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The Super Secret Space Project is revealed... or at least teased!


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No, I made a simple post in this thread that I was disappointed with how the space combat appeared to be. You then posted a multi-paragraph long rant about how I was insulting Bioware (which I never did in that post) and felt I could design a better game (I also never did).


In fact all I stated in my post was that I was displeased that it appeared to be a warzone, and hoped it could be better. When I posted that after you made an angsty rant about how ungrateful I was, you didn't even respond back. You were too infatuated with your morbidly obese trolling habits and whatever ego you still have that you didn't even bother with it.


I simply pointed out that we were asking for free flight for years before release, years. Do you know how long a year is? That isn't a ridiculous expectation, they simply didn't listen until now. I didn't attack them for that, though.


Get a life and grow up.


Development takes time. Welcome to real life.

Edited by Arkerus
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There seems to be a ton of argument going on in this thread over a few seconds of gameplay (which, may I add, was pretty obviously rails-free space flight judging by the way the flying look during those few seconds) when other than the thing I just mentioned, we know pretty much nothing else about the SSSP whatsoever. Wait until BW actually gives details on it before you start complaining about it.
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no obviously first you rant to the entire dining room about how much of a moron the cook is and that its somehow all the company that owns the restaurants fault and a money grubbing conspiracy to make people buy the more expensive steak,


second you try to belittle him by asking rhetorical things like "have you ever even seen a steak" to no one in particular and very loud claim that the steak you were given is a slap in the face to every one in the restaurant,


third when people tell you to settle down or shut up you rave about how there paid by the owners and planted among the people eating to try and distract them from how bad the restaurant really is


forth you storm out waving your arms and telling everybody why you will never come back to this place or any of its other locations ever again... but come back the next night and order a steak :D


because that's how people do things in real life right


if i could quote this entire thing in my signature, i would.

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You want an example...

Here you go. Enjoy.


Allow me to refer you to my earlier post(key part highlighted for your benefit):


He specifically said that people did not simply criticize the devs(which I know they do, and frequently do in a disrespectful way), but said that MANY people claimed they could actually MAKE a better game than the devs. While I do not deny that there are probably a few random fools who make that claim, I do deny the claim that MANY people do so. And if it is truly as common as he claims, he should have no problem providing examples.


Like I said, I dont deny that a few random fools may say that. What I do deny is that MANY people do it, like you claimed here(again, key part highlighted for your benefit):


I have criticized a lot of decisions and features in this game but I don't make assumptions that I can design a better one...which many people do.


Here is my WILD GUESS: you saw a couple of random fools say they could do better than the devs, then you massively exaggerated that into your statements above about that being what MANY people say ;)

Edited by The_Grand_Nagus
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You would have to have zero imagination if you don't believe you could have designed a better system. They're good at stories, but actual gameplay systems elude them.


They don't know better than their subscribers, else they wouldn't have lost 3/4 of them within the first 3 months of launch. Something which I predicted on the closed beta forums if the game was released in its current form.


The game was much closer to being a keeper in Feb of 2011, but they felt the need to remove some things like every gear drop in the game being moddable (even greens), changing the stat system which lead to healer hybrids being so dominant in pvp, and generally unbalancing the pvp system. Changes to the skill trees greatly lessened the diversity of viable builds allowing people to specialize in particular attack types.


Overall, it was a more dynamic game early on in beta, and I found it more fun.

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I see passions are still running high on this one.


I remember how passionate folks were when Bioware (actually just one dev making a joke) made fun of those that wanted more than the current space combat feature.


I also remember that the most popular suggestion was BF2, not JTL.


I loved JTL...and hated JTL, much like I loved SWG and hated SWG. I loved the fact that you could decorate your ships in JTL just like your house (the ones that gave you internal access) and had turret play, and the free flight combat was enjoyable in most cases...liked the fact you could target individual systems and use a joystick.


But I hated the long slogs through space...well, didn't hate them, but found them tedious...and the loop combat, though it was probably as "realistic" as it was going to get. Sometimes looping over and over got a bit old.


What I loved about BF2 was it's simplicity, it was easy to approach, easy to control ships, and easy to transition from flying to "on foot" combat. That was fun. I liked flying in, fighting my way to a ship, landing, getting out and attacking guards, making my way to the turrets or the engine room to do sabotage, etc.


I think that BF2 is a much better fit here than JTL personally.

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no obviously first you rant to the entire dining room about how much of a moron the cook is and that its somehow all the company that owns the restaurants fault and a money grubbing conspiracy to make people buy the more expensive steak,


second you try to belittle him by asking rhetorical things like "have you ever even seen a steak" to no one in particular and very loud claim that the steak you were given is a slap in the face to every one in the restaurant,


third when people tell you to settle down or shut up you rave about how there paid by the owners and planted among the people eating to try and distract them from how bad the restaurant really is


forth you storm out waving your arms and telling everybody why you will never come back to this place or any of its other locations ever again... but come back the next night and order a steak :D


because that's how people do things in real life right




So you were at that restaurant too?




I do not apologize for my behavior. That steak was TERRIBLE. I know steak, I'm from Texas.

Edited by maverickmatt
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The teaser looked like something out of BattleFront or BattleZone or whatever. Tiny little instanced areas to go and pew pew around. LAME.


This is what I saw as well. Hope I'm wrong, but it doesn't quite look like "free roaming" space...

Edited by TUXs
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This is what I saw as well. Hope I'm wrong, but it doesn't quite look like "free roaming" space...


Depend on did you intend for "free roaming" i think is near to impossible to travel from planet to planet with some instance around and PvP place. It is a nice dream, but impossible.


I think we will see something like pvp each other and a non reil instance

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If they do it right, I will be quite happy.


By doing it "right", I mean the following:


  • Introducing a new crafting skill.
  • Let that crafting skill build ships, engines, weapons, etc.
  • Contain many ships, both single person fighters and multi-player gunships.
  • Have non-instanced and instanced PVE and PVP elements.
  • Ability to customize each ship chassis with paint kits, weapon effects, etc.
  • Flashpoints and Operations based solely in space.


They have the tools to do this right. They have the know-how to do this right. They've had the time to do this right.


A Battlefront II system is not doing it right. It is an acceptable alternative, but in no way the way it should be done.

Edited by ooleyguy
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If they do it right, I will be quite happy.


By doing it "right", I mean the following:


  • Introducing a new crafting skill.
  • Let that crafting skill build ships, engines, weapons, etc.
  • Contain many ships, both single person fighters and multi-player gunships.
  • Have non-instanced and instanced PVE and PVP elements.
  • Ability to customize each ship chassis with paint kits, weapon effects, etc.
  • Flashpoints and Operations based solely in space.


They have the tools to do this right. They have the know-how to do this right. They've had the time to do this right.


A Battlefront II system is not doing it right. It is an acceptable alternative, but in no way the way it should be done.

Quote for emphasis.


I don't care if it's added over time or added in one big expansion pack, I want it badly. And ground content should have no effect on your space capabilities.


Open space areas as well.

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Quote for emphasis.


I don't care if it's added over time or added in one big expansion pack, I want it badly. And ground content should have no effect on your space capabilities.


Open space areas as well.


QFE...again :)


I would not care if it's implemented over time, I would not care if they shamelessly rip off the JTL system (and some it's complexities such as Shipwright prof and multi player ships etc) either...


The fact that BW HAVE listened to what the players want and HAVE started on the correct road in this sense is a great thing...I hope the community can show some positive feedback in order that development on this aspect of the game continues and becomes more fleshed out over time...



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The fact that BW HAVE listened to what the players want and HAVE started on the correct road in this sense is a great thing...I hope the community can show some positive feedback in order that development on this aspect of the game continues and becomes more fleshed out over time...



Yes, in the last years BW really take care of the community, we have god so many thing starting from mount and so on. They are taking the right direction in most of the things.

I think we will have to pay this "expansion" and will be something "detached" from the rest of the game, like a game in a game.


Hope we will also see many subscriber returning, i would like to see this game growing and growing.

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If it has a cockpit view and the ability to use a joystick with throttle and rudder il be happy!


Did you see anything in that video, or anything at any point while playing this game, that makes you think that'll happen??

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If it has a cockpit view and the ability to use a joystick with throttle and rudder il be happy!


Me too. All I asked for in the original space content threads before release was some XvT/XWA type mission maps with objectives. I would prefer the handling, and controls be similar to to XvT/XWA, and the JTL expansion.


Of course, adding in some free space areas with asteroid mining for crafting would be nice.

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Wow, look, it's Jump to Lightspeed 10 years after Jump to Lightspeed.


If we're lucky.


And that means what?



Games copy other games all the time. And no, I highly doubt this is an exact copy of JTL. Are you saying WoW is bad because it used the basic setup from Everquest? How about any other sequels where the mechanics are similar to the first game.


Oh, nevermind, you don't actually have anything of value to add.

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Wow, look, it's Jump to Lightspeed 10 years after Jump to Lightspeed.


If we're lucky.


Don't hold your breath.


JTL had engine Y,P,R, engine speed, weapon refire rate, weapon effectiveness against armor and shields, booster speed & recharge rate, mass, and MANY other stats that made parts potentially quite unique and special.




BioWare produces nothing unique. All parts will be identical cookie cutter copies of one another.


Not to mention JTL had POBs, gunships with multiple turrets, npc capitol ships, and the overall physics of the flight model. Quite the tall order for LOLThemeparkBioWareEA.


I'll pass.


BTW, I want my Tie Advanced, Tie Aggressor, and Tie Oppressor back. Oh, and my Decimator and Ye-4 too.


Will anyone ever remember the LOLviewfromrearonly SW:ToR ships in 10 years time?

Edited by Laendser
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Don't hold your breath.


JTL had engine Y,P,R, engine speed, weapon refire rate, weapon effectiveness against armor and shields, booster speed & recharge rate, and MANY other stats that made parts potentially quite unique and special.




BioWare produces nothing unique. All parts will be identical cookie cutter copies of one another.


Not to mention JTL had POBs, gunships with multiple turrets, npc capitol ships, and the overall physics of the flight model. Quite the tall order for LOLThemeparkBioWareEA.


I'll pass.


BTW, I want my Tie Advanced, Tie Aggressor, and Tie Oppressor back. Oh, and my Decimator and Ye-4 too.


Will anyone ever remember the LOLviewfromrearonly SW:ToR ships in 10 years time?


Not to mention you could roam around your ship mid flight while another pilots, turrets etc. Or just set guild meetings up on your POB in the middle of nowhere. Some of the best times I had in SWG. SWTOR will most probs be similar to the rail shooter in terms of "once your in your ship, you have to land to control your character"

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