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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Is it wrong that I got over a bit of my apprehension about GF because I wanted a goofy story to post on this thread? :eek:


Sadly, I have only had very smooth runs! Except I might have looked like 'That Guy' on my Sentinel...I kill the easiest mobs in a pack first and keep getting aggro from the mob I'm killing. Hopefully the healer knew what I was doing. :o


Keep up the stories. :)



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Sadly, I have only had very smooth runs! Except I might have looked like 'That Guy' on my Sentinel...I kill the easiest mobs in a pack first and keep getting aggro from the mob I'm killing. Hopefully the healer knew what I was doing. :o


As a DPS you're supposed to take few hits here and there. You can take those few hits easily and every healer should know that. If you don't get hit even once by trash mob then tank is obviously doing great job.

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KDY (Yes, I know...)

Just had strangest tank in group. At the boss fight we kept dying because we didn't kill little droids fast enough. Boss resets and this Shadow who was tank specced wanted someone to heal. We had Scoundrel and Sage in group. Neither of them specced to healing. She failed with Scoundrel and turned to Sage and said something like "You're a Jedi you can heal me!". And when this Sage said something about force usage of heals then tank said "You have abilities to regen it" (you will lose HP by doing that). When I said that Sage/Sorc can't really heal if they're not specced to healing our Sage drops the group. After that tank requests leader to search for healer, we get another Shadow. Tank said something like this "we just had dumbest player in the group!". I was about to say "Actually, we still have that player in our group" but thought that it would just get me kicked.


Yeah, it was pure "What the... I don't even..." moment. :D

Edited by Halinalle
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Is it wrong that I got over a bit of my apprehension about GF because I wanted a goofy story to post on this thread? :eek:


Sadly, I have only had very smooth runs! Except I might have looked like 'That Guy' on my Sentinel...I kill the easiest mobs in a pack first and keep getting aggro from the mob I'm killing. Hopefully the healer knew what I was doing. :o


Keep up the stories. :)




I'd like to thank you for killing things in the right order. Nothing will make me a cranky healbot faster than spending every pull getting beat on by a silver that the tank feels it's beneath him to tank & the dps only goes after the whatever the tank is tanking.

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Czerka Meltdown, enhanced duneclaw. tanking. I start a bit slow and not getting to the generator before the rampage. by the time we reach first generator, one of the dps says sloppy job and disconnects. healer says: we are gonna make it, hold the line. I check the health bars, I am like 40% but remaining dps is around 30 % and healer is not doing any better. I tell them to spread apart, and drive the thing to the middle, pop up enraged defense+ endure pain+medpack. 3 intercedes later, we run out of generators but the thing has still 20% health. At this point I have no clue how we are still alive, but healer must be doing a supernatural job out there. We beat him in the middle. after fight, dps says I do not believe we made it. I thank healer and we continue. Next boss we wipe 3 times....



:) No , actually rest of the fp was uneventful. I forgot the name of the healer but it was a heroic effort there buddy. thank you.

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Athiss SM: I queue as my new Assassintank, and get grouped with Assassin DPS, Juggy DPS and Merc Healer.

First thing I notice is that Juggy has tankstance, and he is in combat with easily avoidable group next to elevator. I save

his skin by taunting mobs and running away,then stealth out. Well, I politely ask him to switch form and he does so.

We start. Everything goes pretty well until beast boss. My assassin is quite well geared, I updated her gear just before FP. Still, I think no one can tank Beast of Vodal Kresh on level if she recives no healing at all. I have Commando and can say that she either wasn't heal specceed or was just doing it wrong. Only heal I ever recieved was free Hammer Shot heal and that twice in whole fight. And it wasn't that adds were killing her, she kept her focus on DPSing down the boss.

We wipe and I offer to leave, if better tank would do it better. Next try. I try cave trick, but before I get boss to place healers tells me to get out from cave. Well, propably I did something wrong but worth of trying. Then tanky juggy drops group. We get another Assassin, and first thing he does is to guard me, tank. I click it out because keeping aggro on adds is difficult enough without threat reduction. We wipe again. Me and AssassinDPS send whispers to let go, we say our goodbyes and leave because it was clear we wasn't gonna make it:(

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Got a couple of 'em this time.


First one, I queue up on my newly made Sent(still lvl 12 mind you) and naturally, got The Esseles. Our group consisted of me, a guardian tank, a scoundrel dps, and I believe a shadow dps. I think, "Awesome. 3 dps, this should go by pretty fast." Could not be more wrong. In the time it took me to burn down 2 or 3 mobs in a pack, the others had just burnt down one or two. Combined. All three. What's even worse, is that I was the lowest level there. The others I believe were all like 15 at the time. One 17 helping his friend though.


First boss just took unbearably long. I can't even fathom it. Either they were all just using the first 2 skills you get when you create your character, or just stupid. Well, we finally kill him and move on. Second boss goes by faster, but still slow. Boss drops a piece of cunning gear. Well, my mouse can be sporadic at times because the settings are frocked up. So, I accidentally roll need instead of greed. Well, I won the roll and even apologized and offered to trade it to the scoundrel as I naturally had no use for it. Nooooooo. He couldn't be civil about it. Instead, he raged on and initiated a vote kick. A vote kick which was instantly agreed upon. Completely dumbfounded.


Second one was on my operative healer. Queued up and got Athiss. Group was comprised of an assassin tank, a marauder, and a concealment operative. After everyone ports in, the marauder and I both exclaim that we should be able to just stealth, mezz, and skip A LOT of the trash in the instance. Everyone agrees. We go through to the first boss as usual. Just not easy enough to skip the trash. Everyone just kind of does their own thing on that pack of droids before the 1st boss. I use my droid CC to make things a bit easier on myself. Well, the other operative immediately attacked it. And proceeded to for every other droid I tried to CC. We make it, but just barely. Then, the operative just rushes in and attacks the boss. Mind you, the groups HP is still low, and I have almost no energy left. We wipe pretty much instantly. Second attempt, only the marauder is making any attempt to burn the adds attacking me. It wouldn't be so bad, but the tank was using lightning charge. And had just horrible gear. So, I'm struggling to keep him up.


Well, we finally make it. So, onto the second boss. The marauder kind of stands back while the 3 stealthy members go through and mezz the packs to the boss. Well, the other operative proceeds with his stupidity. After we mezzed a path, he would immediately attack something. So, we just wasted time trying to CC all the stuff because he got trigger happy. Finally got to the second boss. Pretty much a repeat of the first. We didn't wipe, but came EXTREMELY close. I'm talking like everyone was at like 20% hp. The tank didn't seem to heed our warning about the knockback. So, each time the boss did it, the tank ended up grabbing a pack of mobs from the bottom.


We successfully stealth pass all the mobs in the temple area, aside from the birds in the start. Last boss. A complete and utter disaster. Again, the tank was stuck on lightning charge. So, he only had aggro for like half the fight. Luckily, he doesn't hit too hard. At one point, when we had like 20% left on boss, the tank gets the debuff for the flames. He runs out of the room. Resets the entire fight. Second attempt. Again, tank can't hold aggro. Operative gets debuff for flames and just stands there. At that point, I've had it with him completely so I don't even attempt to heal him through it. Well, he rages. The marauder just laughed. "Serves you right" he says. We finally get the kill and boss drops some cunning gear. I rolled greed as it was an overall downgrade from my current pieces. The other operative needs and so does the marauder. Of course, they argue. Turns out, the marauder ONLY needed to piss off the other one.

Edited by Nakkyi
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Well, my mouse can be sporadic at times because the settings are frocked up. So, I accidentally roll need instead of greed. Well, I won the roll and even apologized and offered to trade it to the scoundrel as I naturally had no use for it. Nooooooo. He couldn't be civil about it. Instead, he raged on and initiated a vote kick. A vote kick which was instantly agreed upon. Completely dumbfounded.


Are you sure it wasn't BoP? As far as I know most (if not all) of the loot in FPs is BoP. You can't trade BoP items.


And it seems I still don't get any of Cunning gear from FPs for my Sniper. I even soloed BT a long ago with Kaliyo just to get that Sniper Rifle I wanted.

Edited by Halinalle
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The funny thing is that the mechanic is pretty much the opposite in hard mode. In SM you need to just avoid the droid and kill Xander, because when you do the droid dies. In HM you need to burn the droid while he's stunned, because if you just burn Xander the droid enrages at his handler's death and wipes the group.


Yeah I know, I have several level 55s. None of that group mentioned forgetting that SM was different. I wouldn't get so frustrated if people would just say they haven't run an FP before or haven't run it at that level for a while.

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Yeah I know, I have several level 55s. None of that group mentioned forgetting that SM was different. I wouldn't get so frustrated if people would just say they haven't run an FP before or haven't run it at that level for a while.


Well it's not like killing the droid is _wrong_, just a bit slower. :p I personally like to kill the bot too, for consistency's sake.

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Are you sure it wasn't BoP? As far as I know most (if not all) of the loot in FPs is BoP. You can't trade BoP items.


You're partially right. Yes, every gear drop in FPs is BoP (at least for boss loot), but can still be traded within the FP-Group for up to 2 hours after the drop, iirc. After that, it is bound to the current holder of the item for good.

Same goes for boss loot drops in operations.

Edited by Tito_O
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I'm not so keen on trying to skip mobs all the time. It rarely seems to work out well when I see it done.


Had a rather trying time on Tython the other night. First of all one of the party quits the second we load in. While waiting for a replacement one guy decides to speed off into the mist. I figure I better follow him, in case he gets into trouble. For the whole flashpoint he takes the lead, and wants us to sneak past everything that isn't essential. Fair enough, I guess, man is in a hurry.


Unfortunately, when our replacement arrives it is his first time, he doesn't know the flashpoint and he gets lost pretty quickly. When he finally reaches us he has dragged half the Imperial Invasion force with him (you know, the guys we could have killed but skipped) and there are a couple of deaths, including me. One party member immediately quits at this.


Our glorious leader continues undaunted, sneaking past everything. Of course, our next hapless replacement will still have to get past all this trash we have avoided, so we have set ourselves up for the same scenario again. Luckily there are no deaths this time, but all this dancing around the landscape jumping onto high rocks and off bridges into the water to avoid a few fights? I swear it takes longer than just fighting the damn mobs would have. And of course, more than half the time someone in the party gets too close to a bad guy and we have to run back and fight them anyway, only unprepared and all strung out on the march.


Thankfully, once we reach the temple grounds things go relatively smoothly, apart from a tank who would keep running away from the fight and then pulling the champions to him (to no purpose that I could fathom, other than to be annoying) so we spent half the time chasing after them rather than actually fighting them.


Not exactly a smooth run. I tried to lighten the mood with a cheeky "Going well, isn't it? :)" at one point. However the guy who hadn't done it before thought I was having a dig at him, which was was unfortunate, and not where I was coming from at all. Oh well, we got there in the end, and I collapse in an exhausted heap.


Moral of the story I guess is - Skipping isn't always quicker. Sometimes it makes the flashpoint take twice as long.

Edited by PLynkes
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I am a long time stalker of this thread but never posted. Now Now a friend of mine decided to come along so i take one of my lowbie char , a op to help him. We do tons of pvp and on tofn imperial pvp is not always brilliant but that's not the point of the thread.


We enter the gf for athiss. Both as healer or damage. He got to be the healer as sorc , and i would dps , alright no problem. Until the very first trash pack. Nobody pull. The others 2 guys are an assassin (role : tank) and a marauder (role: dps). I tell my friend over skype that we don't need them yet to handle mobs so let's not wait and do the trash ourselves. Everything goes alright until the line of strong droids .There , the two dumb.a.sses continually break the cc i throw on a droid away from them , they try to dps down One droid but without much success. I say to my friend that we are going to dps down the droids on the left while they do thoses on the right. We kill our droids and the two guys get murdered. As they were very annyoing with the refusal to attack trash mobs first i say to my friend "hold off the heals" . barely 2 seconds later both lay wreckt and we finish off the droids, Rez them and proceed to the boss


Now we wait in front of the boss. My friend is itching to jump on her but i tell him to hold on a second , the tank is supposed to. we wait... wait.... wait.... the two guys sit down. I ask them What the hell the tank is waiting for and who of the two have this role (Yay after the gear check i present you the dumb check) The Marauder says :'i'm the tank ! ' but still wait so i inspect them , and so i lost even more faith in the imp side of tofn. no implant , no earpiece , korriban greens and some orange gears with the first mods one can buy. they both engage the first boss. My friend begin to run low on force and i begin to stop dps'ing to keep them alive. To that point until the fp ended me and my friend both healed because they were being stomped on by pretty much every pull. They even votekicked my friend (the official healer) because he supposedely didn't heal enough. Well they went on the ignore list of two potential healers

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Are you sure it wasn't BoP? As far as I know most (if not all) of the loot in FPs is BoP. You can't trade BoP items.


And it seems I still don't get any of Cunning gear from FPs for my Sniper. I even soloed BT a long ago with Kaliyo just to get that Sniper Rifle I wanted.


You can trade BoP for 2 hours with the people that were in your group at the time it dropped.

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You're partially right. Yes, every gear drop in FPs is BoP (at least for boss loot), but can still be traded within the FP-Group for up to 2 hours after the drop, iirc. After that, it is bound to the current holder of the item for good.

Same goes for boss loot drops in operations.


I didn't know that. Thank you for telling me that.

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Are you sure it wasn't BoP? As far as I know most (if not all) of the loot in FPs is BoP. You can't trade BoP items.


And it seems I still don't get any of Cunning gear from FPs for my Sniper. I even soloed BT a long ago with Kaliyo just to get that Sniper Rifle I wanted.


You know you can buy the BT Gear from a Comms vendor in the Dromund Kaas spaceport right?

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I play a sawbones scoundrel as main, so yeah, healing. I'm currently working on my gear so I usually only group up for ops and use the groupfinder only for the three flashpoints to complete the weekly for galactic conflicts (or whatever it is called). Until recently, I had one piece of equipment, my main hand weapon (blaster pistol), that was a quest reward from Makeb. It was better then the one I had back then so I equipped it. It's an orange weapon, so I could upgrade it with new modifications. One of the stats on it was a thorn in my eyes, as it was aim. The rest of my gear was a mixture of 69/72/78.

We make our way to the boarding party. Those four that crash through the side of the ship, and at that point, one of the DPS decides to check my gear. He then exclaims "Why are you stacking aim, healer. You should be stacking surge!" Completely baffled, I think "You inspect my gear, pick out the one piece that conatins aim and tell me to stack surge instead of cunning. Do you even play a healing scoundrel?" Without any warning, the tank again rushes into battle and grabs and holds one mob. With DPS being all over the place again, I'm healing as much as I can, and naturally grab aggro. Defensive Shield, Dodge, Surrender and Dissapearing Act all see the cooldown one by one, but to no avail. A wipe is imminent.


After we wipe, I am completely baffled to see a vote to kick me from the group because I have incredible bad gear. I type "Don't bother" and leave the group myself.

I ignore the tank and the DPS that inspected my blaster pistol, get into a next group via the groupfinder. Same group composition; healer, tank, two DPS. Same flashpoint; Mandalorian Raiders. We get through to the end no problem, not a single wipe. I ask them what they think of my healing and get the response "You did a very good job."


Your group was a mess, but you really, really shouldn't be doing 55HMs with a wrong stat in your main hand. The only thing that could be an upgrade is the enhancement and maybe the crystal. Your mainhand has a huge effect on your abilities in any class and you are seriously reducing your effectiveness. Get a makeb vendor barrel or a cheap crafted 28/53/other number!


And just because you could clear the same FP with a different group now makes no difference. With well geared dps and tank, you could be doing half of the heals you would do with full cunning mainhand and be fine.


But seriously you think that's a vindication? Please don't use the wrong stats because it's an "upgrade". That is not an upgrade. It is the opposite of an upgrade.


It sounds like the whole thing was terrible, with dps not on the dogs, but they randomly attack everyone, including the healer, so you just have to suck it up and heal yourself.




I've been leveling up a sorc and it seems like every Athiss I've run the tank tries to tank the Beast in the middle of the area and inevitably ends up getting chucked off the side into adds. Even when I and others have repeatedly said to get your back to a wall and I've even used my raid markers and offered to go clear the area and tank by the pool or whatever they need, they've somehow each done this several times. The thing is, up to that point they give no indication they don't know the flashpoint or how to tank or even follow directions. Is the Beast really so scary that it causes tanks to panic and run around (because this was seriously 3 different tanks)? I'm biochem, and after a wipe, one tank actually asked me to make sure I use the little akk dog pet on the pull, implying that was why we wiped. Bless your heart, tank. A little akk dog who would get killed with one hit will save us!

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Your group was a mess, but you really, really shouldn't be doing 55HMs with a wrong stat in your main hand. The only thing that could be an upgrade is the enhancement and maybe the crystal. Your mainhand has a huge effect on your abilities in any class and you are seriously reducing your effectiveness. Get a makeb vendor barrel or a cheap crafted 28/53/other number!


And just because you could clear the same FP with a different group now makes no difference. With well geared dps and tank, you could be doing half of the heals you would do with full cunning mainhand and be fine.


But seriously you think that's a vindication? Please don't use the wrong stats because it's an "upgrade". That is not an upgrade. It is the opposite of an upgrade.


Using an aim barrel as a scoundrel: Just as effective as a cunning barrel in terms of tech power [and weapon damage, but that's not relevant on a healer], except that you don't get whatever amount of cunning.


Generally, if you check the tech power gained vs cunning lost, an aim barrel you're considering that's one tier (= 6 rating) higher than your cunning barrel will be about as effective (for a scoundrel), maybe a bit less, and one that's two tiers higher is definitely better.


For example if you, say, have a 168 aim barrel you can transfer from another character, and your other option (save spending a bunch) is a 156 cunning barrel (as you recommend), then the aim barrel would actually be a fair bit better.

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Last 2 months, I have been playing in a different server (I used to play in JC), because I hadn´t found FP groups to roll (My guild just wanna roll OPS and stuff and i like FP's).


Well, I remember when my toons were lowbies, sometimes GF put me on some wierd groups, But in this "new" server ... OMG.


So i think new ppl dont know anything about how to play in a 4-man group. DPS's getting aggro before tank was prepared, Tanks kitting lowest-lvl mobs, meanwhile upper-lvl one claim for my dead (i have healers ), ppl "guiding" FP's but without any little acknowledge about what they say.


Ironic and sadly point is ... There are a lot of information about this "basics" on internet .. :/


I give up? ... nah, just my ignore list will continue fill up with crap.


An story in this new server.


KDY Low lvl


Sentinel A, sage and sentinel, plenty of DPS. I rolled with my 34 healer commando. You know, when you see a sentinel in your group, you just pray for a good one ... FP's Gods didnt hear me. Sentinel A, just a random dumb-***, jumped all over mob packs in his way ... without rest of us :/. He died, we killed packs and at same time he jumped over a different group. May be he did it at least 6 times in the first quest. I was tired so i began a kick-voting against him.


And ... i realized sage was his partner, so these were their answers:


Sage: "Dont try to kick <Sentinel A>, he is a better fighter than you" ... ok, im a healer, but i still think that's no true. Whatever

Sentinel A: "bla bla bla ... instead open a vote to kick me, just stop walking around and fight" ... yeah ******e, like you? no, thank you, i dont have enough credits to pay all these repairs.


I just dropped and re-queu.


To find a stupid player in GF ... yeah no problem, but when you get stupid guildies ... that's priceless

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Had some random guy hit the "Follow player" button on me for some reason. Never even seen the guy before. He ended up following me half way across Tatooine before he logged off or something. Never actually saw him leave, as I was tabbed out at the time. Think he was following me so he could get through areas with no effort on his part.
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HM Hammer Station, myself on my usual Operative!Healer, DPS being a Jugg and a Sniper, with a Jugg!Tank to round things off. Tank is sitting pretty on 41K health so I figure it would be a simple run.


Urg. Wrong.


The tank... I don't know what they were doing, if it was a gear or spec or rotation issue, but they were nearly just melting on the pulls. Usually in runs I can half DPS, half heal, but not this time. We manage until the final Chief boss, then we have a collection of blonde moments.


Jugg!DPS keeps standing next to the Tank, so gets smacked with Sweeping Blast. After one of them he gets knocked back into one of the pulsing circles and dies. Quick rez... then he gets knocked off the ledge. I asked him not to stand in front of the boss, to which he claimed it was because he was stealing aggro. Errr... no, you're not.


The sniper, who I'd thought had been Marksman Spec, suddenly starts rolling around planting grenades (first time all FP) and also gets knocked off. He runs back in.


Meanwhile the Tank just stands in every Sweeping Blast, draining him down to 40-60% health each time, but we down the boss. While waiting for the Jugg!DPS to run back I ask the Tank if they've thought of just running through the boss to avoid the nasty attack. I literally said "hey [Tank's name] you can avoid the attack by just running through the boss".


\Well, the Tank took my offer of advice as "complaining" so they dropped group before clicking the panel to complete the FP. I start to whisper them that they didn't click the panel and find out I'm on ignore. Wow, really?


The Tank's guild is one I've never had issues running with before, so it left me feeling really disappointed that they must now be accepting players like that. I know if I'd placed everyone who offered me advice on ignore I'd never get queues and I'd be still running around like a headless chicken!

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I have two fun little stories.


Hammer Station Hardmode. "I'm a tank but I really want to be a dentist"


So, I zone in and start pulling. I notice something a little odd. The Vanguard dps has Ion Cell up. I politely ask him to get out of the tanking cell. But I also notice that the healer is guarded. I of course figured it was the same vanguard guarding the healer.


So, we get to the first double elite pull with a few strong / weak mobs. The one that you use CC. I marked the elite droid that was separate from the group with a cog for our healer to CC and pull with a mortar volley. To my surprise I noticed that both "dps" were attacking the mob I had marked for CC.


At this point I had already collected every other mob in the pull, (2 strong, 1 elite and at least 3 weak mobs) All of which were already hammering on me. I proceed to taunt the "cog" because hey, if they're not going to allow it to be CCed then it has to be tanked. The healer can't keep up with the incoming damage and so I die.


I then notice that low and behold, our shadow is also in tanking stance. I ask him to change out but he insists that he only got into the stance when I died. Strange that the guard was still up on the healer before he died, yet the other vanguard had changed cells.


So anyway, after the group kills themselves on the same pull a few times and I just lay there. Waiting for the pack to reset. Because respawning and pulling mobs to the respawan point is a brilliant idea. I release to the med center and start pulling again.


I run the long way, grabbing extra mobs as I go because I want to get the bonus boss. The healer says that might be a problem seeing as how our dps are in tanking gear. I didn't bother to inspect either one of them but the first boss was extremely slow. Which was evident enough for me to change my mind and start sneaking past packs rather than pulling.


So, the healer and I make it past the first trash pack, right after the first boss. At which point I pan around to watch the rest of the group catch up. Of course one of the "dps" pulled the pack that the healer and I just walked past and again, we died.


So after talking with the healer, I kicked the shadow and found a real dps! I was going to kick the vanguard too but couldn't because of a 5 minute timer.




Story number two. "It's lazy because it's harder."


So a friend and I were running Athiss, which has become something of a joke to us as I seem to get it more than any other flashpoint on that particular character. As always with my runs we clear enough mobs to access the bonus boss. Because EEEs are cheaper when they drop and you know, win the roll. :eek:


Anyway, we're clearing our way the Beast and the healer asks if I'm going to use the "Cave" or the "Pond". I reply with, I'm going to tank him where he is. Which honestly isn't hard. The healer asks, "why?" I reply with, "Why not?"


The healer than tells me that it's "Lazy" to tank the boss where he is, but I'm the tank so I can do the encounter however I like.


My friend and I don't really say much beyond, ...


I tank the boss with out a problem and we clear the flashpoint in short order.


Still, tanking adds and a boss is lazy! Lazy I tell you! :D

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Last 2 months, I have been playing in a different server (I used to play in JC), because I hadn´t found FP groups to roll (My guild just wanna roll OPS and stuff and i like FP's).


Well, I remember when my toons were lowbies, sometimes GF put me on some wierd groups, But in this "new" server ... OMG.


So i think new ppl dont know anything about how to play in a 4-man group. DPS's getting aggro before tank was prepared, Tanks kitting lowest-lvl mobs, meanwhile upper-lvl one claim for my dead (i have healers ), ppl "guiding" FP's but without any little acknowledge about what they say.


Ironic and sadly point is ... There are a lot of information about this "basics" on internet .. :/


I give up? ... nah, just my ignore list will continue fill up with crap.


An story in this new server.


KDY Low lvl


Sentinel A, sage and sentinel, plenty of DPS. I rolled with my 34 healer commando. You know, when you see a sentinel in your group, you just pray for a good one ... FP's Gods didnt hear me. Sentinel A, just a random dumb-***, jumped all over mob packs in his way ... without rest of us :/. He died, we killed packs and at same time he jumped over a different group. May be he did it at least 6 times in the first quest. I was tired so i began a kick-voting against him.


And ... i realized sage was his partner, so these were their answers:


Sage: "Dont try to kick <Sentinel A>, he is a better fighter than you" ... ok, im a healer, but i still think that's no true. Whatever

Sentinel A: "bla bla bla ... instead open a vote to kick me, just stop walking around and fight" ... yeah ******e, like you? no, thank you, i dont have enough credits to pay all these repairs.


I just dropped and re-queu.


To find a stupid player in GF ... yeah no problem, but when you get stupid guildies ... that's priceless


personally i have a sentinel myself and even i dont do that so that sentinel was really stupid pulling all those mobs and what does he think a healer is suppoesed to do?? sigh.. idiots something that will never be out of stock

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