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Everything posted by Lord-Aleph

  1. I would imagine that this is pretty much what they're gonna do, judging from what they apparently said.
  2. (1. I feel like in the future, questing on any newly-added planets should mainly focus on a singular storyline with maybe a few side quests here and there, if at all. The main story arc should be fairly extensive to make up for it, along with my next suggestion... (2. Such storylines should be repeatable and have a few different difficulties (story mode, hard mode, maybe even nightmare mode or something), with higher difficulties granting greater rewards. This should be the case for any quest lines similar in nature to the seeker droid/macrobinoculars ones as well. They could be repeatable on a weekly basis or something. This sort of concept might even work pretty well for smaller daily areas/planets added in patches. (3. Get creative with the storylines. The whole "oh, we need to fight the Empire/Republic over this world for this resource or alliance or something" feels kind of generic. Maybe an example would be pretty good for this. Let's say that a fairly large bounty has been put on your character's head, and your ship is boarded by bounty hunters looking to collect. After taking care of them, you track down whoever's responsible for placing it to the new planet, and the storyline would revolve around finding them and figuring out why it was placed, and what exactly is going on. Again, just a random example. (4. To add on to the last one, get creative with the gameplay as well. Try to keep the "kill x amount of such and such" or "collect 4 of this and come back" to a minimum. Again I refer to the seeker droid/macrobinoculars quests, haven't played them but I've heard/read a decent amount of info about them, and they seem to fit the bill pretty well for what I'm talking about here. (5. Sort of a continuation of #3...make the choices matter. Have the choices you make have a strong effect on how the storyline actually plays out, maybe even have a few different endings as a result of this. EDIT: (6. Also feel like it would be pretty cool/interesting if the current format of space missions could be mixed into some future storylines for certain sequences. A couple of examples where this might work well is if the story involves attacking and boarding a space station (you'd jump to hyperspace and travel to the location, then start the mission, finish the mission and end up inside the station, exit your ship) or fighting through a blockade onto a planet surface (basically the same scenario). Not sure how well this part in particular would work, but at least in my opinion, it would make future storylines much more interesting/exciting. That's pretty much it. I feel like these kinds of changes would make future content more enjoyable, and even if some people manage to speed right through it, if the storylines are done really well and they're fun to play through multiple times, it would be good enough. Others may disagree, but that's just my view on it.
  3. It may be crowded, but it'll have to do. +1
  4. What the writers could probably do is make it so that the Imperial classes kinda re-shape the Empire to rebuild its strength. And since an empire isn't really an empire without an emperor, someone will have to fill that role if the previous one really is, for all intents and purposes, dead. Maybe the Inquisitor, though the SW would probably have to undergo some kind of change as well to put them on equal footing.
  5. This. Would make going through the story again a bit more interesting. Appropriate rewards would have to be given as a result though, like comms.
  6. Player-created content and stuff like that would do a hell of a lot for the game if done correctly IMO. Guild alliances and bases of some kind (they said guild capital ships are on the "wall of crazy", but it's still a thing quite a few MMOs have, so...) would also be great. EDIT: Just wanted to add, if player-created content were ever done, they should definitely be some kind of story element to it, considering that's one of the main focuses of the game.
  7. I mentioned in a different thread a few days ago that Revan could be brought back through a new storyline of some sort as a companion, so I would be all over that. Also agree with what was said about class dailies (which could also be weeklies).
  8. There seems to be a ton of argument going on in this thread over a few seconds of gameplay (which, may I add, was pretty obviously rails-free space flight judging by the way the flying look during those few seconds) when other than the thing I just mentioned, we know pretty much nothing else about the SSSP whatsoever. Wait until BW actually gives details on it before you start complaining about it.
  9. This kind of thing sounds like it would be pretty interesting tbh. That is, storylines involving some form of intersection between two (or more) class stories.
  10. Also wanted to add that I wouldn't mind seeing some new/smaller-scale planets introduced as smaller areas with relevent FPs/ops, some daily missions, and their own storylines(sorta like CZ-198 and the upcoming Oricon). A few of those between expansions would be nice. Some examples of planets that would work pretty well for this IMO might be Endor (secret Republic base was built there around this era, so some possibilities there), Bespin (could work well for an expansion too), Yavin IV as I previously mentioned (could also be expansion-worthy), or maybe even this place. EDIT: Forgot to mention Telos as well, which could also be good for an expansion.
  11. Darth Marr. Can't really think of why other than because the character is just really well-voiced.
  12. If they can just make each class' version of the same story feel a bit more unique, I'll be satisfied and I have a feeling others would be as well. Judging from the Seattle q&a I'm guessing that's what they intend to do.
  13. Brings to mind the hype for this entire game before launch. Not saying it's gonna get as bad for this, but still.
  14. If revan isn't actually considered dead, I kinda feel like they could do some kind of story bringing him back as a companion. Bit of a stretch, sure, but I feel like it would give him a bit of a more meaningful presence in the game. Other than him, they could do cytharat or thana vesh for imperials like others have said. Can't really think of anyone in particular for the republic to be honest. EDIT: Part of me sorta wants to see Lord Praven again from the JK storyline, since I let him live and sent him to become a Jedi. Found Sajar from the storyline on Quesh interesting as well, wouldn't mind seeing him return in some capacity.
  15. That little bit of gameplay looked pretty awesome. Very much looking forward to seeing more.
  16. Stuff like swoop racing and, in my opinion, pazaak, would be great additions to the game. Would make it feel more KOTOR-y. I believe some assets for pod racing or some such thing were actually found in the game's files at some point though. So it might actually be very possible.
  17. Would very much like to see Yavin IV.
  18. If some people unsub and overreact in such a way to the appearance of gear that they can take the mods from and put in gear they actually like, then maybe it would be best with them gone.
  19. EDIT: Nevermind about what I said, but yeah, continuing to hope for a response on this subject. (Specifically, as I've said, regarding what i posted earlier about companions)
  20. If they're not going to continue class stories in a direct fashion, someone from BW should at least tell us if they're going to do more with companions, and if they are, what that is. Class stories may not continue, but as I've said countless times, the companion storylines need to continue in some way, and they need to actually speak up during conversations, otherwise, as someone else said before, they just become pets. They need to actually have some kind of role in future storylines and quests.
  21. Yavin IV and Dantooine are the only ones I can really think of at the moment. More planets that were in KOTOR is always a good thing IMO.
  22. I dunno man, that sounds like some really over-the-top stuff, I can't say I know if it's even possible. But I'll support it.
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