republic team"


It's still fun playing the underdog though, just wouldn't wanna do it all the time. Now that said, we run into some fantastic republic teams from time to time, you know it when you play them but they need a few more over there. The general single pug population is lacking.

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I'm on PoT5 too, and TUXs and the others aren't exaggerating.


I have primarily played my Imps in PvP, but since 2.4 dropped and we've been absolutely pasting Pubs in the Ranked Queue, I decided to gear up one of my Pubs in Obroan to help them out.


I'm a tank by nature, and have both a Jugg and Guardian, so it was a simpler matter to gear up my Pub using my Imp's hand-me-downs. I figured it'd be a piece of cake to finish off his Conq set and move on to the Ranked Queue.


Holy bananas, after the first night's daily on my Pub I was already wanting to scream at my teams, "this is why I play my Imp".


Not knowing how to play these objective-based 8-mans is completely understandable: everyone starts from the beginning and has to learn. But when we've got 2 Alderaan nodes capped, and I call 3 incoming to the node I'm solo-defending (with a ton of time), and people actually type in "no" and blame me for losing the node, I want to pull my hair out. I look at the map, and half the team is fighting in the middle of nowhere.


You'd think losing so much would teach them to clean up their tactics a little bit. I mean, if someone capped a node while I was fighting 50 meters away for the bazillionth time, I'd learn to fight closer to the node. These lessons appear lost on our Pubs. It's sad.


And since they get very sensitive when you say "Guys, please fight on the nodes" or, "3 inc snow", it's impossible to improve the situation.

Edited by Primarch_PWnD
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