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New "newb" rule I just learned


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Wow, I learned something new today. Apparently, if your Cc breaker is on cool down, you are not supposed to go anywhere near the pylon in AHG (and by extension, I guess none of the other nodes as well).


If you do this - say because your team has a good lead, and you think having 2 guards is a really good idea at that point... and you don't explicitly tell the, uhm, brilliant, person standing there that you are not fully de-cooled - then that person will assume you want to take over and *solo* guard said pylon. So they will leave.


3 seconds later the enemy that's been sitting there the whole time will mezz you, and you call out in chat - "pylon, mezzed!" Followed by "no cc!". Then they will cap before that person bothers to turn around and come back, and it will be totally your fault, because how can a Shadow get sap-capped on? Jeesh, what a fool I've been.


I think to be on the safe side, I just better not go near the pylon. Ever. Which really is just fine with me, because I'm so FING SICK OF SOLO GUARDING EVERY FING GAME anyway.


Ahem. Sorry. Just a little sick of people throwing blame every which way... again.

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I think to be on the safe side, I just better not go near the pylon. Ever. Which really is just fine with me, because I'm so FING SICK OF SOLO GUARDING EVERY FING GAME anyway.


Ahem. Sorry. Just a little sick of people throwing blame every which way... again.


reroll then.


We,assassins/shadows, are the best node guard. If you want to stop solo guarding play an other class.


Saying: im a shadow and i wont solo guard when you are the only shadow is pretty much like speccing dps and trying to heal the whole game as a commando/scoundrel/sage


Sure, you can go in the action sometime because its really lame to solo guard over and over but its your job to solo guard. You can ask some1 to switch if your team is on a comfortable lead or if you think you can turn the game on your team's favor by solo capping the ennemy node but you 1rst job as a shadow is solo guarding

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I always volunteer to guard when playing my Shadow. ALWAYS.


If I'm in a PUG, I don't trust any of the other 7 players on my team to actually call for help when it's contested. And second, that class is the best node guard anyway. If you want to run around and DerpPS, then reroll as something else. Someone who gains a rep as a good node guard will never have trouble finding a group.


Personally, I'd rather gain my 8 medals and know that I contributed heavily to the WIN than worry about how much damage I put up on the scoreboard.

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I never guard if I dont have breaker. I ask for a replacement. Shadows can be double sapped as well so don't be Braveheart. Of course, I am sapped, break aoe taunt or resilience I intrerrupt the cap. Next time they come back, I won't be able to do jack so why on earth would you guard without a breaker??? Edited by Leafy_Bug
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I always volunteer to guard when playing my Shadow. ALWAYS.


If I'm in a PUG, I don't trust any of the other 7 players on my team to actually call for help when it's contested. And second, that class is the best node guard anyway. If you want to run around and DerpPS, then reroll as something else. Someone who gains a rep as a good node guard will never have trouble finding a group.


Personally, I'd rather gain my 8 medals and know that I contributed heavily to the WIN than worry about how much damage I put up on the scoreboard.


I do it even not on my sin. Nobody seems to want to do it and can easily get distracted in PUGs. Still think on AH, it is a good idea to keep 2 guards or at least a rotation of players with orbs.

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Sure, I would not volunteer to take over solo guard while my breaker was down. My point, though, was that I didn't think I was volunteering to solo guard. I thought I was joining the existing person so we'd have 2 guards. Especially given the clock - which was at about 40 seconds - prime time for them to start trying to ninja cap. It was literally like 2 second after I noticed him leaving that I got hit - was actually in the process of typing "hey, I have no CC break - get back here".


And I probably wouldn't mind the solo-guard-stigma so much if it was just on my shadow. But I have rerolled. On my sniper, I end up solo guarding. On my guardian, solo guarding. Even on my healer I end up solo guarding sometimes. It's like 80% of the time I'm apparently the only one in the WZ who notices that the node/pylon has been left completely empty. Or after we successfully defend, I guess I'm the only one that looks at the minimap and sees that we are ALL leaving as fast as possible, and so turns around to babysit.

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Personally, I'd rather gain my 8 medals and know that I contributed heavily to the WIN than worry about how much damage I put up on the scoreboard.


I don't care about the scoreboard numbers, that's not why I get tired of constantly solo guarding. I get tired of it sometimes because it's constantly being in that spot to be able to single handedly lose the game for the team. And, like I said, that combined with people ready to throw blame every which way... it's just a "fine, if you don't like the way I do it, do it yourself" kind of reaction (which is childish, I know, but oh well).


Heck, half the time I get blamed even if I didn't screw up, after calling for help 3 times and fighting off attackers for 40 seconds, I get the "why no call" - because apparently people don't even bother to scroll up to check if maybe it was THEM that wasn't paying attention - just very aggravating to me.

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Do like I do.


I guard for 1/3, sometimes 1/2 of the match then I sincerely say that I am bored to tears and I am going to have fun too. If they understand, ok. Else... too bad, we lose pylon or whatever.


Playing for the team <> be the short bus guy who always takes.

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If you're solo guarding and can't be invisible, make sure you stand as far as you can away from the pylon (at least 30-35m). That way after they mez you they have to spend time running over to what you're guarding and usually they won't have time to finish before your mez wears off. Of course if there are two stealthers attacking you're f'd but that's the case whether you have your cc breaker up or not.
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I guard on almost all of my toons except for healer. I've learned to stand a good 20 meters from the pylon. On my Shadow, on my Guardian, and especially on my Sniper. Because you stand next to it and get a sleep dart and they begin capping, you break, they throw a Flash Bomb and it's over. If I stand back, by the time they get to the pylon, the sleep dart has 3 seconds left and I can attack. Then they throw a Flash Bomb and then I break it and return the favor.
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Hypergates is the easiest node to defend guard, I even volunteer to do it sometimes. Very little LOS issues compared to say, a side node in Alderaan. Even in engineer (for Alderaan), not much preventing you from getting kited/los'd to death - given enough time. Edited by islander
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The solution is very simple.


Ask for someone to swap out with you if you're bored. Most of the time, someone will. If I'm tired of babysitting an uncontested node, I'll ask in ops chat twice. The third time, I say that I'm abandoning it in 15 seconds. It's never been an issue.

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I think to be on the safe side, I just better not go near the pylon. Ever. Which really is just fine with me, because I'm so FING SICK OF SOLO GUARDING EVERY FING GAME anyway.


^^This. This is exactly why I hate hypergates with a passion. Some teammates just dont understand how easy it is for one guard, and especially a non-stealther, to get capped on HG.

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Believe it or not, as a shadow, automatically you go on guard duty. No doubt about that. Do I like this,no, if I don't go,in pug times, nobody will. The worst warzones are when I end up going with my sage healer to guard and then they say, when we lose of course, no heals, that is why they won. Trololol! :rolleyes:
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Why is everyone saying that having cc breaker on cd should be called out on the chat?


I see alot of raging while all you need to do while guarding a pylon is, stand some meters away from it.


In AHG cap time is 6 secs. so stand away from pylon and no stealther will cap the pylon as they have to run to the pylon first.


The only situation where this might not work is if 2 stealethers would try to ninja cap it but in this case they would have to be closely cooperating with eachother and that is something which is not happening often in PUGs :p

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You should always be typing in chat if your cc breaker is up and you are node guarding, as you shouldn't be node guarding. This is pretty basic stuff imo.


Writing sentences that make sense is a pretty basic thing too right?

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I see alot of raging while all you need to do while guarding a pylon is, stand some meters away from it.


I guess that's what I get for trying to making it a short story originally. :)


See, what happened was - guy is standing ON the pylon guarding. I'm thinking, that's not too smart, and we should have 2 anyway, since we are up by a couple hundred (got a double cap last round). (Was in a match a few days ago where we did the same thing, and no one stayed to help the solo guard, and he got capped on - lesson learned, or so I thought.)


So I, on my shadow, while still in stealth, walk over to the pylon and plop down my teleport circle near it. Then as I turn to walk away, so that I **won't be standing right next to it**, he's leaving. I stop, and start typing "hey, no cc breaker, come back". (Maybe I should have kept going to get away from the pylon before starting to type.) Then I'm mezzed. Takes me a second to realize I've just been mezzed. Then, instead of trying to finish my long chat message, I end it with...


"hey, no cc breaker"


I see the guy start to cap, so...


"mezzed, capping!"


they cap


then I get all kinds of crap about why did I show up to solo guard if my cc breaker was down


So, meh, maybe I was in the wrong. Maybe I should have preemptively typed "coming to help guard so that we have two". Or maybe I should have continued to throw taunts and guards around in mid, and just left the pylon alone.

Edited by Banderal
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its really not hard for other classes to guard the node, as long as they stand a good distance away and call when they see someone coming or get sapped. On my sin/shadow, i'll get for a couple of rounds, but not both. I can be just as effective trying to sap the enemy's pylons at times.


The best pugs/premades, to me, are the ones that rotate people through guarding the node during the different rounds. Keeps people more involved and alert. Most of the saps i've seen are the result of the guard losing interest and not paying attention. There's nothing fun about sitting 15 minutes out in an area, barely moving and doing nothing. I can do that on the fleet, reading a book/webpage waiting for the next non-AG wz, which to me would be more fun.

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unless you are Vanguard/Powertech with shoulder cannon ready, always hide behind LoS and 30 meters away.

if you aproach a sole defender, type 'I come to help you, don't leave - we'r winning any way, they can try sap cap us'

never assume others read your mind.

always assume the worse.

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If you're solo guarding and can't be invisible, make sure you stand as far as you can away from the pylon (at least 30-35m). That way after they mez you they have to spend time running over to what you're guarding and usually they won't have time to finish before your mez wears off. Of course if there are two stealthers attacking you're f'd but that's the case whether you have your cc breaker up or not.



Pretty much this. If I'm on guard duty I always stand just beyond max range. Even with force speed, the travel time plus cap time is higher than the mez.

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since sap is 8 seconds and cap is 6 seconds, it's sufficient to stand more far than 2 seconds of running from pylon..a roll or a force speed could screw you anyway so you can even guard out of range with phase walk deployed on node
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since sap is 8 seconds and cap is 6 seconds, it's sufficient to stand more far than 2 seconds of running from pylon..a roll or a force speed could screw you anyway so you can even guard out of range with phase walk deployed on node


if you see phase walk being activated on the node, you scream 'stealther on the node' and start running.

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