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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Leveling to 50 - it's way too fast


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the content that is there is good the problem isnt levelling too fast, i like the pace, they just need more. more content, more levels. i dont want it to feel grindy i like leveling but right now the pace isnt hte problem its the fact they spent more time on the voiceover "content" than they did actual gameplay content which the majority of people skip most of the time, its unecesarily long winded



and the game is just way too easy, the quests that are soloable are laughably easy, and even the instances. so far to 30, have been a cakewalk unless you got a pug full of idiots the only problem i've seen is on the player end usually the tank not keeping aggro but the mobs themselves are easy, and the ai is borderling retarded.


throw some randomization in there, make the mobs have random reactions


been told that the game gets "harder" from 30 up. also ppl need to remember there is alot of content to do even at max level.

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Here we go, morons that rush to lvl 50 for some fleeting moment of supposed fame (Wow, look at me, I only played 3 days and I'm lvl 50 already) are starting to complain. Is anyone surprised at that? Maybe they'll all play the first month, have 8 chars at 50, then quit. I hope so.
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The time of taking months to level in an mmo are far gone. I think this games leveling is alright mainly because it's not a dull boring grind, i'm having alot of fun with the class story and other planet missions/stories.
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There is no way to make both the casual gamer and the "hardcore" gamer happy with leveling times.


Being able to only play ~5 hours a week is the reality for some people. If you slowed leveling to the point that someone who was willing to pound out 70 hours of gameplay a week took two months to max level, it would take the casual gamer over 2 years to max level one character. The "hardcore" gamer is also likely power gaming and the casual gamer takes a more organic approach, so that only compounds the problem.


I can understand you say - "well, that casual person dosn't deserve to have a high level then". Ok, but that just isn't the way Bioware sees it.


It is worse for the casual player to have end game content virtually inaccessible than for the hardcore player to feel like they got through the content too quick.

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Obviously you miseed the point, its about seeing all the wonderful content bioware has created at the proper difficulty. Get a new brain.


+1 to support this


Eiither reduce exp from pvp, space missions, questing... or at least give us the option to turn exp off, this game has so much quality content from 1-50 its a pitty we have to do it all on easy mode.


No, my point still stands.


Get a life and you won't have the TIME to do every single mission on every single planet + PvP + space all in one sitting, you'll be a little more selective, and it'll work out.

Edited by Warlocc
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I don't think this will be too much of a problem. I mean Illum is a 50-50 planet, raids and hardmode flashpoints, oh my! My concern is that I really want to roll alts and experience the other stories. However, the legacy system is not fully in place yet and I feel like I will want to roll an alt before it's implemented. I want Togruta, Cathar and Jawas! (They probably won't make Jawa PC's :()
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I agree they should hack the XP gain for quests by a 1/3 and keep monster XP the same.


I'm not coder so I'm curious if there is a mass way to do it or if they' have to changed each quest.


I could see keeping the starting area xp where it is so people get a boost and get off the newb planet, but the mid to late tiers need to slow down a bit.

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My play style is rather very common: I explore the content of the game: all quests, 1 or 2 space combats per day, flash points done once, 1 or 2 war zones a day, etc... And I'm not bashing at all, as I hate that.




Common, but not representative. Not everyone has the same amount of time as you nor does everyone play the game the same way as you. I have no idea what you did, but a lot of people just chain one quest after another non-stop. Of course they will reach 50 quickly.


Some things are to be gained by not going through the content at break-neck speed. I don't know if that's what you did, but that's what a lot of people do. They take several days off work or are kids/students that have holidays at this time of year and just sit down and never stop playing.


Many people don't have that kind of time and don't want the game to be made an excruciating grind for them.

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From another thread....

so in other words, when i brought super mario, i should of just skipped world 3,4,5 and warped to lvl 6?


Most of us arnt here to fly thru it, we want to see all the content!


And fyi, its not a nerf , doubling the xp needed is actually a massive buff......it will be better for the game in the long run.


Give space missions hardly any xp, along with pvp, quest xp should be halved....way to much xp gained in flashpoints also....

Comparing Mario Bros with its "One hit and you die" to SWTOR with all the RPG stuff behind it, is like comparing apples to stones.


I haven't rushed any content (still 33 here) and I don't go skipping cutscenes (even those that I have seen many times already). I started skipping some flash points and Heroics since Taris because I was doing everything and outleveling stuff (and only in Alderaan I haven't done any Heroics). But the fact that many quests have an option to refuse them should let you know that you don't really need to do them all to be able to reach next level without resorting to grinding mobs (try gridning mobs and tell me how it goes).


Of course, if you ignore too many quests and don't do other optional content (PvP, Space Combat), you may fall behind in levels. And if you do all of them, yes, you outlevel stuff. That doesn't prevent you from still doing the content. The content I may miss now, I'll see it with an alt. Just because you want to see all with one character doesn't mean there aren't other ways to do so.


But hey, I used to play Lineage II. Lets make SWTOR a grind!!! :D

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I agree 100% with the OP. On every planet I've been on it seems I'm forced to move on before fully exploring the world. I'm lvl 34 and I've only done 2 flashpoints and 0 group/elite quests. I don't want a grind a la Aion but I'd like to not feel rushed going through the content either. I think a 10-15% nerf across the board on xp awards would be great...and higher on space missions and warzones. I usually get 10-15k xp for a warzone...even for somebody wanting to level only doing PVP that is insane.
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SINCE MY THREAD WAS CLOSE - RE-POST (SUMMARY: Add kill experience OFF option, like EQ2 had)


I am already 22nd level and still on Taris (level 16 - 20 planet). I have only done 1 PvP, 1 Flashpoint, and NO space battles. I am out leveling the mission way too fast.


I have just progressed through the story and I have completed every side quest. I have not done any mission more than once and I am a scoundrel so I stealth passed every enemy I do not need to kill.


I know there are plenty of other stories too do, but that isn't my point. I am leveling so fast I don't feel I can do starship missions or anything really because I am out leveling the rewards.


I know some will say I don't have much playing time I don't want reduced Experience, and I get that. But keep in mind I am getting no rest experience either. If you are playing an hour or two you should be getting a ton of rest experience built up (because you should in loging out in cantinas). So you will be level 26 - 30 and on the 3rd planet


Here is the solution. Have an option to turn off KILL EXPERIENCE, EQ2 had this and it worked great. This way people who want to level super fast can, and people who don't, can turn off kill experience.

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I cannot speak to the speed in which one may attain level 50, although in the week I've been playing I have leveled two characters to 21 and 26 (and that's WITHOUT having any life or obligations :cool: ).


All I want is a solution to outleveling content. I want to play the full story, but if I do I'm at least 3-4 levels higher than recommended for the next planet. Turning off XP gain would be a nice start.

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I don't mind if I reach 50. I'd actually rather be level 50 so I don't have to focus on leveling and can continue to focus on the story. I'd go further to say I'd rather be 50 so I can go through the story easier, without the hassle of dying every 3 seconds from some stupid random spawn.


Besides, as most have said, they're hoping you'll play through all the story arcs.

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People who are level 50 at this stage have played the game, non-stop, skipping cut scenes to get the maximum level.


They have paid at least £40 for this game, if they wish to play it like that, let them, I prefer to listen to the quests and enjoy the game, but that's how I wish to spend my £60.


Personal choices, personal preferences.

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I can see the same issue as in the Beta version of the game: leveling to 50 is way too fast.


For instance, when I started Tatooine yesterday I was almost level 30. Tatooine is supposed to be done by players whose level is 24-28, and indeed the quests and the mobs on this planet are of that level.


My play style is rather very common: I explore the content of the game: all quests, 1 or 2 space combats per day, flash points done once, 1 or 2 war zones a day, etc... And I'm not bashing at all, as I hate that.


The reasons for being always ahead of content in this game are:

- Quests are rewarding too much XP

- War zones are rewarding too much XP

- Space combats are rewarding too much XP


As a consequence, you can see people that have already reached level 50...


Now, imagine I'm a Bioware developer who spent 5 years on that project, and I can see people being level 50 in 3 days. When you know all the content that is available in this game between level 1 and 50, this is just an awful situation.


If I were a Bioware project leader, I would know two important things: 1) there are plenty of bugs left in this game, and 2) the content is not yet finished / polished. I agree that there are no show-stoppers, but there are still a lot of severe and medium issues that are painful for the general gameplay. It takes time to fix these long list of issues, and therefore having the possibility to reach the level 50 so quickly does not give the developers the opportunity to fix them all on time.


Therefore, as many games before SWTOR that failed for the exact same reasons, I'm starting to doubt about the future of this game.


=> Biowave, please open up your eyes, and react before it's too late.


I completely agree with you Trim, and you have it exactly right.


By the time I finish just the first area of a new planet I'm already on par level-wise for the next planet, and by the time I actually finish the whole planet I pretty much have to skip entirely the next one if I want to get any use at all out of the commendations and equipment drops.


The game moves way too quickly, and that's the bottom line. I too doubt the longevity and future of this game because of it - which is sad cause this game is really cool. But unless they adjust the leveling speed or have a ton of new content waiting in the works - this game is going to die a quick death and deffinitely isn't going to last no 10 years like the developers were hoping.


They really need to add an option to turn off exp like I was asking for in my own post earlier. That way people who actually like to try and do everything instead of rush to the end in a week can enjoy the game.

Edited by JeremyDale
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I can see the same issue as in the Beta version of the game: leveling to 50 is way too fast.


For instance, when I started Tatooine yesterday I was almost level 30. Tatooine is supposed to be done by players whose level is 24-28, and indeed the quests and the mobs on this planet are of that level.


My play style is rather very common: I explore the content of the game: all quests, 1 or 2 space combats per day, flash points done once, 1 or 2 war zones a day, etc... And I'm not bashing at all, as I hate that.


The reasons for being always ahead of content in this game are:

- Quests are rewarding too much XP

- War zones are rewarding too much XP

- Space combats are rewarding too much XP


As a consequence, you can see people that have already reached level 50...


Now, imagine I'm a Bioware developer who spent 5 years on that project, and I can see people being level 50 in 3 days. When you know all the content that is available in this game between level 1 and 50, this is just an awful situation.


If I were a Bioware project leader, I would know two important things: 1) there are plenty of bugs left in this game, and 2) the content is not yet finished / polished. I agree that there are no show-stoppers, but there are still a lot of severe and medium issues that are painful for the general gameplay. It takes time to fix these long list of issues, and therefore having the possibility to reach the level 50 so quickly does not give the developers the opportunity to fix them all on time.


Therefore, as many games before SWTOR that failed for the exact same reasons, I'm starting to doubt about the future of this game.


=> Biowave, please open up your eyes, and react before it's too late.


Pretty much my sentiments exactly. I can't say I agree that the game is buggy, because I haven't really seen anything like that yet, but the experience gain is far too large and characters are far too quick to level.


I'm seeing the exact same problems as you are seeing with regard to level. I'm doing the 15-20ish Balmorra quests at 21 currently. I want to do Nar Shadaa and Tatooine but if they are 20-25ish and 24-28 then I can see me doing those above level. That is unless I miss a planet. My masterhas asked me to visit Balmorra and Nar Shadaa so am I forced to just do the class quests and skip everything else of interest? I don't want to really. I suppose the clas quests take preference but for planets is it meant to be a case of do one or the other? Is it a choice, because the directions suggest I go to both but the experience says do one?


I do agree with your fears about the health of the game if these experience concerns continue, but I don't know how to fix that for all. A simple toggle experience command would be simple to execute and perfect for many people who want to slow down and see more. For the masses, though, just slowing down experience would be met with a barrage of abuse greater than that of the people who think experience is too fast. Sadly Bioware are keeping the masses happy. People want to be 50 in 3 days. We know it's not good for the health of a game, but I fully believe developers/publishers are too happy to bow to the wishes of the majority.


I sometimes wonder why developers make all this great content in the lower/mid levels of a game, and SWTOR does have some great content. I've enjoyed so many quests that I have done, and to have me say that is a marvel. Over the last 8 years I have become so sick of quests that I have said never again. I went in to this game very doubtful but came out feeling like these weren't quests. It was more enjoyable than that. And now it's made irrevelavnt because I level so fast I can't see all this fun.


Slow it down Bioware, for your sake and the game's. Or just give us a command to toggle experience off if we so wish.

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If you want a challenge try leaving a planet as soon as you reach the level needed for the next planet...


Otherwise stop your ************.


As far as total leveling time? Yes, it's a bit short relative to other MMO's, but why is that automatically a bad thing?


What matters is the content.


If the content is 5x as dense and 2x as awesome, even if you spend 1/2 the time you normally would in other MMO's leveling, you're still getting a much better overall experience.


I think this setup is IDEAL for a game who's story arcs for EVERY SINGLE CLASS is UNIQUE. That alone justifies the design choice. I think you should stop judging the game poorly based on how it changes from the traditional MMO style and instead focus on what it really does well.




TLDR - The game has twice as good of content, a lot more of it, but takes less time to reach max level. It is overall a win/win situation unless you absolutely HATE having alts, and even then the end game content is acceptable for a game that JUST launched.

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I can see the same issue as in the Beta version of the game: leveling to 50 is way too fast.


For instance, when I started Tatooine yesterday I was almost level 30. Tatooine is supposed to be done by players whose level is 24-28, and indeed the quests and the mobs on this planet are of that level.


My play style is rather very common: I explore the content of the game: all quests, 1 or 2 space combats per day, flash points done once, 1 or 2 war zones a day, etc... And I'm not bashing at all, as I hate that.


The reasons for being always ahead of content in this game are:

- Quests are rewarding too much XP

- War zones are rewarding too much XP

- Space combats are rewarding too much XP


As a consequence, you can see people that have already reached level 50...


Now, imagine I'm a Bioware developer who spent 5 years on that project, and I can see people being level 50 in 3 days. When you know all the content that is available in this game between level 1 and 50, this is just an awful situation.


If I were a Bioware project leader, I would know two important things: 1) there are plenty of bugs left in this game, and 2) the content is not yet finished / polished. I agree that there are no show-stoppers, but there are still a lot of severe and medium issues that are painful for the general gameplay. It takes time to fix these long list of issues, and therefore having the possibility to reach the level 50 so quickly does not give the developers the opportunity to fix them all on time.


Therefore, as many games before SWTOR that failed for the exact same reasons, I'm starting to doubt about the future of this game.


=> Biowave, please open up your eyes, and react before it's too late.


It's not too fast, it shouldn't take months to level to max leve.

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It's not too fast, it shouldn't take months to level to max leve.


No one is asking for months. Thank you for overreacting.


We're not asking for EQ-esque experience curves here, just a little slow down so we can experience the great content.


I don't know about you, but I like to enjoy the game rather than sit there and proudly tell everyone of my level 50 accomplishment.


The slowdown people are asking for need not be so massive as you are fearing. I don't see how anyone can claim that experience isn't too fast currently. I got 10k experience for a 5 minute space combat mission!!

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Then stop worrying about the number next to your name and get back to playing the game.


Leveling always feels fast in any game where you are power-leveling. I'm getting into the story and enjoying the game so I'm barely even paying attention to leveling.

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No way, leave my leveling speed alone.


I play like 1 hour a day, i don't want to have to grind for fricken weeks to get a few levels.


I love how it doesn't feel like i have to have no life to get ahead and level in this game.


And if I play more than 1 hour a day I'm suddenly irrelevant.


God I hate the modern casual gamer.



In other news, its possible to not level that fast. I've logged over 3 days worth of time (meaning the hours have added up to over 3days when I type '/played' into the chat) since the start of EGA and I'm only level 27. I managed to do this by being in a guild where I chat with people a lot, stand around and do nothing while I wait for my crafting to finish, I spend time looking for datacrons, I search the Galactic Market for stuff I want, I craft mods and armoring for my nearly full set of orange gear, I go back to lower level content to help out people who are still leveling up, and try not to rush.


Its possible to not level to 50 overnight. However, it still feels too fast. For sure if you're a bit of a 'completest' and try and do everything before you move on or linger at all you'll find yourself over leveled in no time. Without even trying I'm now 5 levels ahead of my current class quest. I managed this by doing space dailies, and repeating flashpoints with my guild mates whenever they say "need healer".


Really its a bit sad that by actually taking time to play with people in flashpoints and trying out the 'distraction' game of space combat I've overleveled to such an extreme degree that I find the game challenging only when I try and solo a heroic 4 (I can do Heroic 2s just fine).


Now I love playing this game. I'm really enjoying crafting and I do believe they've made a great game here. I just fear that the quality the content has to be denies them the ability to drag out the leveling process since well... you would run out of content before reaching 50.


So I agree with OP. Even if I take every opportunity to avoid hyper-leveling to 50 I am now so over leveled that I dont' find the game challenging.

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