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Bioware AUSTIN has some PR issues right now.


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You'd best get over it because you're not going to ever get one. The fact that you took offense at it is just insanely silly. They are not responsible for your over-reaction. You're not really that important and you certainly are not in charge. It kind of reminds me of my grandkid who wanted a second piece of birthday cake last weekend. I told her "No," and she got very angry, demanding an apology from me for telling her "No." She got neither a second piece of cake nor an apology.


except I'm not the only one that got upset over it. Look at all the posts of people showing they felt the same way. Look at the people that said they unsubbed over this. Look at the memes and videos that popped up. Obviously I am not alone in this and it upset at least a decent portion of the forum dwellers. The devs screwed up bigtime. They know they did, but they arent offering an apology at all which means they will probably just do it again in the future.

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Deflection again. Obviously an apology from the devs for the original post on friday which the original poster in this thread addresses.


OIC. For the record.. you should speak more carefully, precisely and with less condescension.. lest some reader take offense where no offense was intended. :p


Obviously an apology from the devs for the original post on friday which the original poster in this thread addresses. And if you don't know at this point what they need to apologize for then you never will. They owe the community as a whole an apology for the insulting nature of their responses to sorcs and vgs.


btw.....have you ordered a rubber stamp of this yet? You know.. to save you from having to type the same thing over and over again. You could then just stamp it to the face of your screen a bajillion times. :)


An actual apology would go a long way in restoring the communities confidence in the devs.


An obvious trap.. and not a very clever one IMO. ;)


I guess I should explain how apologies work to you. When someone makes a mistake that upsets someone else and feels remorse and doesn't want to repeat the mistake they apologize to those that get upset. They say sorry for so and so it won't happen again and then they don't do it again.


So.. I guess your definition of "apology" is you took offense.. Bioware should feel remorse at you taking offense... and apologize to you? Did I get that right? What about a cookie too? Surely there must also be a cookie too. But what kind? How big? :rolleyes:

Edited by Andryah
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Yes, but your forget that the argument of the defenders is that there is no valid reason to feel insulted.


The people you are arguing with tend to agree with the Developers and are themselves focusing on the large number of individuals who facetiously reproduced the dev-response to demonstrate the purely comical nature of it while failing to realize that the ridiculousness began with the initial response.


Which, again, they have no problem with. You might as well drop it.



Andryah, you cannot both be objectively critical of trolling and take part in trolling.


Pick one or the other, or I would suggest you amend your sig.

Edited by -IceHawk-
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So.. I guess your definition of "apology" is you took offense.. Bioware should feel remorse at you taking offense... and apologize to you? Did I get that right? What about a cookie too? Surely there must also be a cookie too. But what kind? How big? :rolleyes:


Noooooo! :eek:

Don't take the cookie!

Everyone knows it's the Dark side that has the cookies. They're trying to lure you in :csw_vader:

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except I'm not the only one that got upset over it.




Look at all the posts of people showing they felt the same way. Look at the people that said they unsubbed over this. Look at the memes and videos that popped up. Obviously I am not alone in this and it upset at least a decent portion of the forum dwellers. The devs screwed up bigtime. They know they did, but they arent offering an apology at all which means they will probably just do it again in the future.


Opinion, presented as fact.


My opinion: You should PM Eric and find out when your pound of flesh will be shipped. You probably want it shipped overnight express too. :)

Edited by Andryah
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Wonder if Eric and Courtney have been hired as local fire fighters? Kudos to their work to extinguish this issue as best as they could. They jumped in here, knowing full well the "Fuel met Fire' environment that has been going on and yet still managed to be honest, courteous, professional, and GASP! HUMAN.


Flame wars like this will never end well and at best you can get people cooled off up and "healed to full" and hope to address any lingering issues in the future when tempers and nerves are less prone to explosion.

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OIC. For the record.. you should speak more carefully, precisely and with less condescension.. lest some reader take offense where no offense was intended. :p




btw.....have you ordered a rubber stamp of this yet? You know.. to save you from having to type the same thing over and over again. You could then just stamp it to the face of your screen a bajillion times. :)




An obvious trap.. and not a very clever one IMO. ;)




So.. I guess your definition of "apology" is you took offense.. Bioware should feel remorse at you taking offense... and apologize to you? Did I get that right? What about a cookie too? Surely there must also be a cookie too. But what kind? How big? :rolleyes:


Do you seriously try to call me out as having a 'condescending' tone in my post and then finish with one about cookies? Hypocrisy at its finest.

Deflecting once more and missing the point entirely. BW has acknowledged they messed up, but has yet to offer an apology. That is why they are revisiting the feedback with the dev combat team and why we are seeing them post. There is just one thing missing the actual apology which would be a huge first step in restoring the faith of the members of the community that were offended by this.

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Andryah, you cannot both be objectively critical of trolling and take part in trolling.


Unlike you.. I don't make disparaging comments about other peoples opinions by declaring them to be "trolling"


Replace "trolling" with "opinion" my friend.


Pick one or the other, or I would suggest you amend your sig.


See above... no revision required. ;)

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Opinion, presented as fact.


My opinion: You should PM Eric and find out when your pound of flesh will be shipped. You probably want it shipped overnight express too. :)


Oh its a fact go check for yourself. I count 93 posters who were offended by the post to a lonely 35 posting that they didnt feel offended. There are some that are neutral responses too. Feel free to browse through the multiple threads to get your individual unique post count to match up with mine. its only at about 700+ posts now

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Do you seriously try to call me out as having a 'condescending' tone in my post and then finish with one about cookies? Hypocrisy at its finest.

Deflecting once more and missing the point entirely. BW has acknowledged they messed up, but has yet to offer an apology. That is why they are revisiting the feedback with the dev combat team and why we are seeing them post. There is just one thing missing the actual apology which would be a huge first step in restoring the faith of the members of the community that were offended by this.


Anyone getting this bent out of shape over an answer to a question on game forum needs to take a step back, breathe, and realize it's just a game. IMO.

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Unlike you.. I don't make disparaging comments about other peoples opinions by declaring them to be "trolling"


Replace "trolling" with "opinion" my friend.




See above... no revision required. ;)


You don't have to declare it trolling for it to be trolling. You are being rude and inflammatory. You owe everyone in this thread an apology

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Anyone getting this bent out of shape over an answer to a question on game forum needs to take a step back, breathe, and realize it's just a game. IMO.


a game they pay for and as such expect some semblance of customer service.

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Do you seriously try to call me out as having a 'condescending' tone in my post and then finish with one about cookies?


Yes. How's the quid pro quo working for you?


Furthermore.. you are compounding the matter by speaking to me again in a condescending manner here.


So... you want's cookie with pound of flesh or no? :)


Hypocrisy at its finest.


Moar Irony IMO.


Shouldn't you be staying on message and schooling Bioware and demanding your pound of flesh apologies? Why are you straying off topic here? Big picture man.. keep focused. :) Don't let someone waving a virtual cookie distract you.

Edited by Andryah
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I'm not the one attacking posters in this thread with insults and condescending remarks that is all you. Do the right thing. Step up and apologize.


Stop being condescending to me. You started it. Please apologize.


While you are at it.. please apologize to Bioware for your (IMO, and I'm not alone here.. others agree with me) immature and tempermental demands they they apologize simply because you took offense.

Edited by Andryah
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Yes. How's the quid pro quo working for you?


Furthermore.. you are compounding the matter by speaking to me again in a condescending manner here.


So... you want's cookie with pound of flesh or no? :)




Moar Irony IMO.


Shouldn't you be staying on message and schooling Bioware and demanding your pound of flesh apologies? Why are you straying off topic here? Big picture man.. keep focused. :) Don't let someone waving a virtual cookie distract you.


For someone that is so against complaints you sure make a lot. Are you going to stop attacking other posters in this thread and allow it to get back on topic or are you going to continue derailing the thread?

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For someone that is so against complaints you sure make a lot. Are you going to stop attacking other posters in this thread and allow it to get back on topic or are you going to continue derailing the thread?


Please.. do not blame me for you getting distracted by my comments in response to your comments. That's like blaming Bioware for you being offended by their responses to Class questions. ;)


And I have not attacked you.. only commented back to you on your comments. Learn to tell the difference. Stop making it personal... we are exchanging opinions.

Edited by Andryah
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Unlike you.. I don't make disparaging comments about other peoples opinions by declaring them to be "trolling"


Replace "trolling" with "opinion" my friend.




See above... no revision required. ;)


I am not going to play the semantics game with you Andryah.


Your posts are as inherently subjective, biased, and rationalized as those you classify as complaints and your continued desire to serve as the General Forum's resident Defender of the Faith, while entertaining as a counterpoint to the more dedicated trolls, provides you in fact with no actual degree of rhetorical authority greater than the one being wielded by Ansalem.


The difference of course is that, because you theoretically underpin your statements with the concept that you are somehow "objective," the substantive result is that you are displaying an interesting level of hypocrisy.


Why don't you and Ansalem take your party to the PMs where it belongs and clear up this thread for something more topical than his personal offense at the replies and your offense to his feeling offended.

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The OP and I guess those feeling as he remind me of a very old Bloom County comic.


It's a shame so many people walk around with a cinder block size chip on their shoulder, waiting for the slightest perceived transgression so it can be blown way out of proportion, and then play the victim. It would be laughable really if it wasn't so pathetic. If the statements made by the devs represent the gravity of things in your life that make you feel like less of a person and deserving of an apology then I feel sad for you and pity the children you may be currently or eventually raising. Because I have zero hope they'll be able to cope with the backhands that reality will dish out in their lives.


Do us a favor and climb down from your cross, take the wood from it, build a bridge and get over it.

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I am not going to play the semantics game with you Andryah.


Your posts are as inherently subjective, biased, and rationalized as those you classify as complaints and your continued desire to serve as the General Forum's resident Defender of the Faith, while entertaining as a counterpoint to the more dedicated trolls, provides you in fact with no actual degree of rhetorical authority greater than the one being wielded by Ansalem.


The difference of course is that, because you theoretically underpin your statements with the concept that you are somehow "objective," the substantive result is that you are displaying an interesting level of hypocrisy.


Why don't you and Ansalem take your party to the PMs where it belongs and clear up this thread for something more topical than his personal offense at the replies and your offense to his feeling offended.


+1 to you sir!

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