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Everything posted by Alizaro

  1. Alizaro


    Silly post. The boss Dev doesn't pvp. I may post again, not likely. So I'll make my goodbye post here in a random. Tor, make pvp open world your job rather than an occasional side quest and you'll get more than me back. til then, enjoy your failure. Link open world with static housing and you're guaranteed jobs for a decade minimum, otherwise start looking for a new studio.. I have done more warzones in this game than 98% of the population, it gets old eventually.
  2. Hi Flurry. See you eso, then the repop. Sub still paid through June or July but I'm done.. SWG was awesome, this game worked for quite a while but time for something new. Hugs and kisses, now and always. Kill you next game, Temper.
  3. I don't like to make hack accusations but recently there have been a few people moving entirely too quick on a consistent basis. Just report it, if they're cheating they'll get caught. (eventually)
  4. novare and hypergates all day yesterday. novare novare, hypergate hypergate, novare, voidstar, novare novare civil war, hypergate hypergate. 1 huttball yesterday that I remember. So what I'm trying to say is novare and hypergates seem to get the lucky roll a ton more than any other wz and that's in general my observation. Then again, perhaps I'm making it up in my head as those are the least favorites.
  5. I don't believe that the programmers for this game haven't figured out the issue. I do believe they've not given it enough of a number on the priority list to fix. They know when it started, meaning it had to have something to do with another bit of coding, quite possibly an anti hack bit but here we still are falling short day after day. Fix it already. Change the name if need be, make it a teleport rather than a leap, just do something to let it have its intended result occur.
  6. Alizaro

    Undying Changes

    Look, marauders aren't top dps, underpowered sorcs still win that.
  7. Love it man. I've got a guy in the guild that is constantly bragging about how much damage he takes. He's a merc... I always try to get him to focus on healing but honestly, I think his style of healing and dpsing is probably smart considering the class. The last character I rolled up over double xp weekend was my merc and I hate the class with a passion, even for dps at level 41. Maybe I need one of those green things.
  8. Stop bumping the op's post, he bumped every whine post about premades he could find last night. (14 or 15 posts) The guy needs a ban.
  9. Mine's already done, just gearing him long enough to get him from valor 98 to 100 , ya know , unless they stay stupid op for a while and I want to milk him for coms to get other characters geared.
  10. http://kotaku.com/thats-no-moon-thats-a-possible-open-world-star-wars-1472612003?utm_campaign=Socialflow_Kotaku_Facebook&utm_source=Kotaku_Facebook&utm_medium=Socialflow
  11. I'm tired of running around in mismatched gree and makeb loot. If they made the stuff they sell in the cartel market legacy bound may just give them some coin. I'm tired of being the gree miner, give us some options.
  12. Alizaro

    Why do I even try?

    Coming from someone with ewh jug and marauder I understand some of your frustration. I prefer dps jug for general play, I like the taunts, pushback and intercede. That said, complaining about it is kind of silly. Best thing you could do is think about how you're going to use intercede in your rotation as defense. Oh and there is no cooler skill than reflect I mean as a smash specced player trying to get marauder nerfed to me seems like laziness. Roll one if you think they're better.
  13. The coolest move I ever had done to me was this. I was approaching the ramp before the fire pit, another sin was in front of me force ran and jumped at the top of the ramp, jumped in the air, did a 180 and pulled me mid air and knocked me back in the fire right as it started burning mid air. This was after I got him on a few good fire pulls and bumps the first day I was max level on my sin. Talk about one upmanship.
  14. Fix it, explain how it works. Give everyone a pvp stat that bonuses with gear 7.5% max up to 55 and another 7.5% for 55 from conq to full min maxed obroan. I used to go around section x and the black hole blowing up people but only a very few even had a chance. The only way it was fun was when I was lucky enough to chance on 2 to 4 players and I could still win some of those because they had no expertise. If lowbies in a pack had a chance at taking a 55 people might just world pvp. These quests we get for kills on leveling planets aren't any fun, perhaps if two 35's had a good chance at taking a 55 we could get a little fun world pvp going.
  15. If your first line wasn't wrong I may have read the rest of the post but ap guard is the most pressing thing needing fixed right now. Almost got a full set saved up to bring my shelved one from 98 to 100 valor for the epeen status. Still needs fixed.
  16. The only tip I know is once you hit force charge or intercede, If you keep pushing the forward movement button it sometimes recovers. You're gonna glitch when it does but at least you're hopefully in your intended destination.
  17. Here we go, one attempt to ignore objectives on my 25. Won by grabbing the ball last second and passing to a teammate. Let see if a 3 day old sorc can match you, all right tree. https://www.dropbox.com/s/9ut8sg18e67poqp/sorchuttballnoobj.png Did you augment your gear btw?
  18. I just started my first sorc since beta over the weekend and I'm not doubling the next highest persons numbers but I am topping charts most games at level 23 and 2nd highest heals in a lot of games and first in some with just the bubbles and off heals. Arenas, yes. Other teams always going for you first we all know that by now so your job is to show your face and then run the whole match. God help you if you don't use grenades. If you've been playing sorc since 1.1 you know just where to stand and not likely be seen. You probably know how to pick your fights too, but the smashers at that level aren't taking almost 1/3 your health in one shot before you bump em off in a huttball either and probably only a handful have obliterate yet.
  19. Ok, something else to consider. The general population has been clamoring for x server pvp. So, how if implemented would that be accomplished? The answer is of course a centralized server. The population is low enough to consolidate. Win. Maybe one of my guys is Tempér instead of Témper, big deal they should just get it done.
  20. Thing is, probably 90% of the population lives on the east or west coast. I ping right this moment from 38 to 42 on bastion and 72 to 78 on pot 5. If we were playing a shooter, this could have a huge impact on my success but in an mmo, not near as much with global cooldowns. I do understand however those people overseas may see additional disparity which again is reason enough why there's probably always going to be an east and west coast server but I still think one server would be the way to go. Stick it in Texas, done.
  21. Right I know, some people might lose there names or have to modify them but I seem to remember on the last consolidation there being 6 or 7 fleets at times. They did say they're opening up thousands of names that aren't being used. Throw a server mid country, boom. No x server needed . I know this isn't likely to happen till there's a population problem on either or both servers but it makes sense. Agree? Disagree?
  22. I rolled a republic character on pot 5 with a few people just to gather coms for the most recent patch and the question arose multiple times. "how did we ever lose to a republic team" It's still fun playing the underdog though, just wouldn't wanna do it all the time. Now that said, we run into some fantastic republic teams from time to time, you know it when you play them but they need a few more over there. The general single pug population is lacking.
  23. Alizaro

    seriously, roots?

    Moderator should rename this Bizarro post. I don't know what's going on here
  24. Coming from someone with a smash jug and marauder, for top end pvp rounds I think it is. What else matters right? Now normal, solo ranked it makes no difference, everyone's typically dead in less than 3 mins anyway. And for all of you not listening, pt's are gonna make marauders look for their nuts in the near future on servers that haven't figured it out yet.
  25. Coming from a pot5'r with two smashers, I think Hayley is right on. PT is king again, already capable of topping wz's in damage and ffs they can guard too and still do damage. They're better now that tank sins used to be imo. Smashers will diminish soley on these nerfs for rauders and that one root buff for ravage mid tree for jugs. Smash jugs aren't viable now for competitive pvp and you'll see a vengeance after the patch for a while but they still can't compete with pt's so they'll all be tank spec only soon. There will still be smash marauders, hybrid pt's, sins and operatives with jug heals in ranked but not much of anything else. Regular wz's everything is viable still. Pvp's still fun there due to the randomness of the matches but solo ranked will soon be just like the old regular ranked with viability for classes being extremely restricted. My pt's coming off the shelf in the very near future.
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