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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Just putting in a #blamedela for not heroicly carrying the group through ;)


Oops, you got me there. :sul_wink:


//Forgot to mention this as well: As they were a guild group and as they obviously were either all newish and inexperienced or running new members through (I only inspected the main tank's achievements - all SMs except Tyth, EV and KP HM and Dash'Roode HM), I think they should have made that clear in the LFM message. And if not there, at least when someone joined them. And I said as much to them. After all, the expectation for an SM operation is low effort, quick rewards. This ended up as low rewards and high effort, and that should have been made apparent at the beginning. Mind you, I still would have stuck with them. :)

Edited by Memo-
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Turns out, when someone doesn't know rotations or choose certain perks for his role you could still be a very very very bad healer...


Would help if players wait for another player to switch to heals. A lot of players seem to think this works just like in WoW. And then act surprised when they realize it doesn't.

- Can abandon discipline while in combat

- Can't select another discipline while in combat

- Can't apply utilities while in combat.


And then they cry about how one player doesn't do anything useful.


Also didn't even know Combat Medic has rotation.

Edited by Halinalle
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This epic fail has nothing to do with GF. but I think it deserves to be writtten down anyway.


So, yesterday. 10 p.m. I was ready to stop playing and go eat supper, when I saw a raid for Hateful Entity gathering.(For those uninitiated, its a secret boss of SnV only accessable in 16 man NIM after you kill Titan)


I saw multiple attempts but only 1 kill of HE, way back in 3.2 (I think) and I died in the beginning, so didnt help much. And I was so bad at this fight, that people stopped inviting me to it. So I decided it's time to finally really kill it, even if I have to delay supper. I get invited, see that the raid is about 10 people, still missing a tank, heals and some DPS. I think about getting supper while waiting, but I am afraid they gonna start without me and kick me out. (I am a melee dps, not the most ideal or needed paticipant)


And so I wait.... An hour passes. We finally get what we need and enter. Using speeder we arrive too far and have to run back. That's when I notice there are no sabretooths (or whatever they called) anywhere and you can't summon HE without them. I say so in chat. Turns out the leader, who had lockout, killed 3 bosses, not 2, so no trash here left for us to use. After briefly exploring the notiong of regrouping and killing 2 bosses again (yea, right) everybody leaves and the raid is over.


That was an hour (more for some, I am sure) of everybody time wasted for absolutely nothing.

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And so I wait.... An hour passes. We finally get what we need and enter. Using speeder we arrive too far and have to run back. That's when I notice there are no sabretooths (or whatever they called) anywhere and you can't summon HE without them. I say so in chat. Turns out the leader, who had lockout, killed 3 bosses, not 2, so no trash here left for us to use. After briefly exploring the notiong of regrouping and killing 2 bosses again (yea, right) everybody leaves and the raid is over.


That was an hour (more for some, I am sure) of everybody time wasted for absolutely nothing.


You either were in HM or SM and not in NiM at all. Or in an 8m instance(can't imagine this by what you write, but whatever).

Because the trash you need to kill to be able to summon the boss is ALWAYS there. And actually a at least thrasher clear, better Olok as well is more or less a must, since when you wipe there, the whole raid is rezzed to random positions between the first and 4th boss. So if there is any trash still standing, or even Thrasher and you wipe on HE, you will pull that as well and simply wipe again.

So either you had the wrong phase or some idiot already killed the trash not knowing they are needed in order to summon the boss. In that case, you have to reset the instance. Or the trash only reapperas in a clear instance, I don't know for certain.

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K two quick ones and then off to bed. :p

Weird day.


Trying to get as many personal Conquests done on the last day. I am not a fan of "tanking" but it was one of my last alts that hadn't finished Conquest so I decided to do the Balmorra quests and a HM FP. I chose HM BT as I had 2/3 and just wanted the Weekly credit for Conquest.


So me on tank, and the trinity. Only the healer says "hi" at the beginning. We go through the FP and I'm trying to utilize the shortcuts but one of the DPS must be new. No big deal. We're all "spacebarring" and for the most part the FP is going through just fine. Again, zero chat from the 2 dps. Get to final boss, done.... We spare General, and run to the final dialog.


One of the DPS is lagging way behind.... about 30 seconds later he runs into the dialog circle but doesn't press the conversation button. Waiting.... waiting.... waiting....


He starts dancing w/ me. :confused: huh? So.... I'm about to type: "please start convo" when he types:

( My char's name) is a H..o... (4 letter nasty word starts w/ H and ends w/ O, rhymes with bono)


I say: "thx all, " and the healer types TYFG or something..... Whatever triggered him I"ll never know. :confused:



Athliss FP Tactical


We all get in and start running toward the mine thingie. Jump down. I say: " I have arch.... "

A kick is initiated.

It's me. :eek:

It goes through.

I type "sad face"

I'm booted. But, thx to the new group chat bug, I see one of the other players asks why I was kicked. The kicker says: "They were playing "Hatred." :(


Your guess is as good as mine....

Edited by Zerileth
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And actually a at least thrasher clear, better Olok as well is more or less a must, since when you wipe there, the whole raid is rezzed to random positions between the first and 4th boss.

I had a wonderful screenshot with my sin standing in Bo Zarran's booth, just behind him and in stealth like ready for the kill thanks to that. Best part of Hateful Entity by far ;D



I'm booted. But, thx to the new group chat bug, I see one of the other players asks why I was kicked. The kicker says: "They were playing "Hatred." :(


Your guess is as good as mine....


lol, that is really sad tbh, how incredibly delusional and lame do you need to be to boot anyone from a tactical flashpoint period... and even more so because of the discipline they're playing? You're probably lucky they kicked you, all things considered :)

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Athliss FP Tactical


We all get in and start running toward the mine thingie. Jump down. I say: " I have arch.... "

A kick is initiated.

It's me. :eek:

It goes through.

I type "sad face"

I'm booted. But, thx to the new group chat bug, I see one of the other players asks why I was kicked. The kicker says: "They were playing "Hatred." :(


Your guess is as good as mine....


That's just... that's just rude. Some people.

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Athliss FP Tactical


We all get in and start running toward the mine thingie. Jump down. I say: " I have arch.... "

A kick is initiated.

It's me. :eek:

It goes through.

I type "sad face"

I'm booted. But, thx to the new group chat bug, I see one of the other players asks why I was kicked. The kicker says: "They were playing "Hatred." :(


Your guess is as good as mine....


Kicking any dps from a tactical is stupid. Even the worst dps can complete most of them, and Athiss? That's one of the easiest ones!


Also, playing Hatred. Since when Hatred became so unplayable? If played well, it's playable even in HM Ops. In tactical ANYTHING is ok.


If that guy was scared of failing a tactical because of a Hatred sin in group, he needs to worry about his OWN DPS. I personally don't care what spec or what level is with me dpsing. I could solo any tactical anyway (well, I usually play my 242+ geared marauder, so there is that). I had situations where in Master fps a healer or tank wanted to kick a lowbie bad geared dps because "they are not suitable for HM". Even in Hammer Station. To which I always say - if we enrage just once, THEN kick him. Never needed to do that. I understand that it's a bit of a different example but in most cases one good dps is enough. If you got no good dps in the group you might as well kick yourself - if you are not good enough yourself, you have no right to call out other players for being bad.

Edited by Equeliber
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  • 2 weeks later...

Czerka Core Meltdown Master mode.


Commando healer, guardian tank, commando dps (random leveling gear), and me, Focus guardian (246+ gear). Tank obviously guards me and we go in. After first trash pulls which were really smooth healer types in chat "guard me!". I say "why?", he answers with "I generate a lot of aggro". First time I hear about healer doing more aggro than burst DPS (any dps in general). So I tell that to him, "healer never gets guard, especially not with a burst dps in the group". He calls me an idiot, pulls some random mobs and quits the group. We get a healer companion, a bit later get a replacement sage heal who says that he is rusty but doesn't ask for guard, thank god :D


I sometimes actually get aggro even with threat drop and guard, guess the tank missed some taunts in the opener. Healer gets killed once by trash spawn on the big lurker (he forgot to barrier, we forgot to kill them right away). Guard wouldn't have saved him there, by the way... When they spawn they would go for healer in any case until someone damages them.


I don't get these people, I tried to explain to him that healer doesn't need guard. Not in PvE in any case. And then he ragequits because of no guard? He didn't even die or anything, it was just the start of fp...

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Czerka Core Meltdown Master mode.


Commando healer, guardian tank, commando dps (random leveling gear), and me, Focus guardian (246+ gear). Tank obviously guards me and we go in. After first trash pulls which were really smooth healer types in chat "guard me!". I say "why?", he answers with "I generate a lot of aggro". First time I hear about healer doing more aggro than burst DPS (any dps in general). So I tell that to him, "healer never gets guard, especially not with a burst dps in the group". He calls me an idiot, pulls some random mobs and quits the group. We get a healer companion, a bit later get a replacement sage heal who says that he is rusty but doesn't ask for guard, thank god :D


I sometimes actually get aggro even with threat drop and guard, guess the tank missed some taunts in the opener. Healer gets killed once by trash spawn on the big lurker (he forgot to barrier, we forgot to kill them right away). Guard wouldn't have saved him there, by the way... When they spawn they would go for healer in any case until someone damages them.


I don't get these people, I tried to explain to him that healer doesn't need guard. Not in PvE in any case. And then he ragequits because of no guard? He didn't even die or anything, it was just the start of fp...


I main a healer and i absolutely hate when i enter a FP and get instantly guarded.

Give it at least 1 pull and see who you should be guarding.

Most healers only pull threat on trash mobs when they require a lot of burst healing for a short period and you do something like 11k+ eHPS. If the tank is good enough you'll be safe without the guard

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I would argue that there are cases, in particular, flashpoints where guarding a healer makes a bit of sense, let me explain. When you initiate a fight, even with trash the tank gets the highest threat automatically, DPS gets second highest and healer the least, however as a fight progress the healer continuously builds threat on all enemies through healing alone. Meanwhile, DPS and Tanks only build threat on the adds that they are attacking our taunting, now if you have a good tank this is normally not an issue, but with less skilled tanks it's common that the healer gets aggro of a few mobs as the fight goes on.


Now, this is not the end of the world, I have been in that healer position many times and if you are good, you can easily survive, however, if you are rusty or simply a bad player, there is a risk you panic/don't use DCD:s and dies. Sure, a guard isn't the ultimate solution, but it can help in several cases, in particular, if the person who loses guard is a heavy armor DPS (such as a guardian). Not trying to defend the healer, he is bad no doubt, but that is a level of skill you will expect from pugs in flashpoints.

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Gather 'round, folks, and I'll tell you about the worst EV I've ever had the misfortune of running. I should preface it by saying that this was a two-and-a-half hour run, so it's a rather long story.


I've DPS'ed through several ops, and tanked almost all the HM Flashpoints without too much of a problem, so I was ready to take my freshly minted Sin tank into an op. I wanted to start off easy with EV, and lo and behold, a call for a tank appears in Fleet genchat. I get into the group, and it's just me and the lead - a Mara.


The next person he invited was a level 50 Jugg for the other tank, which should have been warning enough (The Jugg actually did very good later on). We eventually got the group together, though, and we made it past the turrets and droid just fine. Everyone loots, and we proceed on to the droid mobs. They don't want to skip so we can level up the other players (The Mara and I were the only 70's there), so we press on through. I tell the Jugg to take left (he immediately goes right and doesn't keep aggro), so I have to taunt them all on to me to keep them off the heals. It went fine, but I wanted to recharge my DCD's before the next mob. The mara didn't listen to my pleas in chat, though, and he runs past me and aggroes the next two mobs with Force Leap + Mad Dash + Double Saber Throw. It's a wipe, and one healer leaves. The replacement is a guy I know to be very good, so we continue to the dog mobs. The Mara goes the wrong way and jumps in the lava. No bothers to rez him, and we proceed without any further incident to Gharj.


Tanking was fine (if I dare say so myself), and healing was great. DPS was very, very bad - so bad that we hit the enrage on Gharj at 700k, and wipe again. A DPS leaves, and after a short wait, we pick up a sorc DPS that manages to carry the DPS through the fight.


Then we get to the jungle, and everyone agrees in chat to skip the mobs. Once again, Mara skips way ahead, aggroes everything on the map, and half the raid goes down before I can make it all the way to where all of them are, taunt, and pop reflect. Rez everyone, and proceed to the pylons, where the Mara starts clicking (a) without knowing the puzzle and (b) before anyone is ready. Wipe and restart, proceed to Council, where things start to get frustrating. Not as bad as the other wipes (because no-one important dies), but because it take three freaking tries.


One of the heals (both of whom were very patient and very good) carefully explains the mechs to anybody. No AoE's, nor healing, no Buffs, nothing. Everyone says they understand and we proceed to our respective fights. Everyone down theirs within forty seconds.


Everyone, that is, except for the Mara group leader (who had insisted he knew the fight before we entered the instance). He has managed to get the enrage on his fight by hitting someone else's opponent, and he is screaming for help in chat. We don't help, he dies, and the he proceeds to thoroughly curse all of us for not helping him. At this point, everyone in the raid is sick of him. One guys starts to make fun of him, anoher, more helpful guys asks him what spec he is, and I ask him is he knows the fight mechs and if he's ever done this op before (he has not).


His response is, "what's a spec?", and all of my warning bells go off. It turns out he's running Annihilation, and we ask him if he is using his Berserk heals from the DoT's. He didn't know what those were, and we actually didn't have to worry - he didn't use any of his DoT's. Just ravage, slash, smash, etc. He was using saber throw to hit other people's opponents.


So we ran it again, and he just couldn't resist using his AoE's, and he dies once more. Third time, he finally manages to kill the guy, and we go onto Soa. Mara dies immediately from fall damage, and everything else goes smoothly, with the newbie tank even picking up Soa when I'm Mind Trapped and doing superbly. Apart from Mara not enforcing any loot rules and Needing on everything, that is.


Moral of the story: make very, very sure the Group Lead knows what he or she is doing, or everything can go wrong with the simplest ops.

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There was a guy who would queue and join FPs but whenever he joined he would do nothing. Just stand there. I got him three times!! I thought it was just his internet at first but come on, three times and he just stands there and never moves? I think he was just doing some odd form of trolling.
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I would argue that there are cases, in particular, flashpoints where guarding a healer makes a bit of sense, let me explain. When you initiate a fight, even with trash the tank gets the highest threat automatically, DPS gets second highest and healer the least, however as a fight progress the healer continuously builds threat on all enemies through healing alone. Meanwhile, DPS and Tanks only build threat on the adds that they are attacking our taunting, now if you have a good tank this is normally not an issue, but with less skilled tanks it's common that the healer gets aggro of a few mobs as the fight goes on.


If noone is attacking a mob, guard won't help the healer, except for the damage reduction.


There are some fights where guarding the healer makes sense, though. Braxx in Mando Raiders, for instance, where you want your dps to have threat, so the dogs don't go for the healer.

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When I'm healing, I'm usually too busy actually healing to check that the right person has guard... and on the rare times where I'm tanking, I tend to put the guard on one of the dps and hope it's right :o

Honestly though, I'm not an experienced tank. I have much to learn.

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When I'm healing, I'm usually too busy actually healing to check that the right person has guard... and on the rare times where I'm tanking, I tend to put the guard on one of the dps and hope it's right :o

Honestly though, I'm not an experienced tank. I have much to learn.


I do the same, I don't understand all the rage about who to guard in freaking pve content... its pve. And no flashpoint is even remotely taxing enough IMO to have full blown arguments about who to guard. I always throw it on a marauder or merc just cause I feel like they will probably pull threat, other then that I've done hundreds of FP's without ever using a guard, lol. Unless someone absolutely demands it then I give it to them, because its not worth the fuss. It is good to always have it someone though, free 5% dmg reduction on a group member shouldn't be wasted.

Edited by DenariusJay
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How about some of the people you meet before Group Finder?


The other day there was a guy posting in Fleet chat that only needed one healer for Dread Fortress GF, than they were good to go. Since the Oricon Ops are my favorites and I happened to be on my Sage, I immediately send a whisper. No response. One minute later I see the same LF 1 healer post spammed in chat. Chat was very active at the time so I think maybe he just missed my whisper so I send another. No response followed by the LF a healer post. After the second snub I don't send any more whispers, but while I'm hanging out on Fleet waiting for my companions to finish crafting I see the same LF a healer post being spammed for ten minutes, followed by the inevitable drops when none apparently join. Now he's looking for a tank and a DPS in addition to the healer. And so it goes until the group apparently doesn't form and he gripes that there are a hundred people on Fleet and no one is running Ops. (which also wasn't true, since I searched for "Dread" out of curiosity and there were 16 people in DF)


I've run DF plenty of times, know the OP, and have no trouble healing it through it. What's more is that while I run Ops I hadn't been running them yet on that server, so this person wasn't even familiar with me. Anyone else have a similar experience, where you end up snubbed for some inexplicable reason?


On a related note it is a pet peeve of mine when people don't respond with at least a "No thanks." There are plenty of reasons to decline a group invite, like filling a spot before you get a response. I've already been in that position, where you suddenly get two whispers from tanks wanting to join when you only needed one. Or someone has a guild mate who logs in and fills the position you were looking to fill. I always make sure to thank the person for responding and tell them that the slot filled before they responded.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Once. I had some idiot making it nigh on impossible to queue for his particular in progress group (probably a wipefest) between their failure to communicate for Dread Fortress so maybe we're looking at the same idiot. I just know I got to do it on my neglected DPS (I love healing and like tanking as well with PvE group content) on an impromptu guild run less than thirty minutes later while they were still asking on Fleet.


You get those special little snowflakes on a regular basis asking for roles (or that one who asks for 'all rolls except heals and tanks') but basically aren't all that bright given they are still doing it thirty minutes later with people saying in gen chat they'll do it. It was amusing to me personally in that instance since I'm in an active guild but when it comes to how it affects other people, I've got little patience for morons wasting people's time.

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Classic Mara


There was a guy who would queue and join FPs but whenever he joined he would do nothing. Just stand there. I got him three times!! I thought it was just his internet at first but come on, three times and he just stands there and never moves? I think he was just doing some odd form of trolling.

I sure hope you /ignored 'em.

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I would argue that there are cases, in particular, flashpoints where guarding a healer makes a bit of sense, let me explain. When you initiate a fight, even with trash the tank gets the highest threat automatically, DPS gets second highest and healer the least, however as a fight progress the healer continuously builds threat on all enemies through healing alone. Meanwhile, DPS and Tanks only build threat on the adds that they are attacking our taunting, now if you have a good tank this is normally not an issue, but with less skilled tanks it's common that the healer gets aggro of a few mobs as the fight goes on.


Now, this is not the end of the world, I have been in that healer position many times and if you are good, you can easily survive, however, if you are rusty or simply a bad player, there is a risk you panic/don't use DCD:s and dies. Sure, a guard isn't the ultimate solution, but it can help in several cases, in particular, if the person who loses guard is a heavy armor DPS (such as a guardian). Not trying to defend the healer, he is bad no doubt, but that is a level of skill you will expect from pugs in flashpoints.


In my experience 99% of time healers get aggro is because bad dps just tunnel the mobs being controlled by the tank rather then clearing the weak ranged adds on the periphery first. A guard won't do anything to fix that, dps knowing what they are supposed to kill first will.

Edited by MuskyBoy
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Once. I had some idiot making it nigh on impossible to queue for his particular in progress group (probably a wipefest) between their failure to communicate for Dread Fortress so maybe we're looking at the same idiot. I just know I got to do it on my neglected DPS (I love healing and like tanking as well with PvE group content) on an impromptu guild run less than thirty minutes later while they were still asking on Fleet.


You get those special little snowflakes on a regular basis asking for roles (or that one who asks for 'all rolls except heals and tanks') but basically aren't all that bright given they are still doing it thirty minutes later with people saying in gen chat they'll do it. It was amusing to me personally in that instance since I'm in an active guild but when it comes to how it affects other people, I've got little patience for morons wasting people's time.


The bolded never ceases to make me laugh.

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