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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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I'm sure there are several recepies for success.

I use Defense rating on ALL my dps, and have not sacrificed power or might for it in any way tht can not easily be fixed by mixing the right equipment mods.


No, there are not 'several recipes;' and yes, you have sacrificed Power for Defence. In each mod you have taken that has X Defence you have clearly, patently, observably, demonstrably and quantifiably sacrificed X Power.


There is variation amongst classes and specs for tertiary stats: i.e., some require more Alacrity than others; but there is zero need, no reason whatsoever, for a DPS or a healer to take Defence.

Edited by thewitchdoctor
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Props for the Talos reference, but well-geared Mercs/Commandos can easily skank tank most tacticals. Pop your defensive cooldowns when you rip aggro and/or there's no tank in the group. It does help to be in rating 208+ gear, obviously, which means you'll do a lot better once you ding that final level.


My Gunnery Commando (Arsenal Merc) has done her fair share of tanking tactical pugs. CCs, stuns, knockbacks, knockdowns, defensive cooldowns--learn them, use them, love them, because if you run flashpoints, you're going to be facetanking with that merc quite a bit.


And if you value your life, be careful where you aim that Death From Above... have fun pulling an entire group of silvers and golds intent on murdering YOU in particular. :D


Well, maybe that's why I died quickly and constantly - I don't have 208-rated gear...yet. o_e My merc is still in 190-rated Ziost gear. (*cue gasps of horror*) Probably because I never thought I'd be running flashpoints...ever...as, mostly because of this thread, I didn't want to meet these crazy people or accidentally be one of them myself. :p Now that I am running flashpoints occasionally, I'll make sure to get some 208-rated gear. Maybe I can survive a bit longer. XD

Stuns, knockdowns, defensive cooldowns... yeah, I'm still pretty rusty on the merc in group situations (another reason why I kept dying? Heh). But I'll keep trying.


...and I only use Death From Above/Sweeping Blasters on a group that has a) already been pulled, and b) is already clustered in a tight group. I do not want to have multiple elites breathing down my neck. O_O


Thank you for the advice, by the way. :) The last thing I want is to have my name pop up in here as one of the weird people. I'm still learning, still failing occasionally, still making a lot of mistakes...but I'll get better.

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Wait, what... How is it possible? Do not tell me it was a tank. Please, dont!


Edit: or DPS... or Heal.

I'd have said that it shows more Defense, Shield, and Absorb than an Operative normally has use for... (Even though in the scheme of things it's not actually very much.)


But surely that's less bad than the pre 4.0 days where you'd see SWs with every mainstat *except* Strength, to take just one example. And Cunning-not-Aim Assault Cannons.

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I was on DP, as PUG on a guild run with my Sage heals.


There are two PUG DPS in group and guild decides to get rid of one for one of their guildies to join. Both are Sentinels.


One has 77k HP, one 79k. I watch in awe how 77k DPS in optimized mix of 216/220/224 with 224 mainhand gets kicked in favor of 79k DPS on something that is mostly token gear seemingly made for guardian tanks and ENDURANCE STIM ACTIVE. And 77k DPS was there before that 79k DPS.


Then we proceed to wipe on Bestia.

Edited by Adaliaya
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my 2 cents on the whole "dps with defence rating" stuff.


Obivously defence rating is wasted on dps. Yeah sure you can avoid an extra 5% damage. However if you kill the enemy fast enough it wont have time to do heavy damage.


Having said that I do have a strange habit of selecting my ability things based on defence. For example with my sniper I spent my points on a couple of abilities, one which increased the amount shield probe absorbs, another which made it last longer. With my sent I selected an ability that gave my sabre ward a heal effect.


As for all this "dps need 10% defence chance for TFP's." nearly all my characters use dps comps (pre 3.0 my sorc used khem val simply because by the time I unlocked others he was really high affection level). I never struggled soloing heroics with a sniper and temple, or sent and kira simply because the enemies died before they had a chance to badly hurt me.


Defence rating is unnecessary if you use DCD's well and if, like me, you aren't proficient with DCD's then buy afew buffs for them with those points you get when levelling.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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Ah since we are giving tips let me too: (this is for all classes btw) get some defense. 10% works (you start with 5%) - that doesn't have to come from tank gear...the mods (when you modify your armor) can give +defense while not giving + shield/absorb that is useless stat for non tanks...

...you don't have to ofcourse but...well...please do...don't be that dps that I (as tank) leave to take care of the normal/silver only to turn around and find you almost dead in few seconds:)


Wow. Just......wow.

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Short version.

Manaan HM: Jugg tank, sorc healer, sniper and my arsenal-merc.

Wiping at Ortuno, where that tank standing at **** and keep losing aggro to me. After couple wipe he type "Why the **** are you taiuninting(taunting?)



After he dropped group, we get replacement deception assassin as tank.. TWICE!!!


Powerleveling<3 there come clueless ppl wit half tank-gear and half whatever:confused:

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Ah since we are giving tips let me too: (this is for all classes btw) get some defense. 10% works (you start with 5%) - that doesn't have to come from tank gear...the mods (when you modify your armor) can give +defense while not giving + shield/absorb that is useless stat for non tanks...


Ok, I won't give a long argument as to why this is incredibly, astoundingly, magnificently BAD advice. It's advice bordering on malicious mischief. Instead, I will recommend you read Bant the Fat & Pink's thread on stats. NOWHERE is there a recommendation for Defense on any DPS or healers.


...you don't have to ofcourse but...well...please do...don't be that dps that I (as tank) leave to take care of the normal/silver only to turn around and find you almost dead in few seconds:)


Please don't say you are on Shadowlands. I'd love to be in a group with you to make your life miserable. :D:cool:


First, as tank it's great if you can tank everything all at once, but most sensible players don't expect that. You take the gold in the pack, DPS will take the silver/normal/weaks. I will heal everyone since that's my job, and the last thing you want is your healer getting bored. They tend to cause shenanigans. :D


Second, 10% may not seem like a lot to spare for defense. But 10% less of a needed stat means you don't make your DPS checks, or you have misses, or you don't get the crit you need to heal the tank, or your heals are weaker or slower. It means everyone else has to bust their buns making up for you, and if everyone does that across the raid, that's 10% higher chance of failure. And if you don't believe me, then there's a post in here about a failed EC run, where the healer insisted that you must run Defense. I know, because it was written by my guildie, and he was being nice in his write-up.

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I will heal everyone since that's my job, and the last thing you want is your healer getting bored. They tend to cause shenanigans. :D


That's happened to me a number of times (obviously less often that the opposite, face-tanking with my healers). A specific example was a red reaper run I did with my merc healer back in 2.x. The tank was perfect. He held all aggro and took barely any damage. On trash I would just kolto shell him, spam basic attack (back in 2 the merc heal was on the basic attack rather than a different ability) and he would remain topped off. On bosses it was exactly the same but with emergency scan on CD added in. I ended up having resource issues a lot of the time because I spent about 80% of my time doing damage rather than healing.


And tbh its actually less fun than face-tanking things. At least when I face-tank with my healer once in a while I feel I am doing something, when I have to heal a perfect tank I soon feel like I am slowing people down, they would be better off with a 3rd dps.

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Happened during the weekend. Ravagers was in GF and my guild decided we do a run for conquest points. However we had only 4 online members(maybe 5, idk) so we looked for PUGs. Once we found the remaining folks(some totaly new players, with 950 achi points), chat started to light up. The offtank(who never tanked Rav before) asked for master loot and others started to follow. We made some remarks that ML is not necessary, we don't really need 216 stuff, but however, we set it and wen't on our way. One vipe at Master and Blaster, but we did it eventually. At the end an MK-2 tank implant dropped and my guildie, the main tank says on TS that he can use it. Note that not the Sin tank is his main, he just did the run with that. Anyway everyone rolled on stuff and we had to roll for the random MK-2 stuff too. Offtank says that, that implant is a tank gear so why are others rolling for it? I won the roll as healer with the intention to give it to my tank guildie and also I said to offtank that I will give it to him(and I did). At this point offtank flips out saying he will remember our guild name and never gonna do ops with us and so on and on. As far as I can recall he won the mainhand and the deco as well so I have no idea why the flipout. I guess people are greedy, but hey, he wanted master loot so we can share fair and square. And as far as I can recall apart from this MK-2 implant our guild didn't won anything, not that we needed something, but how fair is that? So we geared PUGs.
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Happened during the weekend. Ravagers was in GF and my guild decided we do a run for conquest points. However we had only 4 online members(maybe 5, idk) so we looked for PUGs. Once we found the remaining folks(some totaly new players, with 950 achi points), chat started to light up. The offtank(who never tanked Rav before) asked for master loot and others started to follow. We made some remarks that ML is not necessary, we don't really need 216 stuff, but however, we set it and wen't on our way. One vipe at Master and Blaster, but we did it eventually. At the end an MK-2 tank implant dropped and my guildie, the main tank says on TS that he can use it. Note that not the Sin tank is his main, he just did the run with that. Anyway everyone rolled on stuff and we had to roll for the random MK-2 stuff too. Offtank says that, that implant is a tank gear so why are others rolling for it? I won the roll as healer with the intention to give it to my tank guildie and also I said to offtank that I will give it to him(and I did). At this point offtank flips out saying he will remember our guild name and never gonna do ops with us and so on and on. As far as I can recall he won the mainhand and the deco as well so I have no idea why the flipout. I guess people are greedy, but hey, he wanted master loot so we can share fair and square. And as far as I can recall apart from this MK-2 implant our guild didn't won anything, not that we needed something, but how fair is that? So we geared PUGs.


Well, in this case I have to agree with the offtank. Since you as a healer can't use it, your sole reason to roll was to give it to your guildie. If all in your guild did that, then the chance for your maintaink to get that impla was 4 rolls vs 1 roll. For the offtank to win it, he would have needed a super lucky roll. A little bit unfair, don't you think?

On the other hand I agree that this is no reason to flip out. Yes, your method was unfair, but since he already won loot, he could have easily given that impla to the maintank who had won nothing so far. As always communication is the key. I think if your maintank would have asked if he could have it, since he had won nothing so far, the offtank would have left it to him.

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Look I'm not going to act and 'cleanse' myself and I do have some ambivalent feelings about this. He wanted master loot, we implied that ffa/round robbin will be just fine. He wanted master loot. We didn't roll anything during the raid just for the deco and for that implant. I know there are some unwritten rules regarding random MK-2s, but personally if I've just won a mainhand and a deco I would just say my thanks and byes and leave quietly. Also I know if I want master loot these things can happen to me as well and it's part of the game. But I can live with it, if I wanted master loot beforehand.


Anyway happened a more positive run in the weekend as well(maybe it was midweek). We were looking for PUGs for DF with group finder(conquest points again). A tank whisped me asking do we take him as level 58. Of course we do. Along with this fella there was 1 or 2 first timers again and off we went. Again I was healing. What I noticed around Draxus is this level 58 tank doing extremely well. Pretty sure ha had an alt and knew the fights. The raid was a success after all and we said our goodbyes on a good note.

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Just did about a quarter of KDY...


My 65 Vigilance Guardian along with a 47 Defense Guardian, a 46 Shadow tank, and a 29 Commando DPS. Notice the lack of decent heals.


First segment is build-a-ship. We clear the trash mostly okay - Commando drops once after charging into one of the rooms with a datapad. I ask if the group knows how ship assembly works - one says he doesn't, so I tell him to not touch the console in the centre of the room. Terse, but I wanted to make sure he didn't start clicking things while I typed up an explanation (which I did). Someone else knew how it worked, and put it together (successfully) while I grabbed a can of coffee.


I say the bonus boss is in the corner, and head that direction. Shadow is across the room, and Commando is who-knows-where (greyed out on the group frame). Defense throws his saber at the boss, and while I shake my head, already predicting a wipe, I engage anyway on the slim chance that the other two will join us. Shadow finally engages around the time I die (boss at about 70% health), and Commando just then enters the room.


I say "bonus bosses shouldn't be started until all four are ready - especially with no healers". Commando says "I CAN HEAL!" as Defense and Shadow drop, and the Commando, around 10% health, hides behind the console. I say "you'll excuse me if i lack faith in a lowbie dps commando's off-heals : )".


Smiley means a light jest, right? Like your kid just stuck his tongue out at someone and you smirk and say that's rude, but it's not like he flipped the bird, so you're not railing into him or anything.


Predictably, Commando dies. Defense initiates a vote-kick. On me. Reason: Condescending sand-rat. Impudent. Sassy. Inept.


Yeah, I'm condescending. But I'm good, and they were bads, so I have that right. If someone needs some ackrite, I'll serve 'em up.


Impudent? None of them deserved any respect, so why show it? Commando was half-retarded, Defense almost went full-retard. Only one I can't say much bad about was Shadow, because he didn't really say or do much (except call me an "ahole" for the jibe at the Commander).


Sassy? Very : )


Inept? Please, this was KDY. I can do it in my sleep with one decent backup (incl. a companion). Kinda don't think Defense even knew what the word meant.


Vote passed, I wished the noobies some happy wipes. Shadow called me a "presumptuous fool".


Well, we wiped on the first round due to at least two of you not knowing tf you were doin'. I think the accusation of noobishness isn't presuming too much.


Pug life, baby :cool:

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Pug life, baby :cool:


Well... I just met 39 lvl DPS Powertech that was using aggro (single target aggro) as part of his rotation, despite the fact that we was having a real 65 lvl tank. After pointing that he should never use aggro as DPS, he explained that he was "ripping aggro from tank becouse of big damage"... :cool:

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Two stories: 1) Czerka Core HM


Group: My Sage healer on mix of optimized 216-224, Sentinel DPS on optimized 220-224, Shadow tank on lowbie greens and lvl 50 Guardian DPS with no relics. I'm like, one DPS is geared and I can do some healdeeps, let's at least try.


Shadow guards.... Lvl 50 Guardian. Well at least it's a DPS under guard. Guardian is leapy type, she pulls ahead of tank like a mad woman. Dies.... Once... Twice.... And keeps pulling ahead of the tank.... And is on Soresu. And taunts. I ask her "Hey <Guardianname> why are you trying to tank while you are labeled as DPS". Silence follows.


Desert boss. Guardian opens with taunt, others follow in... Aggro goes to Sentinel in few seconds. Shadow doesn't taunt. First Sandstorm occurs, Sentinel is still tanking but he has popped Transcendence and is leading boss to generator... He is almsot there when.... Guardian taunts the boss to other direction. :mad: She leads it away for whole duration, wipe.


Second try. Exaclty same scenario occurs expect that Shadow tank seems to have woken up and as Guardian taunts away from Sentinel he taunts the boss and leads it to generator. We down the boss, either Shadow or Sentienl executing generator mechanic.


Jungle boss is a mess with nobody controlling the adds but Sentinel DPS is on spot and thanks to Shadow we get even some spores off, we down him on first try.


Guardian dies a few times on trash before Vigilant too, nothing new.


Vigilant. Guardian and Shadow drop AoE's wherever they happen to stand, usually on top of the cores, earlier doesn't even move out of them :mad: however me and Sent DPS whatever cores doesn't have AoE on top of them. Guardian dies at some point because I decide life of Sentinel is more valuable and those guys are on opposite sides of area. THE she speaks up with "n00b healer". :mad: we handle the rest of boss pretty fine, Shadow even realizes to put guard on Sentinel who finds his long lost Force Camouflage button and rest of fight goes properly!


2) DP as a PUG on guild run from Raptus, appeearly their previous healer left.


I notice that first of all most of the group is below 65, OPS leader explains that it's "intro to OPS" run and he and me are the only ones who have done it before. I'm like, fine, lets give a shot.


Most of people don't pick curses/pick wrong curse. Tank (OPS leader) is on spot and no one dies before challenges open. My cohealer never appears to challenge. Well, I go in and do it.... And DPS challenge fails and one player dies during challenges. :mad:


DPS is very low but tank writes some OPS notations on chat (those with text in the middle of screen) and next time all challenges are passed.


Then the rest of the fight is merry chaos. A player dies to Force Execution at some point and someone gets knocked off. We down it however! The OPS leader decides to call it off, giving me a DMC as compensation for getting lockout like that. I thank him and wish good luck for future. Maybe those little KDY graduates learn someday... And players like that OPS leader are their best bet for that.

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A few days ago: Best tactical Manaan ever!



Cause: A level 19 tanktinel. I mean, sentinel. .-.


Gunslinger: Okay. So. There are phases to this boss [Ortuno].

Vanguard DPS: I know this!

Me: [stays silent unless there's something I can add to the explanation]

Gunslinger: Th--


Gunslinger: ...or you can rush in.

[As we all frantically run forward to even get in range]

Gunslinger: the level 19 obviously doesn't [know this fight]...


Cue death.

Cue death again.

And again. And again. And again and again and again (by this time, the other two group members have left, one in unbridled disgust at the sentinel and the other out of frustration) AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN and again and again (we get two new group members, DPS sage and another sentinel, that do their best but we still die) and again and again and again and again...

At one point, the rest of us (me and the sage, as the other sentinel had to leave just then) hadn't even made it halfway across the map to Ortuno...before the lowbie sentinel jumped in once again. BY HIMSELF.


Me: wHAT!?


No points for guessing what happened.....

Everyone save the sentinel eventually goes "I'm sorry, I'm just done. .-. Good luck." [everyone leaves as the sentinel just kind of stares blankly at us]

The sentinel said exactly two things - "okay" (as I am explaining the fight when it's just us and our two companions), and "i got nothing for the shock" (...no idea). The rest of the time, he's silent...and exceedingly clueless. I winced when another group member (a fellow gunslinger) called him a noob and said he was useless, but... um. :/ To be honest.....

In all fairness, he was probably very new. I just wish he had a) explained that, b) listened to our explanations of the fight, and c) followed directions. "When he starts casting Flow, run out of the puddles" does not mean "run out of the puddles then run right back in" or "just stay put and keep attacking 'till Kingdom Come."

...why I stayed that long, I do not know. 50,000 credits in repair bills later, my lesson is learned. I am never staying that long again. (But hey, the good news is - I actually met one of these fabled tanktinels! :p After so long, thinking they were just a fabled legend [cue multitudes of people yelling "I WISH THEY WERE!"]...)

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I just had a Group Finder FP run with a player queued as Damage. (this was Republic side, translations provided for Imperial players reference frame)


He was a Shadow (Assassin), spec'd Kinetic Combat (Darkness), using Combat Technique (Dark Charge). Every single pull, from start to finish, his rotation was:

  • stand 10 yards away
  • use Telekinetic Throw (Force Lightning) on cooldown
  • use Project (Shock) on cooldown
  • use Force Breach (Discharge) on cooldown
  • maintain Kinetic Ward (Dark Ward) religiously at 15 charges
  • stand there and do nothing else in-between these 4 cooldowns


Watching someone with a double-bladed lightsaber and rocks swirling around them stand outside melee range, never once swing their saber, and spam weak rock attacks was... really, really weird.


Damage was agonizingly low, fights took forever, but at least we had a Guardian DPS who really, really knew her stuff and carried us through (just barely) on tighter fights.


Naturally, he won all 3 pieces of Willpower gear that dropped. -.-




Anyway, I don't want to be negative and bashing or insulting confused players here. Instead, I'd just like to hear your stories about bizarre / crazy people you meet in Group Finder (or other groups) who make you go :confused: "Huh?? What?!" when you watch them playing.


It's honestly very cute / amusing, except when it gets you killed by enrage timers, etc. :p


As a new player, I'd like to comment on this from my perspective, which is most likely that of the shadow/assassin that was mentioned.


In SWTOR leveling is so easy, even without using level 60 tokens, that I have a level 50 sorcerer specced corruption. I will be the first to admit, that I do not play him to his utmost ability. I can't speak for others, but for me, I welcome anyone giving me pointers to improve my play.


The only suggested cascades I've seen for any of the classes I play have been for a Marauder that cannot be spec'd that way anymore (carnage/something). So next time you run into someone playing weird (it might very well be me) give them suggestions, they just might thank you for it, I know I will.

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So next time you run into someone playing weird (it might very well be me) give them suggestions, they just might thank you for it, I know I will.


As many people in this thread can tell you: many will listen, and we are often happy to explain something, especially if we are familiar with the class. Many others, however, deliberately choose NOT to listen.


Example from today:

Level 51 Assassin, in Lightning Charge, assuming Hatred because I didn't see Deception procs. Didn't know what Mind Trap was, didn't bother stealthing to enemies, was using Force Lightning on cooldown. When I succinctly asked them to not use Force Lightning but instead to get in there and melee the enemies (no matter the spec, you hit enough things with your saber as a Sin and something is bound to proc), their response was "I'll use whatever I like".


Force Lightning should never be used by DPS Assassins. It doesn't proc any of your abilities and has miserable damage. It should only be used by Madness Sorcerers (and it breaks my heart whenever I see a Lightning Sorc use it on cooldown, too, because Lightning Bolt is far better when you can sit still for the cast). And yet, I have yet to meet an Assassin who uses Force Lightning who heeds that advice and stops using it. It just doesn't sink in.


(I believe part of the problem is the animation looking pretty awesome. Shadows are more willing to drop TK Throw than Assassins are about Force Lightning.)


I main a Deception Sin. I specifically asked a fellow Hatred player if there is any reason ever for someone to use Force Lightning as Hatred. There is none. And yet, they're everywhere, crippling their DPS because "they'll use whatever they like, thank you".


So... forgive us if we aren't always patient or willing to walk someone through baby steps on flashpoints or operations. The guides are out there. Some are outdated. But through careful reading of your own abilities, you hardly need a third-party site to tell you what to use or not on your advanced class and specialization. You may not be playing optimally, but that segment you quoted from the first post in this thread? Almost all of that could be solved if the player had bothered to read their abilities and learn their class.

Edited by KhirsahRoshah
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Last night, trying to get conquest points for my Infiltration Shadow on EH, get a pop for tactical Athiss. Should be easy-peasy right?

It's me at level 65, a level 65 Tactics Vanguard(I believe that's the Republic Equivalent of Advanced Prototype), a level 21 Shadow and a level 50 Vanguard "tank".

The tank is in wrong cylinder(it's the one that's base for all Troopers/Bounty Hunters) and the other Shadow is not in a stance. So before we even get to Ley'arsha I know it's going to be a *****.

Somehow I accidentally pull mobs before the rest of the group gets back from dying to the same pack. Then the Vanguard who seemed to vaguely know what he was doing jumped up to a ledge heading for the first boss.

I think the Shadow just tried running through the critters and droids, and the good Vanguard went to help and died. The Shadow left the group and the good Vanguard pulls out Elara. So I'm up here on a ledge staring at the boss.

I type a BRB because I had to use the restroom badly and they pulled without me.

At least I'm most of the way done getting my conquest rewards.

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It should only be used by Madness Sorcerers (and it breaks my heart whenever I see a Lightning Sorc use it on cooldown, too, because Lightning Bolt is far better when you can sit still for the cast). And yet, I have yet to meet an Assassin who uses Force Lightning who heeds that advice and stops using it. It just doesn't sink in.


This part is interesting. To point out quickly, I share your view about this, however I don't know the Sin class but speaking of a melee class(Sin) kind of 'eliminates' the reason for use of Force Lightning. In regards of Madness, the current state of Force Lightning is so abysmal IMO that even Madness Sorcs don't use it(I noticed that I use dotspread for pack of mobs instead of FL...). When I started around 3.0 or 3.1 Madness was my first class, but back then Force Lightning was a 4 sec channel with decent damage. It was perfect for leveling, you know AOE down pack of enemies in style. Anyway now it's just around 3 sec with not so good damage output. Honestly I can't find any reason to use FL in a FP/OP because of the mobs are mostly elite/strong with quite large HP pool. So people should be better off with burst/dotspread in these instances. Especially Sins. :)

Edited by VegasTheLost
more clarification
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This part is interesting. To point out quickly, I share your view about this, however I don't know the Sin class but speaking of a melee class(Sin) kind of 'eliminates' the reason for use of Force Lightning. In regards of Madness, the current state of Force Lightning is so abysmal IMO that even Madness Sorcs don't use it(I noticed that I use dotspread for pack of mobs instead of FL...). When I started around 3.0 or 3.1 Madness was my first class, but back then Force Lightning was a 4 sec channel with decent damage. It was perfect for leveling, you know AOE down pack of enemies in style. Anyway now it's just around 3 sec with not so good damage output. Honestly I can't find any reason to use FL in a FP/OP because of the mobs are mostly elite/strong with quite large HP pool. So people should be better off with burst/dotspread in these instances. Especially Sins. :)


IIRC, FL restores energy and makes crushing darkness and lightning strike instant with a boost of damage. So, I pretty sure not using FL is wrong in madness.

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This part is interesting. To point out quickly, I share your view about this, however I don't know the Sin class but speaking of a melee class(Sin) kind of 'eliminates' the reason for use of Force Lightning. In regards of Madness, the current state of Force Lightning is so abysmal IMO that even Madness Sorcs don't use it(I noticed that I use dotspread for pack of mobs instead of FL...). When I started around 3.0 or 3.1 Madness was my first class, but back then Force Lightning was a 4 sec channel with decent damage. It was perfect for leveling, you know AOE down pack of enemies in style. Anyway now it's just around 3 sec with not so good damage output. Honestly I can't find any reason to use FL in a FP/OP because of the mobs are mostly elite/strong with quite large HP pool. So people should be better off with burst/dotspread in these instances. Especially Sins. :)


Force Lightning, not Force Storm. Force Storm is essential with utility for Lightning Sorcerers. Three targets or more, you Force Storm with Chain Lightning and Thundering Blast in the mix.

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