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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Recently, I had a Marauder in KDY who used Undying Rage a lot - despite not having aggro or only fighting against weak enemies. I saw her using this before leaping at a champion, altough someone else was tanking.

Even stranger, she used it against one of the adds at the droid boss.

It wouldn't be so bad if she didn't lose half her health afterwards, so as a healer it's a bit annoying.


I mean what good is it if you aren't taking damage anyway or only a really neglectible amount of damage, but lose half your health afterwards?

Or is there any other use to it?


I am thinking this.

Maybe didn't read the tooltip to the last line.

Or just pressing buttons because they can.

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I actually really like it. It's like the Sparta of FPs, it takes no prisoners and wants to drink your blood and there's nothing holding it back, nor is it bound by the moral restrictions of lesser FPs that abide by the laws of war in matters such as "Thy mobs shall be visible and targetable".


Red Reaper is here to decapitate you, eat your children's children, and use your eye sockets in unspeakable ways, and it's not ashamed.


Like it's a nightmare in most random groups, and getting people through it feels like leading a group of preschoolers across the African savannah, but when you actually get a group that's coordinated, listens, and understands, it's the first FP that actually makes you feel awesome for crushing it.


Really the only thing I don't like about Red Reaper, besides the unfair bugs, is that bosses are disappointingly easy — reaching each boss in RR is like battling through an entire army of rancors, naked, wielding only a toothpick. And then you find out their commander is a marshmallow with a happy face drawn on in permanent marker.


How did that marshmallow get to be in command of all these rabid, angry rancors? It's very mysterious.


I like it too, and as long as the group is somewhat patient at the door and has a bit of coordination and the bugs don't get you, it can be a lot of fun getting through the challenging parts.


My experience however is that most of the time, by the time I and the rest of the group loads in, someone has already agro'd one of the mobs in the hanger, chained all it's buddies, and is now running for their life towards the hall and away from the hanger, where they trigger the spawn event for even more mobs.


I agree that the bosses feel underwhelming compared to the trash, which is somewhat sad, but maybe it's Bioware's 'reward' to players for getting past the places that are so rough you could just image a bunch of devs live streaming Red Reaper and laughing hard as we players get mowed down again and again by the trash.

Edited by DawnAskham
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so was was playing my jedi sentinel doing mando raiders on HM we got sage dps guardian tank and sage heals we got to the first boss with the 2 dogs i say ''tank keep the main bosses attention dps will kill the dogs'' so tank charges in and we fight turns out me and the sage dps kept pulling the main boss for some reason?? and we were not attacking him :confused: turns out the tank could not even keep the bosses attention for even 10 seconds he used taunt to re agro him then he lost the bosses attention again which caused us to wipe so me and the dps kicked him and i threw him on ignore we get a shadow tank hoping he/she will be better than the guardian tank turns out as soon as the shadow tank joins he/she dc :mad: so me and the sage dps left one of my best gf experiences:p
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Remember, the dog boss has an aggro dump when he freezes the tank (about every 20-30 sec), which might have been what was happening.

I just ran this on my assassin tank, sorc healer (dps mode), another sin tank and I can't remember the other dps. We go into dog boss, I take boss to the far corner, dps start on the dogs. After a few rounds with boss, I've noticed an alarming lack of heals and end up dead. Wipe # 1. We inform the sorc he needs to focus on healing, not dps, and try again. I get a couple heals, but I the dogs focus the sorc, he dies. Wipe #2. Third try we go in, some heals get tossed out, but the sorc doesn't seem to be losing any force (I think he was using his free heal). Wipe #3. At this point I have better things to do than try to train a healer on how to heal. Had it been explaining fights, sure, but not the basics of his chosen role.

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My experience however is that most of the time, by the time I and the rest of the group loads in, someone has already agro'd one of the mobs in the hanger, chained all it's buddies, and is now running for their life towards the hall and away from the hanger, where they trigger the spawn event for even more mobs.
Yep. No matter how fast you type "DON'T GO NEAR THE DOORWAY UNTIL WE'RE ALL READY" as soon as the group forms, you can guarantee the Sentinel or Marauder will jump on one of the mobs next to the door as soon as they load on.


That's one of the deadliest things about RR — multiple locations where one person has the ability to trigger a chain-reaction that kills everyone.


RR could be made significantly less punishing if there was an NPC you had to talk to in order to initiate the mobs to spawn. Like you talk to Captain Generic #57, and then you get a cinematic of Purebloods bursting through the airlock and starting combat with the Pub NPCs.


That way, you can guarantee you'd have enough time to explain tactics properly instead of panicking and typing as fast as possible and it's still not enough. :p


I agree that the bosses feel underwhelming compared to the trash, which is somewhat sad, but maybe it's Bioware's 'reward' to players for getting past the places that are so rough you could just image a bunch of devs live streaming Red Reaper and laughing hard as we players get mowed down again and again by the trash.
I thought of this also. It almost feels like the bosses are there as, basically, loot pinatas — sort of like the chest in Colicoid? "Grats, you survived our obstacle course. Have some pants."


But, I'd still prefer the bosses to actually do scary things. It would fit the whole psycho feel of the FP.


Well, I mean, idk. The bosses have some mechanics that can trip people up — Jumping Guy drops aggro and starts tearing up a DPS sometimes, 3D Robot can 1-shot people if you ignore the clicky pillars, and Darth Burger King can do a ton of damage if you don't cleanse his dot, or when he's Enraged periodically.


But, all of those mechanics are really really easy to compensate for, they're mostly just a check to make sure the person at the keyboard is breathing. I'd prefer some stuff that's more like the trash pulls, where even if you know what you're doing, it can get intense.


Actually, there's an idea — at least one of the bosses should mimick the trash pulls and have extra psycho Strongs run in from side doorways periodically. :)

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I thought of this also. It almost feels like the bosses are there as, basically, loot pinatas — sort of like the chest in Colicoid? "Grats, you survived our obstacle course. Have some pants."

Unlike Colicoid, the first time I ran Red Reaper I could used have used some new pants afterwards.


It would have been a (shall we say) "appropriate" reward. ;):p

Edited by Khevar
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Remember, the dog boss has an aggro dump when he freezes the tank (about every 20-30 sec), which might have been what was happening.

I just ran this on my assassin tank, sorc healer (dps mode), another sin tank and I can't remember the other dps. We go into dog boss, I take boss to the far corner, dps start on the dogs. After a few rounds with boss, I've noticed an alarming lack of heals and end up dead. Wipe # 1. We inform the sorc he needs to focus on healing, not dps, and try again. I get a couple heals, but I the dogs focus the sorc, he dies. Wipe #2. Third try we go in, some heals get tossed out, but the sorc doesn't seem to be losing any force (I think he was using his free heal). Wipe #3. At this point I have better things to do than try to train a healer on how to heal. Had it been explaining fights, sure, but not the basics of his chosen role.


wow gf loves us doesent it? :D i get a bad tank and you get a bad healer :) i forgot to mention that we had a commando healer first before we had a sage healer and he died 3 times on 3 sperate mobs due to the tank not holding aggro so after his third death he raged quit and left :D

Edited by cefert
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So far, this week has been really nice to me, nothing terrible happened yet. Except 2 people leaving in Black Talon SM because they couldn't agree on whether or not to skip the cutscenes, so they both left, such entertainment :p


But honest to god, something amazing happened during False Emperor HM. You know, in some FPs, every now and then people will try to drop enemies to their death, especially in places like False Emperor and Cademimu. So, there was this one droid that didn't drop into the bottomless pit, instead he got stuck on a little ledge. So, knowing he will reset after a while, I pull the next droid that's patrolling the way, and we kill it. I turn around just in time to see the droid resetting, appearing out of nowhere like it had stealth, drawing aggro from the Sniper standing next to it and knocking the poor guy down into oblivion. It looked absolutely hilarious, I actually burst out laughing IRL while killing the droid.


Chat convo:


Sniper: "LOL"

Me: "xD"

Sorc Healer: "Wait, he didn't *really* just knock you down there, did he?"

Me: "Oh yeah he did, and it looked priceless."

Sorc: "^^"

Sniper: "GOOD."


Still makes me chuckle. :D

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I seem to have a new job as the FP tutor on ToFN because all I get from group finder these days is noobs. :( From fresh 55s with less than 25k HPs trying to run the CZ FPs without knowing tactics to players so new they describe Esseles as "my first dungeon". :rolleyes: Last night I had a funny one...


My latest alt is my first Sentinel, queue popped for Esseles and I was joined by another Sentinel (first dungeon guy), a Guardian and a Commando. At least the Sentinel told us it was his first FP, the others didn't say anything but it was clearly their first time as well. I don't mind explaining things but between watching all the convos without skipping and answering questions like "is Yoda in this game?" and "where do I get my second lightsaber?" it was taking a while. But, the Commando was keeping me entertained.


He didn't seem to do much healing, or even dps, but what he did do constantly was Inspire Loyalty (Zabrak racial skill) on every player and during boss fights he set up a holo dancer! I don't know if he was trying to distract the boss but at least it made me laugh.

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Talking about fun times, I had once a hilarious run with 1 guardian tank, 2 sentinels and me as a sage healer.

The flashpoint was The False Emperor I think.


It starts very well : good players, CC's are respected, kill order too, and for once I never had aggro on the adds. Then the fun begins when we cross a big droid : I force speed, position myself, and force push it out of the bridge, only to see with horror that the sentinels had already leapt on it. While they were going "FUUUUU" on the chat, I couldn't help but laugh seeing how their jump trajectory changed mid-air to follow the droid in his demise.


We wait for them to come back, I apologize and say I'll notice them whenever I'll use wave.


Next droid is a little to far from the ledge for me to push, so I just let them engage. Guardian leaps in, goes to the side, force push, and here goes our two sentinels again !


We decide to not use any kind of knockback anymore.


3rd droid, they jump with no accidents this time. As I type "By the way, you shouldn't stand between the droid and the ledge, I think he bumps", well, Mr droid thinks it's time to make our sentinels meet their maker.


After that we're just like "F* that, it's hilarious, let's just continue"


We finished the flashpoint, with a sentinel dying every two minutes or so.

Edited by oturak
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My first post in this thread :o.


Late at night, I was levelling up my vanguard tank. Now, I'm new to vanguards, sure, but I have 3 55s and have tanked, healed and dpsed all the SM and HM content in the game. So, I do know what to do, or atleast I believe I do.


I queue, and get Mando raiders. Long story short, we get a ninja looter plus jump-in-first-and-die-over-and-over sentinel. After he ninja looted twice (and died many times) despite our warnings, he's kicked and we get another dps. He ninja loots as well and is kicked. The other commando dps is good and with some replacements, we managed to finish it.


The commando dps becomes a friend, and we do some more Mando raiders, with more idiots and ninja looters. Finally, he levels up and we queue for Cademimu. Now the fun begins.


We get a guardian dps in tank stance and a sage healer. First trash pull, I die due to no heals. Check with the healer and he has no idea how to heal. The guardian meanwhile can't speak English. Given that we had two hours of semi-bad FP experiences, the commando dps and I are ready to bail, but we decide to give it one more shot. This is another bad ending right? WRONG. Read on :cool:


What convinced me to continue was the sage "healer" apologizing and saying that he knows to dps but not to heal and can we teach him since he's new? Wow - someone willing to TALK, and try stuff. So I ask my friend to switch to heals, get the sage to stay dps, communicate with the guardian somehow that he's going to tank, switch over to plasma cell (but still in the tanking tree since no field respec). We proceed to clear trash, not dying more than once or twice. Amazingly, everyone is willing to follow my lead, even the non-english speaking tank, and somewhere along the way - we begin to have FUN.


We get to the Officer / droid boss. Wipe a couple of times, have a lot of fun trying to explain things to the tank and the sage. On our third try, we clear it. Wookie boss? One shot! The guardian is content to let me start pulls and position stuff, and just taunt off me and tank. He even put a guard on a dps! We get to the end, laugh at General Ortol and kill him without anyone dying. We are all talking and joking around throughout and having a lot of fun. I even learn to say "thank you" in Korean. The sage gets a ginvite at the end :p


That was surely, if not weird, a very interesting experience.

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I just want to say how much I LOVE that if you are fighting the command platform boss in Kuat, and he is almost dead (he's gone into Battle Trance mode and everything), but someone in the group doesn't know to stay away from the entrance to the room, he will just up and reset. Jerk.*


I couldn't help but laugh seeing how their jump trajectory changed mid-air to follow the droid in his demise.


Also, that said boss doesn't do that - if I leap at him, and he has moved in the meantime (which of course he has), I will land right where he just was but now isn't.


*The boss, not the player.

Edited by EranofArcadia
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we cross a big droid : I force speed, position myself, and force push it out of the bridge, only to see with horror that the sentinels had already leapt on it. While they were going "FUUUUU" on the chat, I couldn't help but laugh seeing how their jump trajectory changed mid-air to follow the droid in his demise.


We wait for them to come back, I apologize and say I'll notice them whenever I'll use wave.


Next droid is a little to far from the ledge for me to push, so I just let them engage. Guardian leaps in, goes to the side, force push, and here goes our two sentinels again !


We decide to not use any kind of knockback anymore.


OMG you can actually do that? I don't use force push very often on my Jug so never seen that happen but now I sooo want to try it! :D

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OMG you can actually do that? I don't use force push very often on my Jug so never seen that happen but now I sooo want to try it! :D


My Shadow and Assassin tanks have killed many a leaper in places like False Emperor tossing elites over ledges just as the leaper jumps, it is hilarious.

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talking about leapers, once I saw a sage knock an enemy over a ledge, and when (s)he saw a sentinel follow it (s)he rescued him.... midair :eek:

******.:rak_03: (EDIT: bad-donkey)

I've tried it before but never been fast enough.

Edited by Loc_n_lol
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Remember, the dog boss has an aggro dump when he freezes the tank (about every 20-30 sec), which might have been what was happening.

I just ran this on my assassin tank, sorc healer (dps mode), another sin tank and I can't remember the other dps. We go into dog boss, I take boss to the far corner, dps start on the dogs. After a few rounds with boss, I've noticed an alarming lack of heals and end up dead. Wipe # 1. We inform the sorc he needs to focus on healing, not dps, and try again. I get a couple heals, but I the dogs focus the sorc, he dies. Wipe #2. Third try we go in, some heals get tossed out, but the sorc doesn't seem to be losing any force (I think he was using his free heal). Wipe #3. At this point I have better things to do than try to train a healer on how to heal. Had it been explaining fights, sure, but not the basics of his chosen role.


First thing first... SORC have NO free heals.... Second, sorc heal before yu get rejuv (saje term sorry) fully buffed with its proc, is really challenging. And healing without Innervate is a true pain in the ***. Around mando raider, a normal healer will have it's static barrier cost reduced but rjuv won't proc anything yet. So except spamming his 2sec cast heal and static barrier he can't do much.

Third, If theDPS can't keep the dog off the healer... Guess what!! The healer can't heal.

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Since there is so many Red Reaper stories out there.... Time to talk about my very first RR run. I'm on my sage healer and get the gf invit. My internet is quite slow to load an nstance so when I load in I see everyone fighting for their life. I pop Force Barrier on everyone then rejuv on the tank before going fo an Healing Trance and a few Benevolance. Without taking any aggro at all i blowed through my own life and ended at less than 10%..... And I lost only 1 DPS!!!!

The rest of the run went smoothly... except for 1 wipe on the last boss when they didn'tunderstand when I said to get behind the adds so the boss kill them himself.... And I got to heal through the phase 3 since our tank never collected the buff!!!!!

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So I took my 55 Jugg out for some more 50 HM FP funs (because, you know, I've found out that Vials of Isotope are a valid source of income :p). First FP is Kaon. Now, I played this FP once before, when it was first released, and only SM, so I had no real clue what the mechanics were and all, I'd forgotten most of it, not to mention any possible shortcuts eluded my knowledge (although we had another guy who knew what to do, and he was an Assassin so he could help us get through a few times).


The original group line up is said 55 Assassin, my Jugg as Tank, a 51 Merc healer who managed to level up during the FP and a 53 Sniper. The Sniper gets a bit too close for comfort to one of the exploding mobs early on and dies, prompting the healer to tell him to keep his distance. Obviously, that's not what he did later on :p

So we get to the part with the turret, the "Wannabe Colicoid Wargames". We lose the Sniper, who either DCs or logs out immediately thereafter (90% certain rage quit) and the healer, the Assassin and I finish the sequence together, he barely survived. The Sniper gets kicked and his replacement is a 55 Sorc who's also a pretty nice guy. We proceed onward with little trouble, aside that one room full of infected dudes that may or may not chain pull each other, which causes the Merc to exclaim "Healing as a Merc is horrible" but I reassure him that, yes it is demanding, but that he is also doing a fine job.

We get to the first boss, the big red Rakghoul. So here it gets funny for a bit. At first, I remember the mechanics - if he's in a frenzy, destroy the thingys. Then, because his frenzy does like no damage, half way through the fight I start doubting my memory of this mechanic. But all is well in the end, as I realise my mistake and we kill the thing. We also kill the bonus boss without *much* trouble. The Assassin tells our Merc that he had passed the "healing test" and he later tells me that it was the first time he had a group finish the bonus boss in Kaon HM successfully. Yay, me? :p


Rest went really smooth, except none of us knowing the kill order for the final boss and the Assassin looking it up quickly. And because it all went so well, the Sorc, Assassin and me decide to do another FP (Merc was out of time). The Assa is clearly Achievement hunting, and picks Directive 7. I've played that more often than Kaon, but even so it's been a while. Last time I remember, I think the Interrogator was still bugged :rak_02:

Anyways, we get a 50 Sorc for heals. After the first pull, the Assa whispers to me that he isn't really feeling our new healer and that he's a bit worried, but I tell him to wait what happens. Well, all goes relatively well. Except Mentor's Assassin/Combat droids becoming invincible on the first try :D


However, after we finish the Replicator bonus boss, shenanigans begin. The healer tells the other Sorc he shouldn't need on lvl 50 equipment since he's level 55. The Assa chimes in, saying that if he needs it, needs on it. Quote healer: "Well, have fun without me then.". Leaves the instance, goes to Makeb. Is on my ignore list now, and the Assa said he'd tell everyone on the fleet to not play with that guy/gal.

Now, that's the cue for our Sorc DPS to come back to his senses. He, for real, asks us what happened and why the healer left, because apparently he wasn't paying attention when he/she was talking to him :D So, standing before the door to Mentor, we requeue for a new healer. We waited for approximately 2 seconds before the healer, 55 Op, joined in. So he reads part of our conversation about the last healer and also has a good laugh about it, and we kill Mentor without any issue.


Special positive mention goes to the lvl 55 Guardian tank with 44k hp that basically carried the group through Maelstorm HM and thus enabled my Slinger to get the HK part.

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It starts very well : good players, CC's are respected, kill order too, and for once I never had aggro on the adds. Then the fun begins when we cross a big droid : I force speed, position myself, and force push it out of the bridge, only to see with horror that the sentinels had already leapt on it. While they were going "FUUUUU" on the chat, I couldn't help but laugh seeing how their jump trajectory changed mid-air to follow the droid in his demise.


Best jump my sentinel ever took was in Cademimu; that little hovering droid at the first elevator. A friend, guardian tank, runs toward it, I Force Leap and she pushes it into the elevator shaft. The subsequent dive was both epic and long. :D

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Its been a while, but about 3 months ago I was getting the Campaign Blaster Pistol from the Kaon under Siege/Lost Island one-time mission for my scoundrel. Now I was only gonna do this once, and only cause I wanted a better pistol, but I had a few things:


1. I would stick with the first group I got into

2. I wouldn't quit if anyone did, unless everyone did

3. I would do my best to make sure everyone made it through alive (I got healer)


However a few issues happened. Since it was about 7pm here in Australia, group finder took about an hour to find a tank. "No worries!"


Got to the first boss (The huge swarm of rakghouls without the turret), and as soon as its down the Vanguard Tank leaves. So we are without a tank, with a barely-geared-for-HMs scoundrel healer and a Sin/Scoundrel DPS combo...


No worries!


Get to the second boss (Defending the explosives against the Rakghoul Horde), and the Scoundrel DPS drops. We somehow managed to 2-man this bit, with the shadow 'tanking' while in the turret while I just spammed emergency medpack. Afterwards, group finder picked up a sentinel.


And thats when the fun began. While the adds were fine, once we got to the Rakghoul Behemoth, everything just went downhill. The behemoth took 3 attempts to kill, with the third one ending with me on 2% health, the other 2 DPS dead, and my final tick of vital shot killing the boss. Then the next room, full of a boatload of mobs and just before the bonus boss... Yeah...


We ended up stealthing through that room. It took a full hour to do it. Bear in mind a tank still hasn't connected. Those mobs have insane stealth detection -_-


We got through the room and decided to try kill the bonus boss. 8 legacy abilities later and a 40k repair bill, and the boss still wasn't dead.


I get fed up with having to 3-man it and tell the shadow to turn on Tank as one of his roles, just so we can have the extra dps. The new DPS comes in, and after explaining we dont actually have a tank and just needed the extra dps, we decide to ignore the bonus boss, manage to stealth everyone to the final room, and with the new commando DPS helping us out (though we had to stealth through the spaceport mobs to get to the final boss), we managed to finish the flashpoing, a mere 3 hours after starting it :D


My only disappointment was we couldn't down the bonus boss, and to that shadow that decided to stick through to the end, you are one total champion for sticking with me for it.


The following Lost Island flashpoint was much more reasonable. Aside from the usual "Half of us are new" situation, and my first attempt at Sav-Rak having me think entering cover made me immune to his knockback :p (And I told everyone else to use it too... 1 sniper 2 scoundrels almost all flying off the edge later... Thankfully Hold the Line still works on it. And hey, the only time I'd done it with a scoundrel or slinger I'd payed attention to, it was a slinger who was quite liberal with his use of Hunker Down) the whole run went unusually smoothly for a HM LI.

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Yesterday Cademinu HM. Queued up on my sniper, got group in like 15 minutes, so it's fast. First pull of trash, DPS dead, healer dead, tank and half HP. I check healer sorc gear - 2 orange pieces with 162 mods inside, rest is 51 greens/blue.


I tell him, that he might trade some of his planetary comms for Makeb mods, do like 1,5 hour of PVP to get Obroan relics and possibly do Oricon, to get better gear. No response.


Okay, we continue... trash is being killed, we reach droid boss. Healer gets targeted by droid, he uses that force untouchable bubble, I manage to hit droid enough, so he targets me and traps itself. Mara is attacking boss, despite me telling him to go for droid. Luckily he changes targets, and we kill droid. Then we die with boss at like 10%, as healer died by droid.


I had enough, and votekick sorc, before he is kicked, he leaves the group. Then we get a operative healer and go almost without any trouble to last boss. Then is begins anew. Tank, PT, doesnt clear shackles from people. After first wipe, he tells that he has no idea how to remove them. Okay, explained... then few other deaths by people who do not watch rocket fire or are pushed by Ortol into flames. But we managed to kill the boss.


Scary stuff some pugs are :) But, to be honest, I've not seen such bad pug for a very long time.

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Had a truly bizarre experience earlier today.


I queue up as my Marksman Sniper and get an insta-pop. That's right, zero queue time as a DPS during the mid-afternoon. That pretty much sets the tone.

I'm paired with an Immortal Juggernaut, Corruption Sorcerer, and Lightning Sorcerer for HM Mandalorian Raiders. (The tank and healer mentioned they'd queued together and were from the same guild. Must have been weird for them, a tank/healer combo sitting in queue waiting on damage-dealers.)


We start clearing out trash and there are some issues with the DPS Sorc dying here and there. I'm trying to time my Orbital Strike and he's trying to time his Chain Lightning so they hit just after the tank goes in, but we ninja pull a time or two and I figure the tank's teaching us a gentle lesson about not being too cocky, and I manage to avoid dying (the buff to Shield Probe was nice), so it's all good so far.

Then we get to the first boss and it takes FOREVER to kill the dogs. Seriously, the tank killed the boss dude on his own, we'd killed one of the dogs, and the other dog had enraged by the time we downed them. I'm wondering what's wrong...and I inspect the DPS Sorc and see that he's severely undergeared. 18k HP, Rakata-grade item mods in everything, no relics, one (just one!) level 25 implant and a level 21 earpiece. I whisper him to let him know he's badly undergeared, but I'm willing to roll with it because he at least seems to know how to play his spec.


Then we get to some of those turrets...and the undergeared Sorc promptly tries to Whirlwind one of them, gets the attention of both before the tank can do anything, and gets pretty much insta-died. We remind him that those turrets are CC-immune. Then he accidentally pulls the room full of turrets, killing everyone except me. (I survive by bursting down the mobile adds and outranging the stationary turrets with my 35m attacks.) The tank and healer have had enough at this point and gently tell the Sorc that he shouldn't be running HMs in that gear. He drops group without much fuss, I send a whisper after him suggesting that he run some dailies to upgrade his stuff, and we requeue for another DPS.


We clear trash up to the boarding party quadruple boss and, since we're inexplicably waiting for a DPS to queue, decide to try and 3man it. The Juggernaut brings in his Jaesa and we down the boarding party on our first try (though Jaesa dropped pretty quickly). Immediately afterward, we get a DPS (a Carnage Marauder). We tell him he missed the fun and continue on to the final boss.


Mavrix Varad is fun. We get through the first two rounds no problem and then the healer gets killed on the third (must have stood in a circle). The tank is at about half health. There are two turrets up plus the boss. We have no off-heals available. The Marauder pops Bloodthirst, I throw up Ballistic Shield, and we manage to kill the last set of turrets plus the boss before anyone else dies. All in all a pretty crazy run.



Bonus story: the other day, I queued on that MM Sniper and got a group with a PT tank, an Op healer, and another MM Sniper. After I finished that run I alted over to my Scoundrel and got a group with a VG tank and two Sharpshooter Gunslingers. The exact same group composition twice in a row, on different sides and queuing as a different role. What are the odds?

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Just yesterday, I played Korriban Incursion again (seems more popular Imp Side than Tython), and I was wondering why in a group with one Tank (me) and 3 DPS, all over 30k HP, our DPS on the bosses was so pathetic. As it turns out, Assassin DPS without a Charge is pretty bad :p
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Had a truly bizarre experience earlier today.


Then we get to the first boss and it takes FOREVER to kill the dogs. Seriously, the tank killed the boss dude on his own, we'd killed one of the dogs, and the other dog had enraged by the time we downed them. I'm wondering what's wrong...and I inspect the DPS Sorc and see that he's severely undergeared. 18k HP, Rakata-grade item mods in everything, no relics, one (just one!) level 25 implant and a level 21 earpiece. I whisper him to let him know he's badly undergeared, but I'm willing to roll with it because he at least seems to know how to play his spec.


Hate to bring this to you mate but rakata gear for lv55 HM flashpoints is actually the intended goal. Once again the ghost of 'lower geared = undergeared' popped his ugly head. This sorc was clearly a new lv55 player. The fact that he has all 58 rakata mods in his gear already suggests that he is taking care of his gear. Implant/relics/earpieces are slighly harder to come by but are not at all gamebreaking for your dps.

I really hope you kicked him not because of his gear but because he wouldn't listen to advice since as I said ... his gear was just fine.


That you tank managed to kill the boss before the dogs. Shame on that tank. It was his fault in this case, not the DPS. If the 2 DPS were focussing on the adds he should have payed attention to the HP of the adds before tunneling down the boss.

And yes, with a good geared tank this happens often. I have to wait about 33% of all Mando raiders with killing the boss when I tank it. So does a friend of mine on his vanguard.

A decent jugg tank should have waited and look pretty in front of the boss, a good jugg tank would jump to the adds and help dps on them right after he got the red circle (which would enrage the adds).

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