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10 Good
  1. Depreva stop arguing with this idiot and come play PvP with us. LOL
  2. So many dummies posting in this thread it's unreal. Smh.
  3. Guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. I think it's clear you do not play a Sin/Shadow much though. <3
  4. Nice post, OP. Some aspects of the OP-heals should certainly be looked at. Any respectable player in this game will agree, ignore this Bads that are dissing your genuine post. Even if I were to disagree with your thoughts I wouldn't shape my retort like most of these tools have
  5. Force shroud being bugged is a problem - but should we *waste* a whole question on it? I'm sorry but fck that noise.
  6. Based off you sig, your only two 55's are a Marauder and a Sniper. BINGO! *not responding to anymore of your comments*
  7. Hey look it is the Bad who is advocating to no allow friends/teams to Q up for Reg's. Same guy who says no single individual can effect the outcome of a 8v8. I could understand if it were a 12v12 or greater, anything below and you're obviously just too bad to see any effects to your individual actions in a warzone. Your opinion is VOID as far as I am concerned. Let me do a 'you'- "Well based off everything you said you clearly play a Warrior class. Specifically Smash. 100% of the time. All of these issues that I pointed out that encircle the Warrior class are not "problems", they are aspects of the Warrior class that took you many many moons to hone and master in order to become the Unique Smasher that you are today, yehritebro." Exit is -------------------------------> that way.
  8. Marauder Smash Marauder Carnage Jugg Smash Jugg Immortal 4 of 6 specs are completely viable for all levels of play. Why is this? Well, numerous reasons... among those are: In all of these specs, you rarely get punished for being out of position; in other words over-extending or LoS'ing your team. Both of these are heinous offenses that should be punished by death. Marauders have defensive CD's that are arguably on too low of a CD, I don't mind any of their CD's in particular but it does bother me how low of CD they have. Juggs also have really good defensive CD's and their mobility is also incredibly good seeing as they have enemy leaps and friendly leaps! They can really over-extend and LoS their team and most of the time get away with it scott free. This by itself - no problem. Melee classes have to get in melee range, right? They can and should be punished by competent teams/players for piss-poor positioning. Next disparity with this class compared to others - they have no problem gaining and sustaining rage (force). Assassins and PT's actually have to manage their force to a certain degree. Assassins cannot 'stance dance' due to the fact that their force is not as easily manipulated as other classes and the requirements for changing stance are also BS. So just like healing Operatives, Warriors pretty much never have to worry about their resource pool. Just another EZ-mode aspect concerning the Warrior class. This is my biggest problem with the Warrior classes. There is no skill involved with staying in melee range for the Warrior class, like WOWWTF! Warriors are most effective when in melee range so naturally other classes will attempt to kite and stay out of melee range. This is borderline impossible. Any random-average-joe can make a Warrior and instantly be able to keep up with the most skilled of players (exaggerated to a point). They have on-demand mobility, their jumps are on too low of CDs (2 jumps if you're smash as most of these warriors are), Obliterate actually breaks roots, they have a bazillion ways to slow multiple people if not everyone that is around them. This is just too damn much. I can get peeled off opponents and kited far easier than a Marauder/Jugg when on my Assassin. I mean FFS they don't even make Juggs use a whole GCD and any rage to slow the entire enemy team, like what? Snipers are SUPER OP compared to Sorc and Merc. Snipers are OP to the remaining classes in a lot of aspects.
  9. Do you people know what LoS is? Run behind a structure and cast your cast FFS. Jugg stance dance capabilities > PT stance dance capabilities >>>>> Assassin stance dance capabilities
  10. Assassins/Shadows can stance dance? This is news to me. I would be MORE than willing to trade your stance change mechanism on your PT for my Assassin's mechanism. As soon as you enter combat you have ~zero~ chance of being able to change your stance to Tank stance; this effectively IMMEDIATELY rules out the idea that an Assassin has the ability to 'stance dance'. Believe me, I am a huge advocate right now to change the rules for changing stance for Sins/Shadows. If we cannot do it then Juggs/PT's shouldn't be able to.
  11. Aye, that is one. A more recent one says to look for it around the 12th. That, or I am delusional.
  12. Not sure where it is written, but there have been two Dev responses saying a rather elabortate dictation of what 2.4 has to offer will be released ~12th~.
  13. Anyone else looking forward to this? <3
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