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Unresponsive Controls Due to Rapid Keypresses


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I have zero issues with UI responsiveness.


Same here.


But I have to ask, are you xWow player? I am not, and I hated WoW from the start so I never spent any time in it.


The problem may be the change in combat as opposed to how SWTOR works.


I find the inability to spam attacks a neat tacticial element to the game. You just have to time things correctly. Also gives other player time to react, and in effect gives you time to react adding a bit more strategy to a fight.


Just my two cents. I wouldn't be opposed to having instant fire skills...


There ws thsi game called age of conan, I played a tempest.. you can literally unload 4-5 spells within a second. To the other player it looks like a one shot. Lots of crying about this type of combat style also.


Perhaps just reduce the Global Cool Down?

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same. For marauder i have to wait for ravage to finish it's "animation" even though the cast is done, for the 3rd hit to actualy HIT. Also with force scream, i jsut run around crossing my arms over my face and no scream actualy happens. Edited by kopecs
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This is the single biggest issue in the game. It is not just in warzones - its anywhere. Abilities just do not chain together without ridiculously high times in between (like 500+ milliseconds).


This is the kind of thing that changes a great game into a mediocre game.


Hopefully BW will fix it - but it seems like kind of a fundamental and large problem - they have plenty of smaller problems causing similarly large issues that im sure they will give priority to.

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I call the pvp in the game "Turret PVP"


when you try to run around after enemies or if you try to kite enemies while at the same time trying to press buttons, it just doesn't work like it should.


If you instead just stand there and turn at your enemy and click every ability it works.


This makes me a sad panda. I'll guess I'll be a happy panda soon in WOW.

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Just popping by to show my support for this thread.


Shadow PvP is next to impossible with this bug. Chaing shadow strikes in the heat of a warzone is right next to impossible. You think you got the attack off, but no, because you pressed twice, and the animation bugs out, or you moved a bit and for some arcane reason your character didn't complete the move.

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Same here.


But I have to ask, are you xWow player? I am not, and I hated WoW from the start so I never spent any time in it.


The problem may be the change in combat as opposed to how SWTOR works.


I find the inability to spam attacks a neat tacticial element to the game. You just have to time things correctly. Also gives other player time to react, and in effect gives you time to react adding a bit more strategy to a fight.


Just my two cents. I wouldn't be opposed to having instant fire skills...


There ws thsi game called age of conan, I played a tempest.. you can literally unload 4-5 spells within a second. To the other player it looks like a one shot. Lots of crying about this type of combat style also.


Perhaps just reduce the Global Cool Down?


Hmm... I thought about this too. Maybe this is intentional? Like Street Fighter games where you absolutely have to time it right. No button mashing. So it is possible to just time it right (while standing still) and get off your attacks in a timely manner. Problem is:


Lag: Sometimes you got off your attack, but the servers are lagging, so you press twice and uh oh, the attack simply did not happen, at all. Maybe have my second button push cancel my first attempt, but at least let me get off one! The way it is right now feels more like a bug than something that was placed there intentionally. But I would agree that preventing someone from smashing their keyboard and still play smoothly is an interesting concept. Again, folks who played SF games will know what I'm talking about.


And still the second issue is my instant abilities (read: works when I'm moving) don't seem to work if I'm running. So effectively, if I snare a target, and try to get behind them to get a shadow strike, nono, doesn't work because I'm running? That makes no sense, and again, it feels like a bug rather than something intentional.


Finally, and to the first point, it's interesting that this button smashing works on PvE (abilities are not cancelled there), but somehow the bug only exists in PvP. Makes me wonder if this is an attempt to prevent players from (I believed it's called) "facerolling" where they just hit a bunch of buttons randomly and they are able to get off a perfectly timed chain of attacks. That just feels wrong. I'm all for forcing players to time their attacks right, but this isn't the only issue.

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You are not pressing your hotkeys very rapidly then. Or you somehow got very lucky. This bug is game breaking and very common.


...or is a casual who doesn't know what competitive pvp is supposed to feel like. I think this, with the low damange (or high health) across the board is making the casuals and bads love this game because it gives them the illusion they aren't being roflstomped immediately upon engaging something.


I've played wow for years and have been moderately successful in Arena and RBG's and although I'm in a PvP guild, I have friends that aren't and I occassionaly do random BG's with them. I'm constantly surprised at how bad they are at PvP even after years of playing wow. These same people love SW:ToR's pvp system and don't see the same issues that I do. lol

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so far i think you just cant spam the key like you do in others mmo.


im just pressing x abilities and wait til almost done and press the next one instant spells like scream (marauder) and stuff go off fine if u press it ONCE the chaneling spells on the other hand i had no issue with em lol !!..


still need a fix not that bad thou but its need a fix.

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...or is a casual who doesn't know what competitive pvp is supposed to feel like. I think this, with the low damange (or high health) across the board is making the casuals and bads love this game because it gives them the illusion they aren't being roflstomped immediately upon engaging something.


I've played wow for years and have been moderately successful in Arena and RBG's and although I'm in a PvP guild, I have friends that aren't and I occassionaly do random BG's with them. I'm constantly surprised at how bad they are at PvP even after years of playing wow. These same people love SW:ToR's pvp system and don't see the same issues that I do. lol




This game has a very low skill level in pvp and seems to be meant for clickers over keybinders.


I really want this game to do good but the combat system seems to be intentional which is very unfortunate. I don't see them fixing this easily because the combat system would seriously have to be totally redesigned and I don't see it happening.

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Wow... amazing. People are trying to claim that an obvious bug in the game was added intentionally as a "neat tactical element."


and then claim that the ability lag forces people to "time" abilities. Yeah, you don't know when something is really going to go off so you have to "time" them properly. rofl


"Timing" abilities means clutch CC timed to the second, jukes, interrupting someone who is attempting to juke you... etc. Hard to do that when you can't be certain when an ability is going to fire. rofl

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Noticed this big time when I'm trying to dirty kick someone on my gunslinger. I saw it no **** just a minute ago. Ran out of cover right at the guy, mashing the hell out of the B hot key and ran right by, nothing. I was kinda perturbed because it wasn't on cool down, I looked as soon as I ran by and I had energy still. So somehow it just didn't fire?


I know there is a similar issue with one of the abilities. Using the "take cover" ability on a hot-key slot causes there to be a delay before it actually goes off. But just binding take cover to a certain key in settings, like say mouse 3 for instance, makes it truly instant.


I guess I'm just gonna have to start doing more key binds and use the quick slots less. Which is kinda a pain in the *** when you have an ability with a longish cool down like dirty kick.

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I have to agree that this is a big problem. This problem became very apperent when I was engaged in a 1v1 duel. My opponent was just hopping around me (a very common tactic in WoW) and because of this using my abilities was a real pain. The response time was so bad that he was sometimes out of my vision before my attacks would activate.


As a sidenote, I do use hotkeys and turn with me mouse for maximum efficiency.

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Works as intended. We have been spoiled by other mmo's allowing us to spam keys like crazy. Maybe now you will adjust to have better control of yourself and the character. As a Jedi knight I noticed this issue and moved past it. Do the same scrubs. :)


translation: "Works as intended. It was never fair that people with better timing and reflexes than me had an advantage. This ability lag works in my favor because it evens the playing field by lowering the skillcap to my level.":D

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Works as intended. We have been spoiled by other mmo's allowing us to spam keys like crazy. Maybe now you will adjust to have better control of yourself and the character. As a Jedi knight I noticed this issue and moved past it. Do the same scrubs. :)


^^ This ^^


I never noticed the issue until reading this thread. Then agian I don't spam press keys, I actually pay attention to what skills are off/on CD and only que at most one skill.


I can see how face-rollers are having an issue though. :D

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translation: "Works as intended. It was never fair that people with better timing and reflexes than me had an advantage. This ability lag works in my favor because it evens the playing field by lowering the skillcap to my level.":D


Just the opposite. You dont have the ability to move and track skills so you just spam a skill or two between other skills, so sorry your "better timing and reflexes" suck.

Edited by ImURmaster
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Just the opposite. You dont have the abitlty to move and track skills so you just spam a skill or two between other skills, so sorry your "better timing and reflexes" suck.


I agree in part. Add serverside lag and your argument falls apart. Plus, abilities also don't seem to work when moving. If that's "working as intended", then we have a problem.

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I agree in part. Add serverside lag and your argument falls apart. Plus, abilities also don't seem to work when moving. If that's "working as intended", then we have a problem.


I can reproduce the issue this thread is about when I spam skills where or not I'm moving. If I don't spam skills and actually pay attention the the gcd and skill cd then I can't reproduce the issue. IDK if this is WAI, but I do know that its only an issue if you're spamming keys instead of paying attention to skill CDs.


This thread is basically: I'm a keyboard masher and its messing up my PvP, FIX IT NOAW!

Edited by ImURmaster
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I have noticed the slight delay between animation and damage on my jug as well (ravage mainly tho i should take a closer look at force scream). Its a bit annoying but I pretty much expected some ability lag, especially in WZs where there is much more data processing taking place (compared to a PvE encounter).


What I havent noticed is any keystroke choking or whatever you guys are experiencing, but Im careful not to overmash my buttons. Makes me wonder if this is somewhat related to the recent trend of anti-ghosting keyboards and if they are intended to help alleviate this type of input issue.

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This thread is basically: I'm a keyboard masher and its messing up my PvP, FIX IT NOAW!


No, it's not. I'm not a keyboard masher, I'm farily good at timing, I have zero issues with timing on PvE, and when in PvP, it's an issue. If this is WAI, then I tell you, there's a problem here.

Do you play a melee class? Because that may be why you haven't experienced the problem.

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BioWare and other large MMO designers are simply not concerned with PvP. Clearly SWTOR is a one player RPG with the ability to get help on your story from real people, or play against others.


I am enjoying the story. I am losing my attention for the PvP although it has potential (too bad Bioware doen't care), and will prob be another 1 month long subscriver like I was for Rift.

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