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Bioware AUSTIN has some PR issues right now.


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I totally understand where you're coming from on this actually. Two things I can say.


1 - The issue with us giving the same answers is in part an issue with us being asked the same questions. Don't get me wrong, I totally understand frustration that we can't answer those questions, but we are continually asked them. Interestingly, before I open the floor to the Q&A, at every single event, I preface the crowd with a few of the staples they shouldn't ask about or they will receive the exact answer they expect. They still ask anyway :rak_03:. I appreciate the persistence though.


2 - I agree that this can lead to frustrating experience, mainly for those who are not at the event themselves. When the recap is us answering similar questions which we are always asked. Because of that, the Q&A portion is usually only 30 minutes at most of a 3-4 hour event. This way players are free to spend as much time talking to us 1-1 or in small groups.


In the end I think you and I actually agree on some of your points. I hope sometime you can make it out to one of our events and experience it first hand. I think these events are often not what people expect, for the better!




Gotcha, that does clear things up a bit on my end. Really the mentioned preface is about all I'd expect and it is good to hear that you do include one. The rest of it falls on those in attendance. Oh well. Definitely frustrating but I suppose it's a good, albeit incessant, indication of what the community wants. Thanks for the response!

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Again, Andryah is hardly a mouthpiece. I have seen criticisms. And we do not always agree.


I can't speak for andryah, and expect to be corrected if I am wrong, but there are some things I am fairly confident in saying...


Andryah believes the game as designed at launch did not have a wide enough appeal based on certain design decisions that were not wise....some items released for the CM could have been announced and presented in better ways....there is still plenty of room for improvement.....the engine causes some problems that are difficult to overcome and perhaps was not the wisest choice during development....the original dev staff was pretty stuck on things like visual progression and were resistive to adding casual features, just to name a few.


I might be wrong about a few of those, but I believe those are some of the criticisms I have seen. They are perhaps not foaming at the mouth, but they are criticisms.


That said, I think it's pretty obvious that the devs did not intend to insult. I also think it's pretty obvious that the community overreacted. SOME of the concern was valid IMO, but not all of it.


There is some validity to what was said. There is also room to improve. I think it would be better to discuss the situation overall, as it applies to the entire game, instead of focusing on performance in PVP.

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I totally understand where you're coming from on this actually. Two things I can say.


1 - The issue with us giving the same answers is in part an issue with us being asked the same questions. Don't get me wrong, I totally understand frustration that we can't answer those questions, but we are continually asked them. Interestingly, before I open the floor to the Q&A, at every single event, I preface the crowd with a few of the staples they shouldn't ask about or they will receive the exact answer they expect. They still ask anyway :rak_03:. I appreciate the persistence though.


2 - I agree that this can lead to frustrating experience, mainly for those who are not at the event themselves. When the recap is us answering similar questions which we are always asked. Because of that, the Q&A portion is usually only 30 minutes at most of a 3-4 hour event. This way players are free to spend as much time talking to us 1-1 or in small groups.


In the end I think you and I actually agree on some of your points. I hope sometime you can make it out to one of our events and experience it first hand. I think these events are often not what people expect, for the better!




I'm sorry - you keep saying that you have issues with people disregarding your answers and asking the same questions, but I honestly cannot remember where you keep your transcripts for the Q&A pub crawls. May I have the one for the German pub crawl? I'd like to see if you have any information on SGRA content hidden in there.

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You should know better than to feed the forum attention harlot. Any regular forum visitor knows what Andryah is, and you should know too by now. Just Ignore her.


This message is hidden because Andryah is on your ignore list.


Smashing idea. I am now enjoying much less conflated copypasta. :)

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Again, Andryah is hardly a mouthpiece. I have seen criticisms. And we do not always agree.


I can't speak for andryah, and expect to be corrected if I am wrong, but there are some things I am fairly confident in saying...


Andryah believes the game as designed at launch did not have a wide enough appeal based on certain design decisions that were not wise....some items released for the CM could have been announced and presented in better ways....there is still plenty of room for improvement.....the engine causes some problems that are difficult to overcome and perhaps was not the wisest choice during development....the original dev staff was pretty stuck on things like visual progression and were resistive to adding casual features, just to name a few.


I might be wrong about a few of those, but I believe those are some of the criticisms I have seen. They are perhaps not foaming at the mouth, but they are criticisms.


That said, I think it's pretty obvious that the devs did not intend to insult. I also think it's pretty obvious that the community overreacted. SOME of the concern was valid IMO, but not all of it.


That, and more in fact. I do it sans foam though and some people think it does not count unless foam overpowers mouth. :p I was just over in the Blood Red thread criticizing the incongruent nature of the crystals primary and secondary colors with the name chosen. Lending some support to RT in fact. Turns out they are going to change the name. AND even promised RT a real red CM crystal in a future release.


Yes, you and I do not always agree.. but we are able to do so without getting into a mud fight or questioning each others family lineage. :) Others are less respectful of course, and think they can take shots at me (without response) or intimidate me off of a thread. All they have to do is put me on /ignore. I certainly have plenty on /ignore.


That said, I think it's pretty obvious that the devs did not intend to insult. I also think it's pretty obvious that the community overreacted. SOME of the concern was valid IMO, but not all of it.


There is some validity to what was said. There is also room to improve. I think it would be better to discuss the situation overall, as it applies to the entire game, instead of focusing on performance in PVP.


/Agree with your assessment. But the crowd wanted it's pound of flesh.. and wanted to slay anyone who dared disagree with them in public discussion.


You know what though... this will be old news next week, and forgotten the week after that.

Edited by Andryah
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This message is hidden because Andryah is on your ignore list.


Smashing idea. I am now enjoying much less conflated copypasta. :)


Beautiful, isn't it?


The only downside is that every post from the bot is exactly the same as opposed to.... well, come to think of it, there is no difference.

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Hey Yestreen,


I appreciate the suggestions. I can't really comment on 1, 3, and 4 as those are development and design things, although I can certainly point the Combat team to those bullets.


I can comment on 2. Although you may not have seen the impact yet, I can absolutely assure that your bullet for #2 was very much a motivational factor in starting the Class Rep system. I regularly pass very specific and very detailed feedback on to the devs from things we have learned within the Class Rep system. I know with the feedback loop you certainly don't see changes quickly, as is the nature of development, but rest assured that your feedback is being placed in the right hands.




I think it would be a mistake to begin taking balance requests fomr the community. One thing that makes pvp so good in this game is the lack of "Balance" changes.


The game is already very very balanced. Lets not mix this up with false perceptions from some of the community.


The vangaurd/pyrotech is not squishy in the faintest. They got balanced pvp wise from an OP status, and the tank got bought up on par. I honestly cannot see the issue, they play competitively for me.


Nor is the sage for that matter. When I read the dev posts for both these classes, I agreed with them.


Being able to self heal is a powerful ability. Vangaurds do have a perception issue. The perception was, man we are so OP and now its, man, i cant kill anything....


Join the club, all classes struggle bursting things down. You need to focus dps to counter the healing and tanks gaurds/taunts.

Edited by Yndras
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If self healing is such a powerful ability why do none of the other ACs ever request trading their DPS abilities for something akin to Dark Infusion?


Because many people don't want around over healing themselves. That isn't, by its nature, PvP. That's just tanking damage by healing, which is a bit ridiculous.

Edited by Arkerus
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If self healing is such a powerful ability why do none of the other ACs ever request trading their DPS abilities for something akin to Dark Infusion?


Name one AC that doesn't have a spec that lets them have some sort of heal, or passive heal over time of some sort. I dare you.

Edited by Yndras
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I totally understand where you're coming from on this actually. Two things I can say.


1 - The issue with us giving the same answers is in part an issue with us being asked the same questions. Don't get me wrong, I totally understand frustration that we can't answer those questions, but we are continually asked them. Interestingly, before I open the floor to the Q&A, at every single event, I preface the crowd with a few of the staples they shouldn't ask about or they will receive the exact answer they expect. They still ask anyway :rak_03:. I appreciate the persistence though.


2 - I agree that this can lead to frustrating experience, mainly for those who are not at the event themselves. When the recap is us answering similar questions which we are always asked. Because of that, the Q&A portion is usually only 30 minutes at most of a 3-4 hour event. This way players are free to spend as much time talking to us 1-1 or in small groups.


In the end I think you and I actually agree on some of your points. I hope sometime you can make it out to one of our events and experience it first hand. I think these events are often not what people expect, for the better!




Just thinking logically here if the same questions keep getting answered or same things requested, maybe these questions things are wanted by the community and it might be an idea to answer/supply them. Just my thoughts.

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Just thinking logically here if the same questions keep getting answered or same things requested, maybe these questions things are wanted by the community and it might be an idea to answer/supply them. Just my thoughts.


Because they are under a legal NDA and can't answer the questions at that time.


It doesn't mean that they aren't aware of the communities desires or that they aren't trying to make some of them happen, or that all of them are possible.

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I think it would be a mistake to begin taking balance requests fomr the community. One thing that makes pvp so good in this game is the lack of "Balance" changes.


The game is already very very balanced. Lets not mix this up with false perceptions from some of the community.


Like I mentioned in my previous posts, only class that has major issues are Vanguard/Pyrotech, rest of the class are fine as it is.


The vangaurd/pyrotech is not squishy in the faintest. They got balanced pvp wise from an OP status, and the tank got bought up on par. I honestly cannot see the issue, they play competitively for me.


The problem is not that Vanguard/Pyrotech is squishy, but it cannot sustain dps as OTHER TANK CLASSES (Guardian/Shadow). Vanguard/Pyrotech dps is non-existant therefore it's not viable eiter in PvP or PvE. Before you claim that Vanguard DPS is viable in PvE, show me where more than 1 vanguard dps is in Nightmare OPS. Having a vanguard DPS in your OPS is a liability and burden to your teammates.


In PvP, vanguard/pyrotech's only viable option is to tank and NO RANKED TEAM will take DPS vanguard unless they like losing. Please refrain from making comments on class that you have absolutely no idea on...


Being able to self heal is a powerful ability. Vangaurds do have a perception issue. The perception was, man we are so OP and now its, man, i cant kill anything....


Vanguard/Pyrotech was never OP, it was balanced till dev. made a wrong decision to exclude DPS aspect for that specific class. Question from Vanguard/Pyrotech community is that "Why Vanguard/Pyrotech is unable to DPS like other tanking class even when they are specced to DPS and with a DPS gear?"

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The problem is not that Vanguard/Pyrotech is squishy, but it cannot sustain dps as OTHER TANK CLASSES (Guardian/Shadow). Vanguard/Pyrotech dps is non-existant therefore it's not viable eiter in PvP or PvE. Before you claim that Vanguard DPS is viable in PvE, show me where more than 1 vanguard dps is in Nightmare OPS. Having a vanguard DPS in your OPS is a liability and burden to your teammates.


Vanguard/Pyrotech was never OP, it was balanced till dev. made a wrong decision to exclude DPS aspect for that specific class. Question from Vanguard/Pyrotech community is that "Why Vanguard/Pyrotech is unable to DPS like other tanking class even when they are specced to DPS and with a DPS gear?"


This x1000. I'm finding that after playing a PT since launch, and months of min-maxing since 2.0, that my gimped Powertech is never going to be able to pull his weight in a Nightmare Mode OP. To do so, I have to run a mara or a sniper.

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I am merely pointing out that there are multiple definitions of 'perception problems' and you chose to take it as an insult.


My very close friend's son is Autistic, so I find it fairly insulting that you are going down this route of personal attacks against me.


I'm in a forum where there are several people who are or work with Autists. Mostly Aspergers, though.

And you didn't comment on Synaesthesia yet. Or High Sensitivity.

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I think it would be a mistake to begin taking balance requests fomr the community. One thing that makes pvp so good in this game is the lack of "Balance" changes.


The game is already very very balanced. Lets not mix this up with false perceptions from some of the community.


The vangaurd/pyrotech is not squishy in the faintest. They got balanced pvp wise from an OP status, and the tank got bought up on par. I honestly cannot see the issue, they play competitively for me.


Nor is the sage for that matter. When I read the dev posts for both these classes, I agreed with them.


Being able to self heal is a powerful ability. Vangaurds do have a perception issue. The perception was, man we are so OP and now its, man, i cant kill anything....


Join the club, all classes struggle bursting things down. You need to focus dps to counter the healing and tanks gaurds/taunts.


Newsflash : SWTOR isn't entirely about PvP ... Read this if you don't believe me : http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=6701195&postcount=666

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I think that is a fair assessment and we are going to try to work through that for sure. As Courtney stated a few minutes ago we are going to work with the combat to see if we can get some responses today to some of the issues raised in the thread.


Also, I actually think it is pretty cool that we got a music video, some memes, and a new acronym! Understanding of course that it came out of some displeasure from the community, which is something that we can work through. Someday I hope H2F can be the new orange pixel. :rak_03:




Thanks for the response eric. I do have one request.


Can we get a WEEKLY UPDATE on the progress of the COMBAT DEV Team's review or "Watching" of the Sage/Sorc class? A great many folks are very concerned this is a brush off and would like to know what different type of watching is being done that the last year of metrics/log/Bug Reports/Forums Posts, etc. can already provide. (Reference "watch Sorcerers' performance and will see if any tweaks need to be made")


EDIT: I'm asking because you stated an additional "Combat Dev Team" update was going to happen "Today" when you and Courtney both posted and that was yesterday. :) I sure hope they are working on something a little more detailed and maybe PR vetted as well for obvious reasons. :D

Edited by dscount
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I'm in a forum where there are several people who are or work with Autists. Mostly Aspergers, though.

And you didn't comment on Synaesthesia yet. Or High Sensitivity.


Why should I since it has nothing to do with the topic at hand? Even if I answered you would just accuse me of looking it up on google anyways.


Words have multiple definitions. Its not really fair of you to pick the one you found offensive and place it in the sentence when the writer of the sentence CLEARLY meant the other way.

Edited by Icebergy
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Thanks for the response eric. I do have one request.


Can we get a WEEKLY UPDATE on the progress of the COMBAT DEV Team's review or "Watching" of the Sage/Sorc class? A great many folks are very concerned this is a brush off and would like to know what different type of watching is being done that the last year of metrics/log/Bug Reports/Forums Posts, etc. can already provide. (Reference "watch Sorcerers' performance and will see if any tweaks need to be made")


EDIT: I'm asking because you stated an additional "Combat Dev Team" update was going to happen "Today" when you and Courtney both posted and that was yesterday. :) I sure hope they are working on something a little more detailed and maybe PR vetted as well for obvious reasons. :D


Must be a manager... If weekly meetings/updates are not sufficient Start requesting DAILY updates. If daily updates are not sufficient hourly. At that point just stand over their shoulder until completed.


They will respond when they have completed their analysis and are ready to respond. No sooner, no later.

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Must be a manager... If weekly meetings/updates are not sufficient Start requesting DAILY updates. If daily updates are not sufficient hourly. At that point just stand over their shoulder until completed.


They will respond when they have completed their analysis and are ready to respond. No sooner, no later.


LOL... yeah... I saw a lot of that in my career before I retired. I've even been guilty of doing it too. :D


But for consumer products with high customer interaction.. like an MMO.. communications and status updates are a Kobiyashi Maru for the devs... without the "Kirk Option".

Edited by Andryah
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Hey Ansalem,


I can assure you that it would never be our intent to post something where forum goers felt they were being spoken down to in a condescending way. I felt the post they made on Friday was just an honest assessment of where our development team feels the class is. I apologize if that rubbed some folks the wrong way though, since upsetting players with our post would never be our goal. Especially since the point of the Class Reps was to begin a dialog, we certainly don't want to jump that off on the wrong foot.


Like I said prior, I think the timing and the way the post was handled could have been done better by us and it is something we will be careful of moving forward. Certainly I will take even more care with Class Rep top 3 responses in the future to insure that there is even less room for someone to misunderstand what we are saying and take offense.



I think you all should just dump the Class Rep idea and just start answering more questions that the community ask. The more you all communicate the better things would be, no matter if the answer is good or bad. You all can not just keep ignoring the majority of questions, especially the most popular and or more important ones. Plus you should not be selective on the types of questions and subjects that you will discuss. To be so selective will only lead to more hatred. And you all should know what :csw_yoda: said about hatred. It will eventually lead you to the Dark Side. :p


Every game company that does not do well in communicating with the community gets a bad rap from said community and those that do well end up having a better reputation. It could also greatly affect the success of a game.


Right now BioWare, and EA for that matter, are extremely bad in communicating with the community. It is one of the more prominent issues that you all need to improve on. This Class Rep idea is not really helping and definitely not the right way to improve things. I think you all should just be more open about the things we would like to know about. Especially the stuff behind the scenes. Not matter if it is about what you all have planed or what things you all are not able to do and why. If it is good or bad, we would like to know and it would be more appreciated than not saying anything at all and leaving us all in the dark.


That is how I see it.

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Must be a manager... If weekly meetings/updates are not sufficient Start requesting DAILY updates. If daily updates are not sufficient hourly. At that point just stand over their shoulder until completed.


They will respond when they have completed their analysis and are ready to respond. No sooner, no later.


It's a FAIR request. If not this is just going to fall into the black hole of "Watching" and we won't see anything happen that is anywhere near productive. Eric did mention that they would update us "Today" and that was yesterday. I'm going to assume they actually need a couple days to formulate an update as it's tricky business with the complete outrage our class had around a great many issues. Giving them time to regroup and review is okay... giving them a free pass to blow it off permanently is not. So yes... I think our CM's can provide a weekly update of some sort to show that it's being worked or reviewed or whatever.

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I think you all should just dump the Class Rep idea and just start answering more questions that the community ask.
That is the job of the rep. to be their forum's secretary and "communicate" to the devs what the community wants to ask. I don't suppose you expect them (the devs) to reply to every single question every single person asks in the forums? Edited by paowee
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