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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Not true. Maybe the Vanguards might on the enemy directly targeted, but none others. Even abilities like Slow Time and Guardian Slash do not break cc except the direct target.


Why dont you just hover over your mouse and read the descriptions? Its "Force Breach".

Edited by feketebirka
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Why dont you just hover over your mouse and read the descriptions? Its "Force Breach".


Force breach is NOT a shadow's AOE taunt... It's called mass mind control, if I recall from playing my 50+ shadow tank...

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90% of the time when im tanking I kill the boss before the dps even kill the adds cause they are running all over the place like chickens with their heads cut off losing dps on the adds. The dogs don't do much dmg as long as they don't get in the red circle around the boss.


Happenned to me yesterday. Tank picked up the boss, I marked one add with a target marker and leapt in. Slinger took cover near the entrance, healer ran away to the other side of the room. Doggies spent most of their time going back forth between the slinger and the healer while I, combat sent, tried to catch them and actually do some damage. The fight took a few minutes more because of that. :o

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Not true. Maybe the Vanguards might on the enemy directly targeted, but none others. Even abilities like Slow Time and Guardian Slash do not break cc except the direct target.


He didn't mean the reall aoe taunt as you don't get that until some level around 30 (His shadow was 15)

The ability he was probably talking about was force breach which breaks ccs

Edited by Never_Hesitate
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Colicoid War Game last night.


Decide I'll see if queue pops quickly before bed last night, and what do you know it does. 42 Mara. Zone in and the other two players in area are already running to the turrets. I think you all know where this is going. Our genius Sin Tank decides to hop right onto the turrets, so now we have to three man what is an insanely easy section with four people. This still shouldn't be too difficult but for some reason I'm having to pick up a number of the swarm from across the map that the other two are much closer too. Health gets more than a little low for a while, but we make it through.


The last player to come in is lagging or something and is also behind on the second turrets, but we get through that no problem. So, first loot drop is DPS strength gear, and who do you think needs on it? Our friendly neighborhood Sin Tank. I figure we'll discuss this before the next drop so not worried about it. So, Captain America--our tank--charges into the fray. No worries, we have an Op healer, myself, and a sorc, so it won't be a problem to CC and manage the group right? Wrong! Our brave little soldier, Senor Tank, breaks every effing CC I set, every freaking one, and I get no help on that end from either of the other two.


Anyway, we get through the first pull and back up a little so that we can take the bot walking towards us alone. Well, somehow our friendly neighborhood Tank manages to pull aggro on the three or four other bots chilling in the background. I try and CC, but it's over before it starts and we wipe. While we're rezing I make three suggestions:


1) Let's mark targets or at least set an attack order. Simple, efficient, fun.

2) Please don't break CCs, as this will make the fight much easier for everyone

3) Please don't Need on loot that you can't even use


This is greeted by a **** and play from the tank. Well, I could respond in kind, but I simply /leave, say see ya, and wait to be removed. Ah, and I had to wait to be removed because our genius, may his name be forever praised to the heavens, horribly geared tank decided to pull before all of us were even back at the bots. I noticed that as I was making my exit so too was our healer. I wonder if our friend ever finished that FP.


Strangely enough one of the other players whispered me commiserating over the situation. Thought that it was crazy for the tank to respond that way to a few logical requests. I went to reply, and he/she had me on ignore =p


"The weird people you meet in group finder" indeed...

Edited by Prototypemind
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So the other day, after group finder matches we make our way to the flashpoint instance. On arrival we have 2 DPS and a healer but the tank is staying on Makeb.

After a moment the tank asks us (from Makeb) if we intend to do the bonus, which is met by such decisive answers as "sure why not" and "I don't care either way". Then he states that he wants to skip it and threatens to leave if we don't agree to his demand. I don't see why he needed to ask in the first place if he had already made his mind, but ok.

Then, as he still isn't coming he asks again if we're ok with this and won't settle for anything less than universal enthusiastic agreement. So at this point I'm slightly annoyed and suggest that if he's in such a hurry to wrap up the flashpoint, maybe he should just come in and play.

"What a foolish answer !" he says, and then he quits the group, and the group disbands for lack of a replacement.

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So the other day, after group finder matches we make our way to the flashpoint instance. On arrival we have 2 DPS and a healer but the tank is staying on Makeb.

After a moment the tank asks us (from Makeb) if we intend to do the bonus, which is met by such decisive answers as "sure why not" and "I don't care either way". Then he states that he wants to skip it and threatens to leave if we don't agree to his demand. I don't see why he needed to ask in the first place if he had already made his mind, but ok.

Then, as he still isn't coming he asks again if we're ok with this and won't settle for anything less than universal enthusiastic agreement. So at this point I'm slightly annoyed and suggest that if he's in such a hurry to wrap up the flashpoint, maybe he should just come in and play.

"What a foolish answer !" he says, and then he quits the group, and the group disbands for lack of a replacement.


I doubt he was a very good tank anyway, making demands like that because of the class leads me to believe that he would have failed at the flashpoint anyway. People like that are the reason that most tanks wont queue, because demands like that have given tanks a bad name. :(

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Jumped into Czerka Core Meltdown through the GF yesterday for the Weekly. Group was solid, three DPS and I'm a well geared Sorc heals. We're smashing through it and one DPS, a sniper, keeps running ahead and instantly aggroing the next group, not stopping for anything, not healing between fights. Doesn't take long before I decide to stop healing him altogether.


First time we come to a boss he pulls before we're all in the room. We down it, the rest of the group complains in chat asking him to knock it off. He doesn't stop, we get to the next boss and he does it again with one group member outside the door. The two of us in with him decide we're done. We stand by the door and let him die. No heals, no support at all.


He solo's it.


Never says a word, just keeps right on plowing ahead. Never gets or needs a heal, never gets or needs support.



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I had a lvl 10 vanguard tank turn up stark naked and weaponless to a GF Essles run and beg for gold... not credits , but gold.

He got kicked out pretty quick.


Lol I've seen some strange stuff in PUGs but never that.


Why does it seem that Collicoid War Games always brings the loons out? I actually quite like that FP for the change in gameplay but these days every time I try to play it I get idiots who can't understand the turret mechanic, idiots that can't understand the terminals mechanic and tanks that can't hold threat off my healer. I used to enjoy it with my tank + dps characters but as a healer recently I hate it.

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Had quite the experience in Hammer station last night. My main tank is jugg lvl55 with 33k hp (66+69 purples+1x72), not top, but i am still working on it, so off to gf, and - voila - insta pop HM Hammer station. Guildmate with oricon head gear also gets rolled in the group, so we say Hi, and all goes well up to the mining droid. Now, i have done this FP a couple of times, but now my HP seems to drop quite fast, and eventually I die ... sorc resses me, and tells that "you are a bit undergeared for this fp" ... well .. that was no problem up to this point, and thats why i run these fp-s to gear up ... now i do notice, that this stacking debuff gets up to as high as 8 before being clensed, and also see that there are no shields on me ... anyway, its a wipe, and the 2 dps quit (i dunno why, they dont say). I feel guilty and furious, anyway I try to reason with healer that maybe clensing and shield spamming will work .. After a few mins we get 2 new dps, and the rest of the fp goes smooth somehow ...


First time I did this FP as a heals the same thing happened to me. I complained that the tank was too spikey and thankfully the tank in our group was cool about it. He asked if it was my first time healing this FP and then explained the stacking debuff from that laser. Once I knew to cleanse it was smooth sailing.

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I've noticed that some tanks seem very quick to blow cooldowns whenever the stacks start hitting them, even though I have it completely under control and they are constantly at high health.


I'm guessing a lot of tanks have had bad experiences here and it makes them jumpy.

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I don't run FPs much anymore but the other day queued my Dread Forged/Kell Dragon 38k sorcerer heals for lolz and popped for an in-progress Czerka Corporate Labs. In my head, I predicted that they were at the first boss - the droid with the electrified water - and sure enough they were.


We pull and everything's proceeding normally except I notice every time the droid electrifies the water, the tank - who is an assassin with force speed - is just sitting in the water going about his business. Not being pulled back in, but actively, purposefully sitting there. Now I understand resilience can take care of some of this damage and I can easily heal through it, but it explains why the previous healer most likely quit.


I channel an innervate and while it's going tell the tank in chat he needs to stack with us during the electrified water stage. He's taking unnecessary damage. He replies in chat with something to the effect of "we good" and continues to sit there. I even extricated him out of the water one time to illustrate my point, he runs right back in while it's still electrified.


The droid gets to about 15%, everyone's topped off, we're obviously going to clear. I don't throw a single heal on the tank. I keep healing the dps and I only drop my AoE in the back to ensure the tank doesn't get anything. He slowly loses health and I can tell he's popping CDs. The droid gets to 1% and it looks tight but JUST before it drops the tank goes down and the dps land the killing blow.


Hope he enjoyed the repair bill. :)


(we went on to clear the FP)

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I don't run FPs much anymore but the other day queued my Dread Forged/Kell Dragon 38k sorcerer heals for lolz and popped for an in-progress Czerka Corporate Labs. In my head, I predicted that they were at the first boss - the droid with the electrified water - and sure enough they were.


We pull and everything's proceeding normally except I notice every time the droid electrifies the water, the tank - who is an assassin with force speed - is just sitting in the water going about his business. Not being pulled back in, but actively, purposefully sitting there. Now I understand resilience can take care of some of this damage and I can easily heal through it, but it explains why the previous healer most likely quit.


I channel an innervate and while it's going tell the tank in chat he needs to stack with us during the electrified water stage. He's taking unnecessary damage. He replies in chat with something to the effect of "we good" and continues to sit there. I even extricated him out of the water one time to illustrate my point, he runs right back in while it's still electrified.


The droid gets to about 15%, everyone's topped off, we're obviously going to clear. I don't throw a single heal on the tank. I keep healing the dps and I only drop my AoE in the back to ensure the tank doesn't get anything. He slowly loses health and I can tell he's popping CDs. The droid gets to 1% and it looks tight but JUST before it drops the tank goes down and the dps land the killing blow.


Hope he enjoyed the repair bill. :)


(we went on to clear the FP)


Why get out of the water? Shroud means that it does no damage every other round, and most of the damage can be negated with overcharge saber, relics, etc for the in between. There's also the fact that if I pug that fight it's not exactly a rare thing to be encroaching on the enrage timer or to have it pop near the end. Easier to stay on the bot, use harnessed darkness, defensive cooldowns and relics, and throw down what DPS I can instead of running away every time the water gets bubbly. For the Jugg, between similar abilities and increased defense and DR, even with lower geared healers it hasn't been an issue. Again, the main problem has been being able to DPS the boss down quickly enough.


That was a crap move letting the tank drop when you were clearly able to handle the heals and he simply didn't do it the way you like. If he's the only one in the water, then you only have one person to focus on. As long as everyone has left the adds alone he should be the only one taking damage. Just petty to let him drop, especially if it wasn't something that you had discussed before the fight. If you're pugging, compromise is part of the game. If he's doing his job holding aggro, then you do your job and heal.

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Why get out of the water?


Why not stand in all the red circles in the game, who cares? Just because the heals can heal through it, or the tank will AoE taunt the mobs the dps pulled, etc.


Also, the droid takes reduced damage during the shield phase anyway. You're not adding a lot of dps. If healers weren't burning up extra resources healing through it, we'd be throwing that extra dps while the shield was down. The enrage is also easily healable in most cases.


If he's the only one in the water, then you only have one person to focus on


Perhaps you haven't done this boss before. He will pull someone back in who was already out. Now there are 2 people in the water.


Just petty to let him drop, especially if it wasn't something that you had discussed before the fight


Why would anyone discuss common sense move-out-of-the-pain mechanics before a fight? I asked him to move during the fight, I pulled him, 2 chances.


Not standing in the AoE damage isn't really a matter of "doing the fight the way I like" (unless we are trolling).

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I was in a lowbie boarding party earlier where I got vote kicked for pulling too much dps.


I was on my pyro merc and practically every other railshot I would pull off the tank. The tank got mad saying something about I needed to hold off and drop threat more (Because I can drop threat every six seconds) sadly the guy convinced everyone else that everything was my fault despite the fact at no point had anyone came even marginally close to dying. And I got kicked.


Apparently pulling good dps is bad in lowbies :rolleyes:

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I was in a lowbie boarding party earlier where I got vote kicked for pulling too much dps.


I was on my pyro merc and practically every other railshot I would pull off the tank. The tank got mad saying something about I needed to hold off and drop threat more (Because I can drop threat every six seconds) sadly the guy convinced everyone else that everything was my fault despite the fact at no point had anyone came even marginally close to dying. And I got kicked.


Apparently pulling good dps is bad in lowbies :rolleyes:


Have also this issue in FPs, although I think it was L50 or 55. I was the lone non-guildie in the run and kept pulling off the tank on a sniper, despite not popping CDs and using countermeasures.


Asked for guard (which wasn't on anyone) and was told to "dps less." I didn't get kicked, but spent most of the rest of the FP auto-attacking.

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Still unnecessary to let him drop just because of that. Everyone would have survived the fight, and again, you didn't discuss it before hand so when pugging just go with the flow if it's not going to be a major headache. As you said, you made it through the rest of the FP, so it couldn't have been that horrible running with him. I will say that if I have a healer pull me out of the water then I leave it at that, but that's usually not what happens.


Yet another reason why I don't pug though is that because people often simply don't speak up before fights if they have some preference as how to do things. When I tank I mark targets where necessary, call for CCs, let everyone know where I plan to be if it's not just a tank and spank, and ask if everyone knows the fights in certain cases. Anyway, not going on a rant here, and I guess in the end it's not a huge difference between that and letting that DPS who keeps initiating drop so he'll get it figured out.


As to the above, it is pretty funny when people get upset over losing aggro in low level FPs when the tank can't even taunt and one of the DPS has some maxed toons and can provide Advanced gear from the start. Hilarious that the tank convinced them to do a vote kick over it though since as noted it's not usually a matter of life and death when DPS steals aggro in those starter runs.

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