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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Implant/relics/earpieces are slighly harder to come by


Emphasis on *slightly*. The amount of quests you have to skip to be stuck with a lvl 21 Earpiece when doing a 55 HM FP is absolutely absurd. Even Makeb awards you with some green 50+ stuff for those slots. Something went wrong there down the line. Although you're right of course, it doesn't completely make or break DPS.

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Hate to bring this to you mate but rakata gear for lv55 HM flashpoints is actually the intended goal. Once again the ghost of 'lower geared = undergeared' popped his ugly head. This sorc was clearly a new lv55 player. The fact that he has all 58 rakata mods in his gear already suggests that he is taking care of his gear. Implant/relics/earpieces are slighly harder to come by but are not at all gamebreaking for your dps.

I really hope you kicked him not because of his gear but because he wouldn't listen to advice since as I said ... his gear was just fine.


Maybe it's the healer in me talking, but there is a limit to when experience cannot make up for a gear deficiency. I know with my new lvl 55s I won't queue up with PUGS until I have at least two lvl 50 relics, the FREE GEAR from completing the questline on Oricon, and implants/earpiece to match my level.


If you cannot afford implants/earpieces on the GTN use the commendations given from dailies. I often end up with a nice collection from running the dailies to level between 50-55.


It's just rude, ignorant, and/or selfish to queue for any content when undergeared with strangers (if your mates/guild are happy to, awesome). It's not about being gamebreaking DPS, it's about not having to be carried, or worse, costing your PUG a hefty repair bill and then the wait for your replacement.


Aso, Rakata gear is NOT the intended gear for HM 55s:

- Rakata gear is rating 140 (old 58s, also known as Makeb gear)

- You need at least rating 146 gear (old 61s, also known as Campaign gear) for 55 HMs, and that's quite low and allows for no breathing room if your group members or yourself make a mistake

- The free gear from Oricon is rating 156 (old 66s), and can also be purchased on the GTN as it drops random unbound from certain daily area weeklies


Lower gear would be 146 (and that's very, very, lower geared). Rakata itself would be under geared. I'm sorry about the rant, but I don't want people taking the wrong advice away and suffering for it when they join the queues.

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Maybe it's the healer in me talking, but there is a limit to when experience cannot make up for a gear deficiency. I know with my new lvl 55s I won't queue up with PUGS until I have at least two lvl 50 relics, the FREE GEAR from completing the questline on Oricon, and implants/earpiece to match my level.


If you cannot afford implants/earpieces on the GTN use the commendations given from dailies. I often end up with a nice collection from running the dailies to level between 50-55.


It's just rude, ignorant, and/or selfish to queue for any content when undergeared with strangers (if your mates/guild are happy to, awesome). It's not about being gamebreaking DPS, it's about not having to be carried, or worse, costing your PUG a hefty repair bill and then the wait for your replacement.


Aso, Rakata gear is NOT the intended gear for HM 55s:

- Rakata gear is rating 140 (old 58s, also known as Makeb gear)

- You need at least rating 146 gear (old 61s, also known as Campaign gear) for 55 HMs, and that's quite low and allows for no breathing room if your group members or yourself make a mistake

- The free gear from Oricon is rating 156 (old 66s), and can also be purchased on the GTN as it drops random unbound from certain daily area weeklies


Lower gear would be 146 (and that's very, very, lower geared). Rakata itself would be under geared. I'm sorry about the rant, but I don't want people taking the wrong advice away and suffering for it when they join the queues.


I actually agree with you.


I've had to deal with a number of players in DPS, Tanking and Healing roles that are for lack of a better word worthless.


It's not only tiresome having to compensate for lazy players but it's also costly. I have no doubt that people will jump in and say, "oh but people need to get gear from somewhere". The answer is pretty simple. The Oricon story arc!


No really, take the time to go to Oricon. Grab some very basic gear, do some dailies. Sort yourself out to the point that you're at least ready to take a challenge. Don't ever expect someone else to carry you.

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Maybe it's the healer in me talking, but there is a limit to when experience cannot make up for a gear deficiency. I know with my new lvl 55s I won't queue up with PUGS until I have at least two lvl 50 relics, the FREE GEAR from completing the questline on Oricon, and implants/earpiece to match my level.


If you cannot afford implants/earpieces on the GTN use the commendations given from dailies. I often end up with a nice collection from running the dailies to level between 50-55.


It's just rude, ignorant, and/or selfish to queue for any content when undergeared with strangers (if your mates/guild are happy to, awesome). It's not about being gamebreaking DPS, it's about not having to be carried, or worse, costing your PUG a hefty repair bill and then the wait for your replacement.


Aso, Rakata gear is NOT the intended gear for HM 55s:

- Rakata gear is rating 140 (old 58s, also known as Makeb gear)

- You need at least rating 146 gear (old 61s, also known as Campaign gear) for 55 HMs, and that's quite low and allows for no breathing room if your group members or yourself make a mistake

- The free gear from Oricon is rating 156 (old 66s), and can also be purchased on the GTN as it drops random unbound from certain daily area weeklies


Lower gear would be 146 (and that's very, very, lower geared). Rakata itself would be under geared. I'm sorry about the rant, but I don't want people taking the wrong advice away and suffering for it when they join the queues.


My bad, mixed up the rating a bit. Getting a bit tired from people misjudging the content by a large extend. If the recommended rating is 146 than rakata is indeed lower geared than the recommended rating. I still want to stress that its a 'recommended' rating.

I have healed mando raiders HM in full 58 gear with a DPS assassin guildy who only swapped stance and equipped a lv40-ish shield. Our previous tank dc'ed when we had 1 wipe on Gil (bonus boss). In case you might think so, no its wasn't a lack of healing issue since else I wouldnt be able to heal my assasin dps friend.

Also I have healed Czerka labs on a scoundrel healer in 58 gear and a 50-ish mainhand barrel.

My point being, a little bit of skill makes up for being under the recommended rating.


In this case the dps also showed a lack of skill so I guess it was fair to kick him from the group.


One last point I want to make. If you kick someone because of his/her gear please note that almost 50% of all damage done comes from the mainhand/offhand barrel/hilts. If those are high enough the rest of the gear can be lower.

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You guys are obviously right, but at the same time gear requirements for PUGs are getting insane. I logged my operative last night after progression and farm ops and I saw someone looking for 1 DPS for TFB HM. My Op is fresh, not yet augmented but he sports mix of Dreaforged and Kell dragon gear from left overs with 69 MH and 72 OH and Obroan relics. Far far more then was available when TFB HM was done in 69's and less. I have done in excess of 2000DPS in S&V and TFB run on him. I said my gear isn't THAT great when I joined. When I got to the entrance and they inspected me they just kicked me from the group :) Was kinda funny. But you can see people demanding 180 rated gear for SM DF nowadays.....
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Even more funnier is it when the opsleader kicks out 2 DPS from the opsgroup because their HP was to low. Mind you I was pugging a DF HM. Ohw ... and he didn't warned them in opschat (neither did he in whispers since I whispered with one who got kicked out).



For those unaware: a dps with more than 37k is either almost fully DF min/maxed or is rocking high endurence mods/enhancements. The latter will actually perform as good as arkanian enhancements.


Opsleader should have checked their gear instead of only the HP



Yes, I know a pugrun has a high chance to fail on Draxus but since Nevra would give me chance on ulticomms, a mmg, some elements and a potential implant I was willing to give it a go.

Really should have faked a dc after Nevra tbh if the opsleader is basing his group on HP only. :rolleyes:


PS: We failed horribly at Draxus since apparently 8 man is to hard to do because you can't just, and I quote "Always Pew pew" ...... :rak_02:

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I think this might be my first story here, cool beans!


So I queued for the Tython flashpoint early this morning, and while hanging out in the queue for a good while and almost logging out, I finally got a group. I was on my merc healer (pretty well optimized 37k HP) and got grouped with a lightning sorc (20k hp), carnage mara (26k) and deception assassin (26k). I didn't think much about the gear since it's a tactical. The assassin was quite the chatterbox throughout the FP, asking me random stuff about the game, like about the free Nar Shaddaa apartments for subscribers and so forth. :p


The sorc went afk before we got to the first objective, and the others insisted to wait for him, but after a few minutes I just went ahead to the first mob. The sorc came back soon after. In the first mob I already saw a few problems with the group: no heed was paid to killing order, the mara was pounding on the elites and so on, so it was pretty much my job to pick up the normals. On top of that, stuff died REALLY slowly. Well we eventually get to the first boss which wasn't much of a problem (I tanked him ofc, with heal aggro and probably doing the most dps from us all on the side xD). The sorc needs on the blue aim blaster that drops and me and the assa question him about it. He just said "he needs it for da moniez", which we of course said was not an adequate reason.


He started to get pissed off ("I've never been yelled at for looting trash like this!") and the assa started whispering me about possibly kicking him, but seeing that it was late I just wanted to get on with it and not make too big a fuss. We got to the next objective (I succesfully CC'd some elites and champions to my great surprise) and they went pretty well, but the sorc disappeared before we got to the droid-Jedi-boss. We waited for a bit, and then agreed to kick him and use my comp (Torian with 33k hp, probably does more damage than the three combined :D). The kick goes through, but nooo, the assa pulls the boss so we are left three-manning it.


I had to tell the assa and the mara to hit the droids first (sigh), and somehow, the multitasker he was, the assa managed to queue us for a replacement in the meanwhile. During the battle a 33k madness Assa zoned in (but didn't get there in time for the kill). The battle took ages and I checked the log for exactly how long. 5 and a half minutes. For a boss with 500k HP and... probably 8 droids with 50k each. 3ppl spent 5min 30sec to do 700k damage. That's a party-dps of a bit over 2100. And I did 1000 while also healing. Two pure-dps spec players did a combined dps of 1100. What...


I was discouraged, but the Assa showed up and we pressed on and there wasn't any problems afterwards and the end boss died a bit faster, thanks to one competent DPS that came by. x) After the cutscenes were done the mara even asked us to run Korriban after that, but I kindly declined and went to bed. :p




A few funny things from this run included:

-the Mara ran around like a headless chicken. If someone hit him even for 1dmg he would use Force Camo and run away from the group, hide among the ranged (me and the sorc) for 5 seconds and then get back to the fight.

-the assa used Force Lightning. Regularly. I kindly pointed out that it isn't what dps assassins do, and what do I get in return? "Well I do." Sigh. :D

-I accidentally let the sorc die in the trash pull before the first boss because I was tunneling in dps-mode to get things done faster. 20k isn't much still (and he didn't have a helmet for some reason :D).

Edited by Memo-
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First time poster in this threat, but a long time reader (mainly because Ive been a preferred player up until the beginning of this week).

Anyways, the thing is I have a habit to drink alcohol during guild opses. Yesterdays ops was over fairly quickly since it was only eternity vault, but the majority of the group didn’t want to do another one.

So Ive decided to switch to my sniper alt for some solo quests, but I kept drinking while doing so. At some point I noticed I only needed a few more points for friend standing with KDY (the one that gives you the first legacy title), so I decided to queue up for that one, even though I had been drinking Captain and cola for the entire evening so I was starting to get pretty hammered. I figured its just KDY and Im just a sniper, not much I can screw up on that one.

I get an almost instant pop, as usual. So its myself on lvl 45 sniper, a sorc healer between lvl 40 and 50, a dps assassin between lvl 40 and 50 and a lvl 18 juggernaut tank. I honestly cant remember the exact level of the healer and the other dps, like I said I was fairly drunk.

Is I zone in my first thought is: there is no way in hell this lvl 18 tank is going to be able to keep aggro off me. (my sniper is my 4th alt btw, cybertech. So he is running around in lvl 45 adaptive armour, earpiece, implants, weapon. Basically the best of the best for my lvl. I take good care of my alts)

After we start I type in chat: ‘Im pretty drunk btw, just so you know. Just in case I do anything stupid’ I get a couple of lols in chat as reaction.

Well we start off and it is quickly clear that my hunch was correct: this ‘tank’ has absolutely no idea how to play his class properly. He is running around like a headless chicken, he is slow to make pulls, aggro is all over the place. He doesn’t taunt, he doesn’t guard etc. Its basically written on his forehead: I am a clueless ftp noob. I am too drunk to care (plus I can easily solo the entire thing save for the final boss) and the assassin doesn’t seem to mind either. Guy is a lvl 18 after all, its prolly his very first flashpoint. But its clear our healer is beginning to get more and more annoyed.

At some point he makes a snide comment in chat: ‘Why on earth are the sniper and the healer the only people with aggro in this flashpoint?’ I think to myself: because the tank is a lvl 18 ftp noob. You honestly expect him to tank? I don’t say anything though, also because I cant type coherently anymore at this point. Me and the assassin just keep making the pulls and things die very fast. The healer does a very good job keeping us all alive.

We get the grenade dude boss. I get in cover, and we are basically waiting for our slowpoke ‘tank’ to pull. However, instead of pulling the boss, he clicks on the cleansing machine. After that he waits until my entrench runs out (which I accidently activated before the fight started, drunk mistake on my part) and after that he finally pulls. Because I wasted my entrench due to his idiocy Im starting to get annoyed also. The first grenades come…and because our ‘tank’ clicked on the cleansing machine before he pulled the boss, the entire group is forced to eat a bunch of grenades.

Next grenades come…everyone heads for the cleansing machine, except ofcourse our noob tank. This cycle repeats itself for the rest of the fight. One would think he would learn after eating grenades for the 7th time, but no this noob is a slow learner. The only time he actually used the cleansing machine was the time he wasted it before the fight had started.

By now the healer is so annoyed he just stops healing him. Our lvl 18 noob dies a few times from eating grenades (not from having agro btw, the boss is glued on me from start to finish even with me using my threat dump every time its off cooldown)

‘Tank’ starts shouting in chat YOU ARE THE WORST HEALER EVER with a lot of insults inserted. The healer shouts back I DON’T HEAL PEOPLE WHO DON’T CLEANSE BOMBS. The healer is just as insulting and starts a long rant about lowlvl ftp noobs. Both of them started to rant to each other, with capslock on for the duration of the bossfight. The tank replies I HAVE 2 LVL 55 ALTS, YOU ARE THE NOOB HERE. ITS NOT NESSESARY TO CLEANSE THE BOMBS. He was lucky I was too drunk to think about the achievement inspect window, because if theres one thing I cant stand than it’s a liar. It was painfully clear this guy was on his first char and he had never done this flashpoint before. If I had been sober he would definitely have been called out by me.

At some point we do manage to kill the boss. The healer posts a final insult: IGNORED FTP NOOB and drops group immediately after looting. The ‘tank’ drops shortly after. I say to the assassin (who had been quiet for the entire duration of the run) ‘wow. Just wow. I thought I was the drunk one here’ His response. ‘Things got quite heated yeah’ followed by ‘You know, for a drunk you were pretty good’ Made me smile 

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So, Czerka Core Meltdown, normal.


I found out that Mercs (Arsen in this case -- no seriously, re-spec: Because Arsen is fun again :jawa_cool:) can actually tank all three of the bosses decently well if geared enough, and someone in the group is quick on the kolto-clickies.


My "first" merc --not counting one in final Beta-- good ole' Kigoriak on Harbinger is not particularly well-geared, either --69s, some 72s, not optimised at all. (I have two other Mercs on that server alone, with my second --Pyro-- being the one i'm looking at for progression, Soon).


Desert boss --we had an "actual" tank, but I didn't see so much as a single taunt for the entire run-- so he focusses on me the instant I start DPSing.


Aggro-dump on cooldown?




Doesn't do bugger-all, so I start panning my camera about whilst channelling/casting, looking for the glowing barrel. Ah, there it is! Hydraulic Overrides (again, it would be on cooldown for this fight) to the barrel, the big guy does his smashy-smashy, continue face-tanking, using my alpha-strike as a "taunt."


We get him down, then on to the Enhanced Vrrrblitheyergfgergawhatsit, and sure enough, I get to face-tank this guy, too.


And the Vigilant. We got through no prob, no deaths, (that last Spin-Attack that I couldn't quite avoid in time made me go "Oooooowwww..." though :() quick fights and run, but man...Yeah, Arsen has always been about the alpha-strike, but I didn't think my DPS is all that impressive!


Maybe Nightmare-mode Ops aren't as far off for me as I'd previously thought?


Merc-tank, MOST OP TANK IN TEH GAEM!!111!!oneoneeleven!

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Quick story.


I queue up for Hammer + Athiss in my Shadow Tank to get my dailies. I'm at level 21, which means Hammer drops nothing for me, but I want some comms. Naturally, that's what pops.


They've already downed the first boss, which is great as it means less time before we finish. I tell them I'd like to go quickly and I start running through, pulling groups and such. There's a level 17 guardian who constantly leaps ahead and starts fights. It's a bit annoying, but no biggie as I have a high threat AOE so while he can keep the attention of one, I get all the rest. Besides, I DID say I wanted to be fast.


I notice the healer is spending lots of time on the guardian and I'm not getting as many heals as I'd like, but it's not like I'm taking a ton of damage anyway and I never go below 50%.


We get to the end, I turn the boss away from the others so they don't get hit with a cone of death. The Jedi immediately leaps and then steps in front of the cone. I've run through Hammer Station five times in the last two days and every time when I turn Battlelord away from the entrance, someone always joins me and eats his gunfire.


The healer is sweating keeping Mr. Guardian from dying from the AOE, and I feel for him, but the Battlelord is going down quickly and the other DPS deals with the adds.


We finish, I thank them for the group, and head out.


Then, as I click my portrait to leave the group I notice... I'm set as DPS.


Oops. :p

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Then, as I click my portrait to leave the group I notice... I'm set as DPS.


Oops. :p


LOL. Well that's one for the /facepalm thread. :D

Side-note : As a tank I always try to step away from the sweeping gunfire cone myself. Kreshan doesn't track you while channeling it, and there's no need to put extra pressure on the healer, so you can use this pause to drop a few shadow strikes in the back of the boss, or go deal with any adds out there personally, and then get back in position once he finishes his channel.

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Okay, note to self: no more KDY on my scoundrel. Just isn't worth facetanking every last boss. Both groups today were decent, but the class with tank capabilities basically just let the class that isn't tank worthy whatsoever take all the aggro. But, hey, they were quick on the kolto stations so no one died. Well, no one but the Guardian who didn't seem to know his health regen and charged into battles with a tiny fraction of health left.


Queued for the two SM Czerka missions because I can't quite solo them yet for the weekly. Manage to yank aggro from two Maras and a Jugger a couple of times, on a Madness Sorc, no less. Thankfully, the Jugger seemed on top of things even as a DPS, and would taunt the boss right back off of me, at which point the threat dump was a very shiny button for me.


Today's bout of flashpoints went amazingly smooth, all in all.

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Don't think I've posted in here yet. Anyway, I was running the new tython flashpoint on my marauder and our group was me, another mara, a shadow tank, and a dps shadow. No heals, but whatever. Anyway after the first pull I notced that the other mara didn't have a form up. I think to myself, oh they just forgot. So I ask them what spec they are and tell them their form isnt up. They reply:


"I'm all 3, I don't need a form"

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I actually really like it. It's like the Sparta of FPs, it takes no prisoners and wants to drink your blood and there's nothing holding it back, nor is it bound by the moral restrictions of lesser FPs that abide by the laws of war in matters such as "Thy mobs shall be visible and targetable".


Red Reaper is here to decapitate you, eat your children's children, and use your eye sockets in unspeakable ways, and it's not ashamed.


Like it's a nightmare in most random groups, and getting people through it feels like leading a group of preschoolers across the African savannah, but when you actually get a group that's coordinated, listens, and understands, it's the first FP that actually makes you feel awesome for crushing it.


Really the only thing I don't like about Red Reaper, besides the unfair bugs, is that bosses are disappointingly easy — reaching each boss in RR is like battling through an entire army of rancors, naked, wielding only a toothpick. And then you find out their commander is a marshmallow with a happy face drawn on in permanent marker.


How did that marshmallow get to be in command of all these rabid, angry rancors? It's very mysterious.


How funny...I recently ran Red Reaper for the first time (my commando is the first I have levelled primarily via FPs, I never felt confident enough to tank FPs as an MMO newb when this game first dropped). I have probably gotten a bit careless with all the KDYs as well, and as healer I basically follow folks along, healing as I go, and its been no problem.


So I phase in, say hello, tank starts with the group to the left, then swings along the wall to the following group, tanking with his back to the door. OK, so bad on me for not realizing what a door might mean, but I am positioned in such a way so that as soon as those mobs spawned they were on me in a hot instant. So I melt down and die, then another, and somehow two folks break combat. Tank is pissed, asks DPS1 whether I should be kicked, I am like "sorry, as I said this is either brand new or content I have not ran in nearly two years" and DPS2 is like "lolololo this flashpoint! First few pulls kinda suck!" (I also ask whether they want me to phase back into instance or are just going to revive me then tank gets pissed all over that I didn't just phase back in--dude, I asked what you preferred given my load times and never got an answer).


Rest of the FP went fine, esp once I realized I needed to up my game a bit from KDY. Except, hotel wifi was wonky that night so I warned them that if I DC'd just kick me. So yeah, I DC when the hotel decided I needed to renew my sign in, and by the time I got back group was gone. However, apparently I was there for all three bosses, which shows how memorable that last one was. 100% achievements completed.


Oh well, thanks for reading my Red Reaper story!

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I queue as dps on my lvl 45 Shadow. KDY pops up with three derps and a tanky. The tank is spamming "skip skip" :rolleyes: as soon as the conversation starts. Ofcourse, he's the last one to make it to the shuttle - he joins us five Mississippies later. :rolleyes:


We load, I pop Rocket Boost and engage the First mobs of the prisoners scenario. Mobs are Dead by the time the tank gets in range. Everyone's at full Health but the tank starts checking his ammo (he's a Vanguard). I'm running toward the main room and fire up Force Speed. The mobs are again Dead by the time the tank joins.


He starts calling me "idiot dps" because I'm "pulling before tank". Explanations how this is a tactical FP and it doesn't really matter do not help. He gets even more mad and abusive when I pop Force Speed as we're running side by side. Since it results in me engaging before the tank, it's followd by more insults and complaints about bad and idiot dps using Force Speed to charge in. :rolleyes:


We finish the run, team disbands, he starts to /w some more insults and gets ignored. A few minutes later, another whisper from a different character - same repertoire. Goes on /ignore. Not two minutes pass and a /w "lol nub did you ignore this one". Told him he was doing me a favour since there is no legacy ignore option and put him on ignore once again. Hasn't bothered me since. :D

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I think...




I think that I've just seen the worst Merc-player ever.


Mother of all Gods, it was just so...so perfectly awful (hold me, someone?) :(


A level 54 Merc in a KDY run on my middle-game (I hit level 39 in the instance) Sniper, and this Merc...


This. Freaking. Merc...!


I mean, he was flagged for PvP --on a PvE server, and this right here, is a big red flag for me, in the sense that it's a possible warning that you're dealing with a derp-wad.


My instincts on such things are very rarely wrong, and so it was here:


This guy would run into every bloody mob-pack, and if he DPS'ed at all --he decided he couldn't be bothered, most pulls-- it was just basic attacks, and maybe the odd PowerShots and RailShots. That's it --not even a Missile Blast!-- even though he was Arsen-spec, yet in that whole run, I didn't see so much as a single Unload --even though he got the proc at least a few times-- no Heatseekers, no DFAs on packs, nothing.


He would, however, run away from every pack he chain-pulled, usually training them right back into us whilst we were fighting the other pack (or two. Or three.) he'd just pulled. I'm amazed that he only got us killed two or three times, but our party's level 28 Sorc just gritted their teeth and off-healed us all through it like a true champion.


Boss-fight, the Jedi Master. We pull, and....he runs out of the room. And gets killed by, I imagine a pack that we'd skipped on the way, or something that wasn't the boss, at least.


He then drops group, just as the boss is down to around 30% health.




Good riddance.


Oh yeah, earlier in the run, he'd tried to initiate a /vote-kick against the aforementioned Sorc, who'd just kept his useless *** alive for the last 15 minutes of this idiocy.


No reason given, not so much as a single word, just "[Merc-name] has initiated a vote-kick against [sorc's name]"...yeah, I made sure to tick "Don't kick" for that, and the Sorc got to stay with us, thankfully. S/he even kept healing this guy, which frankly amazed me, I would have stopped burning my resources on him then and there, and just left him dead the next time he got turned into floor-pizza.


Dead serious here, I'm quite sure that I have NEVER, since final Beta-weekend, seen a merc played that horribly...I didn't think this level of bad was even possible with my beloved co-favourite AC --Merc is a quite forgiving class to do levelling PvE and Flashpoints with-- but it just goes to show:


However low you think the lowest common denominator can go?


Trust me, it can always go lower.

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I think...




I think that I've just seen the worst Merc-player ever.


Mother of all Gods, it was just so...so perfectly awful (hold me, someone?) :(


A level 54 Merc in a KDY run on my middle-game (I hit level 39 in the instance) Sniper, and this Merc...


This. Freaking. Merc...!


I mean, he was flagged for PvP --on a PvE server, and this right here, is a big red flag for me, in the sense that it's a possible warning that you're dealing with a derp-wad.


My instincts on such things are very rarely wrong, and so it was here:


This guy would run into every bloody mob-pack, and if he DPS'ed at all --he decided he couldn't be bothered, most pulls-- it was just basic attacks, and maybe the odd PowerShots and RailShots. That's it --not even a Missile Blast!-- even though he was Arsen-spec, yet in that whole run, I didn't see so much as a single Unload --even though he got the proc at least a few times-- no Heatseekers, no DFAs on packs, nothing.


He would, however, run away from every pack he chain-pulled, usually training them right back into us whilst we were fighting the other pack (or two. Or three.) he'd just pulled. I'm amazed that he only got us killed two or three times, but our party's level 28 Sorc just gritted their teeth and off-healed us all through it like a true champion.


Boss-fight, the Jedi Master. We pull, and....he runs out of the room. And gets killed by, I imagine a pack that we'd skipped on the way, or something that wasn't the boss, at least.


He then drops group, just as the boss is down to around 30% health.




Good riddance.


Oh yeah, earlier in the run, he'd tried to initiate a /vote-kick against the aforementioned Sorc, who'd just kept his useless *** alive for the last 15 minutes of this idiocy.


No reason given, not so much as a single word, just "[Merc-name] has initiated a vote-kick against [sorc's name]"...yeah, I made sure to tick "Don't kick" for that, and the Sorc got to stay with us, thankfully. S/he even kept healing this guy, which frankly amazed me, I would have stopped burning my resources on him then and there, and just left him dead the next time he got turned into floor-pizza.


Dead serious here, I'm quite sure that I have NEVER, since final Beta-weekend, seen a merc played that horribly...I didn't think this level of bad was even possible with my beloved co-favourite AC --Merc is a quite forgiving class to do levelling PvE and Flashpoints with-- but it just goes to show:


However low you think the lowest common denominator can go?


Trust me, it can always go lower.


LOL about the flagged PVP tards on PVE servers.


I got a flagged pair of derp-leapers in KDY one day that I kid you not, were dueling each other between trash packs.


I promptly left the group so no idea how bad it got, but I wasn't planning to two man the place with the other player.

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I've been reading all of these blogs for the past hour and it's good to know that many of us share the situation of interesting players in GF. Here's on for you:


Last year was the last time I used GF for pugs being the reason there's just too many people out there that can ruin what's suppost to be a fun FP or OP. Me and some guildies needed a DPS to run a quick EV HM for our alts and get some decent gear. We queue up and get a DPS. Our guild is really laid back and we don't lock gear especially if it's mostly guild people. Our raid leader just simply says need if you need it and greed if you don't to make it fair. We relayed these rules to the DPS pug we got.


Anyhow this pug was completely geared out and didn't say anything. He lasted with us to the second boss. He aggrod the first boss and the mobs before the tanks and heals were ready. Stood in the line of fire and never moved even during the missile barrage cuz he expected the healers to just buckle down on him, which they did. He than needed on all of the gear and when we told him that these pieces aren't even for your spec, he said he was going to use these for his compainions. Our raid leader asked him politely again to give the gear to our guys that actually could use the upgrade in the OP and he refused. He was than kicked from the raid.


Since than most of us still do not use group finder unless it's all guildies or allys we know.

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However low you think the lowest common denominator can go?


Trust me, it can always go lower.




I'm levelling a Sentinel atm and ran Cadmimu SM twice last night, both were odd runs. At no point did anyone say they hadn't run it before even after I asked because it was obvious they didn't really know what they were doing. They killed mobs that are easy to skip (bottom of first elevator) and skipped mobs that are more of a problem (everyone after the wookie boss, which is fine if you don't wipe on Ortol but a total pain if you do and we did) and they had no idea of any of the boss mechanics.


In one group I was the only person attacking Officer Xander while the others attempted to kill the droid. By the time I noticed he was already below 30% health so I just finished him then explained the mechanic.


The same group opened the gate to the short cut then ran right past it to take the longer, harder route despite me jumping up and down shouting "short cut, quicker this way". ***?


When we reached Ortol I typed the mechanics in chat but guess what happened the first time the missiles were fired? Yup the tank managed to get himself set on fire and we wiped. On the second try Ortol did his knockback and sent the tank and healer into the flames... wipe. At the start of the third try I repeated my instructions, including saying to be careful of knockbacks and stay away from all smoke/fire but within the first 30s the other dps was fried. Fortunately Ortol is easy to kill if you avoid the stupid and we finished without him.


I'm getting really fed up running "Flashpoints 101 with Professor Irongut."

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LOL about the flagged PVP tards on PVE servers.


I got a flagged pair of derp-leapers in KDY one day that I kid you not, were dueling each other between trash packs.


I promptly left the group so no idea how bad it got, but I wasn't planning to two man the place with the other player.


ehm ..... Unless I'm incorrect .... isnt any instanced mission a non duelling area? Or at least any FP / ops / sanctuaryground?

Also I don't have a toon on a PvP server but I always tought you didnt have flags on PvP servers since you can always attack each other in the contested worlds (safe the non duelling safegrounds).


And thx for calling my sage and slinger a derp-leaper :p Where is the vendor providing that leap you mention? ;-)

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ehm ..... Unless I'm incorrect .... isnt any instanced mission a non duelling area? Or at least any FP / ops / sanctuaryground?;-)


You can duel in FPs. I get duel requests in middle of fights usually. Maybe they try to check my gear and click the wrong one.

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thx for calling my sage and slinger a derp-leaper :p


Uhm... what? So what you're saying is, not only were you there, you were on both of those characters at the same time, dueling yourself in a non-dueling zone.


I can literally feel myself get significantly dumber by reading that.

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In one group I was the only person attacking Officer Xander while the others attempted to kill the droid. By the time I noticed he was already below 30% health so I just finished him then explained the mechanic.


The funny thing is that the mechanic is pretty much the opposite in hard mode. In SM you need to just avoid the droid and kill Xander, because when you do the droid dies. In HM you need to burn the droid while he's stunned, because if you just burn Xander the droid enrages at his handler's death and wipes the group.

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The funny thing is that the mechanic is pretty much the opposite in hard mode. In SM you need to just avoid the droid and kill Xander, because when you do the droid dies. In HM you need to burn the droid while he's stunned, because if you just burn Xander the droid enrages at his handler's death and wipes the group.
Happens to me frequently in Cademimu. I think this confuses a lot of players that are newish to the game and leveling an alt after being 55.


What happens I think, is with their first character they avoid FPs mostly because they're just caught up with all the pretty sights and seeing the storyline. I know on my first character, I only did FPs once to see the 'story' and then returned to questing.


Then on alts they spend more time in WZs, GF, etc. In the case of Cademimu they hit opposite mechanics because they're not aware SM Xander is inverted.

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During my time in several MMO's I have met quite a few weird people in PUG's. Some funny weird, some so weird that you think "I got to get away from here."


I play a sawbones scoundrel as main, so yeah, healing. I'm currently working on my gear so I usually only group up for ops and use the groupfinder only for the three flashpoints to complete the weekly for galactic conflicts (or whatever it is called). Until recently, I had one piece of equipment, my main hand weapon (blaster pistol), that was a quest reward from Makeb. It was better then the one I had back then so I equipped it. It's an orange weapon, so I could upgrade it with new modifications. One of the stats on it was a thorn in my eyes, as it was aim. The rest of my gear was a mixture of 69/72/78.


So I queueu up for a flashpoint to do the weekly. I have an intense dislike for Cadimimu, so I have unchecked that one. I simply and plainly don't like it. I always queue as healer and I get a pop-up for a flashpoint (pet peeve: why can't I see what flashpoint is when the dialog box shows up?). I phase in and see that it's Mandalorian Raiders. The group is the archtypical group of healer, tank and two DPS. Can't be that hard, right? Wrong.


We phase in, I say "Hiya" and am met with a thunderous silence. Not always a good sign. The others phase in and we start the flashpoint. First pull of trashmobs, I notice that our tank is appearently not able to hold aggro on more the one mob. Well since this is a group of three mobs, not to worry. The second group is a bit larger and a little more spread out. This is where I notice the tank is really not able to grab and hold aggro on more then one mob. I also then notice the two DPS are all over the place and attacking whatever mob shows up in their target. Yay, healer's paradise. :eek:


All goes well until we get to the boss with the devil dogs. Tank attacks the boss, before I can do anything. I can't recuperate or place two slow release medpacks on him (which I like to do beforehand). Well, he finally only has one mob to worry about, but the two dogs still come to me. This time I want the two DPS on the dogs, but they decide this is the time to burn down the boss. I crouch, pop shield and refuse toss out heals to anyone but me and our glorious tanks. This is when the DPS starts to think "Maybe we should get those dogs of the healer." I'm not sure how we got through that fight as the dogs came to me from to time, as well as the boss. However, we get through it.


We make our way to the boarding party. Those four that crash through the side of the ship, and at that point, one of the DPS decides to check my gear. He then exclaims "Why are you stacking aim, healer. You should be stacking surge!" Completely baffled, I think "You inspect my gear, pick out the one piece that conatins aim and tell me to stack surge instead of cunning. Do you even play a healing scoundrel?" Without any warning, the tank again rushes into battle and grabs and holds one mob. With DPS being all over the place again, I'm healing as much as I can, and naturally grab aggro. Defensive Shield, Dodge, Surrender and Dissapearing Act all see the cooldown one by one, but to no avail. A wipe is imminent.


After we wipe, I am completely baffled to see a vote to kick me from the group because I have incredible bad gear. I type "Don't bother" and leave the group myself.

I ignore the tank and the DPS that inspected my blaster pistol, get into a next group via the groupfinder. Same group composition; healer, tank, two DPS. Same flashpoint; Mandalorian Raiders. We get through to the end no problem, not a single wipe. I ask them what they think of my healing and get the response "You did a very good job."


A few days ago I joined a PUG for Dread Fortress. Great group, we went through fast. Until we got to the part with the exploding droids. Now I have done this with my guild a couple of times and with them it's kind of a sport to see how many people you can kill with one droid. :D I know this so I usually hang back far enough to rez the almost entire raid if I have to. This group, however, was running away from the big red circles when they apeared. Smart move. Except from one occasion where I suddenly see about eight times "[playername] has been defeated." Now I might be the weird one here but the only reaction that I could give was "Nice shot. :P" :p:D

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