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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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My guess:

Sniper had bad experience with people yelling at him after such mistakes, and quit before you could kick him.

Newbie had no idea where he was, where you were, and what what to do, so he quit to avoid getting yelled at.

Assassin had only 10 minutes to do the FP, and there was nobody left to yell at.


I think those are all reasonable guesses, particular the first one. The sniper likely knew he goofed, was embarrassed, and quit because he fully expected to catch flak for it. Not all players in PUGs are forgiving of mistakes and some like to point out those mistakes in the most obnoxious manner possible or by immediately initiating vote kicks. The sniper might have been expecting that due to prior experiences with PUGs and quit to save himself further embarrassment.


Was the Merc a healer? If so the other possibility was that it was a rage quit because the healer failed to heal through his mistake. There are some players who think healers should be able to heal through all damage even when the damage is unnecessary and self-inflicted.


If there were no healers, the former seems likely.

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I play mainly on Progenitor, we have a smaller but quite enthusiastic guild. Personally I love to communicate with them through Discord while doing PVP and OPS or FP's.


We did DF on SM (couple of nights ago) with 3 pugs: 2DPS,1H. We wiped 4 times on the Gate Commander and another 3 times on the Rancor. Didn't wipe on Corrupter Zero but wiped another 5 times on Brontes, before I called it a night.

Problem was mainly the lack of DPS who took care of the ads (even when we explained the tactics) and a lower Healing output of the other pug who had defense mods in his gear ("I don't want to die as a healer so I need defense")..


Same thing happened the night before on HM TFB: 3 pugs with decent gear (236) but we kept wiping (6+) on Operator IX because of a lack of understanding the tactics of phase 2.


Personally I love to teach other players this game and enjoy playing together.

But for now I'm sticking with a maximum of 2 pugs per run. If i have to repair my armor time and time again, chances are I'm going to loose more money on this OP then I'm gaining with it.

Maybe a gear requirement could be a solution?


What do you guys think?

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I play mainly on Progenitor, we have a smaller but quite enthusiastic guild. Personally I love to communicate with them through Discord while doing PVP and OPS or FP's.


We did DF on SM (couple of nights ago) with 3 pugs: 2DPS,1H. We wiped 4 times on the Gate Commander and another 3 times on the Rancor. Didn't wipe on Corrupter Zero but wiped another 5 times on Brontes, before I called it a night.

Problem was mainly the lack of DPS who took care of the ads (even when we explained the tactics) and a lower Healing output of the other pug who had defense mods in his gear ("I don't want to die as a healer so I need defense")..


Same thing happened the night before on HM TFB: 3 pugs with decent gear (236) but we kept wiping (6+) on Operator IX because of a lack of understanding the tactics of phase 2.


Personally I love to teach other players this game and enjoy playing together.

But for now I'm sticking with a maximum of 2 pugs per run. If i have to repair my armor time and time again, chances are I'm going to loose more money on this OP then I'm gaining with it.

Maybe a gear requirement could be a solution?


What do you guys think?


IMO, for the HM's you should have at least 236 fully aug. But for SM any gear will do.


I used to be part of a guild, and what we'd do was "hunting" for newbies in tacticals for the guild and then we'd teach them everything we knew about the game. Newbs usually listen and take to heart the advice you give them. Never had trouble doing the SM ops with them :)

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IMO, for the HM's you should have at least 236 fully aug. But for SM any gear will do.


I used to be part of a guild, and what we'd do was "hunting" for newbies in tacticals for the guild and then we'd teach them everything we knew about the game. Newbs usually listen and take to heart the advice you give them. Never had trouble doing the SM ops with them :)


Agreed, unfortunately here in Europe there are people who don't speak English or who wouldn't respond to group chat at all...

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I play mainly on Progenitor, we have a smaller but quite enthusiastic guild. Personally I love to communicate with them through Discord while doing PVP and OPS or FP's.


We did DF on SM (couple of nights ago) with 3 pugs: 2DPS,1H. We wiped 4 times on the Gate Commander and another 3 times on the Rancor. Didn't wipe on Corrupter Zero but wiped another 5 times on Brontes, before I called it a night.

Problem was mainly the lack of DPS who took care of the ads (even when we explained the tactics) and a lower Healing output of the other pug who had defense mods in his gear ("I don't want to die as a healer so I need defense")..


Same thing happened the night before on HM TFB: 3 pugs with decent gear (236) but we kept wiping (6+) on Operator IX because of a lack of understanding the tactics of phase 2.


Personally I love to teach other players this game and enjoy playing together.

But for now I'm sticking with a maximum of 2 pugs per run. If i have to repair my armor time and time again, chances are I'm going to loose more money on this OP then I'm gaining with it.

Maybe a gear requirement could be a solution?


What do you guys think?


A gear requirement would do nothing to solve the guy with the wrong stats. Gear rating would still hit the "target" in that case.


I'm amazed in this iteration of the game since they removed most of the varied stats and replaced them with Mastery that this kind of weird gearing would still be happening. Bioware could help these misguided people by restricting tank gear from being put into healing gear and putting up a big red error message on the screen You are a Healer, not a Tank. You may not use Tank gear but I'm sure some people would throw a fit that they couldn't play the way they want :rolleyes:



If the game had a much larger player base, sure, go ahead with gear requirements. But there is a thin population and even thinner group that would meet any requirements you place on easy content. More people should be able to do SM Operations and MM Flashpoints, not less. Some people will still find a way to derp into the ops and make fools of themselves, but gear requirements would unnecessarily bar players who are capable but happen to have not grinded high enough in CXP on that specific toon to match whatever artificial gear requirement you want to impose.

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He should do MM if he wants to tank in an actual trinity. And all FPs are not the same. Had it been BH or DofM... sure I'd let him tank. He can still taunt and learn his class. Storymode will help that too. This is not why tanks are in short supply. I wasn't rude to him either. He wasn't denied anything. Enough drama, wake up.


Are you suggesting tanks should learn how to tank / practice tanking in MM FPs?

Edited by PiiTarr
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Someone was looking for "people" to join their group for DP SM. I thought that was odd because no roles were specified but my guildie thought it would be nice to do that op so we asked and got invited. When the group was completed I took a look at the ops frame and saw that it wasn't ordered, so asked for assistant lead. Got it, asked who was tank (knew who was healers already) and the group lead said they were tank and some other guy with taunt could queue as tank and that all was good. Hmm.


So since it wasn't GF op of the day we got summoned by my guildie to Oricon and while we were waiting for someone who accidentally strayed into DF instead, the group lead asks whether we want to do SM or Vet. And I thought hey, cool, people on TRE just casually ask what difficulty the op should be! Nice! One of our healers said we couldn't do vet because they were level 68 only, so we tried SM instead.


A few meters in the tank said they'd need some explanations since they had never done that op before. That was when I knew it would go horribly wrong.


I told the tank it was quite adventerous of them to ask to do vet when they had never done this one before, and on we went. The lower level healer threw their first hissy fit when we fought the Bestia ("Doesn't anyone here know how to use dcds?"), but all went well. On the second boss, they were unhappy with the way the simplifications were placed though I can't imagine it makes much of a difference in SM. Our tank couldn't keep aggro to save their life, and the hissy healer died from inferno that they kept standing in. After that, they just left the group never to be seen again.


Another guy left and I decided then and there it wouldn't work, so I left too. My guildie stuck around and told me later they got as far as the third boss. I can only imagine what Raptus would've done to that tank :D


Now I don't mind if someone's doing something for the first time and needs some help and guidance, but why not just do the op with a proper tank to learn how this works? Why insist on doing it alone the very first time? I don't get it :rak_02:

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Yeah, I think that might be a bit of a steep difficulty curve.


That might be the best way to learn... While MM FPs are nowhere near to SM OPS in regards to tanking, MM FPs where one can really experience and assume the basics of tanking. Some punishment for mistakes, some basic mechanics but most importantly one have to be there. No fallback to offtank or DwT. And let's face it, leveling teaches you jack', Veteran FPs same, since no tank required, SM OPS way to go to ruin 7 other's game.

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Are you suggesting tanks should learn how to tank / practice tanking in MM FPs?


If he wants to tank in an actually trinity, yes. In vet mode the tank player can still learn, and taunt the mobs off the others. They can learn the mechanics. However, if they insist that they be the only member to pull the mobs then they should do MM. This isn't rocket science.


And now we cut to the rocket scientist working and says: " this isn't video game tanking..." :D Love that Jack in the Box commercial.

Edited by Zerileth
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That might be the best way to learn... While MM FPs are nowhere near to SM OPS in regards to tanking, MM FPs where one can really experience and assume the basics of tanking. Some punishment for mistakes, some basic mechanics but most importantly one have to be there. No fallback to offtank or DwT. And let's face it, leveling teaches you jack', Veteran FPs same, since no tank required, SM OPS way to go to ruin 7 other's game.


The problem with that however is that in MM FPs with PUGs you're expected to know your class. The tank who still has his training wheels on is very likely to get trashed and/or vote kicked for that inexperience unless a forgiving FP like Hammer Station pops. HM FPs as *the* place to really learn your class is only viable if you're doing it with guild members. PUGs tend to be far less patient.


Vet is a much better place to practice the basics of your trinity role because you get a feel for it in an environment where a mistake or two isn't likely to cause a wipe, and it's much easier for an inexperience player to make it through a FP with random players without being called a muppet or getting vote kicked.

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Not so much weird as "ahole-like." :D


So, EH, BH BG, 70 MM GF, AoT. :D

Ebon Hawk, Bounty Hunter, Bodyguard, Level 70, Master Mode Group Finder, Assault on Tython

All other 70s. Tank is Jugg. No stealth. Both dps and I run to the first bridge after going around mobs and wait for tank. Tank aggros group way back at beginning. So, we run back around and toward tank who's at half health. Save day, get back to bridge and tank asks why aren't we stealthing it. So one of the dps tries to go behind but aggros... whatever we get through it and the other objectives, power cores or whatever.


They run to the side on the right and I type: "recommend clearing trash." Hesitantly the tank finally engages and we clear that front group. The tank then types:


"Just had a migraine and the grenades are killing me," or something like that. I'm guessing they're talking about my green kolto missiles. Tank jumps boss and we start fight. Not easy, but doable. After first add group tank is gone and boss is gone. The other 3 of us are just standing on the deck. :confused: Then boss rappels back in and we realize tank was thrown and boss reset. :(


Tank types again: " Grenades are really killing me." Ok so let me understand this. You get migraines. Video game visuals make them worse so you log in... choose MM GF FP and then complain to the group that we shouldn't use the skills we know to get the job done? Rich!


So at this point, instead of just leaving... the tank starts the fight again... and then immediately leaves the group. You sir are the epitome of the title of A-hat!

Edited by Zerileth
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I'll also chime in with a HM Assault on Tython story. I'm a 247 rating Seer Sage.

Pubside, Ebon Hawk. Queued with a few people from GF, tank/Shadow was a Sokan member. All 70s, tier 1+, tank joined with 212 armor. Slinger asks if we can do bonus, Guardian DCs. Tank immediately votes to kick. I didn't vote, so it stayed up for a bit, slinger ended up voting to kick after a few. Tank dies on first mob. We get to boss and slinger asks to kill trash on the sides for bonus. Tank says "do me a favour and stop talking." Finally manage to get to the boss, wiped 3 times. Finally I said "not going to be possible with a tank who's dragging cleave into the rest of the group doing circles around boss and standing in AoE through the whole fight. I got a pst saying "internet bullying is against biowares policies. Cease and desist immediately or find a new game to play"

I replied "LMFAO"

"Final warning"

Ignored so I never queue with him.

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Finally I said "not going to be possible with a tank who's dragging cleave into the rest of the group doing circles around boss and standing in AoE through the whole fight. I got a pst saying "internet bullying is against biowares policies. Cease and desist immediately or find a new game to play"

I replied "LMFAO"

"Final warning"

Ignored so I never queue with him.


I would have told him to report what I said. Some people are completely clueless. His statement was more bullying.

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He had every right to be angry. He was being denied the role he queued for. If he wanted to come as dps, I'm sure he would've.


I really dislike queuing for group as a tank. I love playing a tank, but I don't get to practice. There are no longer Heroics for that purpose, SM is a joke for a tank, and VM is becoming that way because no one can be bothered to slow down. I get that everybody wants to BURN, BURN, BURN! FAST, FAST, FAST! SPACEBAR, SPACEBAR, SPACEBAR! But it's frustrating. I'm not going to queue for MM when I haven't learned the fight. It's rare the group will wait for the tank to pull, even if I'm racing to do so. VM always want to blaze through and sneak past everything.


A good example of when the sneaking just becomes obnoxious is Mandalorian Raiders. Everybody always wants to sneak across that bridge, even when we have non-sneaky group members. Inevitably someone falls off the bridge and aggros everything down below, or they aggro the droids at the top anyway. We end up spending longer trying to regroup than had we just cleared the stupid bridge in the first place. Arg.

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Not so much weird as "ahole-like." :D


So, EH, BH BG, 70 MM GF, AoT. :D

Ebon Hawk, Bounty Hunter, Bodyguard, Level 70, Master Mode Group Finder, Assault on Tython

All other 70s. Tank is Jugg. No stealth. Both dps and I run to the first bridge after going around mobs and wait for tank. Tank aggros group way back at beginning. So, we run back around and toward tank who's at half health. Save day, get back to bridge and tank asks why aren't we stealthing it. So one of the dps tries to go behind but aggros... whatever we get through it and the other objectives, power cores or whatever.


They run to the side on the right and I type: "recommend clearing trash." Hesitantly the tank finally engages and we clear that front group. The tank then types:


"Just had a migraine and the grenades are killing me," or something like that. I'm guessing they're talking about my green kolto missiles. Tank jumps boss and we start fight. Not easy, but doable. After first add group tank is gone and boss is gone. The other 3 of us are just standing on the deck. :confused: Then boss rappels back in and we realize tank was thrown and boss reset. :(


Tank types again: " Grenades are really killing me." Ok so let me understand this. You get migraines. Video game visuals make them worse so you log in... choose MM GF FP and then complain to the group that we shouldn't use the skills we know to get the job done? Rich!


So at this point, instead of just leaving... the tank starts the fight again... and then immediately leaves the group. You sir are the epitome of the title of A-hat!


There is a product called "grenade" and what they are are hyper caffeinated pills that helps keep people awake for extended periods of time. It could just be those

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Wanted to tell this one for a while, but kept forgetting about it.


Czerka Core Meltdown, HM. Party: me (Commando dps), Commando heal, Guardian tank and somebody else.


For reasons unknown Guardian obsessed with corner pulls. He repeatedly gathers all mobs in area, and brings them to us. (It's something I never saw anyone do in this particular FP) But he doesn't actually warn anyone that he's doing that, so.... yea. It ends in his death at least once. Healer is not a big fun of this, neither am I, Guardian doesn't care and keep doing, 2 dps never said a word during tne entire FP.



This man has probably been a tank for a very, very long time, like Dark Age of Camelot long, and you grouped everything all the time because AOE was always strong back in the day, and while it is pretty crap here. It was by far the fastest, safest and easiest way to do things. I haven't played too many other MMOs, so I am guessing he trained back in the day, where basically to get aggro and keep it you just had to hit the mob first.

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Once we had this very slow tank in Hammer Station, took ages to move and attack from mob to mob. I couldn't go 1st and take aggro because I was a midbie dd, so I asked him politely if he could move faster, he got triggered and told me to s*fu he's got 2 b*tches on him so he can't move faster and that I'm a looser. :rak_02: Edited by Johrun
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Well, Let me post about a really awkward encounter couple of days back. I play in Progenitor mostly.


It was HS in vet mode, I'm in my lvl 70 tank Jugg, with me there were a merc dps lvl 26, Sorc dps lvl 42 and a Mara lvl 14. Mara was dressed to imitate hulk. I thought well this will be quick enough. I was wrong.


The very first mob you meet in HS, we attacked them and the Mara went opposite side to attack gold droids ... and get killed. We rez'd him and I said pls stay with us. He said OK with a smiley. We even cracked joke about how Hulk smashes.


Next encounter just outside of the passage and He went to attack a group of mob with two gold droid ... everyone gets killed except me at my 10% health. I said why you attacked that other group? he reply with a 'sorry'.

Ok fine mistake happens... So we moved forward. Then next time we attacked a group of strong mob and guess what... he went ahead and attacked yet another gold droid ... At this point we all get bit annoyed...The merc decided to vote kick this Mara and we continue with the sorc's lvl 50 droid comp. But the best part was yet to come...


Before 2nd boss, where you slice the elevator to bypass mobs, we took little hit and recuperating and the merc said about the Sorc's companion 'Thats an odd looking droid you got' and it was like starting a wildfire. The Sorc immediately went berserk and typed in all caps 'THATS IT' followed by 'NOBODY TALK S**** ABOUT MY COMPANION' and finally 'S**** YOU' and probably nuked his pc at this point cause I didn't see an exit animation...


The Merc was like W** just happened? and My jaw dropped at the reaction ... I shake my head and said what a weird pair we met today. We finished up with our comps.


Well RP is good but Extreme RPing during fp? I have no answer to that.

Edited by Ayushman
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